Start with a college teacher

Chapter 120 Letter from Fusang

Chapter 120 Letter from Fusang
Li Li finally wrote.

Of course it wasn't about breaking up, she simply reported on her studies over there.

The biggest problem she is facing now is the language problem. Fortunately, Kyoto University also has foreign students who were previously sponsored by the government. With the help of those foreign students, she has made rapid progress.

However, from the letter, Shen Guanglin didn't see whether it was them or them, which was a bad signal.

Now, Li Li is able to carry out daily conversations and exchanges, and writing is not difficult for her, after all, they are all Chinese characters.

There is not much pressure in the classroom courses, and the pressure is concentrated on language learning.

Li Li has just finished her freshman year, and now she is starting freshman again, of course she will not feel any pressure.

The pressure is also on Shen Guanglin's side.

The letter was received, but Shen Guanglin did not reply. He still wrote letters in what age.

It's better to make an overseas call if you have this skill.

However, Shen Guanglin felt that he should go to Fusang, otherwise something would happen easily.

Just do it.

Shen Guanglin told Xiao Lincheng: "National Day, that is, after October 10st, I plan to go to Fusang to visit Kyoto University."

Xiao Lincheng was really happy: "Chen Sang, I'll arrange your itinerary right away. How about staying at my house when you arrive in Fusang?"

"Live at your house? It's not convenient for Mrs. sister-in-law to be at home."

Shen Guanglin really didn't want to live in someone else's house, in case his family had some special hobbies, for example, many people took a bath together, how embarrassing it would be.

"It's okay, I'm single." Xiao Lincheng replied without any hesitation.


"Women affect the speed of my thinking."

"How to solve physical problems?"

"use money!"


Fusang hasn't gone yet, but the new car bought from Fusang has arrived!
There are two brand new ones, one for Shen Guanglin and one for Xiao Lincheng, with diplomatic license plates.

Shen Guanglin was the first driver, even though he did not have a driver's license.

Sure enough, it is a top-fitting crown, and it is really not covered.

There are electric seats inside, and you can play tapes to listen to music, stereo surround sound, air conditioning, comfortable!

It's just that Shen Guanglin spent money to buy a car, which caused Takeda to criticize, but he still held back.

The money has already been donated, how to spend it is Shen Guanglin's own business.

However, they still asked if Shen Sang's recent research went well?

Do you want any help?
Good luck!

No matter how thick-skinned people are, they have to find a way to make some achievements.

For other scientific and technological texts, world-class results can be produced in just a few days.

When Shen Guanglin arrived, the foundation of the house had not yet been laid.

Those bungalows were temporary offices and kitchens. Shen Guanglin hadn’t unpacked the experimental equipment he had just bought. Everyone still mainly wrote papers and worked in the library.

However, they still like to stay in the research institute, because there is food to eat here, and there are endless watermelons.

There are quite a few farmers around, and if anyone's sheep or pigs can't think about it, they can send them here for education.

The teachers and students of Capital University will tell them why the flowers are so red.

Jiang Zhenhua finally had a place to use her skills. The Huaiyang cuisine she cooked was the most suitable for Shen Guanglin's appetite. Finally, the establishment and salary were not for nothing.

The laboratory still needs to be set up as soon as possible.

There is no private construction team in this era. If you want to build, you can only find a state-owned construction company.

Shen Guanglin approached the second construction of the capital directly, and the other party didn't want to talk to him at first. Later, he heard that it was a laboratory of the capital university, and his attitude improved a little.

Finally, Shen Guanglin said, what if we pay in US dollars?
Do it, do it!
Foreign exchange is too scarce now!

Whenever there is the possibility of earning foreign exchange, everyone refuses to give up.

The chief engineer of the construction company took the design drawings given by Wudaokou Technical School: a 5-storey laboratory building and a 5-storey dormitory building.

Estimated the cost, about 30 yuan.

Shen Guanglin didn't bother to bother: "10 US dollars, buy it now, it's okay, if it doesn't work, I'll find another company."

Of course!
30 RMB can really not be exchanged for 10 US dollars.

Construction companies are state-owned enterprises, and state-owned enterprises do not have the pressure to make profits, but they have the pressure to improve their lives.

Other companies that have anything to do with foreign trade are fat and oily, and their units are uncomfortable, and they can't even buy a color TV.

