Start with a college teacher

Chapter 187 New Factory

Chapter 187 New Factory

"Who do you design clothes for?"

"Sold to you!"

Shen Guanglin really wanted to say shit.

If you don’t want to be a good marketing boss, you should be a fashion designer. You must be sick.

Of course, he doesn't look down on fashion designers. People like Christian Dior and Valentino have created a world-renowned brand by relying on their fashion design ability.

However, Shen Guanglin has never heard of any well-known designer in China.

A foreign language learner, actually doing fashion design?

"I want to provide clothing design samples to garment factories like ours, and then charge a certain fee. Now I have business contacts with many domestic and foreign clothing companies, so as long as I can design good clothing, I will spend a few dollars. Isn’t it good to buy copyright for a little money?”

Shen Guanglin didn't even know that she still had such naive thoughts.

"You are really No.1 in domestic patent protection! Does clothing design also have copyright? Is it an invention patent or a utility model?"

Shen Guanglin really couldn't help but started to mock, his factories were all copied from Xiangjiang, when did he design it himself?

Moreover, the vision of many designers is a bunch of S, and the clothes they make are completely inconsistent with the public's aesthetics, and no one buys them.

"It is because these companies that make clothes copy each other, and it is difficult for independent fashion designer firms to survive. If we all support originality, there will definitely be more and better works."

Chai Jing was also very unconvinced and argued with Shen Guanglin.

"Why are you so excited? Are you really in love? The other party is a fashion designer?"

Shen Guanglin took a look at Chai Jing's figure. The bulge and back are really good. No wonder she is so good at negotiating orders. He is a clothes rack and looks good in anything.

"No! I haven't decided whether to start another relationship yet."

He also said no, this twitchy expression was clearly tricky.

"Let me make a bold guess, he must be a tailor! From Hong Kong Island Eagle Country? Is it a mixed hair? It doesn't matter if it's a big job, but the whole body is long and long? Wrapping around the waist three times, can you leave a part to chase the dog?" Shen Guanglin The more he talked, the more he talked, and Li Rong couldn't listen anymore, so he stretched out the palm of justice and hit him.

"He's a mixed race, not a mob! And that's fashion design! Not a tailor!" Chai Jing automatically filtered out the vulgar words about length, argued about the other party's occupation, and admitted the fact that she was in love in disguise.

"Isn't fashion design just tailoring? If you don't have tailoring skills, what kind of fashion design do you do? Could it be that Alec Su didn't agree to pay the designer's design fee, and then you resigned?"


Under Shen Guanglin's gaze, Chai Jing could only admit: "Yes. He is so stingy, I can't even pay for it."

"Even I would not agree with it. We are an OEM factory, and we produce clothes designed by others. Why do we do groundbreaking work? It's not scientific research. Especially those "big-name" designers We don’t want to produce any of the new clothes we design, the cost of testing the market’s response is too high, it’s better to follow the trend and make money.”

"Why are you doing the same!"

Of course it is, because Su Youpeng learned these words from Shen Guanglin, and they are inherited in the same strain.

"I've always been like this. I'm like this now, and I'll be like this in the future, even in 2021. Let alone this, even when I read novels, I have never read the original version."

Shen Guanglin would definitely not agree to find such a designer firm, this is something only a fool would do.

Chai Jing finally felt a little depressed, and didn't mention the matter of resignation.

Shen Guanglin then asked: "Is it because the other party's designer firm is not well managed, and then you have been supporting your mixed-race boyfriend, and the other party's self-esteem has exploded? I don't want to accept your charity anymore, so you are helping him Pull business."

"how do you know?"

Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk anymore.

This kind of bloody drama can really happen everywhere, and finding a cowherd is better than him.

"Go and go, I wish you happiness!" Shen Guanglin chased away the guests.

After seeing off that charming woman, Teacher Shen had a fierce battle at night.

After leaving the capital, Shen Guanglin was in very good condition, and Li Rong was defeated for the first time.

