Start with a college teacher

Chapter 12 New Year's Eve

Chapter 12 New Year's greetings (seeking collection, seeking recommendation ticket)
The joy of shopping people without money do not understand.

After sending Shen Guanglin back to the dormitory, Li Rong went home happily with a large bag of spoils.

It was getting dark and gloomy, and it might be snowing.

Shen Guanglin was still thinking of pretending to be polite to send her off, but she was rejected. Do you still want to go back with them to celebrate the New Year?

Shen Guanglin and Liu Hao spent New Year's Eve in 1980 together.

After the New Year, life still needs some sense of ceremony.

Although he didn't buy firecrackers, Shen Guanglin was going to have wine, but he didn't know that brother Liu Hao had a story?
Seeing that Shen Guanglin took out a bottle of Maotai, Liu Hao also understood the taste. He went to the cafeteria to borrow a copper hot pot.

The popular hot pots in Beijing are different from those in the south. The hot pots in the south are generally flat-bottomed and have a lot of stuff to eat. The hot pots in Beijing have Mongolian colors, and are usually charcoal-burning, with a chimney, which is convenient to carry and can be installed. Not much food.

Liu Hao and Shen Guanglin didn't prepare many kinds of side dishes, only cabbage, radish, sweet potatoes and potatoes. The meat dishes were only dumplings, or dumplings filled with cabbage, radish and potatoes, with only a little meat in them.

There were two catties of beef in Shen Guanglin's space, but he couldn't take it out.

In order to welcome this new year, Shen Guanglin also specially changed into a new suit, it really is the same style of Andy Lau's military coat, he also applied anti-cracking Badger Seed Oil on his hands and cream on his face.

Men need more care.

The room is steaming hot, the firecrackers rumble outside the room, it's New Year's Eve!
I just finished a new year in my own era, and in a blink of an eye, a different year has passed in this era.

I don't know what's going on at home, what is Lao Shen doing, and what is Lao Niang doing?
The charcoal in the hot pot was a little unsatisfactory, and the smoke was so strong that Shen Guanglin was smoked out of tears.

"The pot is boiling, drink while you eat, drink, drink!"

Shen Guanglin and Xiao Liu began to exchange cups.

The Maotai liquor worth hundreds of thousands was drank by the two of them.

When the wine was intoxicating, Shen Guanglin also sang:
"Horse yo yo dripping on the mountain, a slick cloud."

"Is there no 'light'? How can Yunza still be naked?" Liu Hao expressed dissatisfaction.

"You care about me, I can sing whatever I like, listen carefully, I still have new songs:

The cold wind blows, blows my legs, freezes my heels

A cold wind froze the ass hard
I'm walking away,
Scrub my big snot with your hand"

"Brother Shen, you can really sing anything. I feel a little sick listening to it."

Shen Guanglin took a sip of wine,

"I can sing anything, but not everyone can understand it, drink, drink, drink this cup, and three more..."

Shen Guanglin was drunk.

I don't know when it started to snow.

In the dark night, you can still see through the dim light that the outside is already a vast expanse of white.

Warm indoors and cold outdoor are two worlds.

It's time to draw a line and say goodbye to the old world.

Shen Guanglin pushed open the door drunkenly and came out, ready to cherish the memory of the outside world, and by the way find where the toilet is.

As soon as the cold wind blew, I didn't want to go anywhere, I took out an Avatar at the door and started urinating.

When Xiao Liu saw it, he didn't say anything. He silently took a basin of water with his washbasin and sprinkled it directly on the place where Shen Guanglin left the mark.

"You can't do this when it's snowing. If you are seen tomorrow, you will be punished."

Sure enough, a leader came to offer condolences early the next morning. Unexpectedly, there was a piece of ice at the door, and he almost fell on the horse.

They came here specifically to offer condolences, focusing on visiting Shen Guanglin, a college student who came back to support national construction.

Oh, yes, not only red envelopes, but also hot dumplings.

The leaders are very kind and the people are very grateful.

