Start with a college teacher

Chapter 168 Admissions

Chapter 168 Admissions
Since the State promulgated the "Sino-foreign Equity Joint Venture Law" in 1979, joint ventures have begun to flourish.

In April 1980, the first joint venture was established, called Jingcheng Aviation Food Co., Ltd.

This company is mainly engaged in aircraft catering, and they also monopolized this industry in later generations.

Afterwards, joint ventures such as Schindler Elevator, Tianshan Wool Textile, Jianguo Hotel, Great Wall Hotel, and Dynasty Wine were established one after another.

Although there are few joint ventures in this era, there are after all.

Less work, good remuneration, high wages, and easy going are their common characteristics.

Before Wanwanren and Bangziren entered the mainland, the joint venture had always been very aggressive.

Therefore, as soon as it is said that this company is a joint venture, social attention immediately becomes very high.

The recruitment advertisements were still posted, and the length was not large and the content was not complicated.

The main work content is to engage in breeding. Most of the animals raised are used for experiments, including mice and rabbits.

Can you make money by raising this thing?Crap.

But there are still many people who are willing to come and give it a try.

Just because of the name of the joint venture, there was an endless stream of people who came to inquire.

Before announcing the recruitment, Zhang Peng called Shen Guanglin and asked what should we do?
Conduct open recruitment and give everyone a chance to compete.

What about the specific admission criteria?
Whoever has a strong background and who is likely to bring business will be admitted.

Zhang Peng understood perfectly.

It's one thing to ask, it's another to admit who.

It is the essence of the admission spirit of later generations of public institutions.

As soon as the recruitment announcement was posted, sure enough, there were too many people who wanted to join, and there were also many who wanted to go through the back door.

It is better to engage in nepotism than to work hard.

Everyone asked each other for a long time, but they really couldn't find out the past resume of that field manager Zhang.

Some people dare not continue to inquire after only hearing some superficial information.

The Dutch, by hand.

It is said that he is the illegitimate son of a certain boss.

Be good, it's amazing, no wonder there is such a big show.

As for another employee, Ding Xiang, she is just a stick. In the initial stage, she picked up a ready-made bargain.

Registration has officially started.

The initial recruitment plan of the breeding base only needs 20 people, but thousands of people can sign up.

Ding Xiang has made statistics, and there are more than 100 registration forms sent out.

According to this ratio, it is much more difficult than the civil servant examination in later generations.

Everyone is not a fool, this is a Sino-foreign joint venture, and with the blessing of Fuso Company, people have to sigh its prospects.

With such allure, even many college students also handed in the registration form.

They don't want to wait for assignments anymore, they want to choose their own careers.

Someone even asked Ding Xiang: "If you perform well at work, will you have the opportunity to go to Fusang for further studies?"

Where did Clove know this.

She was terrified.

The gate is surrounded by groups, and construction vehicles can't get in and out, so what can we do.

Or Zhang Peng has experience in dealing with it. He is most suitable for group life and understands the characteristics of this era.

After all, every era has its rules.

The tin horn is still easy to use: "Everyone, our company has limited recruitment and not many positions. I hope everyone pays special attention. We have requirements. If you don't meet the requirements, you will definitely not be admitted. Listen carefully:

First, you must have a background in agriculture, forestry or biology,
Two, it must be a non-agricultural household registration in the capital, and three, it must be hard-working,

Four, the age must be within."

Hateful non-agricultural household registration in Beijing.

Many people have begun to envy the urban hukou, and some even want to spend money to change it.

Change it, there are times when you regret it.

As soon as the conditions were listed, a large number of people were attracted immediately.

It's really not discrimination, but their admission targets are basically those who have background and relationship.

Not everyone is lazy, and people with deep backgrounds may not work hard.


"Shall we treat the pig girl to dinner?" Yue Gui and the others were discussing again.

"Didn't we sign up, what else do you want her to do?"

"Let's see if she can get through the question, she has to be prepared."

"She's just an errand runner, so what gossip can she have?"

