Start with a college teacher

Chapter 147 The 1981 Gala

Chapter 147 The 1981 Gala
Life cannot stop, work must continue.

As New Year's Day approached, Shen Guanglin's new paper was finally finished.

Among them, when writing references, he handled it like this.

"This article does not need to refer to any literature. The phenomenon of nano-effects in this article can be seen in nature, and the nano-effects are the first mentioned in this article."

Learn from Qian Lao and show off your wealth in a low-key manner.

Submission to "Nature" requires a cycle, the longest is 438 days, the shortest is 33 days, and the average time is half a year, which does not include the time to revise the manuscript midway.

Therefore, there is still waiting after submission.

I have to wait to find Lai Hongmei.

For several days, Shunzi's people searched all over Sijiu City, but they didn't find Lai Hongmei's whereabouts.

It seemed that she had never been to the capital, and only her daughter was left here, a 6-year-old girl named Zhang Xiaoyao, who was so cute and pitiful.

It has been several days, and my mother disappeared. She didn't cry, and she seemed to have realized something long ago.

She also probably knew who her father was, and she didn't ask to find it, so she pretended that her father never existed.

Maybe, Lai Hongmei has instilled some ideas in her,

Perhaps, children of this age will be more mature.

In short, she obeys all arrangements made by adults.

Shen Guanglin paid the funds, and the police station sent someone to Lai Hongmei's hometown. Zhang Nan was there, so he knew the exact location.

Sure enough, Lai Hongmei went back to her hometown, and brought a man back with her, but she only stayed for a day before heading south with a letter of introduction from the commune. It is said that she was going to Yangcheng.

Are you still chasing?
Stop chasing it.

It is estimated that using such a poor method is also shameless to face everyone.

What about the child?

Of course it is sent back.

It is almost impossible for Shen Guanglin to raise the child. It is not a matter of money, it is troublesome.

Shen Guanglin decided to send her back in person during the winter vacation, at worst, give her some money to settle down.

Shen Guanglin helped Shunzi pay back the clothes owed to Shunzi on credit. The garage downstairs in the diplomatic dormitory was empty and wasted, so let Huang Guangyi continue to use it. It would not be easy to get beaten up.

It is also a blessing in disguise.

New Year's Day is coming, this is Shen Guanglin's first Gregorian New Year since he traveled here, and he attaches great importance to it.

Every school has its own New Year's Eve party, and Shen Guanglin wants to hold one himself.

His laboratory is not exclusive to Capital University. In terms of personnel composition, Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School each account for half.

Shen Guanglin has four scientific research dogs under his command, and Wu Xiaoyun also has four scientific research dogs under his command, the ratio is exactly one to one.

There are five floors of laboratory buildings, one of which is a conference room office, one floor is a physics laboratory, one floor is a chemistry laboratory, one floor is a biology laboratory, and one floor is vacant.

At present, there are no equipment or personnel in the biological laboratory, and the entire biological laboratory is a bare-bones commander.

Shen Guanglin is not in a hurry, his physics team is not full of people yet, so let's train slowly.

These 8 scientific research dogs are all boys, and none of them are girls, which is not conducive to construction.

Shen Guanglin held the party, not necessarily without the intention of helping them solve their personal problems.

New Year's Day is approaching, and Shen Guanglin assigned a task: each employee must prepare a show, and each employee can bring two friends, and everyone will attend the party together, enough beef.

At this time, there is no distinction between teachers and students, only friendship.

Just like Shen Guanglin has a girlfriend at the National People's Congress, Tang Chao, a chemistry graduate student in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, also has a girlfriend at the National People's Congress.

However, unlike Shen Guanglin's Li Rong, no one dares to participate in the competition, that girl has many admirers, and Tang Chao's competitive advantage is actually not obvious enough.

It was because he was a graduate student of Wudaokou Technical School, because he was good-looking, and because he was a fellow girl, so he gained a little advantage.

In the past few months after working in the laboratory, Tang Chao's actions were obviously a lot more generous, and he gave the girl some small surprises from time to time. The relationship between the two developed rapidly, and finally made more progress.

At least, the girl agreed to join him at the Symmetry Breaking Lab's New Year's Eve party.

In the 80s, when strict defense was generally strictly guarded against, a girl promised a boy to attend a public gathering, and the meaning of the representative was obvious.

After school in the afternoon, Tang Chao picked her up by bike.

For the convenience of transportation and class, Shen Guanglin equipped the laboratory with 20 bicycles. Although they are the property of the laboratory, they are used by the members themselves.

As for the two cars, apart from Shen Guanglin occasionally driving one, the other one was left there to eat ashes.

On the contrary, bicycles are very popular, and everyone has gone through the formalities of receiving them.

Everyone also carefully kept it, and even equipped with a lock and a license plate.

That's right, bicycles of this era also have to be licensed, and the handlebars will be stamped with steel stamps.

The strong wind blows, the strong wind blows, it blows in his heart, it is very beautiful.

The strong wind was blowing vigorously, and Tang Chao rode full of enthusiasm, not afraid of the cold wind to meet his goddess.

The goddess is Qu Ying, a junior in the Department of Economics, and Tang Chao is from the same place, and the two met when they were fellow villagers, and then Tang Chao launched a fierce and long-lasting pursuit.

It wasn't until this year that the relationship between the two of them loosened, and Qu Ying finally agreed to him.

