Chapter 971

The advent of the Internet age has changed the ecology of many industries. As a singer, Luo Quan also found that the industry has undergone considerable changes.

In the past, singers wanted to make money by releasing albums and selling records. After they became popular, they held concerts, filmed endorsements, and filmed idol dramas.

But now the road of paying for album songs is very difficult to get through.

First of all, creators and legal supporters suffer greatly from the overwhelming piracy. You can find the things you spend money on the Internet.

In addition, there is indeed no such environment in China at present, supporting a huge record market like foreign countries.

Although there are many Chinese people, the record market is actually very small.

So those who still dare to release paid albums are either superstars at the superstar level, or idols with huge fans in the fan circle.

The rest of the people are basically playing one by one.

Including concerts, many of the live concerts held in recent years have lost money and made money.

The increasingly sluggish market has also made traditional singers start looking for new outlets.

At present, it is relatively good to go to variety shows, show another side of myself that is different from singers, attract fans through contrast, and then increase my net worth.

However, if you want to be successful in variety shows, you need a certain amount of eloquence, and you have to be open-minded and able to take jokes.

Now some singers appear on variety shows, no matter what others say, they just slump on their seats and put on a Sima face, as if the show crew owed him his salary and didn't pay him.

It was so difficult for the guests and hosts on stage to interact with each other, and the audience in the audience also looked upset.

I belong to and dislike the smell of copper in variety shows, and want to maintain my noble style.

But he was reluctant to bear the price offered by others, and finally had to go on stage to cross the border.

Such a singer can also rely on the fame of the year to enjoy a few years of bonuses, and once the audience's nostalgic filter passes, they will basically not be able to make any splashes.

Another way to make money is also a way that many singers, including those who have passed away, have been trying in the past two years, that is, live streaming.

It's so tiring to be on variety shows, and I have to find ways to make everyone happy.

It's too simple to bring goods live, sit in front of the camera and chat with fans, and sell the things.

It is not new to say that the income of a live broadcast is hundreds of thousands, or even millions. Isn't this much easier than going to the show?
Of course, if you want to make a name for yourself in the field of live streaming, you must have unique features. In layman's terms, you must be able to work.

Liu Genghong is the most popular anchor this year. With his novel fitness live broadcast, he attracted over [-] million fans in just seven days. Also outrageous.

As if overnight, there were countless Liu Genghong girls in Huaxia, and they all started doing aerobics.

And after accumulating so many fans, Liu Genghong also started to bring goods.

Although it is not professional, it is said that each income is close to tens of millions, and the speed of making money can be called printing money.

The key is that this is still a manufacturer rushing to ask him to bring the goods, and the treatment in all aspects should not be too good.

This is the power of the Internet, sometimes you never know how you will become popular on the Internet.

Liu Genghong is an example, and so is Wang Xinling.

As the most successful artist who became popular this year, she only took two episodes of variety shows from an outdated [-]th-line singer to a hit.

She is not the only ex-singer who has appeared in variety shows in recent years, but it is indeed the first time that she has become popular to this extent.

In the Internet age, it is very likely that a singer will not rely solely on his own works if he wants to be popular, and sometimes he needs gimmicks to hype.

Of course, there are still very few singers except.

With their ultra-high-quality songs that jump out of the three realms and not in the five elements, they have always maintained an extremely terrifying popularity.

Wanting to make money is just a matter of talking.

Luo Quan is a representative figure in this regard. When everyone is busy bringing goods and appearing on variety shows, she still stays at home and plays League of Legends.

Speaking of which, the last time I played was more than half a year ago. At that time, the champion skin of the S9 Phoenix team had just come out, and she directly bought a big gift package, but unfortunately she didn't play a few.

And now when I open the game again, the champion of S10 has been taken away by lck.

The lpl team, known as the world's first division, was eliminated in the semi-finals, and tens of millions of lpl fans could only watch two Korean teams compete for the championship.

