Chapter 11 Shopping (recommended collection tickets)
Not long after sitting down in the living room, Shen Guanglin wanted to see what TV shows are in this era, when the phone rang.

Sure enough, it was a arrogant family. At this time, there was a telephone, and it was still an old-fashioned mechanical telephone with a dial.

"Light phone, upstairs and downstairs."

This used to be the imagination of future life in the 90s, and Li Rong's family has already realized it ahead of time.

People are really different.

Miss Li Rong picked up the phone at random. It was Uncle Zhang from the Public Security Bureau, looking for Shen Guanglin.

"Comrade Xiao Li, Shen Guanglin is at your house, right? I heard Liu Hao say he followed you at noon?"

"Yes, Uncle Zhang, do you have anything to do with him? He, he ate at my house at noon today. After all, you know me. At the beginning, it was a misunderstanding, I..."

It is a bit embarrassing to be called by the leader directly, and the person he is looking for is a man.

"You don't need to explain. I understand. It's not a big problem for young people to communicate more. It's not a mistake. Let's ask him to come back. If you have something important to look for, you can't explain it clearly on the phone."

Obviously they came to find Shen Guanglin, but they didn't let him answer the phone at all, and the two of them completed the exchange and decision.

Under Shen Guanglin's puzzled and reluctant eyes, Li Rong and the two of them quickly returned to the work unit.

This time, Uncle Zhang was not alone in meeting Shen Guanglin, and there were several comrades accompanying him.

Everyone sat there, their expressions serious and lively.

"Xiao Shen, these two are comrades from the ** Bureau. This one is Yan and this one is Li. The question about your background has been resolved."

Looking at Uncle Zhang's tone, it doesn't seem like it's a bad thing, because the corners of his eyes reveal joy, and it can be judged that this is done by saying "Xiao Shen".

"Comrade Shen Guanglin, we checked the information of your father, Comrade Shen Longxian. He is indeed our good comrade and comrade-in-arms. We are deeply saddened by his death..."

The words are long, the meaning is short, and the meaning is deep.

In short, the organization has positively affirmed Shen Guanglin's identity.

And they also found a photo of Shen Longxian when he was young: a handsome guy with round-frame glasses and a gentle manner.

It looks similar to Shen Guanglin, but it seems to be more handsome.

People of that era could be so handsome without a beauty camera, no wonder they were able to marry several wives.

After comparing the photos with real people, several comrades were more convinced that Shen Guanglin was his own.

"It really is a family, it's just carved out of a mold!" Everyone saw the photos and said they looked alike.

In the era of no DNA identification, looking like has already guaranteed the authenticity of blood relationship.

Shen Guanglin's identity was resolved, and a big stone in everyone's heart fell to the ground.

Organizational efficiency is sometimes really high.

In the days to come, it can only be taken one step at a time.

Shen Guanglin hadn't figured out what he was going to do yet, but it was good to clear the suspicion.

Uncle Zhang also conveyed the spirit of his superiors. Comrade Shen Guanglin's next arrangement will be discussed in the next year. As for whether to continue studying or work, it will be studied separately.

"However, the descendants of the martyrs will definitely be properly settled, this is our principle.

With reference to the standard of the families of martyrs during the self-defense counterattack, the superiors approved 500 yuan as a temporary compensation and pension.”

Shen Guanglin felt a little embarrassed to hear that there was such a huge sum of money.

This treatment is also very good!

It's shameless to pretend to be an uncle, and it's hard to bear to cheat the country's money again.

Shen Guanglin accepted the money with reluctance and tears.

500 yuan, how many problems can be solved.

"Actually, I don't love money. I'm not interested in money. I still have 10,000+ dollars in savings in foreign accounts. In addition, I really didn't come back to China to fight for the treatment of martyrs' families. Nation building just came back..."

Shen Guanglin moved himself with such a high-level line.

He also left a way out for himself, thinking that if one day he really took out $[-], he would have an explanation.

