"I'm tired of staying in London, so I'll naturally go back to China."

The mother smiled and peeled the Qiacha Xiang melon seeds, and said: "But this time I won't be here for long, your father has already returned to New York, and I will take my sister there after a while."

"Aren't you going to stay for the New Year?" Luo Quan asked while stuffing walnuts into his mouth.

Melon seeds are too troublesome to eat, so it's better to have peeled walnuts to save worry.

Luo Ni replied: "Forget it this time, I will come back after Grandpa's birthday next year, and then I will hold a banquet for the old man."

It's not that my mother said that Luo Quan even forgot about my grandfather's [-]th birthday next year, so it's really going to be a big event to make it look good and let him have face.

"Sister, hug." At this moment, the younger sister suddenly ran over and stretched out her little hand to Luo Quan.

"Why don't you want my brother to hug you?" Before Luo Quan could say anything, Leon became jealous first.

As she spoke, she also stretched out her hand like Luoxi.

"No, I want my sister." Luo Xi knocked off Leon's claw with a snap, and then burrowed into Luo Quan's arms.

"Haha, it has to be me." Luo Quan triumphantly hugged his younger sister.

Although she can already walk on the ground, Luoxi's thin body still makes Luoxi walk as if she is about to fall down at any time.

If you want to really walk like a fly, it may take another year to talk about it.

But it's really quick to say, the last time I got along with my sister, she was still in her infancy, and she was fed by myself.

In a blink of an eye, I was able to run on the ground, and I was able to speak some simple vocabulary, which is really amazing.

"By the way, mom, will my sister be able to go to kindergarten in a while?"

Huaxia children usually go to kindergarten at the age of three or four. They can get in touch with more children, learn some new knowledge, and also free up time for parents.

However, Luo Quan didn't know if the American side also went to kindergarten so early.

"I don't know, and I haven't heard your father talk about it before." Luo Ni hadn't thought about the child's going to school at all before. After all, Luoxi has just learned to speak now, and her walk is still not very steady. Come and fall flat.

"I know." Mia said suddenly, "Children in the United States go to preschool after the age of five, and start primary school at the age of six.

The reason why it is so late is that most parents feel that they can rest assured that their children can go to school after they have some self-care ability. "

"It's too early to say that." Luo Quan twisted Luo Xi's face while speaking, "Then it seems that your good life will last for a few more years."

The reason why it is called a good day is because in her opinion, going to school is suffering.

Although the United States implements happy education and pays attention to all-round development, there will be many interesting courses.

However, if you want to go to a famous university, it is impossible without studying hard.

Therefore, there are two completely different ways of happy education and elite education, and Luoxi will most likely choose the latter.

Of course, if Luoxi loves to play by nature, she doesn't have to study hard to get into a good university. After all, the family situation is enough for her to be a rice bug for ten lifetimes.

In fact, it is said that I went to school to study hard, but after I entered the society, I realized that the hardships in school were really nothing.

There is no suffering in life when studying, but the carefree students on campus have not realized what kind of hardships they will have to pay in order to earn a living in the future, so they complain on campus.

Fortunately, Luo Xi didn't need to go through this. She was regarded as the apple of the eye by everyone before she was born.

When the celebrity's elder sister and elder brother doted on her so much, she was already on the trending searches even before she was one year old, and she had many fans, and said that she would wait for her to grow up and debut as a star.

Although many people here are just joking, if Luoxi really wants to be a star, then the resources at home and abroad must be Gang Gang.

And based on the looks of the two older brothers and sisters, it is speculated that when she grows up, she will definitely be a beautiful woman with a lot of power.

Under the premise of such a high appearance, the journey to stardom will become quite simple.

After all, this is a world that depends on the face, as long as it is beautiful enough, even a vase can become a front line.

Of course, it's too early to talk about this now.

After being intimate with my sister for a while, my mother took her to take a nap.

The little guy is Schrödinger's energy now, and he can get up early in the morning and go all over the place.

But the drowsiness came, and I couldn't stop it. I was just wandering around in the living room, but now I hold my mother's hand and say I want to sleep.

