Chapter 204
Be high-key, low-key.

At Shen Guanglin's deliberate request, the media took the initiative to cool down, with less coverage on him and more coverage on the school.

After all, this incident actually meant taking credit from others. He, Shen Guanglin, was not considered the original pioneer, but only the winner of the scientific research competition.

Up to now, everyone still doesn't know what kind of attitude Wang Yongming has. I guess they must have mixed feelings in their hearts. How did they meet such a talented competitor.