As for the next life goals and efforts, Shen Guanglin himself did not know.

He doesn't even know how he came to this era, and he doesn't know what he can do in the future. Maybe this is God's arrangement. God's arrangement is the biggest.

"Shen Guanglin is really a good comrade!"

Several uncles left with emotion.

1980 was the second year of reform and opening up, and it was an era that had not yet shaken off the planned economy.

In addition to money, tickets are also very important in this era. There is a shortage of money in the unit, but there is no shortage of tickets.

In fact, yesterday, Li Rong's mother, Aunt Song, had already solved Shen Guanglin's urgent needs. The money distributed by the organization today can only be regarded as the icing on the cake.

It's just that this flower is so beautiful!

If you have money, you will spend it.

Today is the third day of crossing over, and Shen Guanglin deeply feels the inconvenience of living in this era, especially since he hasn't showered for several days.

Not only did I not take a bath, I didn't change my underwear, and I felt a little wet and greasy somewhere.

If a person who has been listening to the radio for a long time can make a basic judgment, it must be prostatitis.

When Shen Guanglin was in his first year of high school, he learned such strange knowledge from the radio: bifurcation of urine, yellow urine, frequent urination, urgency, and inexhaustible urination.
Then he went to the school doctor, but was kicked out by the female doctor who was not yet 30 years old.

Who says children can't get prostatitis?You didn't check check.

A few days ago, I took the train all the way from Jinling to the capital. I was tired and tired, and I didn’t have a good rest. There would definitely be a lot of oil on my body, even more greasy than Wang Dongcheng. I really need to take a shower.

Taking a bath is also simple. If you are too lazy to go to the bathroom, just rub it with the whitish warm water, and the effect is very obvious.

Taking advantage of the time in the afternoon, he has more money than Liu Hao, so he has to go out and make waves.

When I came to the office building again, the lady hadn't gotten off work.

"Miss, let's go to the department store? I'm optimistic about what you want to buy. Brother Lin, I'll take it for you."

Shen Guanglin has never been a stingy person when facing girls.

"Who cares? Yesterday, I was a poor man who was helped by my family. Today, I will turn over and become the master."

"I can also not turn over, I don't have too high requirements for the position."


The little sister really didn't understand the car that Shen Guanglin was driving, and she really went to pick it up.

Although the little sister said no, she was honest, and she really took Shen Guanglin to the mall.

Where to go shopping in Beijing?
They went to the Jingcheng Department Store, later known as the "Wangfu Department Store", which was the first department store established after the founding of New China.

This building started business in 1955, with a construction area of ​​3 square meters and a business area of ​​9 square meters.

Shen Guanglin was very interested in everything in this era, and Li Rong was not surprised when she saw it. Turtles, it's normal to have no knowledge.

In fact, Li Rong, including her sister Li Li, are also very interested in Shen Guanglin's overseas life experience, but they haven't had more time to learn about it.

Maybe that's why they are willing to communicate with him more.

Of course, Shen Guanglin is handsome, funny, and knowledgeable, so the sisters naturally don't hate him.

After the motorcycle is parked and the license plate is obtained, the young lady is ready to enter the mall.

Shen Guanglin was very interested in the small license plates, which were made of bamboo. The two pieces were a pair, and the same pattern or flowers were engraved on them, and the complete pattern could be seen when they were paired together.

"Miss, is this the legendary tiger talisman? The two pieces are spliced ​​together, and if they match, the troops can be launched."

"Send you a big head."

Entering the mall, the strong 80s trend is blowing.

Under the dim light, there are rows of wooden shelves, terrazzo floors, tall sales counters, and iron railings lined up in front of them. This is because they are afraid that the customers who are rushing to buy will bump into the sales clerks.

There are no supermarkets in China in this era. If you want to buy something, you can just tell the salesperson if you are optimistic.

Don't expect to pick and choose. If you let the waiter serve you a few more times, she will give you a face and give you a warm message: "I love it or not!".

