Chapter 1020 Resist
If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent;

Those who are not envied must be mediocre.

The Great Wall Group has developed in China over the years. It is the only good. This good is a bit too outrageous, so that it has been hated by many people.

Besides, Boss Shen is not usually a very low-key person, and he is somewhat reckless in doing things.

As a human being, it is rare to travel through a time. Due to the times, you really have to hang out when you should, but you don't have to be patient in everything.Although Shen has always kept a low profile, he never relents when it is time to offend someone.

I just want to offend you, I'm young, what should I do.

No, in the recent period of time, he has offended Niu Xingxing and his nephew to death.

Regardless of whether it is an old cow or a young cow, it is estimated that he has long hated someone Shen and gritted his teeth.

Shen did not care about this.

He didn't even take this matter to heart, he has ten thousand ways to defeat them, no matter black or white, you just let it go!
Let’s not talk about the official relationship, Shen is not uncommon to go this way, after all, if you go too much, you will encounter ghosts sooner or later;

Let's just talk about the relationship on the sea. Can your small sailboards be compared with the ocean-going fleet of the ship king?
Even if you compare the resources of pirates, Shen knows a lot more than you.

Even, if you are really in a hurry, the pirate group from Southeast Asia is waiting for you on the high seas, and the law enforcement force is much stronger than that of the country.

These years, the country has been weak for a long time, without money, and it is difficult to do anything. In the past few years, even South Vietnam could not do it. When the battle was fierce, the North Sea Fleet had to be dispatched to support. It is not a 055 that can fight against it. The era of aircraft carrier formations.

This time, Shen Guanglin went to the east of Guangdong and wandered around the city of Shencheng, and it was quite rewarding.No, he harvested a male, a female and two puppies, so he was very happy to cultivate; he also became a shareholder of Laowang Real Estate Company, and also became the initial shareholder of listed companies such as Shenzhen Development Bank.

Lao Wang's real estate company has nothing to say at all. Compared with the real estate sector of the Great Wall Group, it is actually much worse.

Great Wall Group uses its own funds to play real estate, and the profit margin is very high, at least it will not lose money. If it really wants to use loans to do this, sooner or later it will fall into a situation where it can't stop.

This is true of the real estate industry, as well as other industries.Shenzhen Development Bank is only a low-level bank at this stage, and naturally it is not as good as Great Wall Bank.

But Shen Guanglin became their shareholder without hesitation. Who told them to go public?
Not for profit.

Although the future benefits make people jealous, but this is just a side benefit.

Especially for SDB, the stock code is 001, this is the No. [-] founding employee, it's amazing.

On a high-end version of the Great Wall car, President Lu of Shenzhen Development Development Co., Ltd. caressed a Great Wall brand thermos cup with one hand, and rubbed the bridge of his nose with the fingers of the other hand.

Mr. President is exhausted from the journey, and he always feels that he has not had a good rest, and his headache is about to explode.

This is all caused by Professor Shen's words.

He actually asked the bank in Shencheng to make a loan for the development of Modu?
Thanks to Boss Shen, he figured it out.

However, when Professor Shen mentioned it, the city leaders above believed it, and they were very interested, instructing the people below to handle it as a major event.

Isn't it just that the top leader of the magic city came over, what are you afraid of?
President Lu actually doesn't understand, they are really afraid!It's more of a flattery.

As the saying goes, one level of Taoist officials crushes people to death, and there are more than one level of officials.Don't talk about the current leader, just talk about the previous one. They can't talk about their high promotion positions, and they dare not talk about hot events.

Moreover, the current leader of Shanghai No. [-] has a lot of calls for promotion, and it is estimated that he has a bright future.

Who is he, and who is Shenzhen Development Development Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Development Development Co., Ltd. is a fifth-rate enterprise in the countryside. If there is a chance to lick it, why don't you lick it hard.

Speaking of it, Shenzhen Development Bank is a bank developed from a large number of rural credit cooperatives. It is a bit similar to the kind of rural commercial banks established in later generations, the kind that can give people a red code at will.

That is to say, thanks to the rapid development of Shenzhen City in recent years, Shenzhen Development Development Co., Ltd. has made great progress. The scale of assets and the level of profits and taxes have increased year by year, and its courage has also increased year by year.

However, in essence, its heel is still just a rural credit cooperative.

What SDB's management hopes most is to be rooted in the local area and to take the dividends of local development as its own responsibility. It even has a bit of hatred for the Great Wall Bank's branch in Shenzhen.

As for letting SDB go to Shanghai to make money and open up cities and land, they never thought about it.

