Start with a college teacher

Chapter 20 Western Food

Chapter 20 Western Food
To live is to live every day.

The days of going to work every day are also fulfilling, especially when I can see sister Li Li every day.

It would be even better if Song Xiaoyu didn't follow him every day as a fuel tanker.

Are you under a lot of pressure to study?

The pressure of studying is really great, but they really keep up.

I have to sigh, the people of this era are cattle, and the receptive ability of the classmates is really strong.

These classmates are just like Xiaoqiang, hard-working and hard-working.

Because most of the sentences Shen Guanglin uses in class every day, there is a limit to the refurbishment, and Shen Guanglin deliberately slows down the speed of speech, so everyone can even guess the general meaning.

Even some students can have daily conversations in English.

The content of the real textbooks in college English is very simple, but the task of reading and expanding learning outside the classroom depends on the arrangements of the teachers.

It's not that Shen Guanglin didn't do anything, he went to the library to borrow a lot of English textbooks, ready to learn from others' strong points.

In order to stimulate the students' interest in learning, people also change the pattern to prepare lessons.

It is not easy for Shen Guanglin. On the one hand, he has to accept the arrangement of the English teaching and research team leader, and on the other hand, he has to carry out his own teaching attempts.

At this stage, before the English version of China Daily was published, Shen Guanglin borrowed newspapers and magazines from the BBC from the English Department.

Political topics are resolutely avoided, no matter which direction, this one is the easiest to 404.

Sometimes, the most popular complaints are complaints, and the worst associations are also associations.

Even in future generations, football and basketball can't be complained at will, and it's impossible to say that people have a glass heart.

Teacher Shen specially selected some articles that introduced human geography and described local customs, and then excerpted the new words and words in them, added phonetic symbols, and mimeographed them.

Each of the students has one sheet, and there are more than 50 new words alone. Is the weight enough?If it is not enough, you can add more.

Shen Guanglin originally planned to leave a week for the students to study, as long as they could memorize and memorize the words, it would be fine.

As a result, only one day later, this was the second class, and all those new words actually knew and could write.

Do you want to be so arrogant!

Being a teacher is also very stressful. Anyway, this learning progress and ability Shen Guanglin can't do.

However, Shen Guanglin did not want to make a block printing machine, he decided to publish only one article per week.

Since you are so powerful, please recite this article as well.

Such an article can play a lot of tricks.

After reciting relays, analyzing sentence patterns, grammar, and discussing English usage habits, Shen Guanglin turned the excerpts of the articles into "Gu Wen Guan Zhi".

New Concept English, starting from Shen Guanglin.

In this era, students cherish any teaching materials given by teachers, especially these English materials mimeographed by Shen Guanglin.

After all, it was carved by Mr. Shen, stroke by stroke. It not only has reading value, but also has some calligraphy value. Many students use it as a copybook.

After a period of time, Shen Guanglin found that the homework of the classmates in the class looked familiar, and seemed to have an inexplicable intimacy, and he was overjoyed and relieved.

Shen Guanglin really enjoys such college life.

Unfortunately, the matter between him and Lily's sister still hasn't progressed.

This little girl is clearly a scumbag, she doesn't take the initiative, she doesn't refuse, and she doesn't take responsibility.

Shen Guanglin didn't find a better breakthrough point for a while, could it be possible to use Spanish flies?Or Colombian powder?
Let's eat a western meal first to promote the relationship.

Sure enough, Li Li was very interested in this proposal, and she even took her sister's car home to get a small dress.

I'll go, do you want to be so formal?

Now the best western restaurant in Beijing is the Moscow western restaurant, referred to as "Lao Mo".

How much does it cost to eat a meal?
5 yuan per person, which is similar to the consumption of eating roast duck. It really is a high-end place.

Before going out, Shen Guanglin was driven back by sister Lily to change clothes again.

Going to eat western food, what kind of military coat to wear, even if there is no suit, you should wear that down jacket anyway.

Shen Guanglin was not happy anymore, his brother was eating western food like wearing slippers and pants, this thing is not so tall.

