Chapter 17 The First Lesson (For Collection, For Recommendation, For Monthly Pass)

The first night of Beijing University.

There was an English class the next day, and Shen Guanglin got up early.

I woke up early not because I had to go to class, but because I slept too long. I started sleeping at 8 pm and woke up before 5 am.

When I first arrived at Beijing University, I didn't know the place of life well, and I didn't buy a meal ticket in advance. Naturally, I couldn't go to the cafeteria for breakfast, but Shen Guanglin had another way.

He didn't eat much of the beef yesterday, mainly because it lacked salt and taste, and it was really not tasty.

This morning, Shen Guanglin took out the piece of beef directly and went to the neighbor's house next door for a breakfast.

Brother Zhao has said that Xiao Shen is really a bright person!
Afraid of being embarrassed, he deliberately cooked the beef before bringing it over.

Cut the beef into slices, sprinkle a little salt and you can eat, fat and thin, the taste is so good!

I'm afraid this piece of beef must be more than a pound and a small pound. Xiao Shen only ate a few slices, but instead drank two big bowls of corn porridge.


On the first day of work, it is difficult for outsiders to understand this glorious feeling of being a worker. Although no one checked the post, Mr. Shen was very active and came to the office very early to wait.

Shen Guanglin was the only one in Nuoda's office.

Take a look at the class schedule for the freshman year of the Department of Physics. Today's class is the same as before. English is still three or four classes in the morning, located in classroom 302.

Prepare for lessons, Xiao Sao Nian.

It turns out that the English textbooks of this era are not too backward, and the texts are also easy to understand and full of the romantic atmosphere of the era.

This is also very interesting, not worse than Li Lei and Han Meimei.

While Shen Guanglin was intoxicated while reading, the middle-aged female teacher he had seen before came in, Shen Guanglin quickly stood up to say hello: "Hello, Mr. Liu!"

Teacher Liu looked at Shen Guanglin and felt familiar, "You, who are you? I've seen you before."

There is no reason why such a handsome boy has not been seen before. There are too many students and I forgot his name.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, we've met before. I'm Xiao Shen, Shen Guanglin. I took your class not long ago."

"Oh, I remember you! You did go to my class a few days ago, why are you here? This is?" Mr. Liu really remembered this person, this young man is very good at learning, yes, she still uses him Give an example to inspire your classmates.

"I'm a new teaching assistant, my surname is Shen, Shen Guanglin. The college assigned me to be an English teacher for a while, but I just don't know if I've told you." Shen Guanglin was a little timid, after all, this was taking someone's job. I just don't know if the teachers of this era have any tuition fees, otherwise, they will steal people's money.

"You are the new English lecturer! Your college has indeed said that you will take the English class after the freshman year, and I will only teach the second and third year courses in the future, or it will be easy. However, young man , you're not being kind! I thought you were a beginner in English, but I didn't expect you to hide your secrets and hold back. I heard that you came back from studying abroad, is that true?"

Mr. Liu really didn't mean to blame, because Shen Guanglin didn't say that he was a beginner that day, it was his own misunderstanding.

Shen Guanglin said a few words of humility in a symbolic way, and then had a conversation with Teacher Liu in pure English.

Mr. Liu is a direct disciple of a foreign teacher, and his English is naturally very good.

Shen Guanglin has been abroad for so many years, speaking in English has become a conditioned reflex, and he doesn't even need to translate into Chinese in his mind.

However, Mr. Liu's Chinese-English translation is better, but Shen Guanglin can't.

His translation from Chinese to English is ok, but he speaks a lot of English, and he often does not know how to translate into Chinese.

Teacher Liu also made a judgment: Shen Guanglin's pronunciation, sentences, and speed of speech are all good, so it should be more than enough to be an English teacher, and he is better at fluency in language.

In fact, teachers of foreign language colleges also have drawbacks in teaching English, that is, they are not very good at professional English.In particular, they do not understand some professional vocabulary and terminology of this kind of physics, and they can only teach some daily conversations.

