Chapter 970

The popularity of human cubs was higher than Luo Quan had imagined. After the appearance of Xiao Luoxi, the already dense barrage in the live broadcast room became lively.

"Don't you want to sleep, why are you looking for sister?" Luo Quan picked up Xiao Luoxi and put it on his lap.

Luo Xi held a Pikachu doll in his hand, rubbed his eyes and said, "Don't sleep."

The little guy probably meant that she had already slept and didn't want to sleep, but her limited vocabulary prevented her from knowing how to express it accurately.

"Then why do you let your sister hug you and not your brother when you wake up? Do you like my sister more?" Luo Quan teased Luo Xi with a smile, and by the way, connoted Leon next to him.

"Brother, fierce." Luoxi pouted her pink mouth, expressing her dissatisfaction.

"What's the matter, Leon." Luo Quan turned his head and asked Xing Shi, "Are you still fierce to Luo Xi?"

"How dare I attack her. When I was in London, I used to pee my pants on my neck. Before I said anything, she burst into tears."

Leon saw that his sister's mouth was already deflated, and she looked like she was about to cry, so she quickly squatted down: "No, brother is not talking about Luoxi, Luoxi is the cutest, okay? "

Seeing this scene, Luo Quan understood what it meant to drop one thing from another.

Even though Leon was very afraid of her elder sister, she still didn't let him talk like that. Luo Xi was amazing enough to make Leon coax like this.

"So speaking of it, why did you attack her just now?" Luo Quan lifted his knee, and moved Luo Xi, who had slipped to the edge, onto his lap.

"Where is the fierceness of her, I was scolding the people in the game, I, him... my super god Yasuo was robbed and killed by teammates five times, who is it that you say is not angry?
As a result, Luoxi just came in at this time, and when she heard my voice so loud, she thought I was trying to hurt her, so she desperately came to find her sister. "

Lyon recounted the incident aggrievedly, and then the fans in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back:

"One thing to say, blood pressure is really easy to soar in such a situation."

"I used to be my thigh to lead you to win these pit competitions, but in the end I was robbed and killed five times. Instead, I hung up the phone directly."

"Am I the only one who thinks Leon is so happy? The little king of east coast rap has become a slave to his daughter."

"Haha, Leon is also going to be a father. This is considered an early adaptation."

"I'm really curious what it's like for Luo Bao to be a mother."

"Hey, isn't this the mother Luo Bao?"


Luo Quan didn't pay much attention to the barrage's ridicule for the time being, because Luo Xi who was sitting on his lap suddenly raised his hand: "Drink grandma (milk)."

The baby who is almost two years old has been weaned, but currently he can only eat some liquid food and easy-to-digest food.

Among the foods she can eat, milk is her favorite, so whenever she is hungry, she will reach out for grandma.

However, in order to change her daughter's eating habits, Luo Ni usually only gives her milk in the morning every day, and no matter what she wants at noon and night, there are only porridge and porridge.

But because of a day of flying, there were some slight changes in diet, and Luoxi hadn't had any milk for a whole day.

"You take this milk powder and make a bottle."

Luo Quan took out a can of spring water brand milk powder produced by his company from the drawer and handed it to Leon: "The milk powder can be washed, don't be too hot."

"Yes, a few days ago Mia took me to read the parenting scriptures every day." Leon gestured ok, turned his head and went downstairs with the milk powder.

Although Luoxi is past the age of eating milk powder, this milk powder is mainly for all ages, so she also directly uses it for her younger sister.

As soon as she heard that she could drink grandma, Luo Xi was very excited.

On the other hand, the fans are full of joyful emotions:
"Feed milk powder?"

"That's all right."

"Haha, if you think about it, you can see how it is possible. Besides, Luo Bao just wants to, but he doesn't have to feed him."



Luo Quan was speechless when he saw this kind of barrage: "Why not feed milk powder? In the health live broadcast room, start with you and me, don't say such weird words.

By the way, here I will advertise our milk powder by the way. Drinking this milk powder produced by our company can enhance immunity and protect the health of children. In short, there are many benefits and the price is not expensive. "

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Luo Quan has brought goods in the live broadcast room, and she has never advertised any product in the live broadcast room before.

