Start with a college teacher

Chapter 202 Input Method

Chapter 202 Input Method

Shen Guanglin, who returned to the capital, no longer cared about the things in Shencheng and Xiangjiang, because he had his own big toy.

As an Internet-addicted teenager, although there is no Internet, it is a good choice to have a computer to play games.

At least, invent Tetris first.

Maybe, when others play this game in the future, they will call it "Sinking Cube".

Moreover, the authorization of Tetris should be able to bring good income. As a traveler, it is too easy to make money.

The "inverted sinking movement" some time ago has completely calmed down, and Shen Guanglin has returned to his laboratory again.

Now, with the sole management of my uncle Zhang Peng, the construction of the breeding base is in full swing, but Shen Guanglin's laboratory can be said to be seriously injured.

The few interns under him are still there, and they had no choice but to go back to school, and there is nothing wrong with coming back again.

But Wu Xiaoyun, a chemistry teacher at Wudaokou Technical School, is different. She took the initiative to go when she saw the wind was not in the right direction. It was in vain that Shen Guanglin treated her so well. Picked up a mature-looking subject.

Although it cannot be said that the two are separated from each other, the previous "brotherhood" is gone.

Shen Guanglin returned to the laboratory to start work officially. Zhang Cheng came to find Teacher Shen and asked Teacher Wu if he could bring her research group back.

Because she is only an associate professor after all, and her status in Wudaokou Technical School is only a young backbone teacher, but she cannot get resources like Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Now that the weather is calm, it is only human to want to come back.

Teacher Shen is not a fussy person, of course she is welcome to come back.

But when she comes here again this time, she has to make a choice. She can either leave Wudaokou Vocational School and come to work as a researcher full-time, just like Dou Wei. Anyway, our place is also the establishment of Beijing University, and there is still room to spare, or she can just do it. I can find my own way out.

Now, thinking that there are not too many Fuso scholars working in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and they are all brought into the group with funding, Shen Guanglin did not let go.

People really can't have too many retreats, otherwise, after any disturbance, the trees will fall and the monkeys will disperse, and the price of betrayal is too low.

Now that the ball is given to Wu Xiaoyun, it's up to her to choose. After all, she is already an adult, and she is different from a college student who just graduated and took part in an internship. The choice is her own.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin has signed contracts with all the interns, which means that they are already regular employees of the laboratory, and the ones assigned to the staff are no longer temporary and part-time employees.

Without property, there is no perseverance.

Everything returned to calm. The computer Shen Guanglin ordered from overseas arrived by airmail.

Shen Guanglin found an office, assembled them all, and studied how to use the computer one by one according to the instructions.

If you don't study hard, you really won't use it.

It's not like the fool-like computers of the later generations. Although the functions of today's computers are relatively primitive, they are cumbersome to use, requiring input of codes, and very few executable commands.

In particular, this computer from NEC is equipped with Wangan 99 keys, which can indeed input Chinese characters, but it is extremely inconvenient. It does not have the pleasure of pinyin input with intelligent association, nor the smoothness of Wubi typing.

When Shen Guanglin was young, Smart ABC was no longer popular, and Smart Pinyin and Wubi were popular at that time.

Shen Guanglin has attended too many training classes, and he has learned Wubi specifically, and he has learned it well.

Now, seeing Wang An's 99-key input method, which is the most primitive, does not prevent him from wanting to make some improvements.

Of course, this input method was actually invented by Wanwan, and Shen Guanglin didn't know about it.

When you have an idea, do it!
For the next few days, Shen Guanglin stayed in the office every day, and Li Rong didn't know what he was doing anymore.

Is it interesting to not hand in the homework that should be handed in every day, and hide in the office every day with the air conditioner on?

"What are you doing?" Li Rong suddenly appeared behind her. Didn't she bring a plastic corset from Xiangjiang? Why didn't she wear it? It's so soft and soft.

"It's Kaizi!" Shen Guanglin shrugged his shoulders, experiencing the warm body behind him.

"Chaizi? You are quite leisurely, and you won't go back to rest in the middle of the night." Li Rong was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

"I'm really working. This is a very great invention." Shen Guanglin protested solemnly, because the young lady's hands became more and more dishonest.

"How big?" The thing wasn't big at all, it was a child.

After such a moment, no matter how great it is, is it tolerable, which is unbearable?

"No, no, this is the office, let's go back to the dormitory." The young lady begged for mercy instead.

What are you afraid of, and there is no monitoring.

Once the door is closed, who knows when Mr. Shen will work overtime.

Maybe it will open in 5 minutes.

Moreover, Mr. Shen's office has a suite with a bathroom.

No wonder the bosses like to work overtime in the office instead of going home. They also have such arrangements there, as well as a charming female secretary.

sleepless nights.