For the lpl fans who played in the first division for a year, this situation is really sad.

Because of this, Luo Quan closed the client after only playing for a while.

"Hey, lpl didn't win the championship, so I don't have the mood to play anymore."

Since becoming the king, Luo Quan has no motivation for the League of Legends, and the only way to go further is to play professionally.

But she is so busy now, how can she find time to play games.

So League of Legends has become an occasional game, and after winning the championship, I will play more, because I feel better after winning the championship.

And this time I didn't take it, of course it was quite disappointing to play.

In fact, it wasn't just her, the fans in the live broadcast room were not happy to see the League of Legends, as if they had ptsd, they complained about the outrageous operations of the lpl team in the semifinals.

It was difficult to control negative emotions, so Luo Quan decisively ended the topic.

"By the way, Luo Bao, it seems like you haven't held a concert for a long time."

Changing the topic, the fans moved to the concert.

As I said just now, the domestic market is sluggish, and many singers are losing money when they hold concerts.

But Luo Quan is an exception. Her concerts are sold out and tickets are hard to find. Every time she opens, it will cause a sensation, and there is no possibility of losing money.

It's a pity that Luo Quan didn't sign with any company, otherwise the company would have forced her to start a global concert tour.

Fans must raise their hands in favor of this behavior, but Luo Quan is the boss, so he must want to make life easier.

So for the concert thing, she has an average of less than two concerts a year since her debut, and she hasn't held one so far this year.

Seeing that this year is coming to an end, fans know that the possibility is relatively low, but they still ask, maybe Luo Quan, who has been responsive to their requests for a while, will readily agree to them?

Unfortunately, the answer I got was Daba (no).

"It takes too much time to hold a concert, and the rehearsal is long in advance. If there is a concert, you will not be able to see my live broadcast for at least half a month.

So you guys want to exchange half a month of my disappearance for a night of carousing? "

Luo Quan did not refuse directly, but settled the accounts clearly through Xiaoyi's interests, and then let the fans decide.

Sure enough, the fans who heard this immediately told Luo Quan not to do it.

It is true that concerts are not just done at will. If you want to improve the quality, you need to arrange and rehearse a lot of programs in advance. If you just go on stage and sing, and everything else is simplified to the extreme, it would be too perfunctory.

So, happy one night and happy half a month, they still know how to choose.

The vast majority of fans will not choose a concert, because most fans cannot buy tickets.

"However, I can also understand how you want to hear me sing."

At this time, Luo Quan's tone suddenly turned around: "As a singer, I also like to sing for you. I have been busy for a while and haven't sung much, so this time I plan to hold a fan club.

Just tonight, it starts at [-] o'clock, and when the singing ends depends on the mood. Fans who want to listen to the song should come to the live broadcast room at that time, and bring their own drinks and snacks.

How about it, is this much more comfortable than at a concert?You can even listen to it lying in bed at home. "

As soon as this remark came out, the fans immediately became excited.

Although Luo Quan had sung songs during the live broadcast before, there were only one or two songs each time, which was not enjoyable at all.

And since it was a serious fan club this time, it took at least three hours to go up.

They are all sung by Luoquan live, the difference from the concert is that there are no backup dancers, gorgeous clothes and lighting. After all, most audiences watch the concert through the broadcast.

So this fan meeting can be regarded as a low-end version of the concert!

Soon, the news that Luoquan was about to hold a fan club became a trending search.

At the same time, Luo Quan also just refreshed his name on the trending search.

"Five minutes and eight seconds!"

Luo Quan pressed the pause button of the countdown: "See, it only takes so long for me to be on the trending search. I suspect that there are Sina employees guarding my live broadcast room. If there is any news that is more explosive, I will directly report it to you." A hot search has been arranged."

"It's normal, you have so many fans, it's not uncommon for a few to work in Sina."

"One thing to say, the speed of hot searches on this site is indeed quite fast."

"There's nothing wrong with Luo Bao's popularity, let alone such a big event as opening a fan club."

