ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you!

Luo Quan, who temporarily lost his vision, seemed to hear a solemn chant in his ears, and the solemn atmosphere made people calm down instantly.

I have to admit that the sudden deprivation of vision made her a little panicked.

But her reaction was fast enough, and she used the infinite sword system in the first place.

Although Bai Xingwei could no longer be seen, she still raised her hand and moved forward according to her memory.

The gate of time and space opened suddenly, and all the famous swords in Luoquan's cognition responded to its call, and the long river spanning time and space was randomly lined up.

The first famous sword shot out with the speed of a meteor piercing the sky. At this moment, Luo Quan felt blessed and shouted its real name loudly:


When this blue long sword appeared in front of everyone, the air seemed to condense due to the chill on its blade, and countless souls wailed at this moment.

No one knew where these faint wailing sounds came from, but after listening carefully, they discovered that they all came from the long sword in front of them.

When the name Frostmourne was called out, Luo Quan regretted it. She didn't expect the power of the infinite sword system to be so outrageous, even the fictional famous sword in the game could be summoned.

And this Frostmourne is probably the cruelest sword among her famous swords.

As the saying goes, killing is nothing more than nodding, but Frostmourne can enslave the souls of the dead under the sword, for the master of the sword to drive, almost forever.

Even in the face of a real enemy, Luo Quan would not use such vicious methods to torture a person's body and soul, let alone she and Bai Xingwei were just exchanging ideas.

But soon she felt that it was okay, because the enchantment of the holy savior could stop all possible fatal attacks, if Bai Xingwei really couldn't resist this sword, she wouldn't die because of it.

But if Bai Xingwei blocks it, then she probably has to lose this competition.

However, an unexpected scene happened. When Frostmourne shot out from the space-time tunnel, Bai Xingwei just pulled out the eighth sword.

She turned into a shining streamer and cut a straight white line in the air.

The [-] swords are actually two combinations, the first two return blood back to blue, and the last two deprive the vision, and then kill with one blow.

For the vast majority of opponents, after the consumption of the first four swords, they are already out of ammunition.

Now he has to face another Bai Xingwei whose state has returned to full, and is still blind, so there is no chance of a comeback.

However, Luo Quan's infinite sword system has brought about miracles, but even if you change the famous sword Bai Xingwei, you won't be able to pick it up all at once.

Although the famous sword is powerful, it still depends on the master who wields it.

But Luo Quan is also a man of extraordinary character, and even summoned Frostmourne.

This magic sword that can unconditionally enslave people's souls made the enchantment feel a huge crisis. Out of protection for Bai Xingwei, the enchantment effect was automatically triggered and the game was stopped.

And it was precisely at this moment that the light of the sharp sword in Bai Xingwei's hand had already swept across Luo Quan's delicate neck.

This blow was obviously enough to kill her, because the holy savior enchantment triggered its effect twice at almost the same time.

The holy white light instantly engulfed the two of them, and both Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei floated off the ring in the warm cotton light like a hot spring.

And neither Frostmourne nor the sword in Bai Xingwei's hands moved away from the original deadly position.

It is worth mentioning that Frostmourne disappeared very quickly after being dragged away by the white light, along with the space-time tunnel.

This is the time limit for using it, no matter what state the famous sword is in, it will immediately return to the original world.

Under the healing of the white light, Luo Quan regained all his strength and eyesight.

"Am I losing or winning?"

Looking at Bai Xingwei on the opposite side, Luo Quan still doesn't understand what's going on now.

"It seems that the enchantment ruled that the two of us will die together." Bai Xingwei showed a hearty and happy smile, "We are a draw in this match!"

As an extremely proud genius, it was not easy for Bai Xingwei to admit that it was a draw.

But if the object is Luo Quan, it's not so difficult to accept.

What's more, this sparring was unfair from the beginning to the end, because she suppressed two and a half levels in vain so that their strengths were on the same level.

If it was a real battle, she would be able to kill Luo Quan in seconds with just one strike.

