Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 968 Problem Solving

The two of them ate for nearly an hour, and they didn't say much, because the dishes in front of them were so delicious that they couldn't stop.

When they were too full to eat anymore, both of them leaned on the chairs with their big bellies, like pregnant women sharing their parenting experience.

"Just now I looked at the student forum of the Eye Academy. Many people are begging for your contact information. It's like going crazy."

Bai Xingwei laughed very hard, but at the same time felt very novel.

Although she is a well-known beauty, but because she is too fierce, Bai Xingwei's popularity in the academy is not as high as expected.

Perhaps the first thing students think of is her when they mention the words genius, martial arts candidate, and strong.

But if the goddess is mentioned, there will definitely not be Bai Xingwei in it.

As for the boys who participated in the competition to recruit relatives, most of them came for her family background.

And what the students really like is actually the type of Luo Quan.

First of all, Luo Quan's appearance has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people. As long as he is a normal boy, it is hard not to like her.

Secondly, whether Luo Quan is in front of the camera or the real person he meets at school, he is gentle and lovely, far less powerful than Bai Xingwei.

For most boys, they definitely prefer this softer girl.

Of course, the main reason is that the boys don't know Luo Quan's true face, otherwise, they will definitely know that she is not compatible with Ruan.

But at least for now, Luo Quan is a very charming soft cute girl, and her strength and talent are still the top choices, except for her slightly ordinary background, she is a perfect goddess.

But heroes don't ask where they come from. For the students of Huanyu Academy, their background is the least important thing.

Because they have become the most promising young people in the universe, and they will definitely be prosperous in the future, so it doesn't matter whether they are born noble or not.

Therefore, Luo Quan, who was born out of nowhere, quickly became the top goddess in the hearts of boys, and many bold boys have already begun to plan how to pursue Luo Quan.

That is to say, it is the summer vacation right now, and there is no one from Luo Quan, otherwise the love letters sent to her would have been flying all over the sky.

"It's normal." Luo Quan smiled slightly when he heard Bai Xingwei's teasing voice, "When I was on the home planet, the treatment I received was even more exaggerated than this. In the peak period, I received anonymous calls every day at school. love letter.

Fortunately, I didn't go to school very much later, and they put the love letter and confession directly on the Internet, in the barrage of my live broadcast room, and in the comment area of ​​my video. "

"Is there any confession that has touched your heart?" Bai Xingwei suddenly asked such a question.

This soul question really made Luo Quan fall into silence.

Yes, among the many confessions and secret loves I have experienced, have you ever had such a heartbeat?

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since she has experienced the feeling of heartbeat, and she has forgotten what kind of experience heartbeat should be.

In fact, it's a pity, because her life lacks one thing compared to others, even if it is not a necessity, but the feeling of heartbeat is really amazing.

"Probably not, because everyone's confession starts with my appearance."

Luo Quan shook his head and replied: "It is also because I am so beautiful that I am so stubborn that those who like me are all looking for my face. If I don't have this face, they won't like me at all. .

So I'm very resistant to accepting other people's love, and I haven't tried a relationship until now.

On the other hand, I also think that being single is actually quite good. I don’t need to worry about another person. "

"That's why I always thought you were my confidant sent by God!"

Bai Xingwei suddenly shook Luo Quan's hand excitedly: "Your thoughts are exactly the same as mine. I also don't think there is any need for dating and marriage. You can live a more chic life by yourself, so why bother?" How about one more person to add that much bondage to you?

It's a pity that my family members think that my idea is not reliable at all, so they introduced me to someone in a different way. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have come up with such a way to recruit relatives through martial arts. "

Luo Quan showed a proud smile: "In this way, my family is quite open-minded. Although they hope that I can get married as soon as possible, they also respect my choice of being single."

"Sigh." Bai Xingwei kept a word of envy in her mouth, which finally turned into a sigh of emotion.

At this time, Luo Quan said again, "But life is such a long road, and the world is unpredictable, maybe you will meet the right person in the future, so I don't think you need to be so sad.

