Start with a college teacher

Chapter 18 Counting Money

Chapter 18 Counting Money
It's called getting ahead.

Also called the next Mawei, killing the power stick.

It is said in the story of Water Margin that the hero Wu Song "resulted in" his sister-in-law who loved to feed his brother and take medicine. When he was sent to Mengzhou, he also had to enjoy a meal of killing power.

The classmates were shocked by Shen Guanglin.

This guy's English is really good!

It is not without reason that the school chose him as an English teacher.

Now that the level has been demonstrated, it is time to start teaching normally.

Shen Guanglin mobilized his emotions and began to get excited. After all, he was a teacher for the first time, and the students were still the best.

"Okay, let's start the official class now!"

The whole class was silent.

"Attend class!"

Still no movement.

"begin class!"

Completely silent.

Shen Guanglin expressed surprise.

"Who is the squad leader?"

An eldest brother stood up, his name was Zhang Jianguo, and by hearing the name, we knew that this eldest brother with the atmosphere of the times was definitely older than Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin waved his hand and asked Big Brother to sit down first.

It seems that the classroom at this time has not established the necessary procedures and etiquette for English class.

"In the future, in my class, when I say "class", I will ask the monitor to say "stand up" in English, then I will say "Hello classmates", you say "Hello teacher", and I will say "Sit down" , and then the process ends, which is classroom etiquette.”

After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin wrote on the blackboard: "stand up", "Good morning class&teacher", "Take a seat, please" and other words.

I have to say that Shen Guanglin's English calligraphy is well written, and the squiggly characters in one hand flow out like a pull flower.

However, this behavior is rather disgusting.

Who do you look down on!
Do these simple words still need to be written?Who doesn't know?

Shen Guanglin is a little too contemptuous, isn't he?

In fact, this year's college students are not without foundation, even if they can't read, but at least they know most of the commonly used words and can write, otherwise they will not be able to be admitted to Beijing University.

The classmates were very angry, Shen Guanglin obviously underestimated the heroes.

"These are some everyday terms, everyone, record them, we will start using them in the next class.

In addition, in foreign classes, the sentence 'Please sit down' is usually not said, because this phrase is only said by foreigners when training their own dogs. The preposition of Please has a commanding tone. The class will not say such disrespectful words. "

It's cold.

Nobody gave any feedback.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know that his behavior just now clearly offended everyone's pride, and even Li Li was secretly anxious for "Brother Guanglin".

Of course, Shen Guanglin also saw this situation. He had never encountered this scene before, but he felt that he could still hold on to it. Isn't it just a few simple words, and no.

"Do you think that I despise you? Actually, I don't. On the contrary, I pay special attention to it. Here I would like to add that from the next class, I will use pure English teaching. Try Harder."

Teaching in pure English?
What do you mean?
Just kidding, even an English major has never done this.

"Since you are the favored sons of heaven, please don't say you can't. I believe that through your hard work, you will be able to do it."

Later generations read the materials and said how powerful the college students in the early 80s were. Now, it is time for Brother Guanglin to see how your ability to withstand pressure is.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, no one focused on those simple words anymore. What should I do if the teacher couldn't understand the lecture?
The first class was over quickly.

Shen Guanglin was still a little unsure when the rest bell rang.

There was a 10-minute break between the two classes. No students came to the podium to ask questions, and no students walked back and forth. Everyone was either staring at the textbook or the blackboard, wondering what they were thinking.

Shen Guanglin was unmoved, he was still reading the textbook, that is, reading this ancient textbook that was being used in class.

This is a college English textbook written by Mr. Xu Guozhang in the 60s and published by the Commercial Press. It starts with phonetic symbols. The content of freshman year is not complicated, and it is similar to the difficulty of junior high school students in the 90s.

This is not the level that college students should have, especially the students of Beijing University who use this teaching material are obviously outdated. No wonder teachers like to print and distribute their own handouts.

Within a few years, these handouts will become national textbooks.

Second class.

First, there was a confused class process. After the students were all seated, the formal class began.

Shen Guanglin really opened his mouth and spoke pure English.

This product is still amazing, and I can speak English so well.

Everyone doesn't understand it, but it doesn't matter, you can guess according to the context.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin took care of their actual progress, sometimes saying a sentence three or four times.

If you still don't understand?
If you don't understand, you don't understand, time waits for no one.

In this class, Shen Guanglin didn't talk much about the content of the text, because he felt that the text might be too simple.

Moreover, the fastest way to learn a language is to use it.

Mr. Shen's first class was really full of words like "You're a piece of shit!" and so on. There were thirty sentences in total, and everyone learned them and made rapid progress.

It was not until the end of the get out of class that Shen Guanglin started to teach the text, and he talked about the amount of Teacher Liu for a week in one breath.

Students generally feel a lot of pressure.

This teacher really doesn't play cards according to the routine.

After class, at lunch time, many people said they had no appetite.

Shen Guanglin doesn't care about this.

He walked up to Li Li and invited her to dinner again, cheekily saying that he hadn't bought a meal ticket yet, and he still needed sister Li Li's treat.

Even Li Li didn't respond to this condescending routine, and even said "Hello, Mrs. Shen".

"Student Lily, in class, I'm no longer a teacher, I'm a brother, you're a sister, you can still call me brother Guanglin." Flattery is Shen Guanglin's consistent style.

This time, the classmates finally dared to be angry and did not dare to say anything. Everyone just watched this rascal talking to their goddess in silence, heartbroken.

"It's okay, you can scold me or scold me, as long as you don't hit me."

