Chapter 16 New work (seeking collection and recommendation)

The interview process went very smoothly.

Because Professor Yang's status is higher than that of Lao Zhang, he is not only a professor, but also a member of the academic department.

Finding a job has never been an easy job.

Talented as Li Bai, in order to find a satisfactory job, he also wrote three cover letters in succession, namely "Shang'an Prefecture Li Chang's History Book", "Shang'an Prefecture Pei Chang's History Book" and "Han Jingzhou Book".

However, Shen Guanglin didn't do anything, and he came across such a good job. He never thought that it would be so easy to find a good job.

And found a teacher position at Jingcheng University.

In later generations, if you want to teach at Jingcheng University, you will not start with a doctoral degree, but you must have scientific research results and highly cited papers.

However, in this era, there are two professors who help to recommend, plus a brief interview with the dean, so that you can decide whether to admit a university teacher, which will definitely be a big mistake in future generations.

After receiving the letter of appointment with the dean's seal, Shen Guanglin happily returned to the bureau.

He now has two identities, one of which is a teaching assistant and has no specific teaching task; the other is an English lecturer, teaching first-year English in the Department of Physics.

The salary is very good, 114.5 per month, and also has a single dormitory.

How much is Liu Haocai a month?less than 30.

What about Miss Li Rong?

Although she didn't say it, it should be about the same.

The reason why the school can offer such a high salary must have considered his background in studying abroad.

Although Shen Guanglin has already explained to the school that due to the need for confidentiality, he cannot be said to the outside world that he has a background in studying abroad. He is an ordinary person born and raised here.

As for the connection between the school archives department and the public security bureau, this is their business.

Successful entry, no matter what era the custom is, there is a banquet to celebrate.

Shen Guanglin called Li Rong, Liu Hao, Uncle Zhang and several others, but did not tell his sister Li Li, and planned to give her a surprise in the future.

In this way, life is full of surprises.

When they heard that Shen Guanglin wanted to treat guests, everyone was inexplicable at first. They didn't know why Shen Guanglin was so crazy until they saw Shen Guanglin's letter of appointment, and it was also issued by Jingcheng University.

Oh, Xiao Shen is really different!
Sooner or later, gold will shine, and sooner or later, gold will be spent.

Beijing Roast Duck is on its way.

Just such a meal cost 16 yuan 9, in Liu Hao's eyes, it is not an unbreakable family.

How much is Liu Hao's monthly salary?

However, Shen Guanglin felt that the meal was worth it.

It turns out that Beijing Roast Duck is the most correct way to open it.

The ceremony is full of sense, the taste is also very good, and it really lives up to its reputation.

As for those roast ducks of later generations, they are pure rubbish.

Shen Guanglin has really gained a lot of knowledge through this meal.

No wonder even US President Bush likes to eat Beijing roast duck.

In this era, there is a whole set of procedures for eating roast duck.

To eat roast duck, you must first choose duck blank.

The Beijing Roast Duck is made of white stuffed duck. After slaughtering and removing the internal organs, sorghum stalks are placed in the body cavity of the duck.

Before ordering, let the diners choose the duck blank by themselves, just like in the future generations let the diners choose which live fish to kill.

Of course, picking fish is tricky, and merchants may replace them with dead fish in the middle, but the ducks here are not.

After selecting the duck, they will first let the diners mark it, and then the roast duck master will come over to take the duck blank, and then use it for processing.

The processing process is also open. At this time, the roast duck master will block the back door of the duck with a stopper, and pour boiling water into the incision under the duck wings, which is called "guiding soup".

After that, the hanging duck is ready to be roasted.

The wood used for Beijing Roast Duck is jujube wood and apple wood as the best, followed by peach wood, apricot wood and pear wood. Anyway, it can only be roasted on fruit wood, not an electric oven, so that it will have a unique fragrance.

The wood is lit, and when the oven temperature rises above 200°C, the duck can be roasted.

Moreover, the maximum temperature of the barbecue should not exceed 300 ℃, and 250-300 ℃ is the best.

After the duck is cooked, it must be shown to the diners first, and only after the diners confirm that it is the duck that he has selected, will the "slice the duck" begin.

The wait for the roast duck is long, but it's worth it.

