Start with a college teacher

Chapter 167 Chapter 170

Chapter 167

Dou Wei resigned from the Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his attitude was very firm.

He told himself that he had had enough of this stagnant life.

Of course, Shen Guanglin helped him discover this word.

Dou Wei only experienced a few days in the biological laboratory and enjoyed a completely different meal, then he resolutely gave up his work in the research institute and really came to work in the Symmetry Breaking Laboratory.

Of course, it is not without advantages to come here full-time, that is, there is a formal establishment of Capital University.

How to put it, this can be considered as a faculty member of Peking University, a bit higher than the librarians of the year.

After more than half a year, Shen Guanglin has finally used three of the 10 establishment quotas in his hands.

Jiang Zhenhua was the first, Li Rong's Uncle Zhang was the second, and Dou Wei was the third.

It was only after Dou Wei jumped ship that he realized how naive it was to conceive Shen Guanglin as an imaginary enemy. He had never been regarded as an opponent at all.

People's goal is the stars and the sea, poetry and distant places.

This sounds very romantic, doesn't it?

These are also Teacher Shen's original words, which Dou Wei recorded.

No wonder he is a university professor, but he is just an ordinary researcher.

Ever since he gave up on Li Rong, he felt that Jiang Zhenhua seemed pretty good too.

This southern girl has a beautiful appearance, a kind personality, and is easy to get along with.

It should be a good match.

However, she always has a close relationship with a self-employed surnamed Huang, should you tell Teacher Shen.

These days, while Dou Wei is getting familiar with his work, he is carefully observing everything around him.

Not only did he want to observe the operating mechanism of the Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but he also visited the laboratories of the Department of Biology of Beijing University and the Department of Biology of Wudaokou Technical School from time to time.

Of course not to see beautiful women, Yan Ning is not there now.

He mainly wanted to see what kind of experimental equipment other people used. We had to match what they had.

At this stage, global leadership is not required, and national leadership is still required. Anyway, Mr. Shen pays for it.

Needless to say, this feeling of spending money recklessly is really cool.

The rabbits used in the experiment can kill as many as they want, one rabbit eats three.

Even Lao Dou can have fun together.

Old Dou Shuang is not because he eats rabbits together, but because he can also use laboratory equipment.

Lao Dou also worked hard for his son's laboratory.

We all work together.

Even, in order to build a better laboratory, Shen Guanglin planned to take Dou Wei to Fusang.

Go to Takeda to have a look, and go to Kyoto University to have a look.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't harvest heads in the past, he just took people to see how other people's biological laboratories were built.

Learn from others' strengths, make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses.

As for how Li Li is doing, he hasn't dared to think about it for a long time. He really can't get away from it, and he is watched so hard every day.

Besides, Shen Guanglin did have a reason to go to Fusang, not for anything else, but to be able to publish an article on the nano-effect in the newspaper.

After this period of assault and frantic rush, his bullets are almost ready.

Now it's just a matter of the right time and the right time for a violent bombing.

If you want to play, you can play big. He has to coordinate well. In China, Citigroup and Fusang Country publish papers at the same time, so that those who have bad intentions will be completely ruined.

While Shen Guanglin was preparing for his overseas trip, the construction of the breeding base in charge of Zhang Peng had already started and entered the stage of full swing.

The wall must be the first to be built, and then rows of buildings rose from the ground.

Of course, the pull is not very high, after all, there is only one layer.

The difficulty of construction lies not in civil engineering, but in the environment. The environments in which various organisms grow are different, and the food sources they need also need to be considered.

The weather in early spring is still cold, but it can't stop the enthusiasm of the workers of the second construction.

After all, you can earn foreign exchange by working, and the food here is particularly good.

The last time the laboratory was built, the foreign exchange solved a big problem for the unit, and many young men embraced beauty because they were able to buy a TV.

At present, the main building of the breeding base has not been constructed yet, but the recruitment of workers has been put on the agenda.

The second employee of the breeding base is Ding Xiang, an ordinary girl from Beijing.

In later generations, no matter how ordinary a girl in the capital is, she will become extraordinary.

A Beijing household registration can cut off the dreams of most boys.

They can only go to the clubhouse in the capital, find a woman who speaks the capital dialect, and ask, is 800 yuan okay?No, just 1000.

