Start with a college teacher

Chapter 19 Watching Goldfish Learn Foreign Languages

Chapter 19 Watching Goldfish to Learn Foreign Languages

There is an idiom called Delongwangshu.

Shen Guanglin is not reconciled to guarding more than 3 US dollars, and wants to verify whether he has so much money every day.

Anyway, there are already side dishes and seasonings in the dormitory. Shen Guanglin can't do anything else, but he can still cook beef.

The night went by quite a long time.

Every hour Shen Guanglin would go to the cornucopia space to explore, except for those unusable RMB, there was nothing else in it.

Touch again, still the same.

Finally, after midnight, things began to change.

Shen Guanglin's hand touched it again, it was cold, and it turned out to be beef again!
Going to explore again, eh, the dollar didn't show up!

Done!Could it be that he only had so much money to spend?
Do not believe this evil.

There was no English class the next day. While helping Mr. Yang translate the paper, Shen Guanglin pondered the reason in a hurry. Even accompanying Miss Li Li was not that important.

Another difficult night.

It's past twelve o'clock
I go!The beef is back, but the dollar still hasn't refreshed.


On the third day, there was an English class. Shen Guanglin was not well-prepared, and he was very formal. He decided not to engage in nonsense anymore, and the students listened very carefully. This is what a normal English teacher should be like.

At night, the beef was refreshed again, and the dollar still didn't come.

Accept it!
It's time to confess.

The golden finger cannot be opened too much.

Otherwise, is there any point in fighting?

But it’s okay, it’s the 80s now, all the money was used to buy houses in the capital, how many houses can I buy?
How much can you sell in the future?

Besides, if you don’t buy a house, buy all of them into Moutai. A bottle of the Three Revolutions is 6 yuan and 5 yuan, and you can exchange it for 100 million yuan in later generations.

Teacher Shen was not panicked.

With such a material foundation, Li Li's sister should also be able to win it.

No wait, if you have dollars, you will spend them.

It seems that I still have to go to the Public Security Bureau to see if it is better to go to the last household registration or the whole overseas Chinese identity.

No identity is always at ease.

In other words, the capital account is not so easy to solve, but looking at the school archives means that they can do it, do you want to do it?
No more, go to sleep.

Dreaming of a beautiful woman in your dream, go and relax.

The next day, Shen Guanglin put the freshly broiled beef. The temperature in the room was high, and it was frozen outside the window. It was a pure natural refrigerator, and the place where the sun was not visible was kept below zero.

There was no English class that day, so I could just go and play with Li Li's sister.

In the morning, it is reasonable to have to work. This is a matter of attitude. Especially, Mr. Yang's paper is about to be revised and can be mailed immediately. Shen Guanglin is the second author.

This is good, you can mix your qualifications, and it's not a waste of time.

In the afternoon, there is nothing to do. I take a nap until I wake up naturally, then go to Li Li's sister's class and wait for dinner together after class.

The time was just right, Shen Guanglin only waited outside the door for a short while, and they were dismissed from get out of class.

Students of this age are not lacking in manners, and it was true that they did not know that there was such manners in English classes before.

No, he has only had a few classes, and many students have already greeted him when they came out of the classroom: "Hello, Mr. Shen."

Even when Li Li came out, she also said hello to Teacher Shen.

"What's good, don't call me teacher, I want to call you brother, brother Guanglin! How do you make dinner? If you want something to eat, brother will invite you."

Now Shen Guanglin is rich and powerful, even if he goes to the old Moxi restaurant outside Xizhimen to eat western food, it is not a problem.

In other words, Shen Guanglin really never went to Lao Mo to eat. He just heard how high-end it is, but he never went to see it.

"How else can we solve it? Go to the cafeteria to eat. The food outside is not as delicious as the cafeteria. Can you make it yourself? I really miss the food made by Aunt Hua."

Li Li's tone was soft, like a coquettish little girl. She hadn't seen each other for a few days, and she became even more beautiful.

Good-looking girls look good no matter what they do.

Li Li and Shen Guanglin are also very familiar, she knows that this person is shameless, and there is no need to say polite words to him.

"Don't tell me, we can really cook by ourselves. I have bought all the firewood, rice, oil, and salt. If you are hungry in the self-study class in the future, you can go to my place for a snack at any time."

Shen Guanglin even wanted to say that if it's too late, you can stay overnight, my brother will never exceed the [-]th line. If you don't believe me, try it.

