Start with a college teacher

Chapter 181 Buying a House

Chapter 181 Buying a House
As someone else's visiting professor, it is really unreasonable to come to Fusang without going to Kyoto.

Playing until the fourth day after the lecture, Shen Guanglin finally brought Li Li back to the capital.

Makoto Kobayashi greeted him at the station.

Of course, it is not appropriate to say welcome, because he arrived just one bus earlier than Shen Guanglin, and it was only an hour before and after.

Originally, he wanted to go with them, but was rejected by Shen Guanglin: You are a bad old man, you are very bad, and you still want to destroy our tourist atmosphere?

Oh, what's the point of women, why don't we discuss physics.

There is no rush to discuss physics, but the papers co-authored by Makoto Kobayashi and Minying Yichuan have all been completed and can be submitted.

After the cooperation on this project, the partners will be dismantled.

It was because of Shen Guanglin.

Because of him, the Fuso people responded quickly, and they shifted the focus to nanotechnology.

It is estimated that for a long period of time in the future, everyone's research focus will be on nanometers.

Even Kyoto University set up a special research group, and Makoto Kobayashi served as the group leader. He strongly invited Shen Guanglin to participate, and he could just serve as a guide.

Shen Guanglin didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either. He came to class, so let's finish the teaching task first.

This class is completely different.

There were a lot of people in the classroom, and everyone wanted to hear about the nano-effects from Shen Guanglin.

But Shen Guanglin did not. He said that nanometer contains too many things, and it is impossible to finish it. It is not a topic that students should care about. We should lay a good foundation.

There is no need to grab the research hotspot of nano, even in 2021, there will still be new discoveries of nanomaterials published in top journals such as "Science".

The second thing Shen Guanglin did when he arrived in Kyoto was to treat guests to dinner.

All domestic students and Chinese students are preparing for the banquet.

Shen Guanglin made the invitation this time in the name of a visiting professor at Kyoto University, with a different status and a different level of importance.

Kyoto University is the top university in Kyoto, everyone is honored that Shen Guanglin can become a professor here.

After all, Mr. Shen Guanglin is the hottest person in Fusang these days, and some people even made overseas calls to report these things to China.

There were more than 100 people who came to the banquet this time, including top international students with excellent character and learning, high-ranking officials, and ordinary international students from Wanwan or HK.

Shen Guanglin didn't put on airs either, the way he made friends was by spending money.

It was also inspired by the foreign student, who knew that everyone was in difficulty, so Shen Guanglin took out more than [-] US dollars and decided to distribute it to those who attended the meeting.

Each person pays 1000 U.S. dollars, so that everyone can relax, work less, and focus more on studies.

But Wanwan people and HK people have no share.

It's not that someone Shen doesn't like unity, who made you rich yourself.

In fact, the Hong Kong students in this era are not friendly to China. They are already proud of being second-class citizens of Eagle Country.

Even, there are still many people who want to emulate Xinjiapi and realize the dream of "building a country with one city".

The party was complete and enthusiastic, and everyone thought it would be great if Mr. Shen came to Kyoto next time.

It is certain to come again, but it is hard to say whether there is money to be given.

Slightly drunk, Shen Guanglin returned to the hotel room, accompanied by Li Li.

It seems that this is already a habit.

Wherever he goes, wherever she follows, this is a tacit understanding, and it happens naturally.

"Fair food" is also popular among the international student groups now.

This was originally a Ming Dynasty vocabulary, but in a foreign country, there is often no way to do it.

A penny is hard for a hero, only a few people have sufficient funds, and most people's lives are tight.

It's easier for two people to partner up. Marriage in China is just a burden.

In fact, nothing happened to Shen Guanglin and Li Li these days.

Of course, there must be intimate actions, but there is really no further in-depth communication.

It's not that he has good concentration, it's that he has concerns.

It has been a year and a half since he came to this era, and Shen Guanglin's biggest change is his figure.

For Shen Guanglin in the past, it was not appropriate to say that he was thin, but he definitely could not be called strong.

It's different now, he often works out and manages his body pretty well.

In order to keep up with Li Rong's pace, I often run and ride a bicycle to take Li Rong to and from get off work.

small car?
It is just a mallet, and it often stops by the Qingshui River and shakes up and down by itself.

