Start with a college teacher

Chapter 186 Resignation

Chapter 186 Resignation
After getting in the car, Shen Guanglin wanted to continue sleeping to relieve his inner fatigue.

There is still a long distance from Baiyun Airport to Shencheng. At this time, there is no airport expressway here, so you have to walk along the small road and the national highway.

This kind of road can only be walked during the day, and it is not safe at night. I am afraid there will be powerful people blocking the road.

Er Leng didn't follow. There were too many things in the factory, and he had to be responsible.

Shen Guanglin said something inexplicably: "Old Su, you can't do this."

Su Youpeng's heart skipped a beat, "Mr. Shen, why can't it work, what's wrong?"

"I said you can't do this. When you come out with such a good car, you must strengthen security measures. You are a rich man now, so you must pay attention to your personal safety. It is not a good experience to encounter robbery or kidnapping."

Oops, I was so scared to death, I thought something was wrong.

"Mr. Shen, I'm afraid of being too ostentatious. Don't worry, I'm concerned about security, and there will be no problems."

"That's good, be careful with the ten-thousand-year ship, even the son of the richest man may not be safe."

Shen Guanglin remembered that Brother Baoqiang had acted in a movie. When riding a motorcycle, he met two gangsters blocking the road with axes, and he took out the guys directly, one at a time.

So refreshing!
This kind of plot satisfies how many people's inner fantasies about eliminating violence and peace.


It's so handsome, is there any scum?He is three points more handsome than Xiaoshu's smoking pose.

Apart from the mountains along the way, there is no scenery to see.

Li Rong is well-informed. She used to travel a lot when she was working, so she didn't think it was new.

Jiang Zhenhua and Huang Guangyi were different. The two asked questions all the way, and were very curious about the forefront of the country's opening up.

Especially Huang Guangyi, although he has never been to Yangcheng or Shencheng, he is very clear about many things here, and he is here to verify.

When he was in the capital, he often inquired about every move that happened here.

Opportunities often favor such prepared people.

Who made him meet Mr. Shen's niece? Although he was beaten up, but when he met a nobleman, he not only embraced the beauty, but also had a chance to become a success.

Not wanting to hear their casual chat, Shen Guanglin fell asleep again.

He doesn't get sleepy while driving, and doesn't wake up when driving.

It is the ten-minute journey from the school to the farm, and he can sleep well.

After a while, there is no delay in anything.

After leaving the boundary of Yangcheng and approaching Shencheng, Shen Guanglin finally woke up.

Compared with the calm and vicissitudes of the capital, Shencheng is full of construction sites, and construction is going on everywhere.

It has been more than a year since the last time I came here, and the changes are quite big. There are many new buildings, although they are not high, although they are not foreign, and although they will be demolished in less than 30 years, they represent economic vitality.

"Old Comrade Su, where are we going? What arrangements do you have for us? You won't kidnap and sell us." Li Rong and Su Youpeng have known each other for a long time. They know that he used to deal with foreign exchange certificates, and then followed Shen Guanglin to deal with clothes. , and then went to the south to set up a factory and "disappeared".

"Sister-in-law, I don't dare to talk about human trafficking. Let's go to the hotel first. When I was in the rest area, I already called them from the phone booth. Everyone is already waiting at the hotel. After dinner, you can take a good rest. After resting, we will go to the factory for inspection.”

Su Youpeng has done a lot of reception work in the past year, so he is familiar with it, and everything is arranged in an orderly manner.

It didn't matter to Shen Guanglin, everything just went according to his arrangement.

Li Rong, however, was full of curiosity about their business. Their so-called garment factory couldn't be just a few people renting a warehouse, and then doing some logistics and distribution.

She could even imagine what kind of grass team it was.

"Boss Su, I keep hearing Brother Guanglin say that your factory is your factory, how big is your factory now, and how many people are there?"

This sentence can be regarded as asking Su Youpeng's itching. After driving all the way, no one asked about their factory, but he was suffocated.

"Haha, you underestimate us. Now our factory has more than 3000 workers, 179 male workers, and the rest are all female workers. There are about 3084 people. The number of people is floating, and we are still recruiting. Some friends even talked to I was joking and said that I have 3000 beauties in the harem. In fact, out of the [-] beauties, at least two thousand belong to Teacher Shen."

While talking, Su Youpeng was still looking at Shen Guanglin from the rearview mirror, but Shen Guanglin might not have woken up much, and looked coldly at the trees flying by outside the window, and did not hear their conversation.

"Really? You employ so many workers, so you can't become a big capitalist?" Li Rong was very surprised. That's what she studied in college. Political economics. Capitalists rely on exploiting workers to get rich.

"We are a joint venture, originally a capitalistic dross, and now we are mainly engaged in import and export business, processing supplied materials, and exporting processed clothes to Fusang and Citigroup. What we earn is really exploiting workers. the little surplus value of the class."