Shen Guanglin is different. He has a subject background, which is why Professor Yang, a physics professor, is willing to recommend him. In addition to teaching, he can be a tool person who can translate.

It was still early for the third and fourth quarters of class. Inevitably, Mr. Liu would ask Shen Guanglin anecdotes about studying abroad.

Foreign language learners have always been more enthusiastic and unrestrained. In other words, they like to gossip.

Where is Shen Guanglin's interesting anecdote? He can only tell some stories from hearsay, but it still makes Teacher Liu laugh.

Teachers who teach foreign languages ​​are good at this. They can make jokes and catch memes.

Among them, Shen Guanglin mentioned that when he was in college, he played translation games with his Asian classmates, sometimes translating from Chinese to English, sometimes from English to Chinese.

There is an international student named Xiaoying who is very interesting. He is not good at studying, his papers are all fake, and his translation is not good. kill me, but you cannot fuck me!"

Teacher Liu really laughed when he heard it.

She was not angry at all because there was some color in this joke, and even thought about taking the joke back to tell her colleagues.

"Is there any such joke, let me tell you another one."

Shen Guanglin wanted to say no more, it didn't fit his arrogant personality, but he couldn't forgive him, so he was going to tell a joke about the Titanic, even though the movie hasn't been released yet.

"There is a love story abroad, about the love between a poor boy and a rich princess on a boat. The poor boy is called Jack and the rich princess is called Lucy.

Foreigners are usually more explicit about love.Once, Jack and Lucy were making out, Lucy said, 'Jack, slow down', of course, she said this in English, the original words of her sentence were: 'Jack, slow fuck! ', as a result, my classmate Wanwan made another divine translation, which was directly translated by him into the name of a country: 'Czechoslovakia'. "



Teacher Liu smiled and bent down, "No, no, no, I have to tell my colleagues."

Mr. Liu originally wanted to see what the new English teacher's level was, but he didn't expect Shen Guanglin's ability to speak English to be so powerful.

It seemed that there was no problem. Mr. Liu returned to the English Department by himself, and Xiao Shen was allowed to play freely in the classroom.

After Teacher Liu left, Shen Guanglin went directly to the classroom. He needed to familiarize himself with the teaching venue.

At this time, the first and second classes of the Physics Department had not ended, and there was no one else in the classroom of 302 except the students who were going to take the class.

In this era, because English is difficult to learn, many students from other colleges will come to take classes. Of course, students from the Department of Physics will also go to other colleges to take classes.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin came in wearing a military coat, everyone also regarded him as a new classmate who came to the class and didn't care.

The 80s was an era that valued talent, and being handsome was not so popular.

It is better to look handsome than to dress handsomely.

Shen Guanglin first put the English textbook and the army green aluminum alloy flat water bottle on the podium, then sat alone in the position where he approached Li Li last time, and began to wait for the class.

The bell finally rang for the first two classes.

Only three to two minutes later, the students walked into the classroom one after another, and Li Li was engulfed in it.

"Brother Guanglin!"

Of course, everyone saw Shen Guanglin sitting in Li Li's "exclusive" seat. Most people didn't know him, but they knew this position.

"Brother Guanglin, why are you here again?"

Li Li's words were like igniting a powder keg. Many people finally remembered, how dare this shameless person come?
If this wasn't a classroom, the classmates would definitely beat him up. He was the first to be able to talk about eating soft rice so fresh and refined.

"Student Li Li, I know your English is not good, so I came here to help you make up your class." Shen Guanglin said solemnly.

Is this what people say?
Li Li is a representative of English classes, and she even gives them supplementary lessons. Who are you?
"Brother Guanglin, don't you want to go to work? I heard from my sister that you have found a job."

Li Li knew that Shen Guanglin had found a new job, but did not know that his job was to teach her to read.

"It's my job to study with you!"

What is this, Li Li is shy.

"This person can really say, I really want to beat him!"

"Me too!"

"Count me in!"

"Go together, go together!"

Shen Guanglin sat with Li Li for a long time, and he couldn't bear to leave until the class bell rang.

