Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 966 Excalibur

"Ring number 276 seems to be very fierce, who made the sword energy?"

"Let me come to Kangkang... Damn, there are actually two beauties!"

"It's so beautiful, and it's so fierce."

"This is the first time I've seen a female classmate who can be evenly matched with Bai Xingwei. This sister has something."

"Not only one point, but at least two points!"

"Not only is there, but it's huge."

"Are you talking about their strength?"

"Something feels wrong."


When the battle between Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei reached a fever pitch, the live broadcast room where they were broadcasting their fight also became popular.

At the beginning, there was no audience in this live broadcast room, but now tens of thousands of people have gathered.

Not only the students of Huanyu Academy, but also many people who eat melons outside the school.

A few days ago, the netizens of Huanyuxing knew that the Taoist Immortal in the academy was going to give a lecture, so they have been paying attention to the school's ring.

After the students enlightened, they will definitely ask people to fight for the first time, to confirm and familiarize themselves with what they have enlightened.

The students in the Academy are basically the youngest and most promising geniuses in the entire universe, and their battles will undoubtedly be very exciting.

Therefore, there are always a large number of martial arts enthusiasts who will wander back and forth in these live broadcast rooms to find those duels worth watching.

As for the battle between the two beauties, Bai Xingwei and Luo Quan, both in terms of appearance and the excitement of the battle, it was very high.

So after a while, the heat in the live broadcast room shot up like a rocket.

In addition to these people who eat melons, many teachers in the school are also watching the battle between the two.

As one of the most talented students in Huanyu Academy, Bai Xingwei has always attracted the teacher's attention.

As for this Luo Quan, I saw some related news on the Internet before, but I didn't expect that I would be so beautiful.

As far as appearance is concerned, Bai Xingwei is a complete failure.

But as far as the scene is concerned, Luo Quan is at a disadvantage.

After Bai Xingwei shouted Wan Jun Sword, the thickest and largest sword in the sword box came across the sky with a whoosh.

Holding the sword in both hands, Bai Xingwei slashed forward fiercely. The three-meter-long sword surged more than a hundred times, and while standing still, it struck Luoquan, who was far away from her.

Luo Quan didn't expect that Bai Xingwei's sword could shrink so fast, and the force of the sword was heavy, which made her indestructible body feel pain for the first time.

Not only is this sword heavy, but the key point is that it is covered with a layer of swiftly surging silver sword aura, the sharpness of which even makes her frown.

Just the first strike, she faintly felt that she was going to be broken, and she absolutely couldn't take the second strike!

Thinking of this, Luo Quan retreated out of the attack range of the giant sword, and then jumped into the air.

Seeing this, Bai Xingwei quickly retracted the giant sword, restoring it to its previous state, but soon she used her internal energy to slash again.

This time it was from bottom to top, and it was at an oblique angle. Luo Quan in the air had no way to avoid it, so he had to force it.

"It's over."

"Bai Xingwei can use the Wanjun sword. This pretty school girl is already very powerful. Unfortunately, there is still a gap."

"That's right, he's a magic weapon for fighting with bare hands. If it were me, I'm afraid I'd be defeated by the first strike."

"Does anyone know the name of this beautiful sister? She looks like someone from God Blessed Federation, her skin is so white and tender that water can be squeezed out."

"Luo Quan is an aborigine from a barren land on the frontier of civilization in the universe."

"Indigenous? Can your native be so beautiful?"

"The universe is so big that there are no surprises."


The tone of the audience's conversation became more relaxed, because most people thought that this sword would definitely defeat Luo Quan.

But there are still quite a few people who are still paying close attention to all the movements on the ring. Their intuition tells them that things are not that simple.

It's really not that simple, Luo Quan just jumped up to buy himself time.

After all, the height of the arena is much greater than the radius of the arena. If she jumps higher, Bai Xingwei's giant sword can arrive later.

And the skill she used to store power was naturally the "Sword of Vowed Victory" that she had only used once so far.

After lying on the school bed for so many days, the battery of any door has already been fully charged.

Luo Quan opened any door in the storage space, allowing Dahei to come across the space.

After jumping into the air, she closed her arms and held it high, and a silver-white long sword appeared in her hand out of thin air.


