Chapter 131
"Young man, just wait, I will definitely find your unit!"

Shen Guanglin was also wronged, taking a good flight and causing an innocent disaster.

"You have a good journey! The National Day is over, October [-] is coming, I will also go to your "Department of Machinery" to send you a winter coat, and bring a few virgins along the way."

"October [-]st" is the traditional "Winter Clothes Festival" for sacrifice and sweeping.

In the north, the Cold Clothes Festival, the Ching Ming Festival in spring and the Zhongyuan Festival on July [-]th are collectively called the three "ghost festivals".

Leader Gao left, his face pale with anger.

"Sir, why are you angry with the old comrade?"

The stewardess felt that Shen Guanglin was making a big deal out of a molehill. They were traveling in a group, so they should try their best not to offend if they could.

"You still have reason to say, whoever let him go, I want to sue you!"

Shen Guanglin was really angry. If it wasn't for their lack of work, how could they let this old hooligan over.

However, civil aviation is not afraid of complaints.

The flight attendants didn't take it seriously, anyway, they were compatriots, as long as they were not foreigners, they were not afraid.

Hmph, we don't cause trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble either.

They didn't know that there was a man named "Broad-hearted" Shen Guanglin, and if his own complaints were useless, people from Takeda would complain.

What happened to that "rival in love" Gao Zhijie?His father seems to be the leader of the Ministry of Machinery.


The next journey is "smooth sailing".

This is the best thing about first class, you can enjoy the service of getting off the plane first and picking up your luggage first.

By the time the members of the industrial inspection team came out, Shen Guanglin had long since disappeared.

However, Lao Gao and the others still knew that the person sitting in the first class was named Shen, and that he was a teacher at Capital University.

A monk can't get away from the temple gate if he runs away, but can a teacher fly first class?There must be something wrong.

When Shen Guanglin returned home, he found that there was no one in the house, and the younger sister, Li Rong, took the women for a drive.

In this era, there is no driver's license. Even if you want to get a driver's license, there is no driving school now.

As long as you can drive, no one will care if you are a road killer.

And there are no private cars.

Those who have cars are all units, and their drivers are usually from the car company of the army. Shen Guanglin can almost be regarded as the first person to own a private car.

Of course, his car is anchored at the Fuso embassy in China, and he uses a diplomatic license plate, so he still has some unspeakable privileges when walking on the road.

On the last day of the long vacation, Shen Guanglin spent "snooze" at home.

It may be that he was too tired from traveling, he felt that he was very fragile, and he needed to rest every now and then.

It's not like the young people in this era are so lively. As long as they can eat enough, they have unlimited energy.

Shen Guanglin couldn't do it, he didn't sit when he could lie down, and he didn't stand when he could sit.

It is to go to the big health care, and it is estimated that one trick is enough.

Exercise is still exercise. Li Rong often runs with him, and the two of them can also run around the capital university.

But exercise and laziness should not be delayed, Shen Guanglin should rest or rest.

The school has started, and the school officially resumed classes on October 10.

After class, Shen Guanglin went to Zhongguancun to check the progress of the project in his laboratory.

He deliberately refrained from visiting yesterday, but today he just wanted to see what changes could be made in the laboratory after a holiday.

As soon as you enter the courtyard wall, the changes are too great!
I can't believe it, the whole civil structure has been completely finished, and the windows are being installed with tiles.

Moreover, the scaffolding on the highest level has been removed, exposing the white tiles.

Teacher Wu in Wudaokou is staying in the temporary office bungalow. I haven't seen her for a few days. This has become her main office location, and she will come whenever she is free.

Of course, she came here today to wait for Shen Guanglin purposely to discuss future work arrangements.

"Mr. Wu, why don't you stay at home for a few more days, and come back to work now."

"Also, I didn't go back, the car couldn't drive to my house, and we came back halfway."

"What's wrong?"

"The road is blocked."

It is normal for the roads to be blocked, and every village will have to wait.

"Mr. Shen, this chemistry laboratory is different from your physics laboratory. Ventilation must be done well. Many reagents are poisonous. Look at the exhaust facilities."

Shen Guanglin also thought about it: "Why don't you let Takeda do it? They have always been in the pharmaceutical industry and have more experience."

Seeing Shen Guanglin coming, the project manager of the second construction company also came over: "Mr. Shen, the house has been built in sevens and eighty-eight, and the greening in the yard needs us to build it. The fee is not expensive. The cost price, as long as you are willing to pay Foreign currency will do."

That's a good thing, Shen Guanglin's worst thing is foreign currency: "Is Fusang money okay?"

"Of course! This is easier to use. Don't you know that Fusang's electrical appliances are good. I heard that you just went there and didn't bring any electrical appliances back?"

"Bring it."

"What did you bring?"



Isn't that right? Isn't a Walkman just a tape recorder?

For gifts, Wu Xiaoyun also had a share. Shen Guanglin took out a Walkman and gave it to her.

The size is only half the size of a brick and can be put in your pocket.

Most women love these exquisite little things, Li Rong and Jiang Zhenhua are so fond of them, they can listen to two batteries in one breath.