In later generations, these processes have all been simplified, and only the skills of "slicing duck" can still be viewed. The previous steps are basically "irrelevant" to the diners.

To slice duck, it is necessary to slice out 108 pieces of duck meat with meat on the skin. This is a good knife work.

Eating roast duck also pays attention to order.

Slice the duck skin while it is still hot, it is crispy and fragrant, and then slice the duck meat, which is tender and delicious.

In short, the most basic requirement is that the slices have belt meat, thin and not broken.

Lotus leaf cake, scallions, cucumber strips, Jingcheng sweet noodle sauce, the taste is really good.

This whole set is full of ritual!
Today's dinner was ordered by Miss Li Rong. Everyone was very satisfied. Shen Guanglin looked at the menu at the checkout. The food at this time was really not expensive:

Beijing Roast Duck, RMB 8; Dried Duck in Oil, RMB 1.9; Mushu Pork, RMB 0.9; Sliced ​​Shandong Pork, RMB 1.1; Leaf cake 1.9 taels, 1.5 yuan.

It was all meat dishes, although it was only shortly after the Spring Festival, everyone still enjoyed it.

After eating the meal, it was considered a farewell ceremony.

In this dormitory, Shen Guanglin couldn't bear it for a long time. Liu Hao had lightning and thunder every night. The problem was that his snoring was not only loud, but also had a poor sense of rhythm.

It's just that Brother Shen is leaving, and Xiao Liu is still a little reluctant. After all, he hasn't gotten his down jacket yet. He's not as heartless as Miss Li Rong.

Of course Li Rong doesn't matter. She has the right to use a three-wheeled motorcycle and can visit her sister at any time at school. She just hopes that her sister will control herself, not fall too early, and give her sister a chance.

The next day, it was really Shen Guanglin who was sent by Li Rong in three rounds.

Don't look at the fact that Shen Guanglin has a lot of belongings just a few days after he arrived in the capital.

A bed sheet can't even hold it as a burden.

However, it is good to have more things, that is, he can not sit in the side bucket, he can sit behind the driver, and he can put his arms around the waist of the young lady while driving.

The girl's waist, the knife that kills.

The lady's waist is so soft.

Shen Guanglin kept restraint and restraint all the way, and something almost happened to show respect.

There is transportation, and soon to the school.

After meeting the leader, it is some procedural trivia.

Although Shen Guanglin did not have a household registration book, he had a certificate from the Public Security Bureau, so he could justify it.

The school also has a security department and an archives department, which can also be registered, but in the end it depends on the public security bureau and his personal intentions. Shen Guanglin has no education and is still in the probation period.

In case it is a silver pewter tip, there is still time to return it.

As for the library card and work card, with Professor Yang and Professor Zhang staring at it, the process is very fast.

After a busy morning, Shen Guanglin had already sat in his exclusive office by the afternoon.

This is the office of the English teacher of the Physics Department, next to the offices of Teacher Zhang and Teacher Yang.

At present, Shen Guanglin is working here alone, because the other teachers are all seconded from the foreign language department, and they leave after class.

Of course, Jingcheng University in this era did not have a foreign language department, only the Department of English Language and Literature, the Department of Oriental Language and Literature, the Department of Western Language and Literature, and the Department of Russian Language and Literature.

It has been many years since the four departments merged into one college.

Miss Li Rong went back after sending Shen Guanglin off, and didn't even stay for lunch.

He came and went in a hurry. Anyway, he knew where he lived, so just come and play with him later.

Shen Guanglin just wanted to go to the classroom to talk to sister Li Li about life and ideals, but the math teacher Zhang came over.

"Xiao Shen, you young man has good eyes, help me engrave a handout."


The textbooks of this era are not sufficient, and most of the lectures used in the classroom are handouts carved out by teachers with ink stencils.

This kind of handout is cheap, but you have to be careful when using it, otherwise your hands will be black and not easy to wash.

Shen Guanglin looked at the content of the handout, no wonder he asked him to engrave it. It turned out that Teacher Zhang really put in the surface equations proposed by Shen Guanglin.

Teachers and students in this era are pure and simple. Teachers try their best to teach, students try their best to learn, and everyone has been wasted for many years. In order to learn knowledge, it is imperative to race against time.

