Start with a college teacher

Chapter 152 On The Road

Chapter 152 On The Road

Shen Guanglin's head became bloodshot in a daze.

There is also a feeling of hypoxia dizziness.

I wipe!problem occurs?

Is Uncle Lai still at home?

"Uncle Lai! Uncle Lai!"

"Stop yelling, Lao Lai is also below, you have to leave quickly! I guess they will have to touch it in a while, these two idiots speak completely out of place, and shake you out."

Teacher Lai was very eager to urge him. He himself planned to report it, but they also ruined the matter. .

Yes, really have to go now.

Shen Guanglin knew very well that being blocked at home by them might be life-threatening.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong hurriedly packed their things.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up, the quilt is definitely out of reach, the military coat is on the body, and the extra military coat can be worn by this girl.

Most of Shen Guanglin's belongings were packed in his backpack, including a lighter and so on.

Li Rong also has a backpack, but most of it is cosmetics and the like.

In less than a few tens of seconds and a minute, they are ready to go out.

Li Rong went to pull the little girl and wanted to take her away with her, but the little girl refused to move.

She doesn't trust them, she doesn't go.

She felt that they were testing her, and if she really left with them, she would definitely be humiliated and beaten again.

Do you like to go or not!

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law don't want it.

Shen Guanglin couldn't take care of that much anymore, he put on his hat, put on his schoolbag and pulled Li Rong outside.

When I went out, I found that Mr. Lai was also holding a gun in his hand.

Li Rong asked in surprise: "Is it Type 56? My marksmanship is pretty good."

She felt that if she had a gun, she should be able to fight.

"This is a bird tube. One shot will finish the job. If you can't hit anyone in winter, you can use it as a crutch." Teacher Lai handed over the shotgun, as well as a bag of gunpowder and iron sand.

Come on, run for your life.

The three of them hurried down the mountain. In the hazy moonlight, they suddenly saw a few shadowy figures going up the mountain.

Is it a coincidence?
The three hurriedly hid in the shade, and it really was Lao Lai's voice: "They have a car, and they are big men from the capital. When you see him, you have to say it nicely, we don't want to get involved in your business." We just want to have a daughter-in-law in a down-to-earth manner."

It's over!This old Lai really can't tell the difference between good Lai and Lai Lai.

The three of them held their breath and concentrated, not daring to make a sound at all, and they dared not come out until they had gone uphill and far away.

It's so dangerous, I almost ran into it just now!

Shen Guanglin and his car were parked by the river, as long as they picked up the car and started it, who could catch up?
It's worth a shot.

Time is running out, so hurry up.

But the three of them did not dare to continue on this road.

Under the leadership of Teacher Lai, they went down to the river, preparing to walk along the ice to the parking spot.

In fact, the ice surface is easier to walk on, it is relatively flat, and there is snow, so it is not very slippery.

The current situation is very critical and cannot be blindly optimistic.

"Mr. Shen, I don't know if I can get the car later. If someone blocks your car, it will be over for you."

"Yes, what should we do then?" Shen Guanglin also thought of this question.

"You walk along the river, and I will go up to see if you get close to the car. If there is an ambush, don't come, just go on your own. There is a train track about 2 kilometers ahead. After you find it, keep walking along the train track. You can find a way out wherever you go, don’t go into the mountains, it’s easy to get lost.”

After explaining this, Teacher Lai went ashore again and continued walking along the path by the river.

Bai Yueguang felt flustered.

The parking place has arrived, and there is someone there!


The other party shouted.

"A visitor, walking home." Teacher Lai used the local dialect, successfully confusing the enemy.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong could hear their conversation clearly in the river, and now they really didn't dare to pick up the car, so they could only drive away quickly along the river.

The two walked quietly, for fear that any noise would disturb them.

Speaking of going back to the other side, when Lao Lai rushed to his home in Yangshulin with his people, Mr. Shen and his wife had already disappeared.

Not only are people gone, but things are also gone.

Only the girl chosen by Lai Hongjun is still in the room.

Ask the girl where they went, but the girl dare not speak.

In the end, it was Lai Jin who got up and spoke: "They were called away by the private teachers in the village."