Miss Liu, the English teacher, didn't come?
However, the students of this era are still more disciplined. With the silence of the monitor, everyone stopped making noises, including those students who were reading aloud.

The classroom suddenly became silent. Where did the teacher go?

Shen Guanglin is embarrassed to talk about small talk, it's time to show real skills!

I saw Shen Guanglin cleared his throat and walked slowly to the podium, ready to start his first class.

Who is he?
What is he doing?
The classmates looked at the podium in amazement, while Shen Guanglin stood on the podium, moving slowly and in a slow manner, first opened the kettle and took a sip of water, brewing up his feelings, and then he felt that he was fully prepared.

"Hello everyone, from today onwards, I will be your English teacher."


Fryer in class.

"Impossible, he's an English teacher, so where did Mr. Liu go?"

"He is still so young, and many students in the class are older than him, right? Why should he be a teacher?"

"Say! Say!"

Shen Guanglin coughed twice, "I know you are very dissatisfied, in fact, this dissatisfaction is mainly because you don't understand me. If you know me well enough, I guess you are not dissatisfied with me, but want to hit me. "

What Shen Guanglin said was right at all, many classmates had already prepared crowdfunding to beat him.

The first purpose of Shen Guanglin's teaching in the classroom is not to teach, but to pick up girls.

"Please allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Shen Guanglin, male. I am 24 years old this year. I will be your English teacher from now on. I have no education, nor do I learn English..."

"What English do you teach instead of learning English?"

"That's it."

"Listen to me!" Shen Guanlin amplified his voice: "Like all of you, I also study physics, majoring in aerospace. Why can I be an English teacher, because I have lived abroad. Really. , don't lie to everyone, in the United States, if you find a homeless person, his English level should be higher than everyone here."

Impossible, how can the English level of the homeless be as good as ours in Beijing University... It is indeed there, they are their mother tongue, this English teacher is good or bad.

Teacher Shen ignored the hustle and bustle below: "Some classmates may ask, if you are a physics student to teach English, does that mean your physical level is high or your English level is high?"

"I can tell everyone without concealment that I am also highly educated. After years of professional training in science and engineering, I still have a relatively high level of English!"

Finally, a student in the audience laughed. The teacher's speech was really interesting.

"If you don't believe me, think about it, who is the upper limit for learning physics? Einstein? Tesla; who is the upper limit for learning English, the American tramp! Even, I have more swear words than he, and they go over and over again. I know fuck, shit, bitch, I know more, and when I have the opportunity to criticize any classmate, I will teach you by the way."


Shen Guanglin's remarks instantly shortened the distance with his classmates.

Everyone doesn't seem to hate this kid anymore, and he seems to be more handsome with the blessing of a teacher.

At this stage, Shen Guanglin decided to put a big move to show his true skills.

"Speaking of reading, before the Spring Festival, I visited Li Li's home and saw a book she was reading called "Gone with the Wind".

Some students may have also read this book. The more popular version in China is the one translated by Mr. Fu Donghua and published by Zhedong People's Publishing House.However, when we went to college, we tried to read the original version as much as possible, especially professional textbooks.

"Gone with the Wind" contains this passage:
Scarlett, whose room lay across the hall from her mother's, knew from babyhood the soft sound of scurrying bare black feet on the hardwood floor in the hours of dawn, the urgent tappingson her mother's door, and the muffled, frightened negro voices that whispered of sicknessand birth and death in the long row of whitewashed cabins in the quarters. As a child, sheoften had crept to the door and, peeping through the tiniest crack, had seen Ellen emerge from the dark room, where Gerald's snores were rhythmic and untroubled, into theflickering light of an upheld candle, her medicine case under her arm, her hair smoothedneatly place, and no button on her basque unlooped.
Who knows what this means, please translate it. "

The speed of Shen Guanglin's recitation just now is very fast, which is almost the same as the normal speed of Americans. Not to mention now, even 40 years later, those college students may not understand it.

As soon as the big move came out, all the horses slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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