And the fans responded in a variety of ways:

"I can testify that this milk powder is really good. My baby has less crying at night after drinking it."

"I drink it too, and the more I drink it the happier my wife is because she's the beneficiary of my insurance."

"Can your milk powder be released?"

"Haha, why is Lin Bei selling fish?"


Fans who play tricks still occupy the majority, after all, most people have no demand for milk powder.

Now that the domestic marriage rate and birth rate continue to decline, many people feel that living alone is more comfortable, even if they are married and have multiple children to squeeze out the two-person world.

Although the baby is cute and lovable, sometimes it can really drive people crazy.

Don't look at the thank you fans in the live broadcast room, they are all boasting that Luoxi is so cute, and I really want to have a baby too.

But if they are really asked to take care of the children, it is estimated that they will have a nervous breakdown within seven days.

In comparison, Luo Quan seems to be very handy because he is free every day and has enough time and patience to take care of the children.

But in the first few days when she wiped Luoxi's excrement and coaxed her to sleep, she also doubted life for a while.

Fortunately, this state did not last for too long. Perhaps it was the outbreak of motherhood, which made her have infinite patience with Luoxi, and no matter how hard she tossed about, she could become happy.

But now, Luoxi has passed the most difficult stage to take care of. Most of the time, she doesn't cry or make trouble. Apart from being spoiled, she has no shortcomings.

But having said that, which baby is not spoiled now?

While thinking about it, Leon had already prepared milk powder and brought it up.

"It's not very hot, you can drink it directly after a while." Leon put the full bottle on the side of the table.

"Drink grandma." When Luo Xi saw the milk, she reached out to touch it, but Luo Quan snatched it away: "This is still a little hot, so I have to drink it later."

"Woo~~" Luoxi's mouth suddenly became like a duck.

"Don't cry." Luo Quan gently squeezed his sister's pouty lips, "If you cry, my sister won't like you, only obedient baby sisters will like you."

"No, my sister likes it." Hearing this threat, Luo Xi quickly suppressed her emotions, then opened her arms and hugged Luo Quan tightly.

Swaddling babies cry for a variety of survival needs, such as hunger, pain, and elimination.

But crying when you grow up is basically asking adults for all kinds of things you want.

Adults who are not very educated usually give their children everything they want, even if it is an unreasonable demand.

And a child's character and conduct are often established at this stage.

When they realize that they can get it as long as they ask for it, and if they can't do it, they will not cherish everything they have, and as long as they don't have it, they will reach out for it whether they want it or not.

Over time, this bad character can easily lead to bad consequences.

Luo Quan would definitely not let her sister become such a person. It is one thing to spoil a child, but another to dote on her child, and she can clearly distinguish this point.

That's why Luo Quan seized this opportunity to teach Luo Xi a lesson. It's a pity that Luo Xi couldn't stay by her side for a long time.

The good news is that there is nothing wrong with my mother's education level, otherwise I would not be able to teach myself, a top student at the University of Tokyo.

And different from himself, Luoxi will not lack the love of his father when he was a child, and he will have more love from his brother and sister, so he will undoubtedly be happier.

As for what kind of personality will be in the future, we can only know what is born. It is not easy to say what is born, everyone is beautiful, child king, introverted, young and mature, frizzy, tepid...

All of the above are possible.

As for Luoxi's talent, it's not clear what it is yet.

As for music, although she would laugh when she heard her sister's songs.

But it is most likely because of her sister's voice, because she does not behave like this when listening to other singers' songs.

I don't know what this little guy will do when he grows up.

As Luo Quan was thinking wildly like this, the milk in the bottle gradually cooled down.

She shook the bottle, made sure it wasn't hot, and put it near Luoxi's mouth.

The little guy picked up the pacifier skillfully and began to suck. Luo Quan looked down at her lovingly, full of maternal brilliance.

At this moment, netizens saw the Virgin Mary.

But the Virgin Mary couldn't hold back soon, because Luoxi peed his pants just after drinking grandma.

"You're really good, up and down, right?"

Luo Quan looked at the wet pants, then at Luo Xi, dumbfounded.

