Chapter 963

"One day, there will be an unrivaled hero who descends from the sky on colorful auspicious clouds to marry me."

At this moment, Luo Quan remembered the lines from a classic movie, but the situation in front of him was slightly different.

What fell from the sky was not a peerless hero, but a peerless rich woman.

It wasn't the colorful auspicious clouds under his feet, but a flying sword with a cold light.

As a well-known genius sword fairy in the Huanyu Academy, Bai Xingwei rarely used the sword to deal with enemies.

Because among the opponents in the same age group, she has never met one that requires her to use a sword to solve it.

But now, she has unsheathed her sharp swords, a total of nine swords, one on her foot, and the remaining eight are aimed at Zhao Ang, who is only an arm's length away from Luo Quan.

"As long as you dare to stretch your dirty hand an inch forward, I guarantee that you will only be able to hug women with your left hand in the future."

Bai Xingwei looked at Zhao Ang with a smile, she looked very kind, but the evil spirit in her tone seemed to be substantive.

"Miss Bai, I only know that you and Luo Quan are friends, but I didn't expect such a good relationship."

Zhao Ang chuckled and withdrew his hand: "If the two of us chase after each other, you and the sisters won't be jealous, right?"

"You are really confident enough." Bai Xingwei raised the corners of her lips contemptuously, "I never refuse anyone's pursuit. If you want to chase me, you can. I'll talk about it if you win in the ring."

"Haha, I know your rules, but I'm not your opponent yet."

Zhao Ang is also a bachelor, and directly admitted that he can't beat Bai Xingwei, but then he said: "Wait a while, when I practice the fifth level of Yin and Yang Dafa, I will come to you and Luo Quan .

If I wake up, can you give me a chance for a colleague to chase you two sisters? "

"Didn't you listen to me?" Bai Xingwei's expression became indifferent, "If you win, you can only chase me. Luo Quan has never made any promises."

"So Luoquan, you have other requests?" Zhao Ang turned his head to look at the beauty behind Bai Xingwei, feeling extremely comfortable.

Being able to have such a happy chat with two beauties at close range, today is already a worthwhile trip.

"I have no plans to recruit relatives through martial arts." Luo Quan slowly took out a sign from his pocket, "But I have this."

Zhao Ang took a closer look, and his face changed drastically.

This is a white jade tablet, with a vivid white tiger engraved on the back, and the square and square characters Ji Qingyue on the front.

This was given to her by Ji Qingyue, the lord of the White Tiger Palace. When you see the card, if you see her, you can take it out when you encounter most troubles, and it basically works.

Luo Quan now has no good way to deal with this kind of shameless stalking, so he took out this jade token to see if he can solve it.

"Unexpectedly, the White Tiger Palace Master gave you the White Tiger Token..."

Zhao Ang's attitude became a little more correct, but he still didn't give up, and turned to defend himself: "However, for beauties as beautiful as Miss Luo and Miss Bai, a man will feel admiration for them when he sees them. And pursuit has become a sin, right?"

Bai Xingwei sneered: "Of course the pursuit is fine, but it's also rewarding. The pursuit from a world-famous Huahua Tai Sui is something that even a girl would be afraid of."

"This is really unfair to me. I have never used violence and coercion to chase girls."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ang laughed narcissistically: "Everyone has a price, and they often can't refuse the price I offer."

"Have you finished talking? You can go now." Bai Xingwei didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so she told him to leave immediately with tactful words.

"How dare you refuse to obey the beauty's request?" Zhao Ang took out a fan from nowhere and shook it away with a slap.

When walking past Luo Quan, he said softly, "Miss Luo, how much is the price for having dinner with you?"

After speaking, he took a figure-of-eight step and left arrogantly.

Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan, and said in a deep voice: "This is the trouble you have to face to be beautiful. There are many such people in the academy, some are more refined than him, some are worse than him, but none No doubt he is the toughest one.

But it doesn't matter, with me here, coupled with the Martial God Order, these people don't dare to be tough, they will just pester you like nougat. "

Luo Quan understood: "That's why you will compete in martial arts to recruit relatives, so that most of the people who are not as strong as you will retreat in spite of difficulties."