It was also the first time for Shen Guanglin to know that it is great to be a successful man!
Early the next morning, Shen Guanglin woke up energetic and ate raw porridge and barbecued pork buns, then sat on the sofa and read the newspaper.

Li Rong is still in bed. She ran all the way yesterday and spent half the night tossing and tossing, so tired.

Not long after, Su Youpeng came to pick them up again.

This time there was a convoy of 4 identical Daben, which were indeed much more impressive than Shen Guanglin's two Crowns.

Shen Guanglin has decided, he wants to buy the first Rolls-Royce in China, what a rich Hollywood woman, we can get rich without that.

The car drove into the factory in Nanshan.

Yes, the factory covers a large area, but all construction has been completed.

At that time, this was an old machinery factory, and the original old factory building had been demolished, followed by a brand new dormitory building, a magnificent office building and a spacious factory building.

In Nanshan, having more than 100 mu of land is really good.

Shen Guanglin followed the crowd to inspect the production workshop, raw material warehouse, finished product warehouse, and dormitory in turn.

it's actually very good!
Especially the densely packed names on the roster, this is all responsibility.

"Old Su, are you managing alone?" Shen Guanglin asked as he walked.

"Ah, can't it?" Su Youpeng felt a sense of accomplishment. He built this factory brick by brick.

"I do not believe."

Su Youpeng quickly admitted the status quo: "Of course I'm not in charge. You don't know how much I have. The actual manager is Cao Sheng.

"Cao Sheng?"

"Well, his surname is Cao Mingsheng. Xiaoye helped me find him. He was originally the workshop manager of Liu Luanxiong Garment Factory, but Xiaoye kidnapped him."

Shen Guanglin shook hands with Cao Sheng enthusiastically, exchanged some pleasantries, and then asked, "Is the Xiaoye you mentioned the guy who came to provide technical guidance when we moved last year?"

"Yes, I left him to work in the factory, but he refused and insisted on returning to Xiangjiang to work hard. It is said that he is now a small boss."

"Okay, everyone has his own aspirations. If you have difficulties, just hide and help."

"Of course, I still have his phone number. Some time ago he asked me to borrow 2 Hong Kong dollars, saying it was for business."

The factory has already seen it, so let's talk about business.

There is Shen Guanglin's exclusive office in the office building, which is extremely luxuriously decorated.

Su Youpeng knew that Shen Guanglin liked antiques, all the red sandalwood was used in the room, and all the porcelains placed were rare treasures, and the calligraphy and paintings were lotus ink paintings by Zhang Daqian.

Yes, Shen Guanglin is very satisfied.

The two sat on the sofa, and Su Youpeng started the "work report".

He didn't even intend to separate.

"Mr. Shen, we are now stuck in a bottleneck. As far as our current factory is concerned, it is already the limit to recruit 5000 people. The Special Economic Zone has granted us another 1000 mu of land. What do you think is better, or should we continue to make clothes? It’s not easy to recruit people anymore.”

This is indeed the case. If we continue to recruit women, there will be too many women. We should build a company with mostly male employees to balance the population.

"How is the profit of the factory now?" Shen Guanglin received the company's financial statement, but he did not read it carefully.

"It's great. Now more than 3000 people are working at full capacity. Each person can bring us nearly 2000 yuan in benefits after deducting wages. The factory has a net profit of 500 million yuan a month."

Su Youpeng didn't expect the garment factory's business to be so good.

Shen Guanglin thought of it, but he was still quite surprised: "There are so many?"

"It's actually more than that. We earn foreign exchange, and some of it is put in Xiangjiang. You're right, if you have more money, it's really just a number. With so much money, I don't know what to do now? "

"If you have money, go and marry a wife!"

"What kind of daughter-in-law do you want to marry, what kind of woman is rich, but those Xiangjiang female stars, they just come and go when they are called."

"Is it so arrogant?"

"That is, the Liu Luanxiong who sold our clothing equipment, he is also in this way."

(End of this chapter)

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