Research on input methods really cannot be done behind closed doors.

Shen Guanglin found the school, and the school recommended Wang Xuan, an associate professor in the radio department, to Shen Guanglin. He specializes in typing and laser phototypesetting, and probably has some interest and accumulation in input methods.

The first meeting was very warm.

Teacher Wang has heard of Shen Guanglin's name for a long time, and only when he saw him this time did he feel that the rumors are true. Professor Shen is really young.

The young man Shen Guanglin explained the purpose of his visit, while Mr. Wang fell into deep thought: "You want to develop a Chinese character input solution? Use it on a computer?"

"Yes, Wang An's 99-key triangular coding method is commonly used now. Of course, there are also some pinyin input methods. If the pronunciation is inaccurate or the Chinese characters you don't know, you will be at a loss. Therefore, I want to make a new one. The input method, efficient and fast are its pronouns."

This kind of good and bad relationship is very simple. As soon as Shen Guanglin said it, Teacher Wang understood.

After Shen Guanglin's computer arrived, he immediately thought of this input method.

After all, Wubi has been popular for a long time, and it did not end its historical mission until the arrival of the era of smart pinyin.

Of course, some professional typists still use the Wubi input method.

"But, someone is already doing the research on the input method?" Mr. Wang poured a basin of cold water when he came up.

"Who?" Shen Guanglin didn't want to believe it.

"I heard that it is Wang Yongming from the University of Science and Technology of China. I still have his research report here."

Shen Guanglin's heart began to feel a little cold.

Sure enough, peers know peers best.

After some searching, Mr. Wang quickly found the major invention published in the newspaper at that time, and there was also the acceptance data of the results of Wang Yongming's input method.

No, is there Wubi now?

Shen Guanglin was a little frustrated, but he still took the information and read it carefully.

Shen Guanglin doesn't understand this period of history. He has been in contact with the formed Wubi input method, and he doesn't know the past, present, and development of Wubi input method.

Shen Guanglin felt relieved after reading the materials.

The method of splitting characters is about the same, but Wang Yongming's input method uses 62 keys, which is too many, and all the main keyboard and auxiliary keyboard are used, and the identification code is not thought of, so typing is not convenient.

There is still room for improvement!

"This Mr. Wang's idea is very good, but I think there is still room for improvement. Teacher Wang, do you want to work with me? The result is the two of us." Shen Guanglin sent an invitation to Wang Xuan.

"I'm very busy at work now, and the laser phototypesetting is far from over. I'm afraid I can't help you with this. Besides, I don't think it's very meaningful for you."

Of course, Shen Guanglin would not give up, since he had money anyway, since Teacher Wang didn't want to get involved, it would always be okay to borrow some of his students.

Of course, we are all masters of Beijing, so what's the problem?

Knowing the final result, it is not too troublesome to push back.

Shen Guanglin first wrote the corresponding radicals according to QWERTASDFG, and then drew tables and diagrams to give the splitting method.

When all the assistants and students are in place, their job is to simply repeat.

Copy all the more than 12000 Chinese characters in the "Modern Chinese Dictionary" onto the card, classify them one by one, make a good code, and then divide them into first-level radicals and second-level radicals.

After all these tasks are completed, it is necessary to use the professional strength of the radio department.

Design the circuit diagram, burn it into an integrated circuit chip, develop it into a terminal, pick up the machine, test it, and succeed in one go!
And all of this, under the powerful offensive of money, only took half a month.

Wang Yongming, who is far away in the Netherlands, is still studying the improvement from 62 keys to 36 keys. Shen Guanglin has already made an efficient input method with 25 keys and 4 codes, and it is also compatible with words.

Although the design principle of this set of input methods is borrowed from Wang Yongmin's ideas, all of these are pioneered by Shen Guanglin, including the "periodic table of Chinese character radicals" which is also re-typeset.

Moreover, on this basis, Shen Guanglin also proposed the "Three Principles of Graphic Code Design" and "Last-stroke Font Identification Code", which brought the Wubi input method to the most perfect stage at once.

After studying the input method for so long, Shen Guanglin is already very familiar with Wubi.

After only two days of practice, his typing speed has exceeded 250 words, and even the slowest student has a typing speed of 120 words.

Not only that, but everyone has realized blind typing. They don't need to look at the keyboard at all, just type directly. The punctuation marks can be brought out directly, which is simply synonymous with convenience, speed and efficiency.

The freshmen started school, and Shen Guanglin also put the research results on the desk of the department head.

Shen Guanglin did not exaggerate the results. He only said one thing to make the system owner pay special attention: "The new input method I designed can realize the input of more than 1 Chinese characters in one minute, and there is no need to look at the keyboard during the whole process."

(End of this chapter)

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