Of course, this is just a discussion of real battles.

And if the two were at the same level, the result would be the current draw.

But this draw is actually full of chance. It's hard to say who will win if it happens again.

"Actually, I lost."

Luo Quan acted quite rationally, and said with a smile: "You said earlier that you have nine swords that you can use, but you didn't draw the eighth one until the end, which means that you still have the strongest move that is useless.

In addition, the harvest of enlightenment this time should be useless to you, after all, these nine swords are moves you have mastered before.

You still have so many hole cards in your hand, and I have nothing new left.

So in general, you are actually better. "

"You don't have to underestimate yourself so much." Bai Xingwei felt a little embarrassed by Luo Quan's business flattery, "Since the barrier judges a tie, it's a tie, and there's no need to find so many reasons.

To put it bluntly, you grew up in a second-level civilization, and the resources you have access to are completely incomparable to mine. In this case, you can even draw with me. Strictly speaking, I actually lost the circle.

There's no point in continuing to schmooze like this, so accept reality. "

Bai Xingwei's words ended the discussion.

Luo Quan rubbed his stomach suddenly, and said with a smile, "I seem to be a little hungry."

Bai Xingwei waved her hand boldly: "Okay, I'll let the cook prepare the banquet for the whole world!"

Today, she played a hearty arena, and her happiness is beyond words.

Most of the previous battles were just for record breaking, and it was relatively easy to win.

But the fight with Luo Quan made her enjoy the fun of fighting. If there is a chance, she must fight with her once.

But next time, I guess we'll have to wait until she arrives at the Mortal Transformation Realm.

The level of suppression is too low, and many moves cannot be used, or the desired effect cannot be achieved.

So if you want to really enjoy yourself, you still have to wait for Luoquan to be at a higher level.

Although the two women left quickly through the teleportation circle, the battle just now caused quite a commotion in the Huanyu Academy.

This time, Taoist Immortal Martial Master preached, and everyone gained more or less some insights.

Those who woke up faster had already fought a round in the ring.

Both Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei woke up relatively late, so when the battle between the two of them reached a fierce stage, there were especially many students watching.

Bai Xingwei's ability to possess such strength did not make the students feel strange, after all, this is one of the school's undefeated legends, a genius sword fairy!
But Luo Quan's performance really surprised everyone, because she had a slight advantage in a considerable part of the entire battle.

Especially the big moves released continuously in the final stage, whether it is the sword of vowed victory or the infinite sword system, are all powerful supernatural powers visible to the naked eye.

Especially seeing that Bai Xingwei fell under the trick of infinite sword system, the students were even more shocked. It turned out that the sword fairy would also be defeated by the sword.

In addition, Luoquan's appearance is also the focus of the students.

I heard before that the Martial God Temple has found a handsome alien to be the spokesperson, but most of the students didn't pay special attention to this handsome, they just thought it would be a more beautiful vase at most.

Who knew that after seeing a real person, they realized that this was not a vase at all.

How can a vase grow so beautifully?
And the strength is ridiculously strong, Bai Xingwei's suppressed cultivation base can only be tied with her.

If she breaks through the Mortal Transformation Realm, I'm afraid there will be another Valkyrie in the Huanyu Academy.

And compared to Bai Xingwei's elegant sword swing, Luo Quan's fist swing is obviously much more bold.

Judging from experience, every individual training will eventually develop into a berserker.

At present, there are many sisters in Huanyu Academy, whose biceps are bigger than many boys, and all of them have 12 yuan abs, which is amazing.

Thinking of how such a pure and beautiful girl would end up like this, it makes people feel like a waste of money.

"No, I will never allow such a thing to happen!"

A boy said this in the campus forum, and then he asked for the girl's contact information in a dignified manner, assuming he was going to save her from the sea of ​​suffering.

But it's a pity that after Luo Quan arrived at the academy, she appeared in three places, the plaza, the lounge and the arena, and there were only two boys who chatted with her, let alone any contact information.