It's a pity that Wu Xiaoyun is not an ordinary woman. She browsed through it and put it away. She has no intention of listening to music at all.

"Have you bought any other electrical appliances?" It seems that this electrical appliance did not meet Mr. Wu's expectations.

"Of course there are." Shen Guanglin didn't give a shit: "I have prepared some scientific computers."

Shen Guanglin was fed up with the pain of counting by hand.

Some professors can use an abacus to calculate functions, and Shen Guanglin is amazed.

This time I go to Fusang, it doesn’t matter whether I buy anything else, the best scientific calculator must buy a few more.

Casio not only has electronic watches, scientific calculators are their strong point.

Shen Guanglin even bought a large desktop calculator, which was as big as the test bench.

The next two people talked about business: "Mr. Wu, since you have decided to join us, you must abide by the laboratory's regulations."

"Okay, Mr. Shen, tell me." Wu Xiaoyun was waiting for him to discuss this matter today.

"You are not considered an employee of the laboratory, but a partner."

"Okay." Wu Xiaoyun didn't know what a partner was.

"But after all, I brought in the investment, and we are the joint first authors of the results."

"it is good."

"The experimental equipment can be used as you like. I will give you 100 million yuan, which is a budget of 400 million yen, to purchase the customized chemical instruments you need. If it is not enough, you can add more."

"The boss is mighty!" Teacher Wu imitated Shen Guanglin's tone and gave a compliment.

"Also, the experimental assistants should be recruited from your school. The situation in our school is very complicated, and it's hard to explain in one word."


The relationship between the Department of Chemistry of Beijing University and Shen Guanglin is indeed hard to describe.

On the first day of resuming classes, the school will hold a standing committee meeting.

The leaders of the chemistry department went into a rage: Shen Guanglin of the physics department not only deceived foreign pharmaceutical companies, but also squandered the funds sponsored by Takeda.

He not only built a super luxurious office building, bought a luxury car, but also invited teachers from Wudaokou Technical School to be experimental assistants.

The evidence is also conclusive: there are on-site construction; some kill pigs for food;

Others are fine, except for one thing: my school is not empty, and it is not very comfortable to use teachers from the school next door.

"I suggest that their money be taken back and put under the unified command of the school. How much can one million dollars do? It's not for them to improve their lives and kill pigs and sheep."

Everyone doesn't understand the situation, so let's call Mr. Shen and ask what's going on face to face.

The school leaders were also puzzled. Didn't they hear that Mr. Shen had made some achievements in Citigroup before, and why did he still have a relationship with the Department of Chemistry?

When asked about the physics department, the head of the physics department said, "He is my student, so I don't want to talk too much.

Being high-spirited and bright sometimes means suffering.

Shen Guanglin came, looking ignorant.

"Mr. Shen, I heard that you are using the money donated by Takeda Corporation to carry out extensive construction?"

"Yes," Shen Guanglin responded with a smile, "If I had applied for funds from the school to see the laboratory, the school would not have given it."

Young teachers who are less than 30 years old still want to apply for research funding, what do they think?

"Do you think it's appropriate to do this? Can you just spend the money you cheated on Takeda?" The leader of the chemistry department was heartbroken.

Shen Guanglin felt that it didn't matter, "I cheated myself by relying on my strength, so there is nothing suitable or inappropriate."

"Who allowed you to spend it?" The deputy dean of the chemistry department looked very ugly. He always thought that the money was the meat in his bowl. As a result, Shen Guanglin was building buildings and buying cars, and he could do whatever he wanted.

"The money was donated to me personally by Takeda, not to the school, so you don't need your permission." Then Shen Guanglin took out the donation agreement, which clearly stated that it was only for Shen Guanglin's control.

"Nonsense, it's just bullshit!"

The school leaders listened to it for a long time, and it seemed that it was not as bad as what the Department of Chemistry said. After looking at the donation agreement, it was indeed only for Shen Guanglin's personal control, and nothing about the Department of Chemistry was mentioned at all.

However, it is indeed not very appropriate for a young teacher to freely dispose of 100 million US dollars.

"Stop arguing, Mr. Shen, how much is left of the one million dollars donated by Takeda?"

"It's already cost $90, and some money is left to pay for the project."

What Shen Guanglin meant was that the 100 million US dollars had already been spent, but he didn't say that Takeda had donated another 500 million US dollars to him, otherwise, he wouldn't be fried.

"How dare you?" The deputy dean of the chemistry department was furious.

"Whether I dare or not is a matter for our physics department. It has nothing to do with your chemistry department. Takeda has already said that the money was donated to me. How I want to use it is my business. What do you do?"

"Director Yu, what do you think?" The school leader asked the opinion of the Physics Department.

"Is there something wrong with what Xiao Shen said?"

The dean of the department has such an attitude, don't fight or grab, anyway, it's okay if you have money, or you don't have money.

"Such a teacher should be dealt with seriously and must not be tolerated!" The attitude of the Department of Chemistry was very clear.

"Then I took the laboratory to Wudaokou Technical School, and I don't know if they will take it in or not."

(End of this chapter)

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