Chapter 10 Be a guest again (for collection and recommendation ticket)

This trip is really worth it!
Liu Hao was inexplicably surprised when he saw Shen Guanglin entering the door with a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"Did you rob or steal, where did these things come from?"

Shen Guanglin put the burden on the head of the bed, and did not open it. He directly took out 20 yuan and a stack of food stamps from his pocket: "How much is the meal in the morning, I can pay you back."

This time Xiao Liu was even more surprised.

"Brother Shen, you won't really steal things, right? This is a crime and you will be shot."

"Liu, what are you talking about, brother, a decent man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, where can he steal things? Even if I stole something, I would dare to go back to the Public Security Bureau generously? Let me tell you, these are my father-in-law and It was given by my mother-in-law, do you see it? We also have a change of clothes, daily rations and expenses, oh my, it's too difficult for me..."

While talking, Shen Guanglin sang:
"Su San left Hongdong County,

Come to the street.

I've never spoken, my heart is so miserable,

The gentlemen of the past listen to me..."

Are you still so miserable?
Do you want to make a face?
This saucy bag, this deceitful, Shen Guanglin eating soft rice is just right and left speechless.

Xiao Liu is even more unconvinced. He has a huge amount of savings and is still single. You only have a partner the next day you come to the capital. God will not arrange it like this, it's not fair.

"Brother Shen, you have a partner so soon? Who is the old husband you just said?" Xiao Li wanted Shen Guanglin to admit that he said something wrong.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't have this consciousness. He just put down his figure and drama, and then admitted the "fact" that he had an old husband.

"Do you know Li Rong in our bureau, her father, Lao Li, my buddy! From now on, Lao Li is my good brother and big brother! Of course, he is also my father-in-law."

Shen Guanglin drank two drinks in a row, and the whole person was a little out of tune.

"Director Li is your father-in-law? Are you getting along with Li Rong so quickly?"

Li Rong is a flower in the police station. Many unmarried young men are secretly in love with her. They never thought that this product would be cheaper in the end.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao felt sour and sad.

Because he also likes Li Rong in private, but he feels that he is still a little unworthy of her. If only he saved a little more money, he would not be taken away by Liu Wentian. .

"Who? What's the matter? Director Li? Which Director Li? It turns out that Lao Li is Director Li, what is he the director of? Get on me! Xiao Liu, you know, Li Rong actually has a younger sister, have you heard of it?"

During the meal, Shen Guanglin never asked Lao Li what kind of job he did. He just thought that he had an extraordinary bearing and should be a leader, but he didn't expect him to be a director.

"Director Li is the deputy director of the Ordnance Institute, so your target isn't Li Rong? That's fine. I just said how could Li Rong be a match for it... No! Li Rong has a younger sister, I'm going! You How did you know her sister? Li Rong's sister is a figure who is known as the reincarnation of a fairy who descends to the earth. Although she is only 19 years old this year, she is already famous in the capital. You just met today, so that's all right?"

This incident is more damaging than Shen Guanglin's hooking up with Li Rong. Xiao Liu's entire outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​have been subverted.

"Liu, you are so cute, that's right, it's her! I decided to pursue Lily! I announce: from today, Director Li is my father-in-law, Li Rong is my sister, and Li Li is my fiancee. !"

Brother Shen, how much alcohol did you drink?Didn't you have a drink?
As long as he has a few edamame beans, he will not be unaware of how many catties and taels he has.

Xiao Liu didn't believe what Shen Guanglin said, nor did he want to believe it:
"Li Rong's sister promised you?"

"not yet."

Don't worry, Xiao Liu, what am I saying!I knew he would run the train with his mouth full!
How could Li Rong's sister, who is like a fairy, look down on such an ordinary person?
However, Shen Guanglin had studied abroad after all, so this is also an advantage, not necessarily, it is more important to have a deposit.

"Then what stage have you reached?"

"It's just a confession." Shen Guanglin said with certainty.

"This matter, I have the initiative. As long as I don't confess for a day, she won't want to be my girlfriend for a day."

Xiao Liu laughed angrily, he had never seen such a brazen person.

"But this matter can't be rushed, you brother Shen, I am a man known as the king of the sea, and my mind is like the sea... How do you sing a song?

