Chapter 166
Using Shen Guanglin's limited knowledge of appraising treasures, it can be concluded that these are all good things.

It goes without saying that this is from Qianlong and that from Yongzheng. The credit of Mr. Li can guarantee that it is definitely from the palace, and it is absolutely unmistakable.

You really can't use the thinking of a small person to consider the world of a big person.

Indeed, Mr. Li brought money into the group to join the revolution, and now he lives in Yuquan Mountain, so can he have no background?

Not to mention anything else, in the place of Yuquan Mountain, you can take off a door panel at will, and bring it to the cultural relics market of later generations to exchange it for several million.

In this day and age, everyone has good things in their hands, but no cash.

However, Shen Guanglin was rich, so he was thinking about buying these things again.

It just so happened that Zhang Peng's mother and son planned to live on their own in the capital, and did not plan to live with Shen Guanglin for a long time.

The weekend is another day for family gatherings.

Ever since grandma came over, the meeting place of Lao Li's house has changed. Anyway, Fuyuanmen has everything here, and life is also convenient, so why not do it.

After the meal, they talked about how to live in the capital.

Shen Guanglin came up with an idea: whether to ask him to cash out the pile of old objects.

"How about I buy all these things, at the current market price of the Friendship Store, I wonder if Uncle Zhang is willing to give up?"

Shen Guanglin was really moved by his admiration, so he put these things in his home. Recently, he and Li Rong came to Fuyuanmen very diligently.

The uncle hastily declined: "It's impossible, this thing originally belonged to the Li family, and now we take it back to the original owner."

Of course, it is impossible to return everything to the original owner, and some good things are hidden in private.

Shen Guanglin didn't care, anyway, he was not in a hurry. At this moment, in the next ten years, the value of antiques and cultural relics will not increase much.

Li Rong was very anxious, she understood Shen Guanglin's thoughts:
"That won't work, what's yours is yours, and we juniors can't take advantage of you."

Li Rong, she knew Brother Guanglin liked this and wanted to fight for him.

But Lao Li said: "Isn't it just some old things? All the things in my hometown belong to my Aunt Cui and your mother. There is no point in arguing about these things. We won't want them."

"That's not a big brother, and that can't be like this. It's not easy for our mother and son to survive with the big grandma, and these things should really be returned to their original owners."

A group of people also polite to each other.

In the end Shen Guanglin couldn't stand it anymore:
"Stop arguing, I'm the only one who is really an outsider. Let me tell you something. Rongrong also knows that I really like to collect. Moreover, I do have a lot of spare money on hand. Uncle Zhang just came to the capital to develop, and he may have savings Not a lot, and living here may not be comfortable.”

"Of course, I definitely don't mean to drive my uncle away. My idea is that these items can indeed be realized in my place. If I buy a house, I will buy a house next to the Forbidden City, and then buy a few shops. If it doesn’t work out, you won’t be living without a store by yourself.”

Shen Guanglin's advice is very pertinent, and his niece Jiang Zhenhua is a living example.

It's only been a long time since I came to the capital, and now it's already a million-dollar household.

Jiang Zhenhua scolded timidly, "Where is there so much money?"

That's fine too.

Anyway, everyone knows that Shen Guanglin is indeed rich. He made a lot of money when he resold clothes before, which is long enough to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

Moreover, he is now a professor at Capital University, and the funds donated by foreign countries have even come in in large sums.

There is no supervision of the money, it is just for him to spend at will, but he is afraid of the fact that he is unwilling to use it.

Now that Beijing has implemented the real estate transaction and registration policies, although it is not easy to buy a house, it is not difficult.

In particular, you can also go to the government to buy unowned real estate.

They don't sell?

Sell ​​it in foreign currency.

Now there is a serious shortage of foreign exchange, but wherever there is a place where foreign currency can be obtained, everyone will not let it go.

After much deliberation, Dou Wei still came to work in the laboratory.

It's not that the arms can't go around the thighs, and Lao Dou didn't force him, everything was chosen by himself.

Sister Zhao told him that he could have a limit of 50 US dollars to buy biological experiment equipment.

He didn't believe it, 5 US dollars was already very good, and he didn't dare to ask for more.

Who knew, Shen Guanglin had someone give him a list of equipment on his first day at work.

You can tick it at will, as long as it is the checked equipment, it will be in place within a week, and you can also buy it if it is customized privately.

real or fake?

of course it's true.

These equipments have been prepared by Takeda company long ago, but the reason why they have not been in place is because Shen Guanglin feels that he should respect the wishes of the person in charge of biology.

Give you a form for you to choose, to show respect for you, if you get all the equipment in one go, it seems a bit bullying.

After all, Dou Wei has only worked for three to five years, and he really has no experience in independently preparing a laboratory.

But it doesn't matter, with Commissioner Dou around, Commissioner Dou's experience is still richer.

With the help of my father, the shelves of the biology laboratory were quickly set up.

Even Dou Wei's biological laboratory ordered some irrelevant experimental equipment.