"Oh, by the way, I have good beef there, why don't we go to eat fried beef on a hot plate." Shen Guanglin continued to give advice.

Beef is a good thing.

In fact, the consumption of beef in this era is not large, because there is less oil and water, and most people do not like to eat it.

But Li Li is not an ordinary person. She thought that the West likes to eat steak. She can really try this, and learn about Western etiquette by the way.

"Okay, let's eat fried steak today!" Li Li automatically filtered that Shen Guanglin was talking about beef, not steak.

In fact, in English, any part of a cow's meat, as long as it is thick enough, can be called a steak.

However, it is always not good for a girl to go directly to the male teacher's dormitory.

Li Li called her best friend, a Dutch girl named Song Xiaoyu.

When two people walk together, others will gossip, and three people walk together will not get in the way.

Shen Guanglin thought the same way before, so when he is in good condition, he especially likes threesomes. .

"Hello Mr. Shen, I didn't understand what you said in class. Can you speak a little slower next time?"

Miss Xiaoyu's speech is really simple, and the first sentence is to ask Shen Guanglin to change the teaching method.


Shen Guanglin made a promise.

He thought the Central Plains Mandarin was really interesting. If Yuan Datou didn't die, would it become the national Mandarin?
"Xiaoyu, we are college students. If we want to speak Mandarin in the capital, we can't say 'I' anymore."

Li Li corrected her friend many times, but the effect was not good.

Shen Guanglin disagreed with her point of view: "Mandarin is the most boring. I'm from Jinling and I don't know how to speak Jinling dialect. I haven't had this context since I was a child."

Shen Guanglin grew up in an era when mandarin was fully popularized, especially in cities, there were not many children who could speak the dialect.

Xiaoyu felt that Teacher Shen was a good person and knew how to maintain human dignity, but she also knew that she should learn Mandarin well, but it all took time.

Talking and laughing all the way, the three soon came to Shen Guanglin's dormitory.

The next-door neighbor, Teacher Zhao, is walking in the aisle.

"Brother Zhao, let's have dinner together at night. I have prepared a lot of raw beef this time. It tastes better when fried."

"Thank you Xiao Shen, but no, I'll go pick up your sister-in-law in a while. And the beef you brought that morning didn't finish. I'm thinking about finding a time to invite you back. If you have guests today, we won't be involved. Okay, I have some vegetables there, you can get them, don't dislike them, it's just some potatoes and cabbage."

Mr. Zhao didn't say that he would invite everyone to dinner. First, he was unfamiliar. Second, so many people had a meal, and the cost was a lot, which was not enough to cover the beef.

How much is a pound of beef now?
Less than two bucks.

Osaka beef worth 4000?Bullshit!
Open the door and enter the house.

It would be nice if I could hide the beauty in the golden house.

"Brother Guanglin, the conditions in your dormitory are okay, much better than our dormitory." What Li Li was most dissatisfied with was their living conditions, which were crowded and poor.

"That's for sure. After all, I am a teacher and you are still a student. I will come here often in the future. My brother will show you the goldfish."

"I haven't even returned a loach to a goldfish, Brother Guanglin, what was the dormitory like when you were studying?"

Li Li didn't understand the joy of Shen Guanglin's jokes, but it didn't affect their communication.

"When I was studying?"

When Shen Guanglin was studying, he didn't have a dormitory. My mother bought him a house directly next to the school, and also purchased a transportation tool called a Cadillac.

This kind of thing can't be said, and no one will believe it.

Shen Guanglin pondered for a while, "The conditions are better than now, but, as a student, the more important thing is to study."

"Yes, learning is more important for students, Brother Guanglin, I'm still a freshman."

After speaking, Li Li glanced at Shen Guanglin.

This look is profound, and even a bit like the look in "Farewell My Concubine" that Jiang Wenli looked at the master of the troupe with tears and laughter.

I'll go, Lily, what does this mean?
She's still a student, which means I can't harass her?

Shen Guanglin felt that he had led himself into a ditch, so he could only forcibly change the topic:

"All the ingredients are here, who of you can cook?"

Shen Guanglin himself can't cook, he only knows BBQ.

Li Li hesitated for a while, and didn't say that she would do it, because she is also the kind of person who doesn't touch the sun with her fingers.

"I know, why don't I make it." Xiaoyu is a real person, she thinks the food she cooks is okay.

