Chapter 130
Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that his money was going to be short, these big dogs were not short of money.

In later generations, even the richest people in China can donate 10 billion US dollars to some foreign institutions at will.

Now the domestic rich have not yet grown up, and most of them are still silent.

500 million US dollars is really nothing to Fuso in this era, especially for this kind of multinational pharmaceutical company, it is just a drop in the bucket for them.

The days of Fusang people's arrogance are about to begin, and the next 20 years will be the era of Fusang's economy.

Aunt Fusang once called to buy the whole world.

The next day was the day when the donation agreement was signed.

Takeda even held a press conference.

"Shen Guanglin Sang is an excellent Chinese scientist. In order to promote scientific and technological progress and increase the friendship between the two countries, Takeda decided to donate 12 billion fusang yuan to the "Symmetry Breaking Laboratory" presided over by Shen Sang. Only controlled by Shen Guanglin himself"

This news was originally inconspicuous in Fusang, and it was reported because it involved China.

However, the Huaxia people who got the news took it very seriously, and even alarmed the embassy. They even sent people to Takeda Company to inquire, just to know who the recipient was and why they donated money to him.

Unfortunately, the recipient has already returned home.

The conversion of U.S. dollars into Fuso Yuan was also specially requested by Shen Guanglin.

Because the current exchange rate of the US dollar to the Fuso currency is 1:250, and the ratio of the RMB to the Fuso currency is 1:40, that is to say, after the money is turned around in this way, it will be more than 3000 million yuan when converted into RMB.

If all 3000 million RMB is converted into US dollars, it will be 2000 million.

Of course, currency exchange is not free at all.

For Takeda Corporation, it doesn't matter if you donate it. Anyway, the amount of this money is not large. You can use it however you want, and even Shen Guanglin's teasing will hurt more than this money.

Shen Guanglin was also afraid that there would be too many people trying to make money after returning to China, so he didn't bring it back.

Instead, it is directly stored in the dedicated account, and when Shen Guanglin wants to use it, he can just ask them to help him buy things.

For example, it is good to buy a suite near Kyoto University.

Before going back after lunch, Shen Guanglin called Xiao Lincheng.

Xiao Lincheng is not going to go together, he will not go to Huaxia again after a while, Xiao Lin is going to listen to Teacher Shen's teachings after finishing this subject.

All right, just go back by yourself.

After sending the two girls on the Shinkansen back to Kyoto, Shen Guanglin also went to the airport.

The first-class warehouse went up.

Different from taking the Fusang flight when I came here, this time I took the civil aviation when I returned home.

The service of civil aviation in this era is really second to none. The flight attendants can speak foreign languages, they are good-looking, and they speak nicely.

I heard that there was a guest who was flying in the first class. Everyone was fully motivated, and they were afraid that the service would not be in place.

When Shen Guanglin got on the plane, the other party was also relieved to see Shen Guanglin's passport. Fortunately, it was his own.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, welcome aboard!"


The entire flight was not full, and there were not many people on board, and Shen Guanglin was the only one sitting in the first class.

Civil aviation services in this era are really good.

Not to mention all kinds of free meals, all kinds of gifts are also given for free.

Folding fans, playing cards, key chains, 5 packs of high-quality Zhonghua cigarettes, and a small pile of seven or eight pieces here and there.

Well, if you give it, then take it.

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, are you holding a small jewelry fair?

The itinerary for the past few days was very tiring, and Shen Guanglin didn't ask for too much service from the flight attendants. After getting on the plane, he closed his eyes and wanted to sleep for a while before taking off.

However, it didn't take long for him to wake up from choking.

Looking up, he found a middle-aged and elderly cadre sitting next door, smoking and eating, and what he was eating was the plane meal he had ordered before.

I'll go, who is this, it's too impolite.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin woke up, the other party greeted him:
"Hello, young man, I'm an old grader, and I can't bear the tension in my waist. The stewardess agreed to come and sit here for a while."

"Didn't you come here with an upgrade?" Shen Guanglin was surprised and impatient.

"Isn't it costing more money to upgrade? It's not a good idea to stay there for a while." The middle-aged and elderly cadres are familiar with each other, and immediately opened the chatter box.

