Start with a college teacher

Chapter 203 Appraisal Meeting

Chapter 203 Appraisal Meeting

The head of the department doesn't really believe in how powerful Shen Guanglin's achievements are, and it has only been more than half a month from the beginning to the end.

"Are you going to be a stenographer? Our school really lacked a qualified stenographer during the meeting."

"A stenographer is a trivial matter. After a few days of training, most people can be qualified as a stenographer." Shen Guanglin vowed.

"real or fake?"

"Look at the principle first, and then look at the results I made."

Really can't be fake.

It is no problem to read such a small invention to be able to be the head of the physics department.

"Hey, it's really interesting. This method of splitting characters makes sense. You press four keys for each character, right? How many characters can you press in one minute?"

In fact, by this time, the head of the department has already believed it, because the principle of Wubi input method is not complicated.


Shen Guanglin is full of confidence in this, because with his unicorn arm, Mr. Shen can really type 200 characters.

Then try?

Just try it.

If you don’t try, you won’t know, and if you try, you will be shocked.

The appraisal of Chinese character input method achievements will be carried out first in the School of Physics, and then in the whole school.

The specification of the appraisal meeting was upgraded very quickly, from a small-scale appraisal of the physics department to the important work of the physics department this semester, and then to the important work of the entire school, it only took three days in between.

At the same time, the number and level of personnel participating in the review are also increasing step by step.

Originally, the Department of Physics sent only a few ordinary teachers.

After everyone was convinced, they invited several professional professors from radio and other departments to participate in the second review of the physics department, and then it became a big event for the whole school, and even each department sent a special person to participate.

Because everyone realized the importance of this invention.

Most of the initial participants were those who had access to computers or typewriters, for example, Mr. Wang Xuan from the Radio Department was one of them.

Later, it was extended to all walks of life, and even teachers who taught history, geography, and biogeology also participated.

In fact, the achievement appraisal meeting of the entire capital university is not limited to the school itself, and many people from outside the school also participate.

Such a good opportunity to show his face, Shen Guanglin gave it to his teacher, the head of the Department of Physics, to personally host the appraisal meeting. Shen Guanglin just kept a low profile as an ordinary audience.

Before the start of the appraisal meeting, the head of the department had already issued a bold statement: "From today, the era when Chinese character input cannot be compared with Western writing is gone forever. The great significance of this invention is still difficult to estimate for a while."

Wubi input method is a practical technology in academia. If you just look at the principle without demonstration, you can't see its power. Only after using it can you know its powerful function.

It's like a kind of electric toy. At first, people just used it as a massager, but there's something to say about where it's used.

Only when it is used in the right place can its maximum value be brought into play.

There is no good or bad technology. If you want to vigorously promote it when it has just appeared and has not started to spread, you must organize several such appraisal meetings, so that it is possible to quickly seize the market.

In fact, in this era, Zhu Bangfu, the bender, was also designing a Chinese input system.

Moreover, in the future, he will extend this system to regions that use traditional Chinese characters, such as Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia.

Shen Guanglin's input method has been invented, and it must be better than Cangjie's in popularization.

The appraisal session will begin soon.

Even Shen Guanglin, a typist, didn't do anything himself. He trained a female student and asked her to sit in front of the computer and demonstrate to everyone.

Moreover, the demonstration uses an ordinary international keyboard, and there are no symbols such as radicals and fonts printed on it.

The head of the department was still a little nervous, as if the invention was his credit.

Shen Guanglin just sat there calmly, until now, he wasn't worried about any problems at all.

Because this is a very simple job, the principle is not complicated, and the effect is obvious.

The standards of the judges this time are indeed very high. In addition to the leaders of the various departments of Capital University, there are also some professional shorthand personnel from other ministries and commissions.

The entry standard for stenographers is 1 words per minute, and they use special shortcodes, and it takes long-term training to master this skill.

