Chapter 146
There is such a sentence on Zhihu, which asks: Is there anyone who can withstand torture?
In fact, it can be said responsibly: no one.

No one can endure torture without saying a word.

Some people have been arrested, but their identities are difficult to identify, so there are cases where they remain in custody until they are released.

If extraordinary means are really used, no one can resist.

Once upon a time, there was such a discipline, which was also a lesson of blood, called: People who have been arrested are not worthy of trust.

Regardless of whether spies at home or abroad, the first choice to be caught is to commit suicide. If it really doesn't work, just survive the first two days.

During the war, everyone also knows that the anti-rape team is very powerful. They hardly kill the enemy, but only kill the traitorous "own people".

However, because the upper and lower levels are in a single line of contact, as long as you resist the previous two days, the information they have is useless, so even if you give some information, they will not specifically target you.

Back to the interrogation scene.

Both Shen Guanglin and Shunzi hadn't finished their cup of tea when news came that the young man left.

The guy quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter: he didn't steal anything, and he didn't even know where Lai Hongmei lived in Fuyuanmen.

The things he sold were all sold to him by a woman. She said that she was the owner of the stall, and she had to go back a few years ago to deal with something at home.

He really didn't steal anything!
He can swear in the name of Grandpa.

Moreover, according to his description, the person who sold his things seemed to be Lai Hongmei herself. He was not familiar with the Silk Street area, so it was impossible for him to take the initiative to commit crimes, and they still did it together.

In the end, he also confessed that he spent 2600 yuan to buy these clothes, and he didn't have enough money to make up his own money, so he asked his friends to borrow the money. There is also evidence for this.

Otherwise, it is impossible to sell it directly without shy away from any rumors.

Looking at the young man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, everyone felt that he was not lying.

What is Lai Hongmei doing?
Self-defense?What is the so-called.

Shunzi sent people to Xiushui Street and Fuyuan Gate to look for Lai Hongmei, and he believed that the truth would be revealed in a short while.

The boy ate a meal of killing power, and his expression was very tired.

After explaining what he knew, the scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone was waiting for further instructions.

Shen Guanglin asked Shunzi, "How likely do you think he is to tell the truth?"

Shunzi's answer was also straightforward: "He doesn't need to lie, after all, he didn't murder and set fire. Besides, he also has parents and family members. I think Lai Hongmei herself is quite suspicious. Does she want to monopolize the front of Silk Street? "


Then wait a little longer.

Let them untie the lad.

Shen Guanglin also asked in embarrassment: "Brother, what is your surname? We may have wronged you, and I will pay for all the medical expenses for you, so you won't be beaten for no reason."

Seeing Shen Guanglin's extraordinary demeanor, the boy's nervousness was not so serious, so he didn't dare to get angry.

"Master, you are open! My surname is Huang, and my name is Huang Guangyi. I am a street vendor. I didn't get along with this before. I first sold big bowls of tea in Huayuan Hutong, and then I started selling clothes. These things are really mine. I spent money to buy it from the older sister, and she said it was hers, I have seen her stall, and other stall owners have proved it to her, and she still has the key to the house."

The guy speaks very methodically, and he should also be a person who can speak well.

"You mean, she opened the door for you and sold you things, and then you moved out overnight?"

"Well, yes. She asked Lian Ye to move. After all, this is the embassy area, and I'm also afraid of long nights and dreams."

Shunzi's little brothers came back, but they didn't find Lai Hongmei.

As expected.

I searched for it several times on Xiushui Street, but Lai Hongmei didn't show up at the stall today.

Moreover, the clothes she owed Shunzi on credit were still in the garage, not all of them were sold out, but the room had been searched, and no money was found.

There was no one at Fuyuanmen, but someone said they saw her sending their children to school in the morning.

At such a critical moment, people just disappeared.

Lai Hongmei's daughter stayed behind, and she was in Yuhong's class.

Shunzi left two people there waiting for her to see if she came to pick up the child.

However, Lai Hongmei didn't show up until dark.

It seems that what the young man said is basically the truth.

There is indeed a problem with this shepherd girl!

In the evening, Shen Guanglin Fuyuanmen's home.

All together.

Sister Xiuhua, Li Rong, Jiang Zhenhua, and Shen Guanglin are all there.

At the same time, there was a tearful little girl, the daughter of Lai Hongmei and Zhang Nan.

She left school from Yuhong class, but her mother disappeared.

Fortunately, Sister Xiuhua knew her better, so they could only lie to her that their mother had something to do today and they would sleep with Aunt Xiuhua at night.

The yard they lived in was inspected, and it wasn't clean, but it was obvious that there were traces of hastily cleaned up, and Lai Hongmei must have run away.

Where did you go?
What about the little girl?
Looking for the baby's father?
The next day, Shen Guanglin went to work at school, taking advantage of the lunch break, he called Zhang Nan to his office.

Zhang Nan didn't know what to do, he didn't even know that the two of them had been in the capital all this time.

"Mr. Shen, you also know my conditions. See if anyone is short of a child, and see if anyone wants to adopt it. I really don't have the ability to take care of this child now." Zhang Nan refuses to pick up this child. Why is he so hard-hearted.

"Aren't you going to take her home? She's your child."

"No, I can't have this child, especially if it's a girl."

Shen Guanglin became angry, "Student Zhang Nan, why do you have such a serious patriarchal thought? If there are no girls and everyone has boys, how can we reproduce?"

"Mr. Shen, I really can't have this child!"

"You don't want your child? If you are like this, I will apply for a punishment for you. It will be included in the file or expelled from the school. Don't blame me for not thinking about the relationship between teachers and students." Shen Guanglin was really angry. How could there be such a brazen person in the world.

"You can be admitted to the university because of the hard work of others. You still have to have a conscience."

"Mr. Shen, I don't suffer from others, and I don't talk about people's faults. Yes, when I went to the countryside, I was able to get out of the mountainous area only by their family taking care of me. However, I also have my unspeakable secrets."

It turned out that the love life of the young couple was not smooth sailing.

The first few years they were together were okay, although it was hard work, they were loving.

Later, the passion faded away, and all that was left was daily necessities.

Zhang Nan, an educated youth, can't pick his hands, can't resist his shoulders, and he has no way out if he doesn't want to take the exam or become a soldier.

But Lai Hongmei, relying on her good looks, even secretly had an affair with another man. Zhang Nan saw it and pretended not to see it, thus maintaining the harmony of the family.

After three years of anti-Japanese war behind enemy lines, Zhang Nan was greatly encouraged, so he worked hard and was admitted to university.

"I know this child is mine, and it does look a bit like me, but she is more like her mother. When I see her, I think of the humiliation her mother brought me. I really can't take her. I can't bear it." .”

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that his outlook on life had been educated.

The reality is even more YY than the novel!

Zhang Nan’s tortuous story can be listed in a separate book, and the name is "XXX from Divorce".

I thought he was a purebred scumbag, but I didn't expect that there was something else hidden.

All right, let's go.

It's freezing cold, it's unrealistic to send the children back, so let Sister Xiuhua take them first, there are already three children, not one more.

(End of this chapter)

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