Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 964 Unlimited Sword System

Chapter 964 Unlimited Sword System
"It tastes good."

Luo Quan took a bite and found that the pulp was chewy and the juice was sweet: "By the way, have you eaten yet?"

"Do you think I'm missing this thing?" Bai Xingwei lay down on the bed and smiled, "Hurry up and eat, the sermon is about to start."

As she said that, she moved her finger forward a little, and a spacious classroom appeared in front of the two of them.

This display is more advanced than ordinary light curtains, giving people an immersive feeling.

There are no desks at the front of the classroom, only a red futon, and an incense burner with three long incense sticks.

While eating the Wisdom Fruit, Luo Quan turned his head to look, and saw thousands of students also sitting on the futons, their eyes well-behaved and excited.

She took a closer look and found that there were not only people from the Holy Tang Dynasty in the classroom, but also many Gods Blessed Federation people with other skin colors, including some aliens.

From this point of view, the educational atmosphere of Huanyuxing is still very open-minded, and there is no discrimination in education, and there is no discrimination based on race or nationality.

This is good news for an alien like her.

And as the favored children of heaven, many people in the classroom may have great personalities and mavericks when they are outside.

But after entering this classroom, everyone became very docile. Even though the Taoist priest hadn't come yet, there wasn't a single person whispering to each other.

Luo Quan had only seen this scene in elementary school, and it was probably the time when a student listened to the teacher the most.

It seems that the Taoist priest is usually very dignified.

But the real situation is not quite what Luo Quan imagined.

After waiting for 2 minutes, a kind old man with a thin and immortal figure walked in.

The old man was wearing a purple magic robe, holding a cloud-like floating dust in his right hand, with the end resting on the crook of his left arm, he looked like a worldly master.

"This sermon will last for seven days, and there will be a pause of three quarters of an hour in the middle, but you can leave at this time, and don't whisper to each other after the sermon begins."

After speaking, he sat on the futon. Seeing this, all the students cheered up immediately, ready to receive the sermon from Daoist Xianwu.

To be honest, it was the first time for her to lie down and listen to the teacher's lecture, and she always felt a little disrespectful to the teacher.

But fortunately, I'm not in the classroom, and the teacher can't see them.

Soon, amidst the Taoist priest's resonant sermon, Luo Quan's distracting thoughts were completely eliminated, and he quickly entered a very mysterious state.

This is probably what Bai Xingwei said about enlightenment.

She didn't know whether it was because of her extraordinary aptitude, or because the level of the Taoist Immortal Martial Master was too high, but she entered this state almost instantly.

This feeling is like the whole person is floating in the air, and then skimming over the vast land and the vast ocean.

Although the speed is fast, she can clearly see everything below.

In the vast land, all kinds of frost compete for freedom.

In addition to animals, she also saw the real master of the earth - human beings.

The rise and fall of dynasties, the replacement of countless kingdoms and civilizations.

In just a few minutes, Luo Quan watched how a population evolved from ignorant beasts to highly civilized humans.

Although she didn't know what it meant, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

It's a feeling mixed with emotion and pride, it's the emotion of being a human being.

After watching all these scenes, Luo Quan slowly opened his eyes.

At first I thought it was just a ten-minute nap, but when I looked at the time on the light screen, I realized that five days had passed!

Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly turned on his cell phone.

It was found that ten days had passed, and one day on Huanyu star was equal to two days on earth, which meant that five days had indeed passed here.

"I didn't feel it at all." Luo Quan said in his heart how amazing it was.

Turning her head to look at Bai Xingwei, she was still in enlightenment, sleeping peacefully.

The voice of Daoist Immortal Martial Arts still continued to come from the light curtain, but at this time, it sounded like an ordinary Taoist chanting scriptures, and there was no response anymore.

"System, what happened just now?" Luo Quan lay back and asked the system.

"It's the normal enlightenment state. People in this state can't feel the passage of time. Let alone five days, even five years is a matter of closing and opening their eyes.

But with your current strength, you still can't come into contact with such a high level of Enlightenment. "

Luo Quan rolled his eyes, and naturally ignored the system's complaints: "Then what have I gained from enlightenment this time?"

