Start with a college teacher

Chapter 179 The Knocker

Chapter 179 The Knocker

When he was not so busy, Shen Guanglin thought about what kind of impact it would have once he unraveled the nano-prologue.

Some people say that the fourth industrial revolution of mankind is the arrival of the nano age.

For the first three industrial revolutions, its development sequence is relatively clear. The first is the revolution of steam technology, the second is the revolution of electric power technology, and the third is the revolution of computer and information technology.

As for the fourth industrial revolution, some say it is artificial intelligence, some say it is clean energy, and some say it is nanotechnology.

Regardless of what it is, until 2021, the best development is nanotechnology.

Today, Shen Guanglin personally opened the door to the nanometer era, and he unveiled the less mysterious veil of the nanometer phenomenon.

This is almost ten years earlier than the development of history.

In real history, until 1990, at Citi's Science Congress in Baltimore, they held both the [-]st International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology and the [-]th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.

The successful convening of this conference marks the official birth of nanotechnology.

It was at this conference that scientists formally proposed the concepts of nanomaterials, nanobiology, nanoelectronics and nanomechanics.

Today, Shen Guanglin skips this process directly, and he directly transitions from Feynman's idea of ​​editing atoms to the application of nanotechnology.

He opened the door of Nano very rudely, and the method used is so primitive and simple, which is just a ball grinding machine.

If something is not pleasing to the eye, take it over and grind it.

Not to mention, the physical and chemical properties have changed after grinding.

Simply amazing.

Near the water tower first get the month.

The scientists and research institutions of Fusang immediately produced several ball milling machines, and they also ground them themselves to see if the nano-effect proposed by Shen Guanglin was reasonable.

Ball mills are not uncommon. They used to be used to sort ore, but now they are just used in a different way.

Now it is used to grind materials with higher purity, and no one thought that it could be used in this way.

Generally speaking, the function of grinding and sorting is used for purification and extraction.

Who would be idle and have nothing to do, breaking up extremely pure substances, grinding them over and over again, and seeing what they can get.

Perhaps, graphene was also discovered in this way.

Shen Guanglin has been thinking about it for a long time to lift the veil of nanotechnology and usher in the era of nanotechnology.

Before the scanning tunneling microscope comes out, he can take advantage of the first mover.

First of all, the next few decades will definitely be dominated by nanotechnology. This hot spot has always existed and will last for a long time.

Whether it is carbon 60 composed of carbon atoms, carbon nanotubes or graphene, these are the directions of future development, and even 40 years later, they will still be the hot spots of the times. Even in 2021, graphene still has not entered substantive applications.

Shen Guanglin opened the big one this time, he is already level 6.

He directly used combo moves, preparing to take away those who coveted him.

This time, he not only produced a paper on the application of nanomaterials, but also directly summarized the three laws of nanoeffects.

Although so far, the third nano-effect has not been actually verified, but some inferences can already be made according to its theorem.

Since this is a prophecy, subsequent scientific and technological discoveries will verify the authenticity of this prophecy.

When Shen Guanglin first entered Capital University to teach, he never thought about it this way.

At that time, what Shen Guanglin thought was to have a place to live, to teach a few students in his spare time, to marry a wife, to have a farmer's wife, a mountain spring, and a little farm.

Never thought about getting a bike.

But now, he actually opened the prelude to the nano era ten years ahead of schedule.

This is the courage brought to him by repeated battles and victories over the past year, let him directly initiate a challenge to establish a school.

In the past year, Shen Guanglin has been academically unfavorable.

It was very easy to win one peak after another, and even won the wonderful peak.

He feels that it is time to seize the high ground of technological development. If he does not seize it, it will be too late if others seize it.

Scholars didn't feel much at the meeting, thinking that it was just an ordinary theory, but when they saw the paper, it was completely different.

In particular, they are also subject to verification.

In particular, it is not too difficult to verify.

Shen Guanglin didn't discover any of those difficult scientific discoveries, so he got the simple ones first.

He wants to make people think that someone Shen has a keen mind, unique ideas, good at summarizing, and good at thinking, which is why he discovered the nano-effect.

Because, this in itself is mediocre.

After reading the nano-theory proposed by Shen Guanglin, many scholars don't even need to look for too much evidence, and now they understand many reasons that they couldn't figure out.

Nano-phenomena have existed in nature for a long time, and the history of the application of nano-materials has been long, but people don't know how to explain it.

The door opened by Shen Guanglin even made many secret recipes lose their secrets.

It turns out that this is the reason for nanomaterials.

This is simply awesome.

If it is difficult to find it, it is really not difficult, because it exists.

It's not difficult to say, there are so many scientists in the world, but no one has thought about these issues from this perspective.

Where is the boundary between macroscopic matter and microscopic particles, it is here.

Shen Guanglin single-handedly opened a new door for scientists all over the world.

People have a vague premonition that materials, biology, machinery, electronics, and these disciplines are about to undergo earth-shaking changes.

It was also touted before that Shen was the greatest theoretical physicist of the 20th century.

Everyone didn't want to admit it.

After all, at such a young age, he hasn't seen any shocking results, but he just stunned a circle of people, so how could he become a great theoretical physicist.

"Great" is too cheap.

But now, worshiping the petite Fusang, Shen Guanglin really opened a window to a finer, smaller world.

Looking in from this window, everyone can see a different scenery.

Everyone's heart is surging and their emotions are hard to calm down. If there is anything Shen Sang is hiding, please tell us, we can't wait.

There was a day of calm in the middle.

There was another day of calm in the middle.

On the fourth day after the speech, countless reporters gathered around the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. They were no longer as loose as before, and looked like a world war was about to start.

They all came to block Shen Guanglin.

Because, just today, the three most influential newspapers in Fuso, "Yomiuri Shimbun", "Asahi Shimbun", and "Mainichi Shimbun", all published the content of Shen Guanglin, and gave the headlines on the front page.

"Nanotechnology shocks the world! "

The Shocking Discovery of a Physics Genius! "

"Different New World! "

Shen Guanglin didn't show up at the hotel, he went to play DJ with Li Li.

(End of this chapter)

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