Oops, something big is going to happen!
The people in the gang knew that something bad was going to happen as soon as they heard it.

They don't have time to take care of Lao Lai's business anymore, so hurry up and chase him.

The first step in tracking is to check if the teacher's car is still there?
A few people rushed all the way, and the car was still there.

Then it won't go far.

They were taken away by private teachers, where are the private teachers now?
The car keeper said that they actually encountered a private teacher passing by, as if they had already returned home.

Find it now!

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong walked quickly along the river, although they didn't dare to run recklessly, but they walked fast.

Sure enough, there is a bridge over the river, it should be the railway bridge Mr. Lai mentioned, get on the railway!

After some climbing, the two of them stood on the railway, feeling like they had escaped from the sky. This experience was both thrilling and exciting.

Go ahead and run for your life.

The two held hands and ran forward along the railway, don't ask where the road is, the road is right under your feet.

On the other hand, Mr. Lai was caught very quickly. After a beating, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he was recruited.

"The two of them walked along the river, and they should be on the railway line later. I don't know which direction to go."

"Brother Guanglin, there won't be wolves in this barren mountain, right?" Li Rong asked.

The girl was still a little scared at night, but she felt at ease when she was with Teacher Shen.

Being able to escape with Shen Guanglin, this kind of thing is romantic.

"I'm not afraid of wolves. I have an engineer shovel in my bag, and we have guns, so we can barely deal with them. What I'm afraid of is what if Teacher Lai is caught by them, what if they tell us what we're doing? "

What Shen Guanglin was really worried about was this, so he glanced behind every now and then.

"Ah, will he tell us? Shouldn't he keep it a secret?" Li Rong didn't think of this question, but Shen Guanglin did.

"If a gun was pressed against you and it would kill you for not telling the truth, would you say no?"

Li Rong wanted to say that she definitely wouldn't, but she couldn't tell.

In this case, there is really no need to keep secrets, and life-saving is the most important thing.

"So we have to take advantage of this opportunity to leave quickly. If we encounter a village, we will hide in the village for a night, and we can talk about anything after dawn."

After walking for a while, there was a train coming in the distance ahead.

The two quickly hid aside, afraid that the light would shine on them.

The car was not lit, it was a van.

It's not easy to climb the train, so forget it.

The lights of the train at night were extremely eye-catching. When Li Rong looked back, she suddenly felt as if she had discovered something.

"Brother Guanglin, look, is there someone behind?" Li Rong asked in surprise.


Shen Guanglin turned his head to take a closer look, I'm going!

Behind them, about 1 kilometer away, several figures were coming along the railway line, especially eye-catching under the light of the train lights.


"Let's go quickly, we can't continue walking along the railway, let's go into the mountain immediately." Shen Guanglin made a prompt decision.

"Didn't you say you can't enter the mountain?"

"We have no choice. The consequences of being caught up are simply unimaginable."

"I'll listen to you."

The two walked away from the railway and walked deep into the woods.

There are no roads along the way, only snow, but fortunately it is not too deep, and it is barely passable.

Shen Guanglin was also thinking about it all the way, whether he was not deep enough.

If I don't say anything, and I report it after I enter the city at dawn, nothing will happen.

Do what the good guy does!
The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more, the most important thing is to escape.

The two were very nervous on the way to escape, and they didn't feel cold. They grabbed a handful of snow when they were thirsty, and chocolate when they were hungry.

Shen Guanglin was even thinking about whether he would imitate Mr. Pei and escape in the wilderness for a while in the future. He brought a lot of good things suitable for living in the wilderness.

But it doesn't work.

At dawn, they also came to a village.

Shen Guanglin greeted fellow villagers who got up early.

He carries a letter of introduction with him, not afraid of being asked.

This is Chaer Lake, which already belongs to Xinghe County in Ulan Chabu.

Have you crossed the province?

The teacher's treatment is good, and Murakami specially sent a tractor to take them to Xinghe County.

The time spent on the road was less than an hour.

So what are you waiting for, report it now.

 I have prepared several chapters for this dungeon, so I just take it away, it is unpopular, and there is a risk of 404.The original plan was that the relationship between the two of them had a breakthrough here, so let's find another opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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