Looking at this overly cute doll, Luo Quan also had a thought in his heart: How interesting it would be to raise a baby himself.

However, this kind of idea has no basis for realization at all. After all, a lonely yin does not grow and a lonely yang does not grow. Her desire to raise a baby is not strong enough for her to find a partner.

Going back to the room and turning on the computer, Luo Quan entered the long-lost live broadcast room.

As soon as they saw Luoquan broadcasting, fans quickly clicked in and started asking questions:
"Good guy, you've been missing for so many days since you disappeared, right?"

"Luo Bao, you've changed. I don't answer calls or text messages. I'm really tired. Let's just leave it like this."

"The box office of his movie broke 40 billion, and I wish I could buy eight popular searches to broadcast in turn. Fortunately, you didn't react at all. You're used to this box office, right?"

"Anyway, if you don't broadcast it to the big guys for half a month, then don't even try to ask for our forgiveness!"


Seeing the fan's proposal to admit his mistakes, Luo Quan immediately followed suit: "Okay, then I will broadcast live for half a month, to make up for the disappearance of these days."

Luo Quan said as he unscrewed the lid of the water glass and took a sip. He ate too much dried fruit just now and was a little thirsty.

"Actually, I didn't disappear on purpose these days, it was because I had a sudden inspiration, I was writing a very good script, and I needed to calm down to conceive it, so I didn't go online much.

Now that the script is finished, I am here to meet you as soon as possible. "

Luo Quan's answer is quite convincing, because old fans know that she is a very dedicated person, as long as she sets a goal, she will devote herself to it.

Not to mention the inspiration to create a script?During this period, there is definitely no way to be distracted and go online.

I just don't know what kind of script Luo Quan created this time.

Facing fans' curious inquiries, Luo Quan replied: "This is a story about suffering, the "living" of a rural couple.

In this story, they are like a pair of fateful mandarin ducks, everything in life is against them, and finally broke down their original bittersweet life.

And there are actually many couples like this in Huaxia.

This story of mine is not adapted from the real thing, it is completely fabricated, but after reading it, you should feel familiar.

But whether it can resonate depends on everyone's growth environment. "

Luo Quan said a lot, but didn't say anything, and many fans were confused.

But the backbone is still relatively easy to find, that is, Luo Quan is going to make another tragedy this time.

Her last tragedy was "Farewell My Concubine", which won numerous awards at home and abroad, with a Douban score of 9, which is currently one of the highest ratings for domestic films.

This masterpiece recorded in the history of Chinese film has brought great shock to countless audiences.

The love-hate entanglement of the protagonists in the movie, as well as their involuntary control under the tide of the times, are also full of emotion.

This is a tragedy, but it is so sad that people can't cry.

I don't know if this time, Luo Quan's second tragedy can make them cry happily.

Fans expressed great expectations.

"Why, you guys like being abused so much?" Luo Quan grinned, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, don't blame me for crying in the movie theater."

Reminder in advance, so as not to come to her to complain after watching each one of them cry like a dog.

But these fans obviously haven't realized the seriousness of the problem:
"I have killed fish in Dalanfa for 20 years, and my heart has become as cold as the knife in my hand. There is nothing that can make me cry."

"If there is, it must be because I haven't paid off the money."

"Being cheated on by my girlfriend, I want to cry no matter what I see now."

"By the way, brother's day is sad."

"It's just that the family is green, and it's not that the family members have passed away, so what's the condolences?"

"Speaking of which, how does Luo Bao evaluate the recent Warrior of Love?"


The sudden new vocabulary made Luo Quan stunned for a moment.

"I haven't surfed the Internet much these days, so I don't know what happened." Luo Quan said while searching quickly.

"Damn it, don't the warriors of love know?"

"I would like to call it one of the top ten people who touched China this year."

"Why should the world envy Liang Zhu, the golden lotus is not only in the Water Margin!"

"Hold on, this buddy is really miserable, and he is also really brave."