At this point, men's thinking has not changed in decades.

Shen Guanglin has an uncle who is a well-to-do entrepreneur in Jinling and has a good relationship with Lao Shen.

Once, Shen Guanglin asked him: Uncle, what is the most memorable thing you have done in your life?
"Helping the poor and helping the poor."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

The uncle fell into memories: "It was around 99, and the capital was in a wave of laid-offs. Some couples were both laid off. In order to make a living, the husband rode around on a bicycle and came home in the middle of the night. I was also working in the capital at that time. As long as Make some money and help their families."

Let’s talk about farm recruitment.

Ding Xiang is actually good looking, but she is unlucky and is always squeezed out by others.

She is an educated youth who returned home in 79.

It's a pity that I only studied in junior high school back then, and it was impossible to go to university after I came back. The foundation is really poor.

The technical secondary school is more difficult to pass, and being able to go to a technical secondary school is more enviable than high school.

It has been two years since I came back, and I still have no job.

That is to say, because there is no job, it is difficult to find a partner.

Especially her classmates don't like her very much.

One is because her family background is not good, and the other is because she looks pretty good.

How can such a person be popular?

Xiaoyuehe is building a breeding base here, and their house is just needed for relocation.

Her father talked all kinds of things, so he found her a place to recruit a farm worker.

The field manager is very young, surnamed Zhang, in his thirties.

It is said that he was a deputy county magistrate before, but he really didn't see it at all.

He doesn't speak Mandarin well at all, and with a Dutch accent, it makes people think that he is a poor relative from the countryside, who just happens to be a good pair with Ding Xiang.

If it wasn't for that Professor Shen from the Capital University who came to visit occasionally, she would have thought that this man was a liar, and she didn't see any money or effort.

However, she followed Director Zhang to the professor's research institute once, and she completely changed her opinion.

As expected of Capital University, the institute is so beautiful, and the food is so delicious.

Such a good meal must consume a lot of meat. Is this what this farm is for?

Special offer, she understands.

When she went to the countryside, she was assigned the job of raising pigs, but now that she finally returned to the capital, she is still engaged in farming.

Why is it so.

Maybe, this is fate.

That professor is so kind, he even gave Zhang Zhang a brand new car to drive, and he even called him uncle.

Hateful nepotism.

The construction site started, and she officially went to work.

There is nothing else to do every day, just follow Zhang Zhang to buy vegetables, pigs, sheep, cattle, chickens and ducks.

I bought it not to save the seeds, but killed it directly for the workers to eat.

The gate and the security room were built first, and then this was where she went to work.

I thought she was just a farm worker, but now she is a female security guard.

She is quite satisfied with this job, and really doesn't want to raise pigs anymore.

When she went to the countryside, she raised pigs every day, and she didn't even have a friend around her. Everyone either disliked her for being incompetent or her smell.

For so many years, except for three or five friends who also "smell like each other" because of pig raising and bad ingredients, those educated youths and classmates who have no smell on their bodies do not play with her.

It has been two years since she came back, and she takes a bath every day, but her classmates still laugh at her and insist on calling her "pig girl".

Soon, a notice that hadn't been released aroused her idea: this poor farm even had to recruit workers, and there was also an exam, and there were also requirements for academic qualifications, which must be high school or above.

What is this ghost?

In this broken place, is there really someone here?Doesn't solve compilation problem
Is the boss serious?
Soon, nothing will be the same.

The new name of their farm is ready: Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Seedling Cultivation Co., Ltd.

This name is good, as expected of a university professor, educated!
A good name can bring many good changes, and Lilac is a witness.

First of all, Ding Xiang doesn't understand the company's shareholding system, but she also thinks it makes sense.

Shareholders are very powerful. The "Symmetry Breaking Laboratory of Beijing University" counts as one, a company in Xiangjiang counts as another, and Hetian Pharmaceutical Company in Fusang is also one.

The legendary joint venture!

The controlling shareholder is Xiangjiang Company, followed by Capital University, and then Fusang Company.

She also doesn't know what a holding is, although she is the one who handles the reception work.

It was also the first time in her life that she put on a lady's small suit and went to the Great Wall Hotel.