Since Grandpa Deng personally unveiled the fig leaf of the real gap between us and developed countries, everyone has been eager to keep up with the pace of developed countries.

There is no way. In the past ten years, the talent gap has been really serious, and many colleges and universities have even interrupted normal teaching and research.

The system of recommending colleges also leads to the worrying about the quality of their students even in prestigious schools.

Why is the group of people after the resumption of the college entrance examination so powerful?

In fact, the batch of recommended college students before the resumption of the college entrance examination is too difficult to play.

I don't know if Shen Guanglin's eyes are good or not, but at least he has good physical strength.

Shen Guanglin not only completed the engraving, but also completed the printing. He is really a compound talent!

The afternoon went by like that.

Shen Guanglin chatted while busy working. Mr. Zhang didn't look like an old man, but he was actually very funny and humorous.

He can catch many stalks thrown by Shen Guanglin, and he will fight back in his own way.

Even Shen Guanglin once felt that Lao Zhang was an old driver.

It was very late when the printing work was over. Mr. Zhang had a wife at home and went home for dinner, so Shen Guanglin could only go back to his dormitory.

This is the single dormitory he was assigned. Finally, he no longer has to endure Liu Hao's snoring, and it is very uncomfortable to sleep with his ears plugged every day.

The conditions of the dormitory are pretty good. Although there is no heating, the furniture is still complete. There are beds, wardrobes, desks, and everything you need.

Even a new set of quilts were prepared in the school. It smelled musty. It was estimated that it had not been in the sun for a long time, but it was brand new after all.

Shen Guanglin had already received a quilt from the Public Security Bureau earlier, and now he has another set, which are stacked on top of each other to make them warm.

The first thing to do when entering the room is of course cleaning. Shen Guanglin even wiped the glass piece by piece.

bright and clean!

This is my first home in this era, so nice!
However, Shen Guanglin, who calmed down, soon realized the unfriendlyness of this era.

I didn't feel it when I was working, but only when I was free did I realize that the weather was really cold.

No wonder, when he received living materials today, he also got a briquettes stove and 100 pills of briquettes.

I just wanted to say that I can't use this stuff, but now it's really going to come in handy.

Science and engineering students, chimneys and stoves are not difficult to assemble, the most difficult thing is to make a fire.

It is said that the second son of the great man was beaten badly by a woman with tongs because he could not make a fire in the alley in Shanghai.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

The last of a box of matches has been used, the English textbooks have been burned, and the stove is still not lit.

Shen Guanglin also gained something, at least he has destroyed his "criminal evidence".

Or go to a nearby neighbor's house to learn from the scriptures.

Next door lived a young couple from the Department of Geology, with a child.

Shen Guanglin knocked on the door, but the other party didn't do anything else, he just opened it.

Seeing this situation at his family's house, Shen Guanglin hurried back to the dormitory and brought a bottle of malted milk over.

On how to be a human being?

Teacher Shen will teach you hand by hand.

Both of the couple's surnames are Zhao, one is Zhao Ying and the other is Zhao Ying. The names are given with the sense of being the protagonists.

Sister Zhao was very enthusiastic and directly asked him to take a burning briquettes away, saying that it was the only way to light it.

Not only that, the eldest sister also taught him how to control the fire to save coal resources, and how to prevent gas poisoning, etc. Sure enough, life is full of knowledge.

Shen Guanglin went back excitedly. The fire was very strong. First, he boiled a pot of water, and then mixed a cup of malted milk. He didn't eat dinner, and he was even more hungry.

There is nothing else in the room that can fill you up except for drinks.

I went, I almost forgot that I was still pregnant with a huge treasure. Are those two pounds of beef still there?

Shen Guanglin reached into the cornucopia to explore, and easily touched the piece of beef that had not been torn apart.

Please see my brother bring you a roast beef!
The Osaka beef was taken out rustlingly, and it was still half-melted before, as if time had stopped in the cornucopia.

How to make beef delicious?

Steamed, braised, fried, fried?
Really think more.

Shen Guanglin has no pot, no knife, no salt, only a kettle.

Put the meat through the big lid of the kettle, and eat it right after it's cooked.

Shen Ye Jingda Survival Story!
(End of this chapter)

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