Shen Guanglin didn't pretend to be high, but kept his posture low.

Humility and low-keyness have always been Shen's good qualities.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't wait for the leader to go far before eating, because the dumplings would be cold if he didn't eat them.

The young man is frank and simple, he really wants it!

This is the leader's evaluation of him.

The first day of the new year is the first day of the new year, but it is really boring, because the snow has not stopped all day.

In such weather, it is best to take out your mobile phone and put two handfuls of pesticides on the bed.

Just eat chicken.

so boring.

Xiao Liu asked him to go out to build a snowman, but Shen Guanglin was not interested.

Two big men are building a snowman.

As a southerner, Shen Guanglin should be very excited to see such heavy snow.

But he didn't.

Because one year, he specially went to Xuexiang for vacation, and then he was miserable, and his yearning for snow has dropped to freezing point.

Moreover, during the years of studying in the United States, it snowed every year, and even felt the blizzard that was not encountered in China!
Therefore, not all southerners are fond of snow.

Then fight the landlord?
This can have.

Fighting the Landlord is a popular game for a long time. It is said that this game was brought abroad by prisoners of war.

The first day of the first day of the new year was eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, and finally got through it, and it was a bit boring.

Second grade can't be like this anymore.

The weather was good that day, the sky was clear, the snow stopped, and Brother Lin thought he could do it again.

Shen Guanglin decided to strike out and go out to pay a New Year to the "leader".

Before leaving, he asked Liu Hao if he would go to pay New Year's greetings to the leader?
"I didn't plan to do that at all. It costs money to prepare gifts, so it's not necessary."

I go, young people are young!

"I have prepared gifts here, you can take some, the leaders still need to move around."

"Don't go!"

Shen Guanglin had prepared a lot of New Year's goods. Except for Li Rong's house, Uncle Zhang's house, and the houses of several other leaders, he was going to walk around.

It's not surprising that many people are polite.

In case there is a surprise discovery like Li Li's sister.

It's like playing with a blind box. If you don't open it, how can you know what's hidden in someone's house?

Bringing tobacco, alcohol and non-staple food and various gifts for his future mother-in-law, Aunt Song, Shen Guanglin sorted out his emotions and set off.

There is a saying called "Wangshan runs a dead horse".

Although Shen Guanglin knew where Li Rong's family lived, it was not so easy to get there.

Of course there are buses in this era, but unfortunately there are not many, and many places cannot be reached. It is more convenient to have a bicycle.

Shen Guanglin didn't sit on a three-wheeled ride this time. Although the little sister's Tutu Tu felt cold, it was fast.

In this way, Shen Guanglin first walked about two kilometers before he found the bus he needed to take, bought a ticket, and got on the bus.

This is a trolleybus with a long and large antenna on it, and the ride fee is very cheap, as long as a dime.

However, this car will not reach the destination, and it will take a long way to get off.

No wonder Li Rong rides a motorcycle to and from get off work. She doesn't like it, because otherwise she can't get to the work unit at all.

The meaning of the unit providing dormitory and family area is here, after all, traffic is a big problem in this era.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin only brought two bottles of wine and some small gifts when he went out.

Otherwise, you will really be exhausted.

After traveling through mountains and rivers, over mountains and mountains, the gate of Li Rong's house is finally in sight!
Can't get in.

"Comrade, I'm looking for Director Li, from the Military Institute."

"The staff who live here are all from the Military Institute. How many buildings and how many are you looking for?" The guards are very conscientious, but Shen Guanglin is not allowed to enter.

"Comrade, I know how to get to his house, but I really don't know how many times it is. He is the director of our office. How many directors can we have?" Shen Guanglin wondered.

"Then you can't go in. Our director's surname is Zhang and not Li."

The comrade guarding the gate has a serious face, and must stop some social idlers from the gate.

At this time, it was necessary to use some crooked ways, so Shen passed a pack of Hadermen.

