Start with a college teacher

Chapter 1021 Judgment

Chapter 1021 Judgment
Hearing President Lu's refusal, Shen Guanglin was not angry, but offered tea with a smile.

A beautiful woman brewing tea is like adding fragrance to her red sleeves, making the tea taste a bit denser than white.

And Professor Shen is also a kind person, and his style of doing things is also gentle and elegant like a spring breeze blowing on his face. He doesn't need to be so tough in his dealings with others.

Therefore, Professor Shen just invited President Lu to drink tea and enjoy the scenery by the way, without talking about other things.

Anyone who has written novels knows that when they were in Calvin, they either wrote about scenery or food, and this difficulty was overcome.

If you really can't get over it, it's better to stop.

After all, it's cool to break up for a while, and it's always cool to keep breaking up.

Now, standing on the 99-story skyscraper, looking around, the scenery is not so good.

This kind of experience of seeing the small mountains at a glance is completely different from the feeling brought by mountaineering, and there is even an artificial desire to conquer and a sense of refreshment.

In particular, this building still trembles slightly. People with sensitive constitutions can detect this. If you don’t believe me, just ask the people who work in the SEG Building. It often shakes there.

In fact, the Great Wall Building has a gyroscope, which is very stable. After all, as a well-known physicist, Professor Shen doesn't even have this common sense. Isn't that a layman?

To convince a stubborn old man like President Lu, Shen Guanglin didn't want to destroy his image as a perfect intellectual. The best way to defeat magic is to use magic.

No, at the behest of someone from Shen, the leader of the planning committee who accompanied him from Shencheng to visit the skyscraper was soon invited over.

What followed was another round of pushing the cup and changing the cup and vain and submissive.

When it comes to investing in Pudong, the leaders of the planning committee are very young and aggressive, but they are also very tempered. When President Lu deliberately shirks in front of such a major event, his face suddenly changed: "Comrade Lu, are you a member of the organization?"

"Of course, I have 21 years of service."

When he said this, President Lu was a little unconvinced.

Nowadays, the focus is on rejuvenating cadres, and as a result, a group of young people under the age of 30 have gone to leadership positions, and they are very angry when they think about it.

When Lao Lu was young, a large number of veteran cadres were in power. They had enough ability but not enough qualifications, so they couldn't get up to the position.

Now, the daughter-in-law of many years has finally become a wife. Lao Lu has enough ability and qualifications. At the age of 50, it may be said that he has been optimized.

No, this young planning committee cadre didn't stumble at all when he trained old Lu Lai:
"They are all old comrades who have worked for 21 years, so why don't you have any organization and discipline? The development of Pudong is not only a matter for Shanghai, but also a major event for the people of the whole country! As a national cadre, you don't want to serve the country and the society. To make contributions, to play that little joke every day, what do you want to do? Do you want to continue to be the emperor of the land?"

Immediately afterwards, the leader focused on the big and the small, and criticized and educated President Lu.

The words of the young leader directly stunned President Lu, and also said that he was afraid.

"Since the organization can cultivate you and promote you, it is thinking that veteran comrades like you can still use their residual energy. Don't think that you can't find someone more suitable than you. Do you still want to do it? If you don't want to do it, let the young people who want to do it Come comrades!"

Ordinarily, the leader of the planning committee may not have a higher position than President Lu, but because he belongs to the government or the planning committee, and he is from an enterprise, he is naturally controlled by others.

At this moment, the magnitude of power is fully reflected.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin interjected at the right time. He is a good person: "I know President Lu's concerns. Shenzhen Development Bank's current foundation is still weak and its ability to resist risks is poor. But this investment in Pudong is not only an opportunity for Great Wall Bank, but also for Shenzhen Development Bank. If Shenzhen Development Bank lacks its own funds, so it can turn around from Great Wall Bank, which has a lot of money.”

"Then why doesn't Great Wall Bank own it?"

Shen Guanglin smiled. There is a word called the overall situation, and there is another word called taking care of the overall situation.

Elderly comrades, you really don't have enough brains.

After all, Great Wall Bank is still a foreign-funded bank in name, and it can be icing on the cake, but it is too much to be the mainstay.

This kind of curve to save the country is also a consensus reached by everyone. Only President Lu thinks about business every day and forgets about Zhengzhi.

Otherwise, Shanghai is the bridgehead and barometer of China's economy.

Near the end of 1990, the development of Pudong just started, and the stock market in Shanghai was finally established first.

Although Boss Shen did not subscribe for shares, he still witnessed this historical moment.

At the same time, an old friend of the Chinese people, George W. Bush of Citigroup also announced on the other side of the ocean that Citigroup will restore China's most-favored-nation trade status from next year.

The fact that Saudi Arabia has a big mallet has finally been known to the outside world!
Originally, Saudi Arabia bought the big mallet to guard against the Jews, but it turned out to be against Lao Sa.

From summer to now, it has been less than half a year since Lao Sa invaded KWT, and Citigroup's war machine has been brewing and mobilizing, preparing for a big wave in the next year.

In fact, when Lao Sa invaded the Science and Technology Commission, he considered talking to his neighbor Lao Sha about his life and ideals, but at a critical moment, Lao Sha directly showed the Dongfeng stick from the east, and Lao Sa withered.

After all, Lao Sa is not Yan Shuangying, so he can't bet that Lao Sha doesn't have bullets in his gun.

What if there is?

Yan Shuangying must not be released unless it is absolutely necessary.

Now, the end of the year is approaching, and the international war situation is closed and imminent. As a Chinese scholar who has made great achievements in the economic and academic fields, Shen Guanglin was eagerly invited to the capital by the leaders.

After all, the country is still too poor, and everyone is crazy about money. Now that the war is about to start, everyone still can't help asking: Will the price of oil continue to rise?
(End of this chapter)

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