Following Luo Quan's roar, the long sword in his hand was suddenly dyed with a dazzling golden light, and even her own golden hair also burst into a light that people couldn't look directly at.

In the blink of an eye, a sword light that can only be described as majestic soared into the sky, and the surging golden sword energy formed its sword edge, wrapped in the terrifying power of the Himalayas descending from the sky, and poured out all its majestic power .

Two [-]-meter giant swords collided violently in the air, accompanied by shock waves and extremely dazzling light.

Of course, this is mainly due to Luo Quan's contribution.

After persisting for a while, the two giant swords cracked at the same time.

Because most of the energy was consumed in the stalemate just now, there was no explosion after the blade broke apart, but the two people holding the sword staggered forward.

At this moment, Luo Quan secretly thought that it was dangerous, because the sword of vowed victory was almost dissipated.

This move was originally a one-hammer deal. After cutting out, the enemy must be wiped out in ashes, otherwise the blade will dissipate by itself after the energy is exhausted.

Being able to stay with Bai Xingwei for such a period of time is already the result of her desperately sending spiritual energy and crying, otherwise she should have broken up long ago.

It's just that she didn't expect that this sword would cut off Bai Xingwei's accompanying sword. Seeing the blades scattered on the ground, Luo Quan said embarrassedly: "Is this sword of yours out of print? Can you still buy a second one?" two?"

If it was the orphan of a deceased swordsmith, it would probably be difficult to compensate.

"No need, this sword is actually transformed by my sword energy. If it breaks, it will break. If it's a big deal, it will be the same if you condense it later."

Bai Xingwei raised her head and looked at Luo Quan with a smile: "But you are the only one who broke my sword. It seems that ordinary moves can't help you, so I will let you see my second supernatural power."

As soon as the words fell, the fourth sword flew out of the sword box.

This sword is thinner than the other eight swords, and Bai Xingwei didn't hold it in his hand, but let it surround her.

"Although the barrier will heal all your wounds after the battle, but to be conservative, I will avoid your face later."

While Bai Xingwei was speaking, the rapier floating beside her suddenly trembled, and then split into two.

Immediately afterwards, two were divided into four, four were divided into eight, eight were divided into sixteen, and finally it was divided to 120!
Under the control of Bai Xingwei's fingers, these flying swords flew towards Luo Quan like missiles.

Looking at the radiant appearance of their swords, it is obvious that they are covered with Bai Xingwei's sword energy.

Luo Quan's expression was extremely serious when he saw this scene. Just now, the sword energy of just one sword almost broke her defenses. Didn't these 120 eight swords tear her apart?
Considering that Dahei can act independently, Luo Quan threw it into the air, and then took out his Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the storage space.

She didn't practice much swordsmanship, so facing such a high-pressure environment, it would be difficult to resist it with swordsmanship.

In comparison, she is much more confident with a stick.

As the so-called "Yuegun Years Sword, Lifetime Spear", it means that it is very easy to get started with a stick, but it takes a long time to master marksmanship.

However, both are long weapons, and the stick and marksmanship are actually similar.

What she is best at is actually not the stick method, but the marksmanship.

The guns here are not American-style hot weapons, but Chinese traditional long guns.

The reason for this is because she exchanged all the martial arts related to Bajiquan in the system mall.

For Huaxia Huaxia ancient martial arts, all boxing techniques are actually the basics of a martial arts entry, and most of the really powerful ones are on weapons.

The most admirable thing about Bajiquan is its Baji Liuhe Spear.

Among the masters of Bajimen throughout the ages, there is not a single one who is not good at marksmanship.

The closest master to now is Li Shuwen, a master of martial arts in the Republic of China and a legendary master of Bajiquan.

Speaking of this fierce man, many Chinese people may not have much impression, but those who play FGO probably know it.

This is the only heroic spirit in modern China in the game, who is known as the unparalleled steel fist, sharpshooter Li Shuwen!
There are many legends about him. It is said that he always used only one move when fighting with others, that is, to slap Ren Tian Ling Gai.

And it only takes such a move, the opponent is often either dead or disabled, and cannot survive the second round, so it is called "Gangquan Wuer Strike".

