Chapter 151 Escape
Both Shen Guanglin and Li Rong put on military overcoats, hats and scarves. They couldn't tell who they were from their appearance, so they set off with Zhang Xiaoyao.

The location of the "blind date" is Guanyin Temple in Wuliangtai.

A few years ago, there was a movement to destroy the old. The temple is still there, but the clay bodhisattva is no longer there.

This is usually a place for villagers to gather in their spare time, but now it is used as a place for "blind dates".

The road from the poplar forest to Wuliangtai is not easy to walk, the road is icy and slippery.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong were not familiar with the night road, so they slipped and fell several times.

The Guanyin Temple is still here.

Sure enough, there were a lot of people around, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong didn't speak, and everyone didn't recognize who they were.

Zhang Xiaoyao poked around in the crowd, and soon found her grandfather and uncle.

Lao Lai was very surprised when he saw Shen Guanglin and Li Rong coming, but he quietly pulled them aside: "Mr. Foreigners come here, just take a look."

Shen Guanglin looked in the direction directed by Lao Lai, and sure enough there were several people carrying guns, which should be the kind of bird guns, forging iron sand.

Guns are not banned in this era, and robbery with guns is not uncommon, so don't be too high-profile.

Shen Guanglin was afraid that Li Rong would lose his mind, so he specifically told her not to be a hero for a while, and acted as if he hadn't seen anything, and called the police the next day.

However, they soon realized that something was wrong, because there were all gentlemen present, and Li Rong was the only one who was a woman.

If in case it is seen from the figure, isn't this a dish delivered to the door?

Shen Guanglin called Zhang Xiaoyao over, "Take your aunt home, she is afraid of the cold."

"Rongrong, it's too dangerous here. It's not suitable for you here. You can see that there are men all around. This is not the capital city after all."

Li Rong was not stubborn, shook Shen Guanglin's hand, and left.

Shen Guanglin mixed into the crowd, and waited blankly with everyone.

The night is getting darker and the temperature is lower.

Suddenly there was a dog barking from the same place,
"I'm coming!"

Another beam of light came from a distance, accompanied by the sound of a tractor. It is already very good to have a tractor as a means of transportation in this era.

Shen Guanglin continued to hide in the crowd, but did not greet him.

After a while, the car came and stopped.

About a dozen girls were pushed and shoved to get out of the car.

It is so!

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin's conjecture was verified, and the scale of the crime was not small, and the crime was committed by a large gang.

The gate of the temple was closed, and there were several men with shotguns standing guard at the gate.

Lai Hongjun didn't pick it last time, and this time it's his turn to pick it first.

Shen Guanglin followed the crowd and squeezed into the window to watch.

After being escorted into the Guanyin Temple, a group of crying girls squatted together, surrounded by seven or eight big men, and they dared not move.

Lai Hongjun took the flashlight from the leader and went in to pick people out.

He listened to the introduction of people who had experienced it, and picked people by looking at their teeth, waist, chest, and height.
This time he chose a small, exquisite and good-looking one.

Lao Lai died in a hurry outside.

This silly fool, why didn't he know to pick a fat one, what's the use of looking good?

The girl is good-looking, but she ran away with someone, and your mother is good-looking, and she can only cook.

The most important thing in choosing a woman is to be able to work hard.

It's useless for Lao Lai to be anxious. It's Lai Hongjun who chooses a wife, so he can't go up and pick up the ashes.

After Lai Hongjun finished the selection, the next person couldn't wait to enter the arena. The procedure was the same as before, and it was also pick and choose.

Shen Guanglin couldn't stand it anymore. If he had a mobile phone, he would call the police now.

He swore that he would go to the Public Security Bureau to sue them the next day and make them walk away without food!
The money has been settled, and Lai Hongjun is ready to go home with the girl.

The leader gave a special explanation: "You have to be optimistic about the time ahead. You will be obedient after a few meals, and you will be at ease when you have children. You are handsome, and she is not bad for you."

Lai Hongjun pulled the woman along with her, but the woman didn't resist, and moved like a puppet.

Lao Lai and Shen Guanglin followed behind without speaking.

Soon he entered Lai Hongjun's house. His new house was in Wuliangtai, and he did not continue to live in Yangshulin, which was too remote.

It seems that the furnishings of the house are newer, but it is still not rich.

After the girl entered the door, she was like a quail, squatting on the ground and not daring to move.

Just as Lai Hongjun was about to close the door, he found Shen Guanglin following behind.

Just now, all his attention was on the girl, and the girl's hands were warmed up along the way.

"Father, who is this?"

"Your sister Hongmei met the teacher in the capital, and they sent Miss Yao back." Lao Lai still respects Shen Guanglin, he respects the teacher.