"Comrade, I'm actually looking for Deputy Director Li, the one with two daughters, one is Li Rong and the other is Li Li, you should have heard of it, Li Rong is the little girl who likes to ride a three-wheeled wheel. I've been here a few times before, and they've all followed her side three rounds...

And don't worry, I'm not a bad person. I'm a colleague of her Dongcheng Branch. Speaking of which, we can be considered together, the military and the police are not separated. "

In this era, there is no security guard for guarding the gate. Watching the gate is still a noble profession, either a police officer or a soldier.

The Security Section, which guards the security of the factory area, and the Public Security Bureau, which manages social security, are really a family, and they are still the same organization.

"You said it earlier, Li Rong, I know, looks handsome! Who are you?"

"Friends, ordinary friends!"

"Ordinary friends come to the door in the second year of junior high? It's okay, then you can go in, remember, their house is in Building 207, and I'll open the door for you directly when they come. The young man is so handsome that he is a good match for her."


Shen Guanglin still has a long way to go after entering the gate.

Going around, building 207 is finally in sight, but the corner is full of people queuing to give gifts.

Understand that every era has its characteristics and cannot stop others from demanding progress.

Shen Guanglin stepped forward and was about to knock on the door, but was stopped.

"Little brother, you have to do things first, come first, don't you see that everyone is waiting, the people inside haven't come out yet, just wait."

It turned out that the New Year greetings to the leaders should be divided into batches and time periods. It is not good to get together and meet each other.

Indeed, there is knowledge everywhere.

"Am I the same as you? Am I here to give gifts? I'm here to pay New Year's greetings."

Although Shen Guanglin does not discriminate against these people, he feels that he is different from them.

"What you said, who is not here to pay New Year's greetings? Young people, talk about martial arts."

Shen Guanglin still felt that he was not the same as them, at least the intention was different. They asked for progress, and he asked for further progress.

He Shen Haiwang was not subject to these constraints, and went to knock on the door directly.

Boom, boom, boom.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin really knocked on the door, the people who had been queuing for a long time had to retreat to the corner again, pointing at Shen Guanglin as they walked.

Dude likes the way you're frantic and helpless.

It was Aunt Hua who came out to open the door.

"Xiao Shen is here, come in, you brought such a heavy gift, are you here to propose marriage?"

It turns out that gifts in this era are really not heavy, and everyone is not materially rich, and giving gifts to your door is more of a form of expression.

"Aunt Hua, you're joking. Even if I'm willing to propose a marriage, Uncle Li and Aunt Song can disagree. We haven't reached that point yet. Don't worry, we'll have your wedding candy to eat then."

The two walked in while talking and laughing.

As expected, Lao Li was receiving guests in the living room, and when he saw Shen Guanglin came in, he was very enthusiastic: "Xiao Shen is here, Rong Rong, Xiao Shen is here!"

Aunt Song was not at home. She should have gone out to visit relatives, leaving only Lao Li to receive guests at home.

But the little sister is at home, that's enough, I just don't know if Li Li's sister is at home.

Li Rong opened the door and came out to see Shen Guanglin, she was quite happy.

"Yo, college students are here, I thought you would come in a few days..."

The guest in the living room, Old Li, didn't introduce who it was. After Shen Guanglin smiled and bowed to greet him, he didn't take the initiative to ask for acquaintance, and followed Li Rong upstairs.

The dress in Li Rong's room was completely different from Li Li's. It was full of various weapons and equipment, including mace, red tassel and the like.

"Miss, such a big mace is not easy to use, isn't it too embarrassing?" Shen Guanglin is a racing driver.

"Decoration, understand? It's decoration!"

"Okay, why didn't you see Lily? I'm going to help her with her homework."

While talking, Shen Guanglin saw the cosmetics he bought yesterday, and Li Li's part was actually in Li Rong's room.

"Miss, you are so kind. You know that I'm coming. Is this a chance for me to give these gifts to Lily in person? Thank you, you are my sister! Would you like a kiss?"

Shen Guanglin also moved forward.

"Get out! Get me out now!"

(End of this chapter)

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