Now, if you have the opportunity to earn $10, you must seize it.

In particular, Shen Guanglin paid a deposit of [-] US dollars first, and his enthusiasm became even higher.

Choose an auspicious day for the zodiac, and start work to worship.

"Bye bye" is a habit brought by Hong Kong and Taiwan people, and there is really no such hobby in China now.

Shen Guanglin insisted, saying that he must win a good fortune.

"Three sacrifices and four fruits" let's go!
The three animals must be bigger than the three animals, and all the pigs, cattle and sheep are in place, which is the sacrifice of Tailao.

The four fruits must also bloom and bear fruit, but not figs.

The money was paid by Shen Guanglin, and the livestock was found by the project manager. The big cows pulled from the farm weighed a thousand catties.

A cauldron was also set up in the yard, and pigs, sheep, and cattle were slaughtered, and they were killed and eaten immediately.

The teachers in the physics department can each get a piece of pork, beef and mutton, and eat it on the spot with the water and bones.

It's hot, and I can't stand it, so I have to improve the food for the workers.

The materials were transported in like flowing water, and the project started in full swing.

The National Day is here, Wu Xiaoyun is going home for a blind date again, she is very irritable.

I am 36 years old today, the year of my birth, and it is even more difficult to find a partner.

Her hometown is Langfang, which is not far from the capital and Jincheng, but it belongs to Hebei Province, and her status has always been embarrassing, and she later attracted a wave of real estate speculators.

Shen Guanglin still wanted to make a decision about the chemistry leader before going to Fusang.

Zhang Cheng and the others have known each other for two weeks, is their relationship in place?
Shen Guanglin invited Wu Xiaoyun to dinner alone, and decided to invite him to try.

The topic was naturally opened by Shen Guanglin: "Sister Wu, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

"Then don't talk."

"You're not playing the cards according to the routine, shouldn't you say it, but it's okay to say it?"

"Okay, but it's okay to talk."

Shen Guanglin went on to say the words he had already thought up: "I heard that you are going home for a blind date again during the holidays?"

Wu Xiaoyun was also very annoyed: "Yes, the telegram has been sent, and my mother is "seriously ill" again. Yesterday my neighbor came to Beijing and told me that my mother lost a chicken the day before yesterday, and scolded her for two days. Thinking of being sick again today, I still need to use the telegram.

The whole college knows that my mother must be seriously ill during the holidays. A teacher said that she has wanted to drink my mixed vegetable soup for a long time. "

"What is vegetable soup?"

"You southerners don't understand."

Well, Shen Guang decided to change the subject, "Well, have you ever thought about finding a partner with us?"

Wu Xiaoyun really became interested: "Why, do you want to marry me? Oh, is there such a good thing? Can Xiao Li agree, I see that you are glued to each other every day. You can't marry me, I know I'm smart, but I I didn't know I was pretty."

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is, what do you think of Brother Zhang Cheng?"

See you if you are poor!Shen Guanglin expressed his thoughts.

"Where are you fucking liar, he's only 20 years old! Where's your conscience? I'm with him, what do you want others to think of me?"

From the looks of it, Wu Xiaoyun already knew that Zhang Cheng was not the 'big brother', so he was careless.

"But, looking at his appearance, it's clearly the beginning of autumn. When you walk together, who would think that you are not a good match?"

It's true, the two people really look about the same age.

Wu Xiaoyun wanted to refute, but couldn't open his mouth.

for a long time,

"Don't say it, I won't agree. When I can have a child, he is not yet full moon."

Anyway, Wu Xiaoyun refused to agree.

"Okay, then let's not talk about it. My new laboratory is already under construction. I want to invite you. Would you like to come?"

Since they can't be pimped, the act of poaching people still has to be carried out.

Shen Guanglin used to think that his strategy of saving the country by curves was good, but he didn't expect to be seen through long ago.

"I know this is the case, and I still use the beauty trick, as for not? I promise you!"

Oh, Shen Guanglin was also surprised that Wu Xiaoyun agreed.

"I agreed to you because your little girl cooks delicious food, and the atmosphere of my colleagues is also good. It's just that the financial lady looks at me a bit wrongly. What's her name?"

"Zhao Yingjie! You are in the first class."

"Really, I have no impression."

(End of this chapter)

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