Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 965 The Battle of Geniuses

ps. Oops, there is a high probability that the national server of Warcraft will be sent, maybe there will be no next home, it’s a pity that I have Taeshalak and half-painted Wind Sword......


There are many arenas in the Huanyu Academy Palace for students to compete.

Just like what Bai Xingwei said, fighting is the best teacher.

If you encounter a bottleneck in your cultivation, you can go to the arena, if you have new insights, you can go to the arena, if you break through and need to adapt, you can go to the arena, and even if you are in a bad mood, you can go to the arena.

In short, if you want to improve, you can't get around the battle anyway, and you can never make a master behind closed doors.

Luo Quan is actually a very gentle and kind person. Usually, he will not resort to violence for two problems, and he pays attention to convincing others with virtue.

But in fact, many of her bright moments in the world stem from her fierce fighting power.

Whether it is the New York court, the Tokyo Olympics or the most talked about Europa Warriors competition, her performance is becoming more and more shocking.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand why a girl can be so powerful in combat.

A genius, if he is talented and smart enough, is understandable. It's normal to have a good brain.

But while the brain is good, the body can crush most athletes. This kind of person can only be described as superman.

Perhaps in the new era, human beings are all evolving, and Luoquan is the one with the most exaggerated evolution.

Bearing the name of a genius, she has enjoyed flowers and applause for several years. Frustration is a very distant word for her.

I remember the last time she encountered a setback, it was when she released her first Chinese-language album, and sales were sluggish due to rampant piracy.

But at that time she was not well-known, and not many fans were willing to pay for her.

After that, nothing like this happened again.

As for fighting with others, it has never suffered a disadvantage.

Even on Huanyu Star, facing enemies from various planets, her performance is still outstanding.

So when she stood on the ring, her long-term winning experience made her extremely confident, and she felt that she couldn't lose at all.

The only pity is that there are too many rings nearby, and the students are all taking their battles seriously, and there are not many spectators around to cheer and cheer.

But Luo Quan didn't know that there were live cameras around the arena, not only inside the school, but also outside the school's network to observe the battles taking place in the arena.

Of course, the students in the arena can choose whether to live broadcast or not.

Bai Xingwei doesn't need popularity, but she knows that Luo Quan, as the spokesperson of the Martial God Hall, must value popularity very much, so she thoughtfully set the audience mode to be open to everyone.

And this group arena will enter the martial arts area of ​​the Huanyu live broadcast platform, and everyone can watch it by clicking in.

It's just that because it's not Luo Quan's own live broadcast room, there isn't a single audience now.

And Fledo, who signed Luo Quan before, is now dancing to see his beautiful sister, and has no idea that Luo Quan has returned.

If I know, I will definitely come to the live broadcast as soon as possible.

"This arena has a sacred barrier of salvation arranged by the Holy See. After detecting any fatal attack, it will immediately intercept and terminate the game, so you don't have to think about keeping your hands, just go all out."

As soon as Bai Xingwei finished speaking, a transparent protective cover rose on the square arena.

Looking at Luo Quan who was still looking around, Bai Xingwei smiled lightly: "Do you need to play the three tricks I'll let you do? If you don't kill you in an instant, you must have no experience at all."

"No need." Luo Quan seemed to be insulted, "Am I the one who can't afford to lose? If I can't beat it, it's because I'm not capable, but you absolutely don't let me, or you will lose again and again!"

"Okay, that's what you said."

With a flick of her wrist, Bai Xingwei took out a four-inch rectangular box from her storage ring.

She stood the box on the ground and patted the top lightly, and the box opened left and right like a peacock opening its tail, revealing the nine long swords inside.

These nine swords, eight thin and one thick, are all exquisitely crafted and cold, and they are not so much murder weapons as they are works of art.

"The most intense match I've ever experienced in school only used eight swords. How many swords can you let me use?"

As Bai Xingwei said, she drew out the leftmost rapier and said with a smile.

"You'll know if you try it." Luo Quan stepped back half a step with his left foot, ready to attack.

However, as soon as the words fell, Bai Xingwei turned into a white light, and the cold light in her hand pointed directly at her throat.

Because of the Holy Salvation Barrier, Bai Xingwei's attack is a killer move.