However, the struggle is meaningless, the down jacket can be worn as long as it is worn.

Shen Guanglin didn't say much. When he went out, he carried a bag containing two catties of beef.

It is estimated that the beef roasted in the western restaurant is more delicious, and it is worth a try.

Thankfully she didn't see it, otherwise she would definitely disagree.

Lao Moxi Restaurant is located at No. 135 Xizhimenwai Street, which is still a little distance from Beijing University.

When he came to this location, Shen Guanglin realized that he had been there before. He didn't come to eat, but to see Teacher Guo talk about cross talk in Beizhan.

Many viewers like to see Mr. Guo's badass energy, especially when he makes fun of auntie.

It should also be "unlucky" for the aunt to meet this surnamed Guo.

In fact, there is another unlucky one, that is Emperor Wanli, who has been the emperor for 48 years and launched the three major campaigns. Unexpectedly, after a lifetime of prosperity, he was destroyed by another surnamed Guo hundreds of years later.

When Lao Mo arrives, enter through the revolving door and walk up the steps. The shape of this gate is really impressive!

Entering the inside, the typical bourgeois style, the seven-meter-high roof, the bright lights, the luxurious and beautiful, is worthy of being a high-end restaurant built with assistance back then.

It is said that in the past, you had to rely on a meal ticket to enter here to eat. It has gradually opened up in the past few years. As long as you have money, everyone can come and have a meal.

It's a big deal to eat bran and pharyngeal vegetables after a while.

The layout inside is also very thoughtful. There is a piano by the wall, but unfortunately no one plays it. Would you like to perform?
On the menu, the price is not too expensive.

Beetroot soup, 0.8 yuan; capital salad, 1.2 yuan, creamy mushroom soup, 1.2 yuan; grilled sausage, 1.8 yuan; red braised small mud sausage, 1.6 yuan; cream roasted miscellaneous dishes, 1.4 yuan; canned beef, 3.5 yuan...

It looks like this beef is a tough dish.

"Come here, sister Lily can order whatever you want. You must eat well. Brother Guanglin is not bad for money."

Shen Guanglin is indeed not short of money, holding more than 3 foreign exchange in his hand, so much can be done.

Li Li looked at the menu, and then handed the menu to Li Rong. Her sister was the regular orderer, and she was the best at arranging meals.

Li Rong was also welcome, "You said you're rich, do you have 100 yuan? If so, I'll order this sirloin steak for 10 yuan."

"Don't girls like to eat filet?" Shen Guanglin was very puzzled, didn't it mean that filet has a lot of lean meat, low fat, and is easy to eat.

"Is there any difference?" It turned out that the sisters only knew how to eat steak and didn't understand the difference between them.

"Of course there is. Filet mignon is actually beef loin, which is characterized by a lot of lean meat and high protein. Sirloin steak is the outer loin of beef, and sirloin beef contains a certain amount of fat and is chewy. Tenderloin and outer loin The middle part is the beef backbone, also called T-bone steak, with some fat and some thin on it." Shen Guanglin started popular science work.

"Which part of the meat is the best?"

"The best part is not on the menu. It's called rib-eye steak. It's tender and juicy, and the one with the texture of snowflakes is the best steak." An 'elegant' man at the next table interjected, without waiting for Shen Guanglin to answer.

I'm going, where did the big-headed goose come from, to rob my brother of Lin's business.

fuck him!

"Sir, sit at your own table and eat your own rice. Don't drink the soup in the bowl and stare at the fish in the pond, especially if this fish is raised by someone else."

Shen Guanglin took the initiative to attack with a gun and a stick. He hated people who pretended to be knowledgeable in front of beautiful women.

He could do it himself, but it would be disgusting for others to do it.

"I'm sorry, I'm offended. Can the two beauties leave their contact information, and I'll treat everyone to rib-eye steak when I get a chance."

Eat your sister!

This man not only stared at other people's fish ponds, but also made a nest against the fish, ready to hook.