If in the future there really appears a hunk who can defeat you, maybe he can conquer your heart in an instant? "

"How is it possible?" Bai Xingwei sneered for a while, "Even if I do have a real son in the future, he must not have been born yet."

The implication is that among the young people of the same generation, she can no longer find a match.

This kind of Dugu's words of begging for defeat is indeed crazy, but with Bai Xingwei's strength as the base, it seems so domineering.

And not only facing Luo Quan, she also said similar things when she was in the academy, and so far she has not met anyone who dares to refute her.

"Anyway, it's fine to be single. Even if you meet your destined lover in the future, that's a matter of the future. Besides, who knows how long it will be in the future."

Bai Xingwei rubbed her belly nonchalantly, she actually didn't agree with what Luo Quan said in the future.

What she values ​​more is the present, and her current thought is to be single to the end.

At this time a maid came in, holding a wooden box in her hand.

"Miss, this is the medicine king pill you ordered to find."

The maid put the wooden box on the table and said respectfully.

"It's troublesome." Bai Xingwei said politely.

It's not that Luo Quan thinks that the master should boss around the servants, but she didn't expect Bai Xingwei to be so polite to the maid.

Subconsciously, she still regards the Shengtang Dynasty as a feudal dynasty.

In the feudal dynasty, the class gap between the master and the servant was very huge.

"You seem surprised?" Bai Xingwei asked curiously when she saw that Luo Quan's eyes were not right.

Luo Quan expressed his doubts, and Bai Xingwei laughed directly after hearing it: "Your story is old history from many years ago, and today's society emphasizes that everyone is born equal.

Although this sentence is completely nonsense, and most people can't be completely equal, at least people with tutors and self-cultivation still pay more attention to this point.

So even with servants and attendants, we will pay attention to our wording. After all, being polite is good for everyone, and there is no need to be so domineering. "

"Having such an idea is already a great improvement." Luo Quan sincerely praised.

"By the way, this is the elixir to solve your eating problem."

Bai Xingwei pushed the wooden box in front of Luo Quan: "This medicine king pill is refined from a variety of natural materials and earth treasures, which can meet the daily nutritional needs of warriors below the level of divine refinement.

Eat one a day, even if you do not eat, you will not feel hungry, and at the same time it will not bring you a sense of fullness, so you can still eat three meals a day. "

"Good stuff, it must have cost a lot of money, right?" Luo Quan opened the box and found that it was filled with black pills with a diameter of one millimeter, and a strange medicinal fragrance came over his face.

"Thinking too much." Bai Xingwei smiled and shook her fingers, "This thing hardly improves one's practice, and the so-called treasures of heaven and earth are only relatively low-level civilizations. They belong to the rotten street goods in Huanyuxing. It's not worth a few bucks.

If you want more, I'll have someone bring you another [-] boxes right away! "

"Enough is enough." Luo Quan waved his hands quickly when he heard this, "There are probably hundreds of pills in this box, which is enough for me to eat for nearly two years.

If I really bring a hundred boxes, I may not be able to eat it all at the end of my life. "

"Why?" Bai Xingwei felt that Luo Quan was joking with her, "Does Shun have any incurable diseases?"

"How is it possible? I just had a physical examination a while ago, and I'm very healthy." Luo Quan immediately denied it.

Bai Xingwei smiled: "Then it's over. Since you are in good health, you have broken through the blood quenching state, and your lifespan can be at least 500 years!"

"500 years!" Luo Quan's eyes showed surprise, "It can extend the lifespan for such a long time."

"Where is this going? When you break through the mortal transformation state, you can easily live for thousands of years."

Bai Xingwei projected a batch of medicines on the light curtain while talking: "These are common longevity medicines on the market, and their effects vary depending on the price.

But what is certain is that even if it is just the longevity medicine that ordinary Huanyu stars can buy, it is enough to extend their lifespan to more than a thousand years.

Which of these dignitaries in Huanyuxing today has a lifespan of thousands of years?