Shen Guanglin really entered the Grand View Garden like Grandma Liu, and it was very strange to see everything.

Iron stoves, enamel washbasins, high-grade cloth shoes with plastic bottoms, horse lanterns, kerosene lamps, gas-dead lanterns, electroplated tables and chairs, simple sofas, nylon jackets, it really is a department store, and it is really a dazzling variety of goods.

The most incredible thing for Shen Guanglin is a piece of furniture, which is obviously an ordinary desk, but it is marked with "one head sinking".

"Miss, why is this desk called 'One Head Shen'?" Shen Guanglin decided not to be ashamed to ask.

"Stupid! Don't you see that there is a cabinet next to it. The left and right are asymmetrical. When you move it, is it light on one side and heavy on the other."

"Searched to death! The answer is decent!" A good-looking name.

Even though it's New Year's Eve today, there are still a lot of people coming to the mall to shop. Not to mention crowded, it's decent to describe it as crowded.

In such a crowd, under the leadership of Li Rong, Shen Guanglin still bought various daily necessities for himself.

Toothbrush, toothpaste, towels and socks, and a change of underwear. He also spent 45 yuan to buy a brand new military coat and a military green cotton hat with big ears. Warm up.

Who will take a picture of the hat?Just looking at the color is very festive.

Shen Guanglin's longing for a military coat has been going on for three whole days, especially in the winter of the capital, having a military coat can really fly in the snow.

Of course, he didn't forget to buy something for Miss Li Rong: Friendship brand hand cream worth two yuan and a box of five yuan, palace lantern brand almond honey worth five yuan, and Shanghai brand vanishing cream, "four in one" of whitening powder.

These things are usually reluctant to buy even for the young lady Li Rong, who came from a wealthy family. Shen Guanglin bought two sets in one go.

Needless to say, the other set must have been prepared for Li Li, and Miss Sister's happy mood was immediately diluted a lot.

After shopping here, they went to the wine and non-staple food counter again.

"Comrade, how much is a bottle of Maotai?"

As expected, the sales clerk was making sweaters and didn't want to pay attention to him:
"The three major revolutions, right? Six dollars and five."

"Is it real wine? It won't be a punch bar"

"What is perforated wine? Are you still asking about the authenticity of the wine? Isn't this nonsense? What's new this year? It's brand new. Besides, are there any fake things sold in the department store?" sweater work.

"That's not necessarily true. It doesn't exist now. It's hard to say in the future. Even Wal-Mart Carrefour has fakes."

"What kind of horse? Do you really want to buy this little comrade? If you don't buy it, please let it go and let others buy it!"

Shen Guanglin turned his head to look, he was the only one who came to buy wine, where could anyone else?

However, after all, there is no need to be stubborn here: "Buy, buy, buy, come with 6 bottles first, and then buy after drinking."

Originally, Li Rong was holding a lot of loot, but Shen Guanglin was empty-handed.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin wanted to buy six bottles of wine in one go, she put down the snakeskin bag and gently tugged Shen Guanglin's sleeve with her hand, "Why buy this, I have it at home, just go and drink it."

"Idiot, I bought this for your family. Do you understand how to go back and forth? I'm going to rely on it to win Lao Li."

"What did you do with Lao Li?"

"You have no position what you said. Of course I am your brother-in-law."


I still bought Maotai, and it would be a real loss if I didn’t buy such a cost-effective thing.

However, I finally got what I needed to buy.

After some inventory, what a big pile of things, it is less than 200 yuan!

If it is placed in later generations, not to mention anything else, just the Moutai produced in 1979, how much these six bottles of wine are worth, about 100 million a bottle.

Now that Shen Guanglin has more than 300 yuan on hand, how many bottles of Maotai can he buy?
Almost 50 bottles!
A bottle of 100 million, how much is it?

I go!

Now 300 yuan is worth a Bugatti Veyron.

(End of this chapter)

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