But using Shen Guanglin's Wubi input method, after two or three days of learning, you can type the desired characters smoothly without making mistakes. After practicing for a while, you can really be a stenographer.

The appraisal will officially begin!
Since Shen Guanglin gave this opportunity to shine to the head of the department, the head of the department also did his part. He pointed arrogantly at the stack of newspapers on the table, meaning to ask the judges to "order", and let the typist Which one to play.

Zhang Huijun is one of the stenographers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although he is not the best one, he is quite professional, and his records are fast and good.

Today, he heard that a physics teacher at Beijing University had invented a fast input method. He didn't believe it, but he felt that the effect might be limited.

In his eyes, the little girl who worked as a typist was probably not good at all. She didn't have much training at first glance. He heard that she was an ordinary student in the inventor's class and had only learned input methods for more than a week.

The headmaster personally went out and chose a newspaper that just came out today.

The head of the department gave an order, and the text input began.

I saw the girl's eight fingers flying like flying, only heard the sound of da da da da, the fingers on the keyboard almost made ghost images, and the words on the screen flashed fast, really faster than the speed of speaking .

After typing an article, 1024 words, 4 minutes and 20 seconds!
The average is 236 words per minute, and after checking, there is no mistake or omission.

There was no applause from the audience, everyone was stunned by the input speed.

1 words in [-] minute, how many words in an hour?
Wouldn't it take a short time to record a book?

Finally, Zhang Huijun couldn't sit still anymore. He went to the stage and picked up the keyboard to check around, "Is this an edited program, and then brought it here for a performance?"

How can the head of the department stand this kind of "humiliation".

"You, you come, you come and come up with a question, we will see if our little girl can type it out."

"Come on!"

Judge Zhang recited a long poem written by himself, similar to the kind of sea full of water, horses with four legs.

There are not many other things in this era, but there are many poets. It is simply that there are as many poets as dogs, and hooligans are everywhere.

It didn't matter to the little girl, she endured her nausea and finished typing a modern poem.

"Awesome!" Judge Zhang was fascinated by the transformation of his poem into a printed form, and he felt the pleasure of publishing a masterpiece.

This time there was finally thunderous applause.

Everyone wanted to learn about the Wubi typing input method. Of course, Shen Guanglin would not hesitate to teach him. He took out a small book that had been printed a long time ago, and he could take a copy with him if he wanted to learn. Moreover, he has already trained many students. Everyone can ask for help. They study.

Once famous!
The "Journal of Beijing University" published the achievement of this invention for the first time, and then the major newspapers in Beijing quickly reprinted it, and some newspapers even proposed: "This is the "fifth invention" that is no less than the four great inventions."

Shen Guanglin quickly gained a huge reputation, much faster than his physical discovery.

Not only Beijing University, but the whole society is discussing who Shen Guanglin is.

Following the newspaper reports, everyone knew that Shen Guanglin was a doctoral candidate, and he was only 25 years old this year, and he was already a professor at Beijing University.

Even, in the field of physics, some people commented that he is the No.1 after Einstein.

Who is Einstein?It was the great inventor, the one who made the light bulb.

The news is fermenting day by day, Shen Guanglin's class is always full of people, everyone asks: how did he come up with the Wubi input method.

Regardless of how he came up with it, let's first register the patent.

There is no need to worry about domestic patents, but in the Chinese language and culture circle, this patent is still very important.

This patent was originally invented by Shen Guanglin himself, and it does not belong to the school, but he still applied for patents in various countries in the name of "Symmetry Breaking Laboratory of Beijing University", and the protection period is 20 years.

Many people are puzzled, why spend all that unjustified money, the patent fees alone cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Shen Guanglin explained: "If we apply for a patent, we can authorize others to use it in the future, but there must be a fee. When we have money, we can do other research, such as investing in laboratories to develop more and more advanced technologies. It can reduce the burden on the country."

Owning a patent is indeed very important, and the people at the No. [-] Jincheng Pharmaceutical Factory deeply felt it.

(End of this chapter)

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