Start with a college teacher

Chapter 121 Before Going Abroad

Chapter 121 Before Going Abroad
The matter of Shen Guanglin going abroad was settled.

From October 10rd to 3th, the trip has a total of four days, of which two days are on the road.

Before you go out, you still have to arrange the things you need to do.

Now he doesn't have to worry about the studies of the students in the class, and Shen Guanglin is already familiar with teaching.

There is also a way to be lazy, that is, you can use the textbooks prepared by other teachers and talk about them casually, and the students can learn well.

Really don't underestimate the IQ of the masters.

Shen Guanglin already has a new view on their learning ability. This group of people will succeed no matter what they do in the future.

However, based on a responsible attitude, Shen Guanglin is still preparing lessons seriously.

He still wanted to leave something a little different.

Shen Guanglin goes to the construction site every day.

The construction site is progressing at a rapid pace. Although it is not as fast as Vulcan Mountain, it is not as fast as Shencheng City's three-day one-story building.

It's only been a long time, and three floors have been built.

Moreover, there are only five floors, and only two buildings.

If it weren't for the fact that the engineering aspect couldn't be carried out, the second construction even wanted to send more people over.

Mr. Shen is also very good at being a human being. It was the first time I saw someone doing engineering and taking care of food.

Eat a pig for three days, the food is not very good.

Fatty meat and lean meat and vegetables are stewed together. There is a lot of oil and water. Everyone feels very strong after eating. After working during the day, they will not be tired after working at night.

It's just suffering the children who are already sensible.

Many people have small homes and can only live in one room, and they can hear and understand any movement at home.

This National Day, Wu Xiaoyun still has to go home, otherwise her mother might have something wrong.

The old man has no choice. If she hadn't gone to college, her children would be married by now.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, and decided to let Zhang Cheng see him off.

Zhang Cheng was not happy, "I can write another paper even during the seven days of National Day."

Shen Guanglin is simply invincible: "You send her back, just let her help you revise the paper, otherwise, think about it, I am so busy, how can I have time? You have finished writing three papers, and the revision is done. How cool is it to send it out in one breath?"

Zhang Cheng was still reluctant.

"I'll lend you the car to drive!"

Sure enough, Zhang Guo happily agreed.

Just ask, which man does not love cars.

Although Zhang Cheng has never driven a car, he can drive a tractor.

A car is much simpler than a tractor, especially a car with automatic transmission, which only has the accelerator and brake, and it takes 10 minutes to get started.

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that if he had a car, if he couldn't pretend, the fun of buying a car by himself seemed to be much less.

Anyway, there were two cars, and since Zhang Cheng drove away one, Shen Guanglin would definitely drive the other.

He wants to take advantage of the holiday and go to Lao Li's house to put on a good show.

Next time, when Lao Li wanted him to go to work in the ordnance factory, Mr. Shen would just slap the car keys in front of him. Does your unit have this benefit?

Don't talk if you don't.

The Department of Chemistry is also arranging holidays.

Office building of the Department of Chemistry.

It was going to be a holiday soon, and the vice president walked slowly downstairs with a cup of strong tea.

His favorite drink is jasmine tea. The boiling water increases the speed of molecular movement, and the fragrance wafts along the way.

Or jasmine tea is better, delicious and refreshing.

When the meeting room arrived, he walked to his seat, sat down vigorously, set the tea down with a bang, and announced the start of the meeting.

The head of the department will not attend such a meeting, after all, the top leader needs to manage a lot of things every day.

"Professor Jia, please introduce the research progress of "chiral molecules"."

After speaking, the vice president leaned back and began to look around.

Every participant must accept his scrutiny, which is the majesty of the superior.

"After the recent fruitful research, we believe that our research progress has filled the domestic gap"

The Department of Chemistry has done a lot of work. They have borrowed a lot of books from the library, collected and sorted out a lot of materials, and summed up the results.

At least, everyone learned a lot.

Really want breakthrough innovation, rely on those antique equipment in the laboratory?

We don't even have test materials, and everyone has ideas but can't implement them.

Capital University does not lack capable people at this stage, but lacks opportunities to realize their abilities.

The vice-principal nodded in satisfaction. The vice-principal knew very well how much his college could do and how far it could go.

But he had also heard about the aggressiveness of that young man Shen Guanglin, and he was afraid that if Shen Guanglin really risked his life to mess around, if he really made something famous, the next step would be difficult to carry out.

"Does anyone know how far Shen Guanglin has researched?"

You really can't let your enemies down.

"We don't know the research progress of him and Mr. Xiaolin, but the four students under him go to the library to browse materials by themselves except for class every day, but they only read physics books, which have nothing to do with chemistry."

Since it is a competitor, the Department of Chemistry is very concerned about the work progress of the "Institute of Symmetry Breaking".

"Are you sure?"

"Sure! There are so many chemistry books in the school library, and all the really high-tech books are in our own reading room, and our reading room has been under strict control recently. Even students in this department can only read , cannot be lent out.”

"That's good. At the school meeting after the festival, we will make a final decision and crush them completely."

The vice president felt that the time had come and it was time to ask for their funds. It would be a waste to give them so much money.

"Who knows what's new about them?"

"I don't know whether to say something that has nothing to do with scientific research." A teacher timidly reported.

"But it's okay to say." The vice president must have comprehensive information.

"Recently, the "Symmetry Breaking Research Institute" has moved to Zhongguancun, and is building an office building there. It is said that two buildings were built in one go, and, according to people, they also bought two Crown cars. "

"What!" The vice president's heart skipped a beat.