Mr. Zhao Ang, who is so powerful, hasn't got it yet, so how could others be one step ahead of him.

However, every time I recall Luo Quan's beautiful face and heroic posture in the ring, a group of boys who are still at the end of puberty think about it day and night, and their thoughts become sick.

Some people even offered a huge reward just to meet Luo Quan, but no one accepted it because they didn't know where Luo Quan was going.

At this time, Luo Quan was eating the whole banquet at Bai Xingwei's house.

There are more than 8000 dishes in the authentic banquet of the whole world, which only appear in royal banquets and cannot be enjoyed by non-top dignitaries.

What Bai Xingwei arranged was just a super-shrunk version, and she only chose her favorite dishes.

More than 200 channels to be precise.

Various dishes were placed on the table, but Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei were the only ones who enjoyed them.

Dahei and Xiaojin stayed at Luoquan's feet obediently, not showing any interest in the delicacies on the table.

"You two pets are quite unique. They can even transform into weapons, and their power is no less than my innate sword energy. They are like magic weapons!"

Bai Xingwei stared at these two naive little guys with envious eyes.

Once upon a time, she also thought about keeping such a few pets.

But she felt that people who can't even take care of themselves should not keep any pets, and then gradually lost this thought.

Now I suddenly think of those hobbies I used to have, and I feel a little embarrassed for a while.

"Actually, the two of them are actually weapons. I used some small tricks to turn them into pets."

Luo Quan corrected Bai Xingwei's mistake, and then continued: "I was quite worried about them just now, for fear of being cut off by your sword, so I was very careful when using them, and now it seems that they are still very trustworthy .”

Bai Xingwei said quietly: "I told you before, I was born with an innate sword energy, so I am very suitable for practicing swordsmanship.

And those nine swords are actually transformed by my innate sword energy. The strength of the weapons cannot reach that of divine weapons, but they are definitely not comparable to ordinary weapons.

These two treasures of yours can compete head-to-head with my innate sword energy. They are definitely not ordinary things, but it stands to reason that such powerful weapons should not exist on a planet with a second-level civilization point. "

"Maybe my civilization was once brilliant?" Luo Quan also found this very interesting, "Both of them are old antiques from ancient times. For us civilized people, there are too many unsolved mysteries in ancient times. Yes, there are actually many magical soldiers like them.”

"It's not impossible." Bai Xingwei nodded lightly, "Many high-level civilizations may not be able to develop the ability to fly out of the planet, and may suddenly regress due to inexplicable reasons.

So on your planet, maybe some powerful civilizations have really appeared. "

Luo Quan shook his head and smiled: "Unfortunately, most of the relics of these civilizations no longer exist."

As she spoke, she seemed to think of something, and immediately pointed to the banquet on the table in front of her and said, "There is one more thing I want to ask you. Before I came, my appetite suddenly became extremely large. I usually eat two days' worth of food for one meal." They have just eaten.

Do you know what's going on in this situation? "

"It's normal." Bai Xingwei directly pushed a large plate of barbecued meat in front of Luo Quan, "After your breakthrough, your body's need for energy has increased to a higher level.

And the food you originally ate can no longer easily satisfy you, so you will increase your appetite greatly, just to take in enough energy.

It is also very simple to solve, the food on the universe can perfectly meet your various needs for energy. "

"But this is not a long-term solution." Luo Quan lowered his head and took a big bite, "Does Huanyuxing sell any supplements? I'll take them home and take two capsules a day to make up for it, so that every meal won't become a mess. Like a big eater."

"Yes." Bai Xingwei waved her hand to signal Luo Quan's peace of mind, "I will arrange for someone to prepare some energy supplements for you later, take them before meals, and then your appetite will return to the normal level."

Luo Quan smiled all of a sudden: "Thank you so much, I will trouble you again this time..."

Bai Xingwei said proudly: "Which one of us is with whom, let's not talk about this."

Afterwards, the two feasted on the sumptuous delicacies in front of them together.

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