It turned out that this middle-aged and elderly cadre, surnamed Gao, was a certain leader of the Ministry of Machinery. They organized an industrial investigation group to Fusang.

Well, everything is clear, you can go to sleep.

Pat, the old cadre pressed the lighter and started smoking again.

Shen Guanglin, a veteran cadre, tolerated eating. After all, it was a free plane meal, but he couldn't tolerate smoking.

Shen Guanglin himself doesn't smoke, and he really hates other people smoking.

But this elderly cadre didn't have any self-consciousness. He smoked one cigarette after another, and seemed to have no intention of stopping.

Out of sight, out of mind, bear with it.

However, there was still a portion of bacon cooking on the small table in front of Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin had eaten several mouthfuls, and the uncle still wanted to pull it over and continue eating.

"Hey, this is what I ate. I said uncle, you don't ask the flight attendant if you want to eat, what's the matter with eating mine?"

"Don't waste it after you finish eating. You can ask for more when you're hungry. Anyway, it's all provided by the plane for free."

It makes sense, people in this era really know how to save money.

Shen Guanglin felt a little ashamed.

Later generations of countries advocated CD-ROM action, but Shen Guanglin hardly implemented it.

"Thank you, it's time to save food."

"You're welcome."

The two met in peace, Shen Guanglin felt hungry, and asked the stewardess for a meal, after all, he didn't eat.

Along with the meal, there were some snacks, and the middle-aged cadre wanted to take them as he pleased.

"Uncle, this is what I just asked for, can't you just ask for one?"

"I'm in the economy class, and the standard equipment doesn't have this." The senior leader snorted, chewing while talking.

I went, it turned out that was the case, I thought he was really thrifty.

All right, let's eat it for you.

Shen Guanglin continued to sleep.

Before falling asleep, the smell of smoke hit again, choking to death.

"Leader Gao, the aircraft cabin is a public place after all. If you smoke, can you take a break for a while? Smoking all the time is not good for your health." Shen Guanglin couldn't help persuading him, he must take care of other people's feelings.

"No! Young man, you don't know. For me, it's okay not to drink, not to smoke."

"However, you should also consider other people's feelings."

"It's just the two of us here, how can there be anyone else, young man, don't you smoke?"

"Don't smoke."

"Then can you give me the pack of cigarettes on your table? It is said that the first-class cabins of international flights use special cigarettes, and the taste is different."



"I don't like smoking secondhand smoke."

From this moment on, Shen Guanglin's mood became more and more unhappy.

"Flight attendants!"

It turned out that the senior leader would also call for service, but Shen Guanglin wanted to see what he was going to do.

"Hello, what do I need?" The stewardess was as dignified as ever.

"Help the young man get another pack of cigarettes."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The stewardess actually turned around and went to get it.

Shen Guanglin definitely can't do this kind of thing, and he is not familiar with it: "Stewardess wait a moment, I didn't ask for a cigarette, put the cigarette back, I don't smoke."

"But the old gentleman."

"I don't know him! There are so many empty seats on the plane, why let him sit next to me? Has he been upgraded?"

"No, sir, but we think" the stewardess also wanted to explain. After all, the two of them sat closer together, and the elderly cadres could enjoy the convenience of the first-class cabin, and they didn't have to make mistakes.

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think, since he didn't get an upgrade, why did he sit with me, and eat, drink and smoke next to me. If he doesn't get an upgrade, please let him go back, if He got an upgrade and I asked for a different seat, I don't want to sit with him!"

Senior leaders are not happy:
"Young man, what are you talking about? Why are you so tough? Which unit do you belong to? I will sue your leaders later."

"Which unit of mine doesn't want you to bother. Stewardess, I'm going to complain to you, why can he come here? It affects my rest, I am very dissatisfied, please let him go!"

The stewardess originally wanted to have sex with her, but it seemed that there was no end to it.

"Sir, do you want to apply for an upgrade, if not, please go back to your own seat?"

An upgrade would cost more than 2000 yuan, even if he was a cadre, he would definitely not be able to do it.

"Okay, boy, I remember you."

"Do you like to remember?"

(End of this chapter)

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