Like other pretty girls, Qu Ying also has an average-looking but very close friend, her name is Liu Fang, and they are all junior students.

At the current stage of studying, they also have to face a problem, that is, what to do after graduation?
Is it work or going abroad?
Going abroad is definitely the first choice.

But the National People's Congress is a second-tier school after all, and there are not many places to go abroad every year.

Liu Fang often urged Qu Ying to say, "Look at how many times Mr. Liu has chased you. You don't agree. You have to be with Tang Chao. He hasn't been qualified to study abroad yet. How can this continue?"

No more qualifications for studying abroad, Tang Chao is also a graduate student of Wudaokou Technical School, this advantage is also an object that girls need to consider.

It has been three years since I was in college, and there is no one who pursues Liu Fang. A group of people circle around Qu Ying every day, feeling upset.
Tang Chao is the first cohort of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination. After graduating this year, he did not go to work and stayed in school to continue his graduate studies.

That is, from this time on, Qu Ying still accepted this fellow.

She felt that following him might lead to a good development.

But Liu Fang didn't see it that way.

He graduated from university, worked in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, worked in the research institute, and worked in various departments. As for Tang Chao, he was working in a newly established laboratory, and even wanted to stay and continue working after graduation.

How could this be a serious job?
Yes, I have shared a few living expenses, and I am a little more comfortable than before. However, where the conditions abroad are better, people can earn enough money for a year in China by cleaning the dishes.

They often heard Tang Chao say how good the laboratory is, how magnificent it is, and how good the room and board conditions are. Liu Fang didn't believe it at all, and they refused to ask them to see it.

This is also Shen Guanglin's mistake. He only took the initiative to increase employee benefits and forgot to pay money. Everyone's salary is higher than others, but it is limited.

The female dormitory building of the National People's Congress has arrived.

Tang Chao called Qu Ying down.

"The party will start in a while. Today is a Chinese-Western buffet dinner. There are all kinds of meat, which is enough."

Liu Fang wants to go and see together.

She is not here to have a good meal, or to criticize this kind of person who is content with the status quo and does not think about making progress.

Tang Chao thought that he had two invites anyway, so he agreed.

It was quite exciting to bring two people on a bicycle. Qu Ying sat on the big bar in front, and Liu Fang sat in the back.

Tang Chao felt for the first time: The distance from Beijing University to Beijing University is too close.

Especially since the laboratory is still between the National People's Congress and the Capital University, the destination is reached after just a few sips of the fragrance.

Shen Guanglin is the reception doorman today, he is responsible for welcoming the guests, and today he will serve everyone seriously.

"Tang Chao, you Gou Ri's beauty is not shallow, and a bicycle can even carry two beauties."

Shen Guanglin saw this flirt from a long distance away, and he deliberately took a detour to the gate because there was a shortcut. With such a beautiful woman, he was indeed blessed.

"Mr. Shen." Tang Chao was still a little cautious when he saw Shen Guanglin, after all, he was the big boss.

The three parked their bicycles in the shed, and they talked as they walked, "Who was that just now?"

"Our boss."

"So young? Can you do it?"

"He is a professor at Capital University, and his scientific research ability is very powerful. The entire laboratory is because of him, and Fusang Company donated money." The longer the experience, the more the staff of the research institute admire Shen Guanglin. Not particularly proficient in chemistry, but just able to guide progress.

"That's because people in Fusang are rich. For such a large laboratory, if you say donate, you will donate it."

She was right!

Only then did Qu Ying and Liu Fang start to look around the yard.

In winter, it gets dark early, and the green landscape in the yard can't be seen clearly, but two buildings can be seen standing there.

"The one with no lights on is the dormitory building, and my dormitory is also in it; the brightly lit one next to it is the laboratory building, where we work."

Tang Chao proudly introduced the situation of the institute. He didn't say that Mr. Shen had published two articles in "Science", and they didn't understand either.

After entering, there were a few foreigners with blue eyes and blond hair, and a few people who spoke not fluent Chinese, who should also be foreigners.

Liu Fang was chattering at first, but now she is not confident, "Hey, why are there so many foreigners here?"

"I don't know. It should be Teacher Shen's friend. Those Fusang people should have some relationship with Takeda."

"Then do you have a chance to study abroad?"

"I don't know about studying abroad, but you can go abroad at any time, but I haven't learned Fusang dialect yet, so I plan to apply later."

"If you want to go abroad, you can go abroad?" Liu Fang didn't believe it.

In fact, Qu Ying didn't believe it either, but she wanted to protect Tang Chao's dignity, she didn't want to expose him, and she didn't want Liu Fang to get to the bottom of it.

"Yes, Teacher Shen said that if you want to go abroad, you can go abroad. If you study well, you can stay abroad to guide your work."

This is also Shen Guanglin's meaning. If there are some achievements in the future, he thinks it's better to let the people in his research institute fool around. After all, he is not professional enough.

"Can I get the same income as a foreigner if I work abroad? Can I get a foreign green card?"

The girls are very practical. If they can be naturalized in a foreign country, then they can bring their families, otherwise it is just nonsense.

When Shen Guanglin came in, he just overheard their conversation. As expected, such topics were happening all the time.

"As far as Xiaotang's ability is concerned, it is no problem to become a nationality of any country. He does not have any obstacles at all. You will know later. In fact, it is easy to get a green card abroad, but it is difficult to get a green card in China."

(End of this chapter)

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