I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword,

Look at the prosperity of the world.

The young heart is always a little frivolous,
Now you are home to the world.

The girl who made you feel bad,

Now it has disappeared without a trace,

Love always makes you yearn and annoyed,

You have been bruised all over."

"You know, it's not just love that can make people bruised and bruised, but also leather whips, candles, handcuffs and hemp rope, and I'm a "hemp rope" engineer."

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Xiao Liu stopped Shen Guanglin from continuing to play, and was about to wake him up with a basin of foot-washing water.

It's nice to have roommates.

Comrade Liu Hao really used the washbasin to help Shen Guanglin pick up a basin of water, and he was very thoughtful.

He not only helped Shen Guanglin take off his shoes, but also helped Shen Guanglin to press his feet in, then took out a towel and washed Shen Guanglin's feet, wiping the gap between each toe, and then dipped water from the gap between the two feet. , wiped Shen Guanglin's face with the same towel, and helped him wipe the drool from the corners of his mouth before helping him to bed.

Go to bed!
Shen Guanglin didn't hear Xiao Liu's snoring tonight.

A good night's dream.

In a dream, Shen Guanglin dreamed that he really married two sisters in one breath, Empress E Huang Nu Ying, Fei Yan He De, Hou Xiao Zhou, Bu Mu Butai and Hai Lan Zhu, that is called a Shu Tan...

What, after Xiling Xingxiao Zhou?Dorgon who stole his sister-in-law?

Roll rough!Go to your Song Taizong!Go to your regent!

Getting up the next day was already three poles in the sun, and it was almost time for lunch.

Today is New Year's Eve, and there are even fewer people working in the unit. Only Xiao Liu is still conscientiously accompanying Shen Guanglin to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Shen Guanglin, who had recovered to Qingming, really restrained a lot: "Brother Hao, are you not going home for the New Year?"

"If you don't go back, I'm from Cangzhou, my hometown. There's no need to go back. Now I'm on duty and I have food to eat and money to take. My mother will come to see me in a few days. The money I make these days is just used to supplement my family."

Liu Hao is a person who knows how to plan, otherwise he would not be able to save more than 326 "huge money".

Seeing that Shen Guanglin got up, he was rinsing and rinsing with a teacup of cold water. Liu Hao didn't mention the toothbrush and toothpaste. Maybe he didn't even think about this, because he didn't brush his teeth or rinse his mouth.

"Brother Shen, let's go to the reading room. Today, the forensic doctor Zhang in the bureau is writing couplets. Let's take a look?"

"Okay, let's go, let's go together!"

Shen Guanglin is also a lively character, and participating in group activities is what he loves.

The two entered the reading room together.

Unlike yesterday's deserted situation, today the reading room was crowded with people, and Shen Guanglin saw Li Rong, the young lady, huddled in the crowd at a glance.

Li Rong has been staring here. She saw Shen Guanglin coming, and couldn't help sneering: "Big slacker, I just got up now, and I have asked Xiao Liu to see you three times."

"Oh, eldest niece, you have your heart, you still remember me, thank you very much." Shen Guanglin's mouth was the most unforgiving.

"Who's your eldest niece? You can't be cheap and be good, I'll kill you, kill you, kill you!" The young lady was upset when she thought of Shen Guanglin and her father pushing each other's cups to call each other brothers.

After being beaten on the chest by the loving little fist for a while, Shen Guanglin stopped her: "Li Rong, Xiao Li, Sister Xiao Li, Sister Rongrong, you are my sister, please stop beating. You are a hero in women's middle school, and my small body can't withstand your thunderous blow."

"It's good if you know." Li Rong proudly declared her victory.

The two "reconciled" and stood together to watch the teacher write the Spring Festival couplets.

In Xiao Liu's eyes, they really have the meaning of flirting and flirting with each other.

he, tui!
Liu Hao, who has a huge deposit, was so beautifully ignored by two people. What's the use of my deposit?

what should I do?
Going to do a freckle and acne removal that has been brushed all over the circle of friends?Korean semi-permanent?Thailand makeover?
On the stage.

The forensic teacher who wrote the Spring Festival couplets looked unattractive, and did not have the graceful bearing of the inkjet masters of later generations, but the writing with one hand was really good, flowing smoothly and gracefully.