As for Li Shuwen's real fame, he killed and injured countless Japanese karate masters and military instructors as a Chinese martial artist.

It is also because the force is so fierce that it is still remembered by the Japanese after so many years, and even integrated into the game.

Li Shuwen's fists are powerful, but what is even more powerful is his marksmanship, which has reached the state of perfection, and his skirt is called a sharp gun.

One of the Baji Liuhe marksmanship exchanged by Luoquan comes from Li Shuwen.

In addition, there is also the main pulse of the Yang Family Liuhe Spear.

With the combination of the two, Luo Quan dared to say that his marksmanship could compete with Li Shuwen himself.

With the golden cudgel in hand, Luo Quan's self-confidence instantly increased a lot.

Not only do you have a weapon at your fingertips, but you can also display your own marksmanship.

At the same time, it was also because he finally didn't have to pick up the sword with his bare hands.

Although her body is very hard, even if she slashes with Bai Xingwei's sword energy, she won't lose her skin at all.

But that pain really stimulated her, and it always made her feel that she was about to be cut again.

This kind of psychological pressure has always existed, and it also made her fight abnormally, unable to let go.

With the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, she can naturally be more unscrupulous.

Of course, the premise is that the Ruyi Golden Cudgel can withstand Bai Xingwei's sword energy.

However, judging from its excited appearance, it seemed that it didn't feel that the sharp blades and sword energy in front of it were troublesome. Luo Quan also turned a stick flower in front of him to test its strength.

"ding ding dong"

There was a crisp sound like iron striking, and all the long swords that collided with Ruyi's golden cudgel were blown away.

The rest of the flying swords wanted to go around the golden cudgel and attack Luo Quan's back, but they were also blocked in time by Dahei suspended in the air.

"Can it withstand it?" Luo Quan asked carefully about the two weapons.

Bai Xingwei's swords are all transformed by sword energy, and they can be rebuilt if they are broken.

But these are treasures that cannot be copied, and she will feel very distressed if she breaks them even a little.

So if they can't stand it, then there is no need to continue this competition.

"definitely no problem!"

Although unable to speak, the two babies expressed their intention to continue at the same time.

When Luo Quan heard this answer, he didn't hesitate any longer, and finally went all out.

With the blessing of powerful strength and technology, she danced the golden cudgel in her hand impenetrably, and the long sword controlled by Bai Xingwei would often be blown away instantly just as it approached her surroundings.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, blocked and rushed towards Bai Xingwei.

Defense alone cannot defeat the enemy, offense is the best defense.

However, the distance between the two is still quite far, and Luo Quan's forward speed is not considered fast, so Bai Xingwei did not move immediately, but concentrated on controlling the flying sword, refusing to let go of a chance to injure Luo Quan .

However, it was because of this small negligence that she almost lost.

After Luo Quan rushed forward for a certain distance, he stopped suddenly, and pointed the golden cudgel in his hand abruptly forward.

"After pretending to be a pig for so long, it's time to eat a tiger."

Amidst Luo Quan's smirk, the golden cudgel stretched hundreds of meters in an instant, almost piercing Bai Xingwei's heart.

The stinging pain from her armpit made Bai Xingwei feel like her body was being pierced. When she looked down, she realized that it had just passed through her armpit, piercing through her clothes and epidermis.

Although there was not much blood, it still flowed out.

I remember the last time I bled, it was against a senior senior.

"It seems too relaxed." Bai Xingwei sighed, and drew out her fifth and sixth swords.

The two swords didn't show anything, they shattered directly, and then turned into a white light and poured into her body.

These two swords are made of the purest aura, and when they return to their body, they will heal most of the injuries and replenish all the aura.

It is equivalent to being full of blood and demons, resurrecting on the spot, and having one more life than others.

Because her cultivation had been suppressed to the blood quenching level, her aura reserve was far less abundant than in its heyday.

At this point, her aura is almost bottoming out.

After recovering, Bai Xingwei drew out her seventh sword.

As soon as this sword is released, the world will be darkened.

As soon as Luo Quan took back the golden cudgel, he found that his surroundings suddenly became dark, as if the sword just swallowed all the light.

Losing vision in the arena is extremely terrifying, Luo Quan used his best moves almost without thinking.

"Unlimited Sword System!"

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