"So Luo Bao thinks about what the fan club will sing?"

"There are so many songs, just come one after the other. I can't sing them all in one night."

"It's because there are so many songs that I choose to sing."

"Makes sense."


Facing questions from fans, Luo Quan put down his phone and replied: "Tonight is a love song show, so basically I can sing love songs, if there are any fans who are broken in love, come to me to find comfort.

However, the possibility of making you cry even harder after singing is not ruled out. "

Love songs are like this. Some love songs will make people feel relieved after listening to them, while others will make people cry.

However, for fans who are broken in love, they don't have much choice, they can only come to Luoquan to find warmth.

Tonight, they are all single.

Chatting is still going on here, and Luoquan's fan club on Weibo has already aroused heated discussions.

It's normal for singers to sing, but now most singers sing in variety shows, and it's really rare to use the Internet as a singing platform.

But Luoquan's fan club is different. Without her making a big publicity, the number of reservations quickly exceeded 500 million.

Many people are rejoicing that today is Saturday, and they can stay at home comfortably and listen to her singing, and at the same time, they can order a lot of delicious food and drink, which is extremely comfortable.

However, there are also complaints, mainly because Luo Bao is too lazy to use this method instead of a concert.

Once in a while it’s okay, but what if you use this excuse all the time in the future?
But the trade-off here is that Luo Quan made it very clear just now. For most fans, the concert is indeed not as cost-effective as the fan club.

So these complaints were quickly refuted by other fans.

And this time, the fan club, which was already full of popularity before the broadcast, also let the manufacturers see business opportunities, and sent emails to Luo Quan one after another, wanting her to accept a small commercial.

It doesn't even need to be mentioned, just put their products in the live broadcast room, and the price can be negotiated.

But Luo Quan declined all of them, because she thought to herself that her products hadn't been advertised yet, so how could she accept you.

However, these people's suggestions helped her broaden her mind. She can also promote the milk powder when she sings later, and the free advertisement is not for nothing.

And this is to promote their own products, and the fans will definitely not say much.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan couldn't help showing a sly smile.

Your idea is great, but now it's mine.

"Why are you smiling so treacherously?"

"Because I remembered a happy thing."

"Your wife gave birth too."

"Haha, where is Luo Bao's wife?"

"Such a smile is rare, like a vixen."

"There is a touch of playfulness in the treachery, which is cute."


The fans didn't understand why Luo Quan was laughing, but the sudden appearance of Yan Yi still made them complain.

After the evening singing plan was made, Luo Quan didn't broadcast it for a long time during the day, and went downstairs for dinner at noon.

This time, it was my mother's kitchen. They made Luo Quan and Wen Xia's favorite home-cooked dishes, full of childhood flavors.

During the period, Luoxi asked about the fragrance, and also clamored for Zhang to eat it.

Luo Quan tried to feed her some shredded pork, but the staple food was egg custard.

Although the gastrointestinal function of two-year-old children has been relatively well developed, it still needs a process of adaptation, and they cannot eat like adults immediately.

So if Luoxi wants to taste the delicacy of his mother and sister, he needs to wait for a while.

After dinner, my mother called Luo Quan to the room and asked about the pills she had sent to New York.

This pill was exchanged by her from the system, and it prolongs life after taking it. Grandpa and grandmother each have one, and grandpa also has a share.

"Is there something wrong with this pill?" Luo Quan asked nervously when his mother suddenly mentioned this.

"It's not just that there is a problem, this pill is so powerful, after taking this, your grandfather is as energetic as 20 years younger, and your father and your second uncle are stunned.

His old friends all asked him if he had taken some special medicine. Fortunately, the old man was strict with his mouth, and he only said that it was because of his practice, and he didn't tell you about your medicine.

I'm asking this to know if the pill is still available? "

Looking at his mother's expectant eyes, Luo Quan shook his head: "There are no more for now, do you want to eat this too?"

(End of this chapter)

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