"He won't tell us about us, will he?" Lai Hongjun was a young sportsman who had done many immoral things.

"That won't happen."

"I will!" Shen Guanglin felt that he could not keep silent anymore, there was a fire in his chest.

"You can't do this, it's a crime! Let this girl go home, rein in the precipice, you can still be saved." Shen Guanglin felt that this era is not all good, but he met it the first time he went out, and it was really fucked up.

"Mr. Shen, we spent money on this girl, 500 yuan." Lao Lai knew that there were many people in the city, and he didn't like this weak woman, but he was still reluctant to part with his 500 yuan.

"Yes, she is 500 yuan!" Lai Hongjun also echoed
"Isn't it just 500 yuan, I'll give it, I'll give it 700!" Shen Guanglin took out a handful of money from his pocket, counted it, there were more than 700 yuan, and stuffed it directly into Lai Hongjun's hands, saving him from touching it all the time girl's face.

"Father, this."

"Mr. Shen, since you paid 700, this girl will be given to you. What you do with it is up to you. Army boy, you can't choose a girl who has only appearance but no strength." This is Lao Lai's Speaking from experience.

Lai Hongjun wanted to argue, but he felt that the woman made 200 yuan from changing hands, which seemed to be worth it.

"Can you let her sleep with me overnight? I'll pay you back tomorrow."

"No, I bought this, and that's mine."

Shen Guanglin pulled the girl up and found that she was really petite, she should be from the south, she was shivering from the cold or fright.

"Girl, don't be afraid. I'll take you home tomorrow. You're safe."

Shen Guanglin was afraid of leaving the girl here and being bullied, so he planned to take her to Lao Lai's home in Yangshulin.

The girl understood what he said, and although she didn't say a word, she left obediently.

"Mr. Shen, what do you want to do?"

Along the way, Lao Lai asked all the way.

"There are a lot of darkness in society, and I don't say anything if I can't see it. Now that I have encountered it, I must report them, or my conscience will not be able to make it through. But don't worry, Uncle Lai, you are fine, we will leave tomorrow , not to implicate you."


When they arrived at Lao Lai's house, Zhang Xiaoyao had been put to sleep by her grandmother, and Li Rong was not asleep. When she heard their movement, she got up quickly, holding a kitchen knife in her hand to defend herself, and then saw the girl who followed them in.

"Brother Guanglin, is she?"

"She is the girl who was deceived. I snatched it from Lai Hongjun."

Lao Lai went back to rest, leaving only the three of them in the room to talk.

"Girl, what's your name? Don't worry, we're not bad people. I'm a teacher at the university. This is my date Li Rong. We came here to play. I have such a beautiful daughter-in-law, so I definitely won't think of you."

The girl looked at Shen Guanglin for a long time, then Li Rong for a long time, and then said cowardly: "Are you really good people?"

"Really." Li Rong also assured.

"Ah, do you suspect that we are acting? Don't worry, you don't have to say anything. I will send you out of the mountain tomorrow morning. Let's go directly to the police station. Can you talk about it then?" Shen Guanglin didn't know what happened to the girl. What, how long will it take to heal the wound.

In the end the girl said nothing.

Because criminal gangs have used this method several times, they first sent people pretending to be good people to rescue them, and anyone who believed them would fall into deeper despair.

"Rongrong, help her change clothes, the three of us will sleep together today." Shen Guanglin was making the next arrangement.

The girl is too dirty, and the padded jacket is rotten, which means she looks good, otherwise no one would really like her.

Shen Guanglin turned his back and covered his eyes with his hat.

Li Rong's clothes were all in the car, and only a set of long johns was ready to be replaced.

Never mind the size, let the girl wear it.

"Bastard! It's a beast!"

Li Rong suddenly shouted.

"what happened?"

"What else can they do? They wantonly torture people."

There were scars all over the girl's body, as well as traces of being violated.

Since being abducted, this is an indispensable procedure, and some girls are already pregnant before being bought.

"Okay, stop talking."

Shen Guanglin stopped Li Rong from continuing, and he really didn't turn his head to look. He felt that this was to preserve the girl's last dignity.

Let's arrange it like this for now, the two girls sleep on one end, Shen Guanglin sleeps on the other end, and the three sleep with their clothes on.

Just as Shen Guanglin was a little sleepy, there was another knock on the door, very anxious.

It turned out to be the teacher Lai with 20 years of teaching experience.

"Mr. Shen, hurry up, hurry up! Did you buy a girl with 700 yuan, and that bastard Lai Hongjun went to buy someone else with money. I feel that something is wrong, and it will be too late for them to react."

I go!

(End of this chapter)

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