Shen Guanglin's figure has been able to achieve sharp edges and corners, which he is proud of.

No, before the afternoon nap, the two of them were comparing their chest muscles to see who had bigger ones.

It goes without saying that my younger sister is originally a "pinru", so it's good enough not to be sunken, even living in ancient times without corseting her breasts.

Fortunately, this is a face-to-face world.

Beauty is justice.

Otherwise, Sicong went to add Sun Ning, is it because of her good figure?
When it comes to Sun Ning, I have to mention the beauty producing areas in China.

Although the area with the most beauties is very controversial, the land of Jingxiang and Chuanyu are both extremely famous for producing beauties.

The beauty of Xiangdi is famous because they have good water and soil, and they have a Dongting Lake.

Strange to say, the same lakeside people, Yicheng Taojiang and Changde on the south bank of Dongting Lake are rich in beauties, but Baling and Jingchu on the north bank of Dongting Lake are not.

The beauty that Sicong can't chase after is from Changde.

Li Li is good-looking because Lao Li has a high position and power, a superior background, found a good wife and improved his genes.

Of course, it is impossible for the hairpin tassels to look ugly in the Li family era.

I drank some wine at noon, and early summer is a good time to take a nap.

In fact, with a beautiful woman in your arms, any moment is suitable.

Shen Guanglin fell into a hazy sleep, vaguely feeling that someone was touching him, and pushed his hand away involuntarily.

touch again.

Push away again.

Opening his eyes, he saw his younger sister Li Li lying beside him, looking at him with a smile in her eyes.

"Are you awake?" Shen Guanglin touched her face, she looked so pretty.

"Well, I've been awake for a while, brother Guanglin, don't you do that?"


"That's the one."

The younger sister pointed to the awakened Xiao Shen, her cheeks were already flushed.

Oops, I got the hang of it.

"How do you know this? Who taught you? It's that chapter or something. Is it her? You don't want to be a female bodybuilder, do you?"

Shen Guanglin can see and experience it himself, but he doesn't agree with his woman to do this business.

"Where! What, isn't there a TV here?" Li Li shyly retorted.

Yes, after all, Fusang is not domestic. They have a special educational TV station, and they can also watch it on demand.

Where will not order where.

Online education is a trend, and Fuso has launched it decades ago.

Shen Guanglin asked: "Do you want to see it?"

"I don't want to see them, they are kissing and licking, it's so dirty."

Li Li touched her face, she didn't know what she said.

This girl has definitely seen it, and knows what others have done, but the education she received in the past made her unable to accept this kind of form.

However, the two of them are just one last step away. It's time to kiss, it's time to see, it's time to touch.

In this day and age, it's almost like getting married.

"Will you marry me?" Li Li asked quietly.

Shen Guanglin woke up instantly, he still had a sister in his hand.

"You're still in college, so it's too early to talk about marriage." Shen Guanglin also didn't mean it.

"Does it matter sooner or later? I know a few foreign students, and they all found new partners. I've been away from you for a long time, and I'm afraid you have someone else."

It seems that she also realized that distance produces beauty, but once the distance is too wide, the beauty will disappear.

"There will definitely be no outsiders around me, so don't worry. Let's stop talking and go eat."

It doesn't matter if you don't change the subject, there's no way to continue the conversation.

"Don't move, let me lean on for a while."

Li Li just leaned against Shen Guanglin, closed her eyes, said nothing, did nothing.

Shen Guanglin's hand, suffering from Parkinson's disease, began to shake around again, climbing up along his waist.

The breathing of the two gradually became heavy, and it was another deep kiss.

Shen Guanglin also wanted to understand, let's maintain the status quo first, I guess they all know it in their hearts, they just don't expose it.

Let's talk about things later, let's live well for now.

"Come on, let's get up and eat."

Dinner is eaten at the hotel. Fusang's snacks are particularly famous, and you can also order takeaway.

Ishikari hot pot, salmon, oden, flat noodles, tuna rice, ochazuke, and hand rolls are all famous meals.

"Brother Guanglin, since you are so rich, why not buy a house in Fusang, I can learn how to cook for you. Besides, I don't want to go back after graduation."

"Why don't you go back?"

"You should understand."

(End of this chapter)

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