If the cultivation base is higher, it is not surprising to reach 1 years! "

"1 years..." Listening to Bai Xingwei's increasingly exaggerated popular science on the lifespan of stars in the universe, Luo Quan's shock was almost beyond words.

She doesn't understand the concept of 1 years. Anyway, 1 years ago on earth, human beings didn't even have the concept of civilization.

But it must be a good thing if the family can get such a long life together.

In most cases, people wish they could live longer.

Of course, the premise is to live healthy.

"Next time I come here, I will study this longevity medicine carefully." Luo Quan put away the medicine king pill, and then said enthusiastically.

"Next time? Does that mean you're leaving?" Bai Xingwei understood Luo Quan's meaning, and suddenly became reluctant.

"It's really time to go." Luo Quan nodded lightly, "I've been away from home for almost ten days, it's time to go back.

But don't worry, I will often find time to come back to see you in the future. "

"What do I have to worry about?"

Bai Xingwei crossed her arms and said in a tone that I don't care about anyone: "Let's go, anyway, I'm used to it by myself."

"It's quite arrogant." Luo Quan smiled secretly in his heart, but said on his mouth: "If one is used to it, two people can also slowly get used to it. After all, my foothold may be you for a long time in the future."

"It's easy to say, as long as you want to come, my door here will always be open for you."

Bai Xingwei finally showed a smile: "Then you go back, I hope the next time I use the Consonance Mirror to video with you, you are not taking a shower in the bathroom."

Luo Quan showed a helpless expression: "I'm not sure about this matter, who knows when you will call?

Anyway, you just need to be careful not to have anyone around you when you use the Consonance Mirror, otherwise I'll be looking for you when I'm having a good time. "

"Understood, I'm still having a good time, as if I want to see you so much, except for being a little whiter and a little more turbulent, there is nothing special about it."

When Bai Xingwei said this, she could even smell the sour taste in her mouth.

"You don't want to see it, but it's not necessarily the case with others."

Luo Quan stood up and said seriously: "Let's stop talking here, I'll come to play with you later."

"Goodbye." Bai Xingwei didn't get up either, but just waved at Luo Quan.

Huanyuxing did not have this farewell etiquette, which she learned from Luo Quan.

After opening any door, Luo Quan got in, and disappeared into the room even with the door.

Looking at Luo Quan who had disappeared without a trace, Bai Xingwei sighed softly: "I'm the only one left."


Ten days away from home, Luo Quan returned to the bedroom.

After Xiaoyu saw her, he stretched lazily on the ground, and then jumped into her arms, his resentful eyes seemed to say: "Why don't you go to her if there is a fight?"

And the big black and little gold speed excitedly showed it the experience of fighting side by side with the master.

Luo Quan sensed the complaint from Xiaoyu, so he patted its little head: "This time the battle was more intense, so I didn't dare to take you there. Next time we fight in the ring, I will definitely let you go first?"

"That's about the same." Xiaoyu was quite satisfied with this promise, and her emotions were finally appeased.

"By the way, no one has come in these days, right?"

Luo Quan looked at the layout of the bedroom, and it seemed that there was not much difference from when he left, but he still wanted to confirm this with Xiaoyu who had been staying in the room.

After seeing it shaking its head, Luo Quan was relieved a lot.

Regarding the secret, she had already leaked the news of the recovery of the spirit energy to her family members before.

However, this kind of thing should be announced sooner or later, so the leak will be leaked, as long as the general public is not known.

But it's useless for them to know about aliens, so they still have to keep it secret for the time being.

Pushing open the door and coming to the living room, Luo Quan originally wanted to yell "I, Luo Hansan, is back", but the person sitting on the sofa in the living room surprised her.

"Mom! Why are you back?"

Not only Luo Ni, but also Luo Xi.

Almost two years old, she can already run fast on the ground.

And she may also realize that she is a baby bump, so she becomes quite squeamish and cries when things go wrong.

But who made her the youngest, everyone was willing to spoil her.

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