And this is exactly what Luo Quan meant, because she wanted to test how hard her Wugou Glazed Body was a long time ago.

If the fight was prevented, it meant that this sword would easily break through her defenses and kill her.

If you are not blocked, then you can play more unrestrainedly later.

Thinking was completed in a blink of an eye, and Bai Xingwei's sword also came in front of her.

Although the speed of this sword is as fast as the stars and the moon, it is not completely resisted, at least she has seen the trajectory clearly.

It's just that she is still under normal conditions, and her body cannot respond relatively.

There was no sound, and the blade bounced off immediately after hitting Luo Quan's neck.

Bai Xingwei frowned, feeling as if her sword had been cut on cotton.

The general body training method is to take a vigorous way, and pay attention to the so-called indestructibility of the diamond, and the metal will jingle when it hits the body.

Luo Quan's technique is strange, it is obviously also indestructible, but there is no sound of collision, as if all the strength is reduced to nothing, it is really not easy.

But before she finished feeling, Luo Quan's fist had already swung over.

An unpretentious punch, but fast.

Bai Xingwei also wanted to probe Luo Quan's bottom, so she didn't hide, and directly stood in front of her with her sword.

With a "bang", the blade of the sword was thrown into an arc by Luo Quan's punch, Bai Xingwei frowned, and Yu Zhuan's internal force and Luo Quan began to wrestle.

"You have a lot of strength."

Although Bai Xingwei had overestimated Luo Quan's strength as much as possible, she was still shocked by the strength of her punch.

I have practiced with the Wanjun Sword for many years. Although I am a sword cultivator, my body is actually stronger than many physical cultivators.

I don't know how many physicists who thought they were infinitely powerful were chopped off by themselves.

But when she met her today, she finally knew what physical training was.

"So this is an invulnerable and powerful body cultivation?" While wrestling with Luo Quan, Bai Xingwei did not forget to praise her.

"Infinite strength?"

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I haven't even reached [-]% of my strength."

"Less than [-]%?" This time it was Bai Xingwei's turn to be surprised, "Then I really want to see it."

"Then you have to stand still, the door opens!"

Luo Quan drank in a low voice, and a white air wave burst out through his body, shaking the hair of the two of them flying in all directions.

The sudden change made Bai Xingwei's heart ring loudly, and regardless of what he said just now, he immediately pulled away and jumped back tens of meters.

In the next second, Luo Quan disappeared.

On the floor she stood on just now, there was a cracked footprint and a shock wave that swayed in a ring.

"So fast!" Bai Xingwei didn't panic, and closed her eyes directly.

As a sword fairy, not only her swordsmanship is extraordinary, but her spiritual sense is also extremely powerful. She can also locate the trajectory that the eyes cannot catch.

"On the right!" Bai Xingwei yelled loudly, swiping the sword violently and slashing out streaks of silver sword energy.

This sword energy was only three inches long when it first came out of the sword, it was not very eye-catching.

But in the blink of an eye, it suddenly increased dozens of times, turning into a towering sword energy and galloping towards it.

"Day Tiger!"

Luo Quan pushed forward with both hands, and a ferocious white tiger roared out, rushing straight towards the sword energy.

Bai Xingwei knew that Luo Quan's move was powerful, but with a body at the blood tempering level, it would be very difficult to resist its shock wave.

So after chopping out the sword energy, she quickly retreated, preparing to wait and see what happened.

However, the imaginary white tiger being split in half did not happen, nor did the huge explosion, but what happened was even weirder.

The tiger that seemed to be transformed from spiritual energy opened its mouth and swallowed its own sword energy, and after swallowing it, howled and rushed towards itself.

"Is there such a thing?"

Bai Xingwei also smiled, and then hooked the index finger of her left hand, and the second thin sword in the sword case flew out as if she had heard a call, and then landed firmly in her hand.

With two swords in hand, Bai Xingwei waved her arms, slashing out more than a dozen sword qi in just a few seconds.

At first, the white tiger could still bite with its mouth open, but as soon as the sword energy came up from behind, it was immediately split into pieces by the volley.

"This trick of the day tiger is really miraculous, it can devour spiritual energy, but there is an upper limit after all."