At first glance, it is more suitable for Lao Dou.

Shen Guanglin doesn't mind either, as long as you make a request, I will meet it.

Isn't it just money, go and fool around after spending it.

Some of the equipment is indeed for Lao Dou. He himself is embarrassed to come to Shen Guanglin to work, but it is still possible to borrow the high-end equipment here.

No matter what, he is also a member of the academic department, and his level is fine, so he doesn't mix a little water.

Every time he came over, those students led by Shen Guanglin came to ask questions with great insight.

Just for one bite, just for the convenience of using the equipment, Lao Dou also became a free tutor.

Two weeks have passed, and Uncle Zhang's house has not been bought yet.

Anyway, there is a place to live, so there is no rush, but Shen Guanglin thinks that he should find a decent job for Uncle Zhang.

After two weeks of tossing, he probably also understands that Jingchengju is not easy.

After all, he was the deputy county magistrate before, not to mention the high position and power, and he was once the emperor of one side.

Being idle all the time is not an option.

"How about we start a biofactory?"

Zhang Peng is not picky, I will do whatever work you arrange, we understand that this is the capital city, not the corner of the country.

There is no suitable product that can be put into production in the research institute, but Shen Guanglin has it in his mind.

In this day and age, it is difficult to make money, but it is not too difficult.

If you want to make quick money, you can do foreign trade, but the impact is too great, and the country will not agree.

Shen Guanglin decided to start a breeding farm by himself.

Now that the biology laboratory has started to be built, the first thing Shen Guanglin thought of was to raise some animals.

Of course, these animals are not used for food, but for experiments.

Takeda is a pharmaceutical company, and they must also need a very large number of experimental organisms.

In the future, the biological laboratories of major universities in Beijing will be established and developed. Where will the rabbits and mice they need come from?

If you don't want to import, you can only buy it from yourself.

Moreover, there are many types of animals used in laboratories, the most common of which are mice.

Of course, white mice are very expensive, and many people can't afford them, so they can only use better and cheaper hamsters.

And hamsters are also divided into types, divided into silver fox, super silver fox, and winter white.

In later generations, the price of a young hamster will be sold at 10 yuan, adult hamsters are more expensive, 15-20 yuan, mice are even more expensive, adult small black 30, big black rat 40, ordinary rabbit 60, albino rabbit 200 It only costs more than [-].

The larger ones are more expensive, such as dogs, monkeys, orangutans.

During the Cold War, CCCP sent more than 60 dogs on a long and difficult manned space flight.

Among them, the most famous is "Lycra."

It was the first earth creature to go into space, even earlier than Gagarin.

Even now, Laika's body is still traveling in space, orbiting the earth every once in a while.


Now that the entrepreneurial direction has been established, the next step is to buy land.

This time the plot of land is relatively large, so it is naturally impossible to continue to be Zhongguancun.

But with foreign exchange to open the way, it is not difficult to do.

The rent of the land can be paid in foreign exchange, and it can solve local employment. It is also a subsidiary of a research institute of Beijing University.

It sounds very reliable.

What's wrong with raising a dog? Do you not test the medicine on the dog first?

People can try it only if the dog is fine after eating it.

This is also in line with people's most simple ideals.

Why does a butcher have two dogs?
When encountering sick and dead pigs, first cut a piece and throw it to the dog. If it is fine after eating, it will be eaten by others, and it will not cause food poisoning all at once.

Government officials were very enthusiastic. They said that even the land for the Old Summer Palace could be supplied.

They dared to give it, but Shen Guanglin didn't dare to take it.

When they take it back in the future, they will definitely not be as polite as they are now.

There is always to be protected there, since I am a prophet, why should I go against the trend.

After thousands of choices, Shen Guanglin finally chose a piece of land opposite the Agricultural University, just across the Xiaoyue River.

Later generations here are not far from the Beijing-Tibet Expressway, and the transportation is convenient.

And the land is big enough, with 107 mu, can you build a house?

Shen Guanglin paid the money, and the expropriation was very formal. The demolition and resettlement compensation, including the fee for young crops, was well paid.

In short, Shen Guanglin just didn't want to have future troubles.

I got the land, and I want to start construction again, and the people from the second construction are the ones I chose.

They have been looking forward to the second phase of Shen Guanglin's project for a long time.

Teacher Shen is a good person.

It’s just that everyone doesn’t understand, people still can’t get enough to eat, how to feed these things?
Raising cattle and sheep is easy to say, but raising mice and rabbits is a bit unreasonable.

Shen Guanglin did not hesitate to talk to laymen.

Even some experts, they can't see how much domestic demand for these animals is.

White mice are almost the standard equipment used in various biological experiments.

Albino rabbits are used in the cosmetics industry; several animals are used in pharmacological and toxicological experiments, such as mice, rabbits, dogs, and even monkeys.

As long as the animals raised meet the biological conditions, there is no need to worry about sales, and it is not difficult to earn foreign exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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