The place to eat has arrived.

The hotel is nice, quite new, but the name is very unremarkable, it is called Nanguo Hotel.

Teacher Shen thought it should be a high-end hotel like Prince Edward or Huimei.

There were a lot of people in the private room, most of them were acquaintances, Er Leng, Chai Jing, Su Youpeng's brother, and a few people Shen Guanglin didn't know.

Once introduced, everyone is not far away. Two of them are Chai Jing’s classmates who work in sales together; one is Er Leng’s cousin who also works as a security guard; It is an external professional manager.

Nonsense, who can you trust if you don’t trust your own people? If you make money, you must support and take care of your own people.

People are born out of experience, and if you have a platform to play, you will be able to cultivate it sooner or later.

When I was in the capital last year, Su Youpeng and his elder brother were both bachelors, but now they have sister-in-laws, and they are the smart and capable types.

Eat, eat!
It was too late for lunch and too early for dinner, but everyone still had a hearty meal.

The main dish is Sichuan cuisine. There are the most girls from Sichuan and Hunan in the garment factory, and they cannot live without chili peppers.

Now, even these people in the capital have begun to eat spicy food, and after that, they can't enjoy spicy food at all.

Shen Guanglin is not very good at eating spicy food, but he is still sweating profusely. All the discomforts along the way have dissipated, and he is very transparent.

It is very transparent.

After eating, I went to squat on the toilet, and when I got up, my feet were numb.

But the taste is really not bad.

No wonder Sichuan cuisine restaurants and Hunan cuisine restaurants can occupy the north and south of the river. If you feel a little unwell, you can feel comfortable after eating Sichuan cuisine.

They didn't talk about work after dinner. It seemed that they had something to say, but Shen Guanglin didn't want to hear it. He wanted to know more about the situation before making a judgment.

Shen Guanglin hadn't been to Shencheng for a long time, and he was a little unsure of what Su Youpeng meant.

What did he call himself here for?

Are you ready to split up?

Shen Guanglin really made this preparation, otherwise, why would he bring Huang Guangyi and Jiang Zhenhua here? Isn't it just to be prepared.

If we really want to split up, let's split up, we brothers, it's easy to get together and break up.

After all, Su Youpeng worked hard alone to achieve this great situation, and it's also why he didn't want to share it with him.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin only slept on the way, or chatted about other topics.

He basically didn't say anything about the factory, he just wanted to take a look at the situation first, and didn't want to make a statement first.

Sure enough, Chai Jing came to "report" first.

This twat's femininity is heavier, and the rhyme flows as she walks.

Especially this kind of hip skirt, I really want to pat it.

Who is this woman with such style?She was unfamiliar to Li Rong, and she never remembered that she was a salesperson from the Friendship Store.

But she didn't ask any more questions, but she never left the room, just serving tea and water.

Which woman is not good at jealousy.

With Teacher Shen's strength, she couldn't even leave for 5 minutes.

Brother Edong's strength, in fact, can't do it for 2 minutes.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the room was very low. Li Rong helped her find a blanket to cover her thighs, otherwise the skirt would be split and the air would leak.

"Mr. Shen, I don't want to sell clothes in a garment factory anymore." She opened the door and put forward her own request.

It turned out to be to resign.

Li Rong poured her a glass of lemonade with only a slice of lemon in it. Teacher Shen was treated differently. Li Rong squeezed a whole lemon for him with a press, which is said to be able to sober up.

"What's the matter, do you think you don't make enough money? Or is it because of relationship problems? I heard that you broke up with Su Youpeng. Do you have a partner now?" Shen Guanglin still wanted to care about her personal situation first, expressing his concern for the employees.

"The breakup happened last year. Don't mention Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds. I don't want to resign because of him."

Chai Jing still felt a little guilty when facing Shen Guanglin. After all, it was Teacher Shen who changed her fate. He sent her here alone, and gave her the opportunity to broaden her horizons and change her fate.

"Is that because you think you have less money? You have strong work ability and less money, and you feel psychologically unbalanced?" Shen Guanglin remembered Jack Ma's words. There are only two reasons for employees to leave, either because they were wronged or because they were wronged. Either the money is not enough.

"No, the money I'm earning now can't be spent in my life, but I want to pursue my own career."

In fact, Chai Jing was a little embarrassed to talk about her career, after all, she earned everything from Shen Guanglin.

"I support you!" Shen Guanglin agreed without saying a word.


"I said that I support you. Everyone is equal. It is normal for you to have your own ideas. I support your ideals. It is respectable to work hard for your ideals."

"Mr. Shen, just support me without asking me what I want to do."

"In this day and age, as long as you have the capital, why not make money? As long as it is not written in the criminal law, you can do anything, and you can do anything." No one else, but Shen Guanglin has this confidence.

"I want to do costume design."

"When I didn't say what I said before."

(End of this chapter)

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