And Luoxi didn't realize her mistake, after all, the feeling of wanting to pee really couldn't be held back, and no one told her not to defecate anywhere.

I used to just cry when I wanted to pee, and the adults would take her to the toilet without knowing what happened.

But now that she can speak, although Luo Ni has taught her daughter a few times, the effect can only be said to be mediocre.

"I can only go to the toilet directly if I want to pee, or tell my mother and sister that I can't pee directly like this again. It's very impolite, you know?"

It was not the first time that Luo Quan was urinated all over by his sister, so he didn't rush to the toilet to deal with it.

"Understood." Luoxi just had a full meal and went to the toilet again, not to feel too comfortable, nodding quickly.

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room has made people laugh out loud:
"It seems that your milk powder has no therapeutic effect on children peeing their pants."

"Maybe its effect is to promote excretion."

"It's been a long time since I saw Luo Bao being pissed all over by his sister. The last time this happened was in New York."

"Luoxi is still as free and easy as ever, she urinates when she says she wants to, without saying hello."

"Just now, the motherly brilliance was shining, and the next second, the golden body was broken."

"It's okay, the boy urinates to ward off evil spirits!

These fans are also sharp-toothed, but Luo Quan is not paying attention to the barrage at this time.

After educating Luoxi, she hugged her younger sister, whose pants were a little wet, and walked into the bathroom of the mother's room next door.

She doesn't have her younger sister's change of clothes here, so it's more convenient to go to her mother's room to take a shower.

It just so happened that she slept in Huanyuxing for five days, and then had a fight with Bai Xingwei, and she sweated a lot.

Although there is no smell, it is sticky and uncomfortable.

As for my sister's pissing on her pants, she still felt sick when she was pissed all over her at first.

But the more you do it, the more you get used to it.

The child can't control the normality, after all, he is not fully developed.

I heard from my mother that I was like this when I was a child, and I stopped wetting the bed after I went to preschool.

Even so, when she graduated from elementary school, the sound of the waves was still the same, and then she was bumped into by Wen Xia, which made her laugh until now.

"Next time, if you can't help it, you can find a corner, but you can't pee on other people anymore."

In the bathtub, the two sisters sat facing each other, covered in bubbles.

Hearing her sister's serious tone, Luoxi stopped playing with the bubbles in the water, and nodded solemnly: "Okay!"

When he came out again, Luo Quan felt much refreshed.I haven't showered for nearly ten days before, and the experience is really not very good.

After eating and drinking, he took a hot bath again. Luoxi, who hadn't slept for too long just now, felt drowsy again, and fell asleep in Luoquan's arms.

After holding his sister and shaking it for a while, Luo Quan put it on his mother's bed.

"It's finally time to sleep."

Luo Quan returned to the studio with a look of relief.

However, the barrage looks very dissatisfied:

"What about my sister? We don't want a sister, we want a sister!"

"That's right, my sister is so cute, but my sister is old and fierce."

"Say, did you hide your sister on purpose?"


Although I knew it was a joke, it could be seen from the side that Luoxi's current popularity was quite high.

And Luo Quan was not angry, and replied with a smile: "I used to be called Xiao Tiantian when I was good, but now I'm called Mrs. Niu, right? I'm old and fierce. I'm only 24 this year, okay?"

Luo Quan took the initiative to interact, and the barrage response became even more funny:

"Luoxi is more than twenty years younger than you!"

"When you say a beautiful woman is ugly, she doesn't get angry."

"But when you say an ugly girl is ugly, she gets anxious because it's true."

"So it's true that Luo Bao is old."

"24 is not too young, I am only sixteen this year."

"What live broadcast are you watching on Shiliu? Hurry up and learn."

"I recommend it to Tsinghua University."

"Then I'm still a Harvard graduate."


The atmosphere in Luoquan's live broadcast room is always like this, relaxed and humorous.

After all, there is an anchor who can take jokes, and a bunch of sand sculpture brothers who can always do all kinds of things.

Seeing these ridiculous barrages, Luo Quan shook his head and laughed, and then opened the League of Legends, which he hadn't logged in for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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