Whether you are prepared or not, the exam has begun.

It wasn't Shen Guanglin's question, but the only biological researcher in the laboratory - Dou Wei.

The test venue was borrowed from a lecture theater in Wudaokou Technical School, which looked quite decent.

Look at the 329 people in the audience, and look at Lilac standing cautiously in a small suit at the back door.

Dou Wei thinks it is really good to be a teacher.

The name Lilac is also very nice.

The exam was actually organized by Shen Guanglin, and he was the biggest mastermind behind the scenes.

For him, personal resumes are more important than test scores.

Only Dou Wei didn't see through, thinking it was Shen Guanglin's trust in him.

There is an exam here, and Zhang Peng and Shen Guanglin are chatting in the next classroom.

Those in control of the situation will not show up.

Of course, everyone is not in vain.

Shen Guanglin was very thoughtful, and he even prepared a test bag.

Inside was a Hero pen, a bottle of carbon ink, and a stack of stationery with the company's name on it.

And it also specifically said that after the exam, everyone can take the stationery home for their own use.

This is to thank everyone for their support to the company, and it is also a small gift.

Sure enough, it is a large international company, and what it does is generous.

The feeling of gratitude did not last for a minute, and everyone who got the test questions felt like crying.

"This is a question posed by that Guisun. Why can't labor and capital know any of it?"

Dou Wei thought that the questions he had proposed were already very simple, and he had specially considered the actual production situation.

For example, what is the basis for the monitoring of biological bacteria in mice, what are the uses of fruit flies, and how are red-eyed white rabbits induced.

These are the projects that the cultivation center will carry out in the future, as long as there is something to say, it is very open.

However, many candidates don't even know what fruit flies are, are they flies that eat fruit?
Aren't rabbits' eyes red?How to induce it, don't let it sleep?
The questions summarized by Dou Wei painstakingly combine the characteristics and needs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School, and are specially designed high-quality topics according to the product direction of the new company.

As a result, most of the people were confused.

Everyone thought they came here to raise pigs.

I heard that foreigners are very good at raising pigs. When the whole pig is sent in, the sausages will come out. If the sausages are sent in...

Of course, there are also some people with deep backgrounds who have a general understanding of what kind of company this is, so they made bold bets, and they actually won a few bets.

This is the first mover advantage.

But for ordinary people, coming here is just luck.

There is basically no preparation at all, and some people really don't know a single question.

Many of them scolded their mothers on the spot: "I fuck him abductee, that grandson asked the question?"

Dou Wei didn't say a word, he found the candidate's test number, and marked it on the transcript.

The power of life and death is in my hands!
After a tough hour and a half, the exam is over.

No one turned in a blank paper. No matter whether they did well or not in the exam, they always got a gift, which was not a loss.

"Mr. Dou Wei, why did you pick out these test papers?"

Ding Xiang saw the name of her classmate from it, but she didn't know what it was for.

"Oh, these are unqualified, so there is no need to waste time."

"Why?" She expressed regret for her classmates.

"They showed disdain and intended to insult the questioner."

"Ah, you still have this? What if someone is better?"

"It's just raising pigs. Why do you perform so well? Of course, I can't give all the more than 300 test papers to Boss Shen, he is also very busy."

The examinees were waiting outside the classroom. After Dou Wei finished marking, he handed over the test paper to Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin is simpler.

"Which one is Zhao Youzhi in, right? That's him; Wang Qiang is there, right? He's also one of them; where's Li Ling? She's there too, okay, then she's there; Liu Meilin, he's not there , OK, next one..."

Without waiting 5 minutes, 20 people had already been picked.

"Mr. Shen, isn't it too hasty for you to choose this way?"

The No.1 reviewed by Dou Wei was not selected, which he felt was a bit unfair.

"Didn't you choose this bunch? I don't want any of the unqualified ones you said."

This is very reasonable, it was indeed chosen by Dou Wei.

"Aren't they sorted by grades? What if someone's performance is better?"

"It's just raising pigs, so what do you do excellently?"

(End of this chapter)

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