Start with a college teacher

Chapter 201 Sisters Reunited

Chapter 201 Sisters Reunited

Li Rong discovered for the first time that Shen Guanglin could speak Fusang language.

Shen Guanglin also just discovered it, and he doesn't even know when he learned this skill.

Of course, Shen Guanglin mastered dumb Japanese, and he didn't speak many words, only a few words, but he could listen, and he could listen to other people's conversations at all levels.

Shen Guanglin later figured it out. He liked to watch anime like "Naruto" and "Detective Conan" since he was a child, and he learned it after a long time.

Anyway, there are Chinese subtitles below, so I looked at it and didn't study it specifically, so he really knew it.

This is of course true. He has never watched those movies with real people. Those few words are not enough to learn a language.

When I came to Fusang before, Shen Guanglin was always accompanied by someone, and the accompanying people didn't really need to be able to speak Chinese, as long as they could speak English, Shen Guanglin was very fluent in English anyway.

And when they were alone with Li Li and the others, they could speak both Japanese and Chinese at the same time, and Shen Guanglin didn't need to use it at all.

Here I have to say that my younger sister Li Li is amazing. She actually learned Fusang language in a short period of time, and has already kept up with the progress of the class.

Coming to Fusang this time, Shen Guanglin's official work was completed on the first day, and there were no other urgent matters after that.

So, he took Li Rong to play DJ first, and then accidentally discovered that he still has this skill.

It turns out that I have such a talent for languages.

As for the others who came with Mr. Shen, what should you do?

Isn't Chai Jing thinking of expanding new sales channels, help her find some companies to connect with;
Su Youpeng and Sister Ying want to get in touch with the management and operation of the electrical appliance production line, so let them follow the production line and learn from other people's management experience.

As for Da Liu and Sister Bao, what are you doing here?

When Shen Guanglin took the plane, he once handed the newspaper to Liu, and Liu was not surprised when he read it. Didn't he also participate in it?

It's up to you, anyway, Shen doesn't know anything.

After playing at DJ for two days, Shen Guanglin is going to take Li Rong to Kyoto as a guest. It just so happens that my sister also wants to see where her sister is studying.

The communication in Fusang is very convenient. There are even telephone booths on the street, and you can make calls by inserting coins.

Before Shen Guanglin left for Kyoto, he called Li Li and said that he was coming to Fusang again, and she was very happy to hear that.

Hearing that her sister had also followed, she was not so happy.

But welcome is certain, after all, she is my own sister.

Shen Guanglin didn't have many free days when he came to Fusang this time.On the one hand, it is not far from the start of the university, and he cannot stay here for too long; on the other hand, various institutions have sent him invitations for activities and speeches.

Takeda's assistant came in handy, and it was the pretty Huya girl.

After seeking Mr. Shen's advice, the assistant helped him arrange the itinerary.

Teacher Shen will attend several lectures this time, and the labor fee for each lecture is 5 US dollars. The price is really not expensive for a master like Shen Guanglin to explain physics and nanotechnology in person.

Ordinary professors at Harvard Business School cost upwards of $10 for a lecture, and high-end scholars even cost $30 or $50.

Since Shen Guanglin was willing to accept the invitation to teach, he couldn't stop the car right now.

It was also based on Shen Guanglin’s itinerary, which was repeatedly streamlined, and it was finally determined that he would have 5 general lectures and a regular lecture at Kyoto University, making a total of 27 lectures, with a total gain of [-] US dollars.

It's enough to buy a villa in Xiangjiang again, and the location can be better than the one they just owned.

It is so easy for Teacher Shen to make money.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin's income from a lecture was 5 US dollars, Su Youpeng didn't want to start a business anymore, and he was so envious.

Assuming that two lectures can be organized every day, then the net income of a month is 300 million US dollars, and 3600 million a year. If converted into RMB, it is more than what they earn in a year of business.

Not to mention Su Youpeng, even Da Liu and his wife were stunned. It turned out that Teacher Shen was so popular: "Just take one class, and you can get a good Mercedes? It turns out that knowledge is so valuable."

Other people's lectures may not be worth so much money, but Shen Guanglin is definitely worth the money.

Fusang devils are all ghost spirits, if Shen Guanglin had no talent, they certainly wouldn't pay this money.

The lecture has not yet started, but the money has been collected, and it is stored in the international co-branded card run by Li Rong in Xiangjiang.

Sometimes Shen Guanglin also started to feel confused, he already had so much money for giving a lecture, so why bother working so hard to do business.

Originally, I thought about not steaming steamed buns to steam my breath, so that the Guo family who underestimated me could take a good look at it. One class of Mr. Shen is worth 5 US dollars.

As a result, Boss Guo has already encountered this situation. Now if he wants to see him, it may cost more than 5 yuan, maybe 6 million yuan.

Everyone knows who did this, Shen did not dare to say that this matter had nothing to do with him, even Da Liu kept silent, it is estimated that the couple came to Fusang so readily to avoid some troubles .

The transportation in Fusang is really convenient in this era. Li Rong took the Shinkansen for the first time and was very excited. Fusang is even more developed than Xiangjiang.

Kyoto will be here soon.

Sister Li Li greeted her at the train station. The two sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were very happy to see each other again.

The younger sister is more beautiful, and the older sister is more intellectual.

Li Li is also very caring, she helped her sister and Mr. Shen arrange the best hotel in Kyoto, and booked them two good viewing rooms, and she also stayed with her sister, and said more about her , we must do our best to be a landlord.

As for the private villa, she didn't mention it.

Shen Guanglin is very busy with work, except for the lectures and preparations, he has no time to accompany them at all, so let the two sisters have a good get-together.

After spending a week in Fusang, Shen Guanglin went to four cities to give six lectures. Each lecture was full of people, and the participants were all powerful factions in the scientific and technological circles. Many people raised some valuable questions.

It can be seen that in this era, Fusang has really strong scientific and technological capabilities, and the eagerness to learn is really strong.

The itinerary should be over, and Shen Guanglin is not without gains in this trip to Fusang.

NEC sent him two PC8801s that have not yet been officially released, and are equipped with a Chinese character input system.

It was Fuso's first personal computer, using the Zilog Z80 processor, a microprocessor made by Zilog that was code-compatible with the 8080 microprocessor from Intel.

Now Shen Guanglin became interested. He wanted to see what kind of grandpa-level computers looked like.

For this reason, he kept on doing two things, and ordered an IBM 5050 and an Apple II from Citigroup. Not only that, he also bought a 1200 word processor produced by Wang An Company.

It turned out that Wang An's computer in this era was so powerful that his company could compete head-on with IBM.

Later, Lianxiang, which ranked first in the domestic PC industry, was a computer service department established in Zhongguancun during the heyday of "Wang An Computer". They started their business by repairing Wang An's computer.

In the tears of the sisters' reluctance, the plane roared up, and Shen Guanglin returned to the capital

(End of this chapter)

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