Bai Xingwei smiled at Luo Quan: "I remember that behind Day Tiger, there are Xi Xiang and Ye Kai, right? Use them all, let me see."

"Sorry." Luo Quan sighed helplessly, "I haven't practiced the remaining two moves, so you probably won't see them today."

"That's a pity." Bai Xingwei crossed her swords in front of her, and drew out an X-shaped sword energy.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of new things here, I promise you will have fun."

Luo Quan knew what Bai Xingwei was regretting, so he immediately used the skills he had just acquired.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

With a sound of "Peng", a bright red flame ignited from her body, and under the agitation of the white air wave, it shot up tens of feet in an instant.

In this scene, Luo Quan suddenly had the illusion that he had resorted to Susanoo.

But she still doesn't have the ability to make the samadhi really hard to that extent.

At present, this flame can only be attached to the body surface, and it doesn't even have defensive power.

But don't underestimate its power.

The system says it's mediocre, but that's only compared to ordinary gods.

For low-level warriors, the True Fire of Samadhi is still extremely threatening. Once it touches it, those with lower strength may instantly turn into candle stubs.

Facing the raging flames on Luo Quan's body, Bai Xingwei also felt some pressure.

If it was the heyday, she could still handle this flame with ease.

But she has suppressed her cultivation now, so she needs to be careful and careful when dealing with it.

Fortunately, the arena was big enough, so she still retreated one after another to keep a distance.

Luo Quan swung his fist to fend off the X sword energy that was slashed just now, and the true fire of samadhi attached to the fist immediately scattered all over the field.

The Samadhi Real Fire, which claims to be flammable when it meets water, ignites when it meets wood, and ignites when it touches soil, did not spread around after touching the ground of the arena, but took root under the feet, and spread higher and higher.

This scene made Bai Xingwei's face even more serious. If he slashed a few more times, the entire arena would probably be covered in flames.

"This Samadhi True Fire is really powerful, it seems that I have a trick." Bai Xingwei said softly to Luo Quan.

"Isn't that sword energy you just made a move?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously.

"Of course not, those are just my level A, and what I'm going to use next is my real sword skill."

After finishing speaking, Bai Xingwei stabbed forward with her left hand: "Sumeru Sword!"

A jet-black beam of light gushed out, and Luo Quan, who was on the path, was covered in hairs, jumped to the side and dodged.

But she didn't expect that before she landed, her body would be pulled by an inexplicable force and move towards the direction of the light beam uncontrollably.

And not only his own body, but all the Samadhi True Fire attached to the floor, including the floor itself, also fell off one after another and were sucked into the black light beam.

And the light beams that absorb these substances are just like black holes, the more they absorb, the bigger the gravitational force becomes.

"What kind of Sumeru sword is this called? It might as well be called the Black Hole Sword."

Luoquan doesn't know much about physics, but I still understand what's going on in this situation. If you encounter this situation, you can just escape outside.

The space is only so big, the black hole can attract her, and it can also attract Bai Xingwei.

She has a dignified physical training, and it makes no sense to struggle against her as a swordsman!
Sure enough, even though Bai Xingwei inserted the two swords deeply into the floor, she was still uncontrollably sucked because of the strong suction force of this move.

Soon the two swords drew two long ravines in the floor, and the blades became shallower and shallower, and they were about to be pulled out.

In comparison, Luoquan's side is much easier.

She was like a passerby holding an umbrella in a storm. Although it was a bit more difficult, she still reached the edge of the ring.

Leaning her back against the protective shield, she looked at Bai Xingwei leisurely, as if I'd like to see what you do.

"Mistake." Bai Xingwei sighed helplessly, "The effect of using this trick in a limited space is not ideal at all, and it is completely embarrassing myself."

"At least you sucked up all the flames on the floor." Luo Quan helped her to make amends, "Actually, this move is quite powerful. Sumina mustard seeds all involve the field of space. I didn't think of it at all."

"If it doesn't work, no matter how powerful it is, it's useless."

As soon as Bai Xingwei finished speaking, the pitch-black light beam disappeared, leaving only the devastated floor.

"The next move will definitely not let you down... Wanjun Sword!" Bai Xingwei let go of the two thin swords in his hand and raised his hands high.

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