"Thank you, this old gentleman, no need, we can eat rib-eye steak every day, and we have a quota of two kilograms every day, and we are tired of eating it." Shen Guanglin is telling the truth, his own two kilograms of beef It's Osaka beef with snowflake texture, otherwise it's not worth 4000 yuan per pound.

In fact, this "elegant man" may not be very old, but wearing an "inferior" suit and the cuffs have not been cut, at first glance, he looks like half a bottle of water that he doesn't understand.

"Little brother, don't talk too much. One cow can only produce 3 kilograms of top-notch rib-eye steak. I believe there are people who can eat it every day, but it's definitely not your Excellency."

Hey, this big brother is too much.

Don't dare to say anything else, Shen Guanglin is really someone who can eat this kind of beef every day.

I didn't want to play a face-slapping drama, so I caught up.

Shen Guanglin picked up the bag, looked at the shape and specifications, it seemed to be a brick.

The elegant man immediately took a defensive posture to prevent the opponent from hitting him with a brick.

Mr. Shen wouldn't be so dry. He really took out a piece of beef from his backpack, which just happened to have a well-proportioned snowflake texture.

Slap in the face in seconds.

"I'm sorry, I brought the beef called rib-eye steak. It's not much or not. It's just 1kg. Is this 1/3 of a cow? Oh, my brother is a cow for three days. Oh, and also, this old man Sir, it’s okay to wear a suit that doesn’t fit well, if you don’t cut the armband, you’re really a layman.”

"Elegant Men" is really not so elegant. This beef is powerful, and the armband can't be cut. This is borrowed clothes.

"Little brother, my name is Wang Shishi, I'm from Liuzhou, I work in the Yangcheng Railway Bureau, haven't you asked me yet?"

No wonder I know so much, it turned out to be working in the Yangcheng Railway Bureau.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to know him, even if he missed one of the richest man in the future.

"Shen, Shen Guanglin, an ordinary people's teacher."

"Nice to meet you."

"Long time, long time."

The two men were a little bit like turning their battles into jade and silk, but the two girls were immersed in studying the menu.

Until my sister saw that Shen Guanglin took out two catties of beef, oops, it was too embarrassing.

"Brother Guanglin, why did you bring the beef, how could you bring it here?"

There are not many people who go to high-end restaurants to bring their own ingredients. The next one is probably the granddaughter and granddaughter played in Uncle Benshan's sketch.

"You don't understand, good ingredients must have good cooking methods, waiter!" Shen Guanglin snapped his fingers.

The waiter came quickly.

"Roast this beef for me. I can pack it if I can't finish it. In addition, help me cut an extra piece and send it to the man at the next table."

"Sir, we don't allow outside food here."

"Is this okay? I'll pay according to the price of the steak on your menu, and you can grill it for me."

"Okay, I'll ask."

The chef in the restaurant is really knowledgeable. This beef is amazing. Not ordinary people can eat this kind of beef, except for Wagyu beef, that is, Tomahawk steak can have such a texture.

Soon, the waiter entered the venue again, saying that there was no money for processing beef, and also changed the tableware on their table and put a set of silver.

This is a treat only for VIPs.

The "elegant man" Wang did not change the tableware on the stone table, and he didn't feel embarrassed, and still raised the cocktail elegantly, indicating that you won, you are amazing.

However, Shen Guanglin was not so happy. This person is a bit deep, and I am afraid that the background is not shallow.

But as long as you don't stare at my fish, I won't break your rod.

After a meal, the sisters were hooked. Originally, the young lady had to pay the bill, but her salary has not been paid, and the money on hand is not enough.

Shen Guanglin took 500 yuan with him when he went out, which was enough to deal with more emergencies. If he brought more money, it would not be safe, and the security in the capital would not be so good.

This era is also very contradictory. There are many unemployed refugees, and it is not safe to accumulate wealth.

"Mr. Shen, look for me in Yangcheng. It's nothing to do on the railway."

"No problem, Mr. Wang comes to me if he wants to eat beef. There is nothing else. Snowflake beef is enough."

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for monthly pass, ask for three consecutive

(End of this chapter)

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