Start with a college teacher

Chapter 180 Success or Failure

Chapter 180 Success or Failure
The DJ is really hot~ noisy.

Fusang was indeed prosperous enough in this era, and the whole country showed a thriving atmosphere, and the people were full of fighting spirit.

If, if someone said that they would be in a severe recession in the future, probably not many people would believe it.

It is now 1981, and the next 15 years will be the 15 years when Fuso's economy is extremely strong.

Even, their GDP once surpassed Citigroup.

The last time Shen Guanglin came to DJ, because of the rush of time, he didn't take a good look around.

This time to make up for it, it just so happens that the two of us have plenty of time, so we must go to all the worthwhile attractions.

Like the DJ Tower, Ueno Park, and the Imperial Palace, I have played in detail, but I did not go to Sensoji Temple, which I visited last time.

It's a pity that Disneyland hasn't been built yet, and there is one less good place to play.

Many people don't understand the joy of traveling, and Shen Guanglin didn't understand it before, but now he understands it.

No wonder Wang Sicong likes to travel with the United States. It turns out that he is really happy.

Even with his car overturned, his dark circles are still the envy of many.

Now is the happiest time for Fusang people.

After the defeat, relying on the support of his father MacArthur, relying on the orders of the Koryo War and the South Vietnam War, all of which severely stimulated their economic development.

Shen Guanglin is the most dazzling person, even Fusang people want to be like him.

As soon as Shen Guanglin walked into the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, he was immediately surrounded.

All kinds of long guns and short cannons, all kinds of bows and greetings, all kinds of greetings.

In short, at this moment, he became a real big shot.

There was even a videographer with a video camera who recorded the scene in its entirety.

This is the beginning of Shen Guanglin's real fame, and this is his first step in becoming a schoolmaster and master.

Generally speaking, the media in Fusang is relatively polite. Although they are extremely eager, they also maintain relative restraint. They are not at all like those unscrupulous reporters in later generations, whose cameras can even reach under the skirts of actresses.

Who doesn't know who has what?
What are you looking for?
Don't you know they all wear safety pants?
"Shen Sang, how did you discover the phenomenon of nano-effect?"

"Shen Sang, I heard that the Sakata Institute has verified the theory you published, what you said is correct, what do you think?"

"Shen Sang, I heard that you are already a visiting professor at Kyoto University, will you teach in Fusang for a long time?"

"Shen Sang, can you talk about your original intention of doing scientific research, why did you present such an important result in this way?"

Today's Ritz-Carlton Hotel finally has no one to reserve, so there are many other guests staying in this hotel.

Walking in the lobby, they thought that the reporters were chasing after a certain film and television star, and gathered around to watch.

He looks really handsome!Which star is he?

A passerby who had been squeezing in for a long time but didn't get in asked, "Who is in here? Why are there so many people around? Is it Miura Yukazu? It looks similar in stature, how do you say English?"

Miura Tomokazu is the dream lover in the minds of many girls in this era. This kind of handsomeness and influence almost catch up with Zunlong.

Of course, as a post-90s generation, Shen Guanglin didn't know that Miura Yuhe and Zunlong were also normal.

"It's not a star, it's said to be a scientist."

"Cut, it's impossible. How could a scientist be so handsome and so young. He must be a movie star, from a foreign country, right? Could it be from HK?"

After Bruce Lee, there was a fault in Fusang for Chinese stars.The era of Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau who followed up the relay has just kicked off the prelude to their era.

Shen Guanglin has always been underestimated because he is young.

What's wrong with youth?
In the world of science, age has never been a reason to hold back progress.

For the vast majority of top scientists, most of their most important and powerful scientific research achievements were obtained when they were very young.

Boys make heroes!
Few people praise geniuses who are over sixty years old. What everyone likes to pursue and praise is always the kind of young scientist who is as sharp as a sharp knife and keeps moving forward.

Among this group of people, the innermost circle is the media, and the outer circle is also some scholars from scientific research institutions and universities. They are also waiting quietly for the atmosphere to stabilize.

The colleagues at DJ University were calm. They sat on the sofa and lamented the good times when they were young: "I am only 43 this year. Last year, some people called me a young scientist. Today, I feel that I have entered an old age." gone."

"Hey, Shen Sang's current development is beyond the guesswork of mortals like you and me."

"Hey, why did you offend him back then? Now I'm too embarrassed to ask him for advice."

Everyone is knowledgeable. Shen Guanglin's results were released. In the past few days, many people were so excited that they couldn't sleep.

Before, everyone thought that it would be too difficult to make a major breakthrough in physics, but they did not expect Shen Guanglin to open a whole new door so easily and directly.

It turns out that behind the vast world there is such a field that has not been explored by everyone.

To be honest, Shen Guanglin was not feeling well. He felt like crying when he was shaken by the flash light, but he could only hold back.

It is not easy to be a star. When others are shooting, you have to hold back and not blink, otherwise it will be difficult to maintain your image.

Do you think Blanket Star doesn't need strength?

Shen Guanglin tried his best to pull out a microphone that was almost inserted into his mouth, cleared his throat, and decided to make a response:

"Thank you for your love, I am very panic, let's find a meeting room, I will make a special response."

This is simple, the hotel already has many meeting rooms available for use.

There is no need for a host, Shen Guanglin sat on the rostrum by himself, and he began to tell stories.

"I lived in a water town in the south of the Yangtze River since I was a child. There are many lotus flowers in the south of the Yangtze River. You can pick lotus in the south of the Yangtze River, and the lotus leaves are in the fields. My favorite thing to do at that time was to pour water on the lotus leaves, and then watch the round balls roll around and fall. Open ten thousand rays of light.

At that time, I was thinking, why don't the lotus leaves get wet?
Later, I also saw a small insect crawling on the water. We call it a water spider, and its scientific name is a water strider.It runs fast, which is very enviable. I also want to be able to run on water like it.

At that time, I was thinking, why can it crawl on water?

Later, my professional course was physics, and I did not study biology seriously, but these phenomena have always been in my mind, which is the original intention of my discovery of the nano-effect.

Friends who are familiar with me know that I still like to find faults. My real "famous work" probably came from finding faults at the Los Angeles International Conference on Theoretical Physics. I would also like to apologize to my colleagues at DJ University. You have become steps. "

There was laughter in the audience, and most of the voices were teachers from Kyoto University, and they would do everything they could to ridicule their opponents.

"Finding faults is actually a way of thinking. It's the same as case reasoning. Eliminate all impossibilities. The last one, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth."

In addition to journalists, there are also many scholars here. They have also begun to examine themselves, whether they are usually too humble.

"Shen Sang, why did you choose to publish this great physical discovery at this point in time?" The reporter must have received money, otherwise how would he know what Shen Guanglin wanted to say next.

"If you don't ask me about this topic, I will talk about it. In fact, my initial idea was to publish an article to explore the way. However, a big-name journal directly rejected the manuscript without giving any reason. For more than two months, my manuscript was almost torn, and then I rejected it for no reason.

Therefore, I have reason to suspect that there is a problem, so I have to choose to make my research findings public, because if it is later, this discovery will be someone else's.

Moreover, I chose to publish the results in Fuso because of the good scientific research atmosphere here. Both Takeda Corporation and Kyoto University are my good friends. "

Shen Guanglin didn't talk too much about the scientific research process. Anyway, he got the fruit, and the others could only stare blankly.

"Can you tell me which journal is so dirty?"

"Another top journal besides Science."


(End of this chapter)

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