"Where did they get the money? How much did they spend? How much money is left? How dare they! Who told them to spend like this? This is prodigal! This is corruption!"

The vice president slapped the table, and more than half of the tea spilled out.

No one responded to his anger.

The money was donated by Takeda Corporation, and it was originally spent for Mr. Shen and the others. They spent it, shouldn't they.

"Did they buy any laboratory equipment? Or did they spend all their money?"

The deputy dean took a breath before continuing to ask.

"I heard that a batch of equipment has arrived, and the packaging has not been opened. Judging from the packaging, there should be at least two 400x microscopes."

400x microscopes are expensive, costing thousands of dollars each.

"Crime! We can't let them continue to behave like this."

However, Shen Guanglin didn't know that the Department of Chemistry was holding the "Shen Dao Conference". He was packing his bags at Fuyuanmen's house.

This time I went to Fusang for several days, and the itinerary was arranged by Kobayashi. In addition to visiting Kyoto University, I also had a visit to Takeda Corporation.

Originally, their return plane was from Tokyo to Beijing, and they went to Takeda Pharmaceutical to thank them for their generosity.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin and Wu Xiaoyun prepared some theoretical breakthroughs in molecular chiral catalysis.

Otherwise, it’s not good to talk in the vernacular, and it’s a little factual. It can also be said that they didn’t waste the donation.

Shen Guanglin will go to Lao Li's house as a guest after packing up his things in a while, and he has already agreed to have dinner together during the holiday.

Today is the first trip to drive a new car to the door.

Even though Shen Guanglin came by car, he was still questioned at the gate.

Even Shen Guanglin and Li Li are no exception.

This situation is a bit wrong. When did the big brother at the door pretend to be serious? Wasn’t it easy to smoke the Zhonghua last time?


When I drove to the family area of ​​Lao Li's house, I found several cars parked downstairs.

Although they are all Jeep 212s, GAZ cars, etc., they are small cars after all, so it's not easy. There must be something going on today.

What's wrong, what's wrong?

Why did Shen Guanglin still have a bad feeling and suddenly didn't want to go in.

As expected, there was a group of people sitting there after entering the door, among them were many familiar old brothers.

"Xiao Shen, we knew you were coming, so we purposely changed the meeting place to Lao Li's house. Your uncle is very kind."

"Come on, boy, come and drink."

All the people present were a group of middle-aged and elderly cadres. Shen Guanglin couldn't get in any words, so he could only say hello to everyone with a smile.

Before they were seated at the last table, an enamel tea mug was handed over, containing a whole glass of white wine.

Wipe, Beijing Daqu.

They didn't pick good ones, but Shen Guanglin was about to fall again after this cup was finished.

This is playing tricks.

Shit, these old people don't abide by martial ethics, Shen Guanglin was careless again, and didn't flash.

"Xiao Shen, I heard that you are well-off. You cheated... from the Fusang people for 100 million dollars?" an uncle who was not very familiar with him but had drunk twice asked kindly.

"How did you know that?"

"You have no secret with us." The answer was also a middle-aged man. Shen Guanglin looked familiar, but he was not sure.

Li Li came over and greeted the middle-aged man who said he had no secret: "Zhou Ju, are you here too?"

"Xiao Li, you're even more beautiful after becoming a college student. You can't lose your heroic demeanor. You're still our shooting champion."

What kind of scene is this, three trials?
Shen Guanglin suddenly became a little scared, what does it mean to have no secrets.

Is it because I am too wild?
It's still Lao Li who knows how to feel sorry for others: "Xiao Shen, don't be nervous, they are joking with you. It's not a big deal to earn that little money by throwing away clothes, isn't it all used to build a laboratory. This is a good boy, It’s not in vain that I value you, and I was afraid that you would go the wrong way. You are better than I imagined. Don’t be afraid of making money. If you make money, you should spend it like you!”

Having said that, Shen Guanglin was even more afraid.

"I heard that selling clothes is a very profitable business. Why don't you quit?" A middle-aged man asked.

"I didn't stop doing it. I used the money I earned to open a clothing factory in Shencheng. After all, buying and selling clothes in the capital is not in line with the policy, but it is legal for me to make clothes. I want to abide by the law and be a teacher."

"Oh, you have a brain! Knowing how to start from the upstream is amazing!"

Shen Guanglin breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that they didn't know everything.

"Xiao Shen, don't worry, we know that the environment you grew up in may be very complicated, but your father is our good comrade. This time you go to Jinling, the local comrades also prove that your family has indeed suffered misfortune. Comrade Shen Longxian sacrificed his family to defend the country , we have no reason to doubt his descendants." Director Zhou sort of confirmed Shen Guanglin's case.

"Yes, we don't look at your past, we only look at your future. You have done a good job recently, very good, and helped us solve many problems. Also, we have already done a good job on your drum design last time. The trial production has come out, it is very useful, and a batch has been stepped up and sent to southern Xinjiang."

Everyone said a few words, and Shen Guanglin basically didn't need to speak.

It turned out that it wasn't a criticism conference, so that's fine.

"Then uncles and uncles, do you have any orders to catch me here?" Shen Guanglin could only climb up the pole.

"It's not an order, but a question. We see that you make a lot of money, and you are a talent with an international perspective. You are also familiar with the military industry. Can you give us some advice?"

"That's right, the country has reformed and opened up in the past two years, but the life of our military industrial units is even more difficult. Xiao Shen, do you have any ideas?"

(End of this chapter)

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