Amidst the fans' sincere emotion, Luo Quan finally understood the ins and outs of this incident.

It turned out that a boy found out that he had been cheated on, and rode overnight to his wife's school to ask for an explanation.

Unexpectedly, he was besieged by five boys brought by his wife, but he fought one against five with his bare hands, and finally won a big victory.

However, although he won the duel, he was never able to meet his wife, and what was left to everyone in the end was the back of him running wildly under the chase of the school security.

Although he lost his marriage, this warrior made countless netizens ignite for him, and respectfully called him the warrior who charged for this.

In the past few days, there have been a lot of relevant news on the Internet, and fans also want Luo Quan to catch the heat and share their opinions.

"To be honest, this boy is really infatuated, but infatuation does not bring loyalty.

No matter what, derailment within marriage should be cast aside and condemned. Since you feel that a boy is not good enough for you, that's fine, return all the money to them, and do your best to make sure you don't owe anything. "

As a public figure, it was impossible for Luo Quan to scold girls in front of so many people.

Although she really wanted to scold people, because this kind of behavior is really disgusting and shameless.

Even though it was not the first time to see such a betrayal, but every time I saw it, I still felt uncomfortable.

There is no doubt that this case will make a large number of people fear marriage.

It's just that this boy was taken away to calm down in the end, and the final result was nothing more than a divorce, and then he lost his money and life.

To be honest, there is really no good way to face this situation.

"If Luo Bao made a movie with this theme, it would definitely be a tear-jerking tragedy."

"It's really tragic, but I guess I won't cry, because I have already cried and my heart has been broken."

"They are all people with stories, it sounds like."

"The subject matter is very good, but if it is filmed, some girls will probably be unhappy."

"Those female fists on Weibo? It is my greatest consolation to make them unhappy."

"If this is the case, my suggestion is to step up efforts."


Fans' thinking is relatively divergent, and such a hot news will make them filled with righteous indignation, not only want to hear Luo Quan's evaluation, but also want her to be made into a movie.

In fact, they just want to use Luo Quan's hand to criticize, but unfortunately such behavior has no impact on the parties involved, it is better for a large number of people to go to other people's accounts to harass the Internet.

Now the wife of the Warrior of Love has announced that she is suffering from depression. After that, it is unknown whether she committed suicide or brought the goods live. It depends on how thick-skinned this person is.

If it was suicide, netizens would definitely not feel sorry, they would just say it was a good death.

If you have the cheek to come out live and bring the goods, it is estimated that you can also attract a group of fans.

Don't doubt the degree of brain damage of some netizens nowadays. This kind of morally flawed but hot people will always get the expectations of some netizens.

Some have ulterior motives, and some are purely for the sake of innovation, in short, there are more or less problems.

And Luo Quan definitely can't instigate fans to go online violence, so this topic can only be discussed briefly, so as not to get more and more excited and burst into foul language.

Just about to find a game to broadcast to fans, the door suddenly opened.

Leon walked in with Luo Xi in his arms: "Look, my sister is here."

"What's the matter, baby?" Luo Quan turned to look at Luo Xi, and opened his hands in a hug.

"Elder sister hug." Luo Xi expressed her appeal succinctly, and then threw herself directly into Luo Quan's arms.

"I didn't expect this little guy to be so clingy to you. I just hugged her for a while and then she clamored for my sister."

Lyon is no longer jealous, but has become helpless.

Luo Quan laughed when he heard it: "Just kidding, I was involved in Luoxi's eating, drinking, and messing around. Well, back then you went out to have fun, but I was the only one taking care of her."

"Sister, sister." Luo Xi suddenly pointed at Luo Quan on the computer and laughed.

The reason for laughing is probably because of the sister in front of her who is one size smaller than the deity.

As for the fans in the live broadcast room, I became extremely excited because of this cute baby who suddenly appeared.

"Damn it, little Luobao!"

"My sister is actually here, it's getting more and more unbearable."

"Luoxi is such a little angel. Whenever I see her, I can't help but want to laugh."

"I love you Luoxi!"

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