Li Li was obviously unable to resist this kind of behavior, so she still obediently invited Shen Guanglin to dinner


Life is not just Yingying Yanyan, but also tea, rice, oil and salt.

In the afternoon, Shen Guanglin had something to do, so he didn't accompany Li Li to continue the class. Anyway, it will be a long time to come to Japan.

Shen Guanglin came out not to do anything else, but to buy enough daily necessities, and he has been rooted in Beijing University for a long time.

What happened last night was extremely uncomfortable, and I will definitely make up for it today.

Fortunately, there are shops in front of the school, as well as special non-staple food stores.

Enamel washbasin, towels, shaving blades, iron pans, steamers, cutting boards, kitchen knives, cottonseed oil, flour, rice, spent more than 30 yuan in one go, and finally stopped.

Shen Guanglin looked at his pocket, I'm going, there are only two big tickets for the four great men.

This is not over yet, while the General Affairs and Logistics Office hadn't finished get off work, Shen Guanglin went to buy another 100 yuan meal ticket, and now he didn't even have 200 yuan on him.

It seems that in the future, you will need to find a way to make money, otherwise the money will really not be spent.

There were so many things in his hand that Shen Guanglin even went back to the dormitory several times.

After sister Zhao's adjustment and teaching, the briquettes stove in Shen Guanglin's room really works very well. The fire in the stove does not go out during the day, and the water in the kettle is also warm. You can use it to wash your hands, feet, face and butt at any time. .

Putting the purchased things in place first, Shen Guanglin sighed at the cheapness of the prices and his own poverty.

If you want to pursue girls, you still have to spend some money.

Love without material is like a plate of loose sand, when the wind blows, it is scattered.

Guo Jing's pursuit of Huang Rong cost millions.

With less than 200 yuan, can you pursue Li Li, a girl from a wealthy family?
A lot of pressure wow.

The salary in the future is only so much a month, what can I do?
The renminbi in the cornucopia cannot be used, or should I exchange the US dollar for Huahua?
Shen Guanglin locked the door, and put his hand into the "space" again, before he could explore it carefully, eh, what is this cool thing?
Reaching out, it turned out to be another pack of Osaka beef!
I go, today repeating yesterday's story!
This is indeed a cornucopia!

Get rich get rich!

Reach out and touch again, and there is nothing inside.

It seems that the cloned beef still has a cooling time. It is estimated that after the time bar has passed, new beef will be brushed out.

Let’s leave this matter for verification later. The most important thing now is to see if the dollars in it can be spent, and whether they will be re-swiped after they are taken out.

Shen Guanglin stretched out his hand and groped again, and took out a stack of US dollars from a stack of banknotes.

This is not difficult, much easier than playing mahjong.

Judging from the touch, the RMB and the US dollar are different, and it can be clearly felt from the paper material.

Shen Guanglin quickly found a stack of US dollars, 100 bills, worth 1 yuan.

Unlike the renminbi, which is brand-new and consecutively numbered, this stack of US dollars is different from the old and the new, and I hope there are "old goods" that can be used.

I took out the first one. This is a banknote that Shen Guanglin is very familiar with. I used it often when I was studying abroad, but I didn't study it very carefully.

100 dollar bill with Benjamin Franklin on the front and Independence Hall in Philadelphia on the back.

Look carefully at the year, there is indeed a problem!
Because, in front of Franklin was written in small print: "SERIES 2009 A".

This is released in 2009, I will go, this version will not work!

I found another one, and it was this version of Franklin again, but the date was already 1999.

Are there any earlier years?
Vintage wine is delicious, and vintage dollars are good too!

Take out another one, and the year is 1999 again.

Finally, when Shen Guanglin took out the sixth dollar, a different version appeared.

This 100-yuan note looks different from what I've seen before. This is a different version.

This version of Franklin's head is smaller, framed in an oval, and signed "SERIES 1983."


This note will be ready for use in three more years!
Judging by previous experience, the US dollar should have been revised. After the revision, it was Franklin with a big front page, and before it was a Franklin with a small front page.

Now, just find the little front page Franklin.

Who can understand the joy of counting money?

After careful counting, Shen Guanglin's luck was quite good!
A total of 100 small front pages of Franklin appeared in the 35 dollars. The earliest release date was 1974, and the latest was 1991.


And of those 35 small front page dollars, 1980 were issued before 24!
The ratio is high.

This is the same price as the income of moving bricks for three days in Australia in 2020!
If the more than [-] dollars in the cornucopia are taken out, how much "useful" money can be picked out?
$2.4 a day?
What is the monthly salary and what is the annual salary?
Bill Gates is not as rich as I am!

Action is not as good as heartbeat, Shen Guanglin immediately started working.

He first threw the unusable dollar bills aside, then took out a whole stack from the cornucopia, and then took out another stack...

After all the dollars have been retrieved, there are actually more than expected!

In order to prevent the emergence of products that should not exist in this era, Shen Guanglin also burned all the money that could not be used.

put it back?
How is it possible, it takes up space, what if it affects the next wave of banknotes refresh?
It never occurred to me that burning money would be a big project, burning a lot of paper and ashes. It seems that it is not suitable to do this kind of thing in the dormitory for a long time.

Still have a real home!

Miss Li Li, do you want to think about it?
If you can give birth to a baby, let's go.

My nature is not scumbag, I just want to find a home for you, and want my child to have a mother.

Shen Guanglin, who has money, even feels that a family can no longer meet the needs of the growing people.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket, ask for monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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