"Blessed is like a long flowing water in the East Sea,

Shoubi Nanshan is not old and pine. "

"The green bamboo is different from its three-point scene,

Hongmei is reporting Wanjiachun. "


Although the Spring Festival couplets are traditional, they should have a new look in the new year. In this era, as long as there is no white matter at home, every household should put up the Spring Festival couplets.

"Hey, college student Shen, you should also write a copy. Didn't you go to college and drink foreign ink?" Li Rong mobilized Shen Guanglin with her elbow.

"Eldest sister, if you don't carry such a scumbag, you can also use my two words to make a fool of yourself. You can also look at me." Shen Guanglin's own family knows his own affairs, so he should also look at his true level when showing off. Do not.

"It turns out that there are things you can't do. Seeing how good you were in front of my sister yesterday, I thought you were a know-it-all."

Oh, there is something in the little girl's words.

Shen Guanglin's words are really not good, and they can't be scribbled, but it's true that he can't make out. Especially in front of such a teacher, as a person, you still need to know how much you have.

"Miss, it's time for dinner. How about I invite you to have a meal? You can order whatever is on the menu. If I don't have money, I'll ask Aunt Song for it. She promised me yesterday."

Shen Guanglin pointed at the watch, the pointer on it was about to reach 12. This watch was his only pride, but unfortunately no one knew it yet.

The little sister got angry when she thought about it. It was obviously his own money, but he used it to be generous: "You have money, right? You even show it off."

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Listen to your arrangement." It's the real man who admits in time.

In order to "save money", Shen Guanglin went home with Li Rong for dinner again.

Uncle and aunt are not at home today.

New Year's tea party, the unit will have a dinner party.

It doesn't matter if the elder is not at home, as long as the younger sister is at home.

Lily's sister is really at home. She is really a good child who loves to study.

Sister Lily, will my brother show you the goldfish?

Sister Lily, is your brother taking you to learn foreign languages?

The younger sister Li Li is not actually an introverted person, but her own conditions are so excellent that few boys can be as calm as Shen Guanglin in front of her.

Shen Guanglin is really different.

After a little gaffe yesterday, when I look at Li Li today, I feel that she is not as good-looking as yesterday. Maybe she drank too much yesterday and was fascinated by her eyes.

However, no matter how you look at it, she looks better than her sister Li Rong.

Who made my sister so carefree and fierce?

He also rolled his eyes, who was he looking at?

With Aunt Hua there, it was a hearty lunch at noon.

Light oil and light salt, the way of health.

The 80s are so good!

After dinner, it was time to study English again. Li Rong, a high school graduate, also joined in, under the pretense of supervising their learning progress.

Shen Guanglin sneaked into the girl's boudoir, but couldn't do anything.

Li Li's room was not messy, but it couldn't be said to be tidy. There were not many furnishings. There was a bed, a wardrobe, a bookcase, a desk, and a chair.

Shen Guanglin looked around, and the overall look was very lifelike, especially the location of the radiator, and there were a few close-fitting clothes hanging on it. Judging from experience, she would still grow, otherwise the child might not be able to eat it. full…

Also, do you want to take a piece or two along?

Shen Guanglin pretended not to see anything, sat at the desk seriously, and read the book on the table.

Today is not "Gone with the Wind", but another classic masterpiece - "Notre Dame de Paris".

"Oh, Hugo's classic, sister Lily, do you think you are Esmeralda? Do you want me to be Forbes or Quasimodo?"

Shen Guanglin didn't get a response to what he said. He turned his head and saw that the two little beauties were sitting on the head of the bed, covering up something, and didn't listen to him at all.

However, the coat on the radiator was gone, and the quilt on the bed was bulging.

The elder sister Li Rong seemed to be laughing playfully, while the younger sister Li Li looked ashamed and even more beautiful.

"Otherwise, let's go to the living room and sit, I want to watch TV."

In case the clothes are not dry, it will be bad if you stuff the quilt into the bed and get the quilt wet. Shen Guanglin is very good at understanding people's clothes and people.

"Okay, okay! You go out first, I'll be down soon."

(End of this chapter)

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