Even the nearby Yangcheng, Shenzhen Development Bank has no plans to invest in it, let alone Shanghai.

There are even more extreme cases. If the company is located in Longgang and wants to get a loan, SDB will support it; if the company is in Fenggang next door, if it wants to get a loan, then it needs to be discounted.

The past few years have been the time when the economy of the Special Economic Zone has developed the fastest. The fact that Shenzhen Development Bank can participate in the listing at this time is already a sign of Shenzhen Development Bank's support for local economic development. It was not originally planned to go public.

In recent years, Shenzhen City's economy has been developing well, and there are more companies seeking loans. This has led to a serious shortage of capital in Shenzhen Development Bank. This situation is also different from that of Great Wall Bank.

Great Wall Bank is backed by the wealthy group of Xiangjiang, and Great Wall Group and its many partners take care of this bank, so their deposits are too much to spend, and they can take out loans if they want to borrow money. There is no need to worry about insufficient funds in the account.

Now, Shenzhen Development Bank's own funds are still insufficient, so why invest in Pudong?
Everyone knows that the development of Pudong must require a lot of financial support, but does the development of Shencheng itself not need financial support?
However, Shen Guanglin just said casually: SDB still has to go out and go to Shanghai.

As a result, the leadership was boiling from top to bottom: We country people can also go to Shanghai!

Now that Professor Shen said so, as the first company to be listed in Shenzhen City, Shenzhen Development Bank must go out, and Shanghai is another bridgehead of the national economy.

Moreover, Professor Shen is a big figure who can make the final decision in both academia and economic circles. Everyone must listen to his words.

Therefore, for such a trivial matter, Professor Shen does not need to explain, or even verify, but just to make a suggestion, and he can solve the unresolved decision-making problem.

In this regard, Shen has become a schoolboy, who can decide life and death with one word.

However, SDB does not want to use its own body to become a victim of Shen's "a gentleman's word".

The guillotine is still here.

"President Lu, please follow me."

A very young and well-built staff member shouted, turned around and walked in front.

President Lu reacted after being stunned for a while, even a little sullen: "I am also a dignified president, shouldn't I send a big man to meet and pick me up?"

Of course, this matter can only be thought about in the heart.This woman has nothing to do with Professor Shen. This is the tallest building in China, and even the tallest building in the world.

snort!Let labor and capital come to see the difference between these high-rise buildings.

President Lu muttered a sentence silently, taking it as a comfort to himself, and then quickly followed up, looking at the swaying grace more.

Up to now, the headquarters building of Great Wall Group has been fully put into use.Except for the top few floors, the other floors are actually rented out. Different floors have different elevator riding areas, and the design and management are very reasonable.

Faced with such a building, even the well-informed President Lu was still a little at a loss. Looking at the magnificent lobby and elevators, he wondered why this small investment in Shenzhen Development was even necessary for such a rich man.

Boss Shen's office is on the 99th floor, and there is an exclusive elevator. If no one takes it, he really can't get in.

Although it was difficult to enter the building, Shen Guanglin's attitude was extremely kind, and he welcomed President Lu with a smile: "I wanted to meet the president face to face for a long time, but I never had a chance. I also invited President Liu here because of the development of Pudong."

While speaking, Shen Guanglin asked President Liu to take a seat.

The location on the 99th floor is excellent, and the view is also good. You can have a panoramic view of the Huangpu River and the entire Magic City.

Thousands of miles along the Yangtze River are as white as water, and Huaishan Mountains are as green as lakes.

President Lu suddenly had this sentence in his mind. In a certain documentary, when Li Zongren left Jinling, Jinling probably looked like this in his memoirs.

The female secretary knocked on the door lightly and entered, made tea for the two of them, and added a cube of sugar to Boss Shen's cup.

This is Boss Shen's new habit, tea with a little sweet taste is more comfortable to drink.

Seeing this skillful operation, President Lu was stunned.

"President Lu, would you like a piece? I don't like coffee, but the sugar cube that goes with the coffee is not bad."

"No, I've always had bitterness, and I can't taste sweetness."

President Lu's words implied sarcasm. Although he knew that he could not resist Professor Shen, he still had no intention of compromising with the mentality of sacrificing me and bringing happiness to thousands of people.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to beat around the bush, but asked directly: "President Lu, if you have something to say, just say it. I'm just a shareholder of Shenzhen Development Bank, not a decision-maker."

Sure enough, President Lu began to say: Shenzhen Development Co., Ltd. has a weak foundation and a weak body. "

(End of this chapter)

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