The waist of the trousers was so tight that she didn't dare to eat. After laughing all day, her face became stiff.

Since then, she has a new position called assistant general manager.

It turned out that for the sake of safety, Shen Guanglin asked the shell company in Xiangjiang to inject capital into the breeding base jointly established with the Symmetry Breaking Laboratory of Beijing University.

In this way, the specifications really went up.

Even the remuneration is different, and now it has become a key investment attraction project in the city.

The care of the leaders is real money when it is realized.

Is the breeding ground a little smaller?
Do you want to make it bigger, Yanjiao will give you another 1000 mu of land, do you want it?

Don't be a fool.

Since you want to see more foreign capital, Shen Guanglin brought in Takeda again, and they also want to contribute money, but only 5% of the shares.

It doesn't matter to Takeda, as long as Mr. Shen is happy.

Compared with the investment promotion department, this is a big deal.

The Haiding District Government must organize a grand signing ceremony to show the difference, and the venue will be at the Great Wall Hotel.

All right, firmly cooperate.

Shen Guanglin asked Su Youpeng and the others to bring in a middle-aged lawyer with blue eyes and yellow hair from Xiangjiang, and Takeda also sent a signing representative who looked respectable.

The style is rising all the way.

The purpose is the same, but the name is different, and it is no longer a breeding farm, but Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Seedling Cultivation Co., Ltd.

Moreover, at the signing ceremony, 1000 million Fusang yuan was directly deposited into the company's account.

This is just the first start-up capital.

A reporter conducted an in-depth interview with this company. The general manager Zhang Peng showed up with his secretary Ding Xiang. Who made her look good.

Power is indeed the best medicine for men.

Shen Guanglin kept a low profile, but his uncle Zhang Peng stole the limelight.

Zhang Peng, who has been smoldering for a long time, talked to the outside world according to the blueprint given by Shen Guanglin:

"Although our company has no establishment, we have wages and bonuses that everyone can't imagine.

The salary is tentatively set at 200% of the normal salary, and the bonus can reach 3 to 5 times the bonus. Of course, this is linked to the benefits.

You don’t have to worry too much about the benefits. Although our products haven’t come out yet, so far there are Symmetry Breaking Research Institute of Beijing University, Department of Biology of Beijing University, Institute of Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Fuso Institute of Biology of Kyoto University, etc. Scientific research is enough to reach a cooperation intention. "

"This base, in addition to meeting domestic research needs, can also earn foreign exchange.

For example, the monkeys bred by the breeding center can currently be sold for 3000 US dollars each, while the monkeys raised by the Dutch monkey showman can’t be sold for 30 yuan each. "

Wow, monkeys are worth $3000 all the time, more than elephants?

"How much is 200% of ordinary salary?"

This is what everyone cares about. Don't they all say that capitalists are black-hearted evil spirits?

"Tentatively set 100 yuan per month, if it is not enough, we can discuss it later."


Both newspapers and TV stations reported in the original language, and the cultivation center became popular immediately.

It is hard to find one of the twenty recruitment places.

"The pig girl is on TV!" The students were shocked.

In particular, this nurturing company is recruiting people, and the treatment is so good, and they even take care of food and housing.

"Why don't we ask Ding Xiang? Anyway, she is also our classmate, isn't she?"

Li Yuegui, who often laughed at Ding Xiang, began to think about going through the back door.

At the beginning, she also had the opportunity to come in, but she didn't come when she heard it was a breeding farm.

And she doesn't have a proper job, so it's really hard to find a job now.

Liu Meizhi, who has a good relationship with her, is also in a similar situation: "Will she care about us? She has climbed a high branch. Look at the dress she is wearing. It is so coquettish. Zhang Yu in Lushan Romance didn't wear it like that."

"If you say that, I'm afraid she won't let us in."

"What are you afraid of? The big deal is fair competition. She can get in even if she is a junior high school student. We all went to high school. Why can't we?"

At the gate, there was a long line of applicants, both men and women, and it was Ding Xiang who distributed the recruitment brochures.

Fortunately, Ding Xiang didn't pretend that she didn't know them, she still enthusiastically brought over the registration form: "The test will be at [-]:[-] am next Monday, please come on time."

"Are you going to take the test too?"

"No, I'm the proctor."

(End of this chapter)

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