Bai Xingwei shook her head lightly: "Not most of them, but all of them.

Those who can beat me will not be obsessed with their children's personal affairs. They all have more important and greater pursuits.

And those wastes like Zhao Ang who only care about pleasure are absolutely impossible to be my opponents. "

"Then, from this point of view, recruiting relatives through martial arts competitions is actually a good way to solve troubles." Luo Quan lowered his head and thought about the feasibility of using this method.

But she quickly rejected it, at least she can't use this method for the time being, because she is not as powerful as Bai Xingwei.

But after listening to this sermon, the situation will not be certain. Luo Quan has a strong premonition that he will definitely gain a lot this time.

"Of course I can gain a lot, the concentration of aura here is more than three times that of Bai Xingwei's house!"

Luo Quan was taken aback by the system's sudden words.

The aura concentration of Huanyu star is thousands of times that of the earth. The concentration of aura in Bai Xingwei's house is higher than that of most areas, but it is even higher in the academy.

Then if she practiced like this for a day, wouldn't she be able to stand on the earth for more than ten years? !

The system corrected: "Ten years may seem like a lot, but the base of the earth's aura concentration is actually the same. The higher the level, the aura required for a breakthrough also increases geometrically, so there is not much difference in a short period of time.

But if you can stay here for a while, the situation will be completely different. "

"Understood, in short, I have been staying in the academy for the past few days when I was preaching. It's fine if I don't go or not." Luo Quan secretly made an OK gesture in his heart.

On the other side, Bai Xingwei also talked to her about some taboos in school.

For example, don’t go to the Hall of Stars casually, don’t talk too much when you meet students you don’t know, learn to reject others, etc.

"Did you listen to me?" Bai Xingwei asked with a frown when she saw that Luo Quan's eyes were empty.

"I'm listening, you can't go to heaven, don't talk to strangers, don't be a bad person." Luo Quan made a summary for Bai Xingwei.

"Well, that's what it means." Bai Xingwei nodded, "In short, there are not many things to pay attention to in the academy, and there are many young masters. As long as you pay attention at all times, you can live here very comfortably.

All right, let's find a comfortable room and lie down. "

"Well, didn't you say you want to listen to the Taoist Master Xianwu?" Luo Quan asked with question marks all over his head.

Bai Xingwei spread her hands and explained: "The words of Daoist Xianwu will be spread throughout the school through the radio. As long as people come, they can listen to them anywhere, and they don't have to go to the classroom where he is."

Luo Quan was about to faint from anger, so he directly lifted a corner of the skirt: "Then you let me wear this? And said it more grandly to show respect!"

"The occasion for first-year freshmen really needs to be grand, and I didn't lie to you."

Bai Xingwei blinked innocently: "It's not all your fault, if you didn't come too late, you could have gone to the classroom to listen to the lecture.

If you think about it, you know how many students will be flocked to by such a determined master preaching like Taoist Immortal Martial Arts. I am afraid that the classroom where he is located will be snatched up early. I am waiting for you, but I will wait until the lecture is about to start today, okay? "

Hearing this, Luo Quan felt embarrassed: "This seems to be really my fault."

"It was your fault in the first place." Bai Xingwei crossed her arms and smiled triumphantly: "But it doesn't make much difference whether you are in the classroom or not, you can start to feel it when you hear the voice of the Immortal Martial Daoist.

Those who scramble for positions are nothing more than wanting to show off in front of the Taoist priest, so as to be accepted as disciples.

The last time he gave a sermon to the old man, he accepted three nominal disciples. Although they were only nominal disciples, their status was quite different from before. "

Luo Quan showed a wry smile: "Hearing what you said, I regret that I didn't come earlier."

"You already have the White Tiger Order, and a mere nominal disciple is not as good as this." Bai Xingwei waved her hand to comfort her.

"Speaking of the status of the Martial God Hall in the Huanyu Palace, I still don't have a clear idea."

Luo Quan looked down at the delicate and round token in his palm, and asked curiously.

"I can only say that it is very high, not only because it is responsible for the security of the civilians on Huanyuxing, but also because there are many masters at the Dao level in the temple."

Bai Xingwei's words can even be heard somewhat respectful, "Although the reputation is not very good, no one has ever questioned the heritage of the Valkyrie Temple. When the civilizations of the universe fought everywhere to dominate one side, the Valkyrie Temple was one of the mainstays!"

"I see." Luo Quan said thoughtfully.

Sounds like a military-police mix, and with a fair amount of heavyweights, it does seem to have a lot of energy.

"Oh, anyway, all you need to know is that with this White Tiger Token, few people in the Holy Tang Dynasty would dare to play tricks on you except the royal family."

With one word from Bai Xingwei, Luo Quan was no longer entangled.

Soon, the two opened a house.

It is a luxurious double room specially provided by the school for students to rest.

Two large beds are connected side by side, and two helmet-shaped things are inserted into the table next to them.

Luo Quan curiously picked up one and asked, "What is this, the earphones for listening to sermons later?"

"No, this is the earphone."

Bai Xingwei threw two round light patches to Luo Quan: "Just put it next to your ears, no contact, no sweating.

As for the one in your hand, it is a virtual optical brain, for recreation. "

"What's for fun?" Luo Quan put the earphones to his ears, then picked up the helmet and began to study.

Bai Xingwei sighed, and introduced: "It's games, film and television literature role-playing, and special scene simulation.

You can adjust your character parameters in advance, and then experience the virtual world immersively.

All the stories you know can be simulated through this helmet, and you can choose to play anyone you want.

In addition, any sensation you experience in the virtual world will give you feedback, but it will not cause any harm, and you can also choose to reduce or disable the pain system. "

"Damn it, this is simply a magic weapon!" Luo Quan directly shouted three times in a row.

She invested in a brain-computer interface project before, in order to develop a machine that can directly control the computer with the human brain and experience the computer screen.

The ultimate goal is Sword Art Online, so that people can get a completely real experience in the virtual world.

For humans, this technology is still very, very far away, and there are almost insurmountable technical barriers.

If it is really researched, it will be used in the military field first. I don’t know how long it will take for civilian use, but it will probably take longer to popularize it to the public.

But in Huanyuxing, this is a recreational toy.

Looking at Bai Xingwei's appearance, he probably got tired of playing.

"Is this thing affordable for ordinary people?" Luo Quan put down his helmet and asked Bai Xingwei about the key points.

"This is a crippled human cultivation device. Ordinary people basically lose interest in everything in reality when they touch it, so the government stipulates that each virtual helmet can only operate for one-third of a normal working day.

It is equivalent to giving the people the right to daydream, but it cannot affect real life.

But if it's a statutory holiday, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you lie in bed all day.

As for the price, virtual headsets are cheap, and the real expensive thing is the content of those virtual worlds.

For example, on the black market, a model of a popular female star can be sold at a sky-high price, and basically only the children of rich families can afford it. "

"It seems that no matter what you do, you have to be rich." Luo Quan sneered for a while.

I originally thought that this is a technology that can make the whole people achieve absolute happiness, but to put it bluntly, it is still a tool for making money.

No matter how real a world is, its content is limited after all. Just like a book will always end, and a game will eventually stop running. The same is true for this virtual world.

After a long time, you will feel tired, and then you will want to change to a new world, and the charging point will come.

But I have to say that this toy has indeed given countless people the best way to escape reality.

With it, many social problems can really be solved.

The only ones who may be uncomfortable are probably those female stars who are made into models.

When nerds can dream of their goddess through the virtual helmet, and in the consciousness space that they can control at will, what will happen is probably beyond the imagination of others.

So Luo Quan decided to study the operation of this thing carefully in the future, so as not to be made into a model in the future.

It's okay when you don't know about this kind of thing, but if you know about it someday, you will feel very uncomfortable, so try to avoid it if you can.

"The sermon is about to start, you should eat the fruit of wisdom quickly, lest it won't work in time."

Bai Xingwei took out a green fruit from the storage ring.

Luo Quan took it and lowered his head to smell it.

There is a strong fragrance, and it is a good thing at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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