"Okay, then you come. Anyway, that's all the ingredients, you can make it. But keep half of the beef for me, I'm going to fry the beef slices."

"It's fried steak!" Li Li corrected.

"Okay, it's fried steak."

What kind of ingredients are there? Beef 2 catties, flour 10 catties in a bag, rice 10 catties in a bag, cottonseed oil in a bucket 5 catties, eggs two dozen, and then all kinds of condiments, where are there other dishes? ?

However, Miss Xiaoyu still started with enthusiasm, her hands and feet were very quick.

She directly took out the beef first, cut it in half, then chopped it, added seasoning, and marinated it.

Blanch the noodles in boiling water, knead it into a dough, pull it into a long strip, spread the beef evenly, roll it up and pat it flat.

Shen Guanglin seems to understand, this is to make beef patties.

Put oil in the pan, half-block the stove's air intake after it's hot, and slide the beef patties directly into the pan to fry.

I'm going, this action is quick enough, both Shen Guanglin and Li Li are stunned.

"Student Xiaoyu, how can you be so capable?"

"It doesn't matter. My family makes meat patties. Every time I go to a big market and there are too many people to take care of me, I also have to go to the stall to help."

Xiaoyu spoke without delaying work, and after a while, the pot was filled with beef patties of the same size.

"This noodles must be soft, otherwise the meat patties won't bite. My family's meat patties are rarely made of beef, often some rabbits, hedgehogs, badgers, wild boars, etc. that my father beats. Anyway, what kind of meat is there? What kind of meat to eat, the villagers do not choose."

I'll go, these are all good things. In future generations, except for rabbits, others will not be allowed to eat.

"Go on! What else is delicious?"

Shen Guanglin swallowed the overflowing saliva and wanted to continue listening to her, but after this interruption, Xiaoyu didn't know what to say.

The beef patties came out quickly.

The first meatloaf in the spring of 1980 was naturally dedicated to the beloved Mr. Shen.

Teacher Shen is not a person who eats alone. He uses a knife to cut into three portions, and puts them on the plate like a pizza, and each person gets a piece.

Golden in color, tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

Mmmm, incense!
After frying the meat patties, Xiao Yu did not sit idle. He quickly swept the flour on the cutting board into the bowl, added some more, added water and stirred, then poured water into the pot and boiled, and the dough was thrown into the pot and spread out in small balls. .

"It's called Geeta soup in our house. It's the easiest. Just sprinkle some salt, chopped green onion and sesame oil out of the pot."

"Oh, this is the legendary noodle soup."

As a southerner, Shen Guanglin had never eaten like this, so he couldn't help but sing:


Are you so hungry?
If you are very hungry,

Tell my ten daughters,
Shi Niang, I'll make noodle soup for you..."

"Mr. Shen, what you said is wrong. The ancient noodle soup is noodles, not gnocchi, but you sang it very nicely. I have never heard this song."

"I haven't heard it either. Maybe Guang Lin heard it from Hong Kong and Taiwan." Li Li said that she had never heard the song.

Oops, something went wrong, this song shouldn't have appeared yet, for the most part, Brother Lin didn't flash.

The bread and foot soup was full, and both Shen Guanglin and Li Li forgot about the original plan to fry the steak.

What's the next step?
With the oil bottle like Xiaoyu, it is definitely not suitable for two people to go for a walk. If there are some entertainment facilities, it would be good to watch a movie or something together.

Or, tell a story?Titanic?Czechoslovakia?
"What do you usually do in the dormitory, grinding mirrors?" Shen Guanglin's curiosity was everywhere.

"Brother Guanglin, it's not ancient, and it's not a bronze mirror. How can we grind it? We can listen to the radio in the dormitory." Li Li has a radio. The family is not wealthy, so she did not answer this question.

"Eavesdropping on enemy radio?" Shen Guanglin has always been interested in this term.

"Where is it, what age is it now, and it's still on the line? Anyone can listen to the radio, and you can learn foreign languages ​​from it, but I don't understand it very well."

It turns out that these things can be privately owned, and they are definitely not as scary as what they say on the Internet. Why did they get caught for listening to the radio.

Shen Guanglin also wanted to get some entertainment facilities, otherwise it would be really boring.

The girls were reserved and prepared to go back after eating, saying that they could not relax and study.

"Little stupid girl, you can study even if you stay with me. You can also learn foreign languages. Where should I go to self-study?"

So, the three of them learned English in one breath and learned more than ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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