"Yes, and it's huge."

As the system spoke, a data panel popped up:
Congratulations to the host, comprehend a talent supernatural power, and get a chance to draw a high-level skill!
"Let's see what we comprehend first." Luo Quan excitedly activated his innate supernatural powers.

Because it is comprehended by oneself, there is no name, and you need to name it yourself.

And its effect is that it can cross the distance of time and space, and summon a famous sword to assist in the battle.

This famous sword can exist in reality or in legends, as long as a second person knows its existence, it can be summoned and exert its power.

There is no upper limit to the number of summoned famous swords, but this magical power can only be used once a day, and the famous sword can only be summoned once per use.

In addition, this supernatural power can also evolve, but what happens after evolution is temporarily unknown.

After reading the introduction of supernatural powers, Luo Quan was dumbfounded, this is simply too strong!

And is this setting serious? Why does it sound like a character skill in an anime.

"So have you figured out its name?" the system asked.

"I don't even need to think about it, it must be called Unlimited Sword System!" Luo Quan laughed triumphantly.

Although I don't know why I realized a skill in the comics when I realized the Tao, but this skill is really strong visible to the naked eye, and it belongs to the best that can only be drawn from the high-level random draw!

"You still have one chance to draw a lottery."

Seeing that Luo Quan was completely immersed in excitement and joy, the system sounded a reminder.

"That's right, I almost forgot about that." Luo Quan rubbed his hands and looked at the ball of light that could draw a high-level supernatural power.

"Let me tell you what good things you can come up with." Luo Quan smiled like a weirdo, and tapped his finger.

The ball of light exploded, turning into a ball of golden light and injecting into her body.

"Super...Super Saiyan."

After Luo Quan saw the name of this supernatural power, his mind almost froze.

Although she hasn't read Dragon Ball much, but as the most popular manga on earth, who doesn't know the famous Super Saiyan.

The image of Sun Wukong with golden air gushing all over his body and his hair standing on end is definitely one of the most classic images in the history of animation.

Saiyans who have entered the super race state are known as the strongest warriors in the universe.

Although it may not be the strongest in the real universe, according to the setting, only the first stage of Super Saiyan transformation can increase the combat power by 50 times!
What is this concept?
The Eight Doors Dunjia does not talk about the door of death, and only opening the first seven doors can only increase sixteen times.

She doesn't know if opening the door to death can increase it by 50 times, but the side effects must be ridiculously large even if they don't die.

The side effect of Super Race is that the energy and physical strength are lost faster, and after the transformation, the emotions will easily lose control.

Compared to opening the door to death, this side effect is hardly worth mentioning.

The 50-fold increase in combat power out of thin air is really terrifying. Just thinking about it makes people feel suffocated.

If he could transform himself in the martial arts trial arena, why would he have to fight so hard.

"Don't be too happy, this only makes you qualified to transform, but your current ability to transform."

A basin of cold water was poured on the system, and Luo Quan immediately became calm.

According to the setting, only Saiyans with S cells can transform into Super Saiyans.

Moreover, this Saiyan must have a relatively high combat effectiveness and a kind and peaceful heart, the three elements are indispensable.

Luo Quan took a look at his Super Saiyan talent. The column of Saiyan blood was underlined in red, which was obviously due to the system.

And my kind and peaceful heart is also bright, so there is no problem.

But the combat power is still a lot worse.

In other words, the current self can't use the transformation of Super Saiyan at all.

"Damn, let's have fun!" Luo Quan couldn't help being a little annoyed, feeling that the fat was on his lips, and he ran away with long legs.

However, it is not unacceptable. After all, such a large restriction shows that the power is indeed very strong, and it can be called a promising future.

Moreover, she is currently in a period of rapid rise in strength. It seems that her combat power is still far from the requirements for transformation, but she may be able to achieve it within a year or two.

All in all, the gains brought to her by enlightenment this time are really powerful. Before that, she never thought that she would be given such powerful two skills.

Even if Super Saiyan can't use it for the time being, but the infinite sword system alone can already give her a qualitative leap in combat power.

Opening his eyes with a smile, Luo Quan found that Bai Xingwei woke up at some point.

The two looked at each other, Bai Xingwei couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing: "Did you realize some magical secrets, laughing so happily?"

"Hey, how do you know?" Luo Quan didn't hide anything, "It's indeed a secret book of magical skills. Speaking of which, this immortal martial priest is so powerful. I fell asleep as soon as I opened my mouth, and five full years have passed since I opened my eyes again." God, it works better than anesthesia!"

"The state of enlightenment is like this." Bai Xingwei sat up and stretched, and the joints all over her body made crackling sounds as they were stretched.

Luoquan is not too different here, it's just that he has been lying down for too long and has no activities.

"By the way, have you realized anything?" Luo Quan asked after stretching.

"Of course." Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan's proud figure enviously, "And there are two of them."

"Two supernatural powers?"

"En." Bai Xingwei nodded seriously, not sure if she was answering Luo Quan's question.

After a pause for a few seconds, she looked into Luo Quan's eyes and said, "Luo Quan, let's compete in the ring."

"What interstellar joke are you talking about?" Luo Quan waved his hand directly, "You are a half-step divine refiner, I have just reached the Blood Tempering Realm, and I am nearly three realms behind, is there any need to learn from it?
If you intend to compare your beauty with me, then I'm quite interested. "

"Who wants to compare with you, a beautiful girl?"

Bai Xingwei didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a moment: "Isn't it enough for me to suppress the martial arts level to the blood quenching level? Besides, combat is the best teacher. Now we have just learned something new. It is a good choice whether it is to get familiar with it or to test the power. .”

"What you said makes sense, but if you lower your cultivation to the blood quenching level, I'm afraid you may not be able to see my newly realized supernatural powers."

Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei and smiled softly, implying: If we are at the same level, you may not be my opponent.

"Haha, I haven't heard anyone say something like that to me for a long time."

At this time, Bai Xingwei was also aroused by Luo Quan to fight, she raised her chin and said proudly: "I need to remind you, the Huanyu Academy group arena standing in front of you now holds the winning streak record holder, who has fought 180 times twice , without a single defeat!"

Luo Quan chuckled: "I haven't won so many games, but I am invincible in terms of beauty."

"Talking about martial arts, why mention beauty?" Bai Xingwei curled her lips, as if she was very dissatisfied with Luo Quan's constant mention of this point.

Just like her full strength can easily crush Luo Quan, the beauty of the two is also insurmountable.

Among ordinary people, Bai Xingwei is a rare beauty.

But Luo Quan, she is the kind of rare and special beauty that can't be found in the whole world.

"Why can't it be mentioned that all things can enter Taoism, and beauty can also be converted into combat power. I don't know about girls, but it is still very lethal to boys."

Luo Quan said this was just a joke, but Bai Xingwei thought about it seriously.

The current Luo Quan, even if she wears earrings that degrade her appearance, she is still rated as a ninth-level beauty. If you take off the earrings, only His Majesty the Empress can compare her beauty in the Holy Tang Dynasty.

Even if it is expanded to the God Blessed Federation, there are only saintesses who have never met but are rumored to be extremely beautiful can be compared.

Bai Xingwei couldn't think of how many men could refuse such a level of beauty.

If he was in the ring, Luo Quan could really make a lot of male opponents voluntarily surrender by virtue of his beauty, so it is not nonsense to say that it is converted into combat power.

"Hey, I was just joking, have you really thought about the feasibility?"

Luo Quan patted Bai Xingwei on the shoulder: "With my current strength, how can I show my true face, besides, I don't like to use my face to win in the ring.

Don't think about these things. Don't you want to learn from and experiment with new supernatural powers? Just use them when you are in the ring, and let me see if your new supernatural powers work! "

Hearing the provocative words, Bai Xingwei laughed: "Borrowing what you said just now, with your current strength, you may not be able to see my new supernatural power."

"You'll know if you can see it or not. Let's see the truth in the ring!" Luo Quan stood up with a very confident expression.

On the other side, Bai Xingwei's momentum was not weaker than hers.

Because she has fought against warriors of the same level since she was a child, and she has never lost!
But today, one person's undefeated record is destined to be broken.

But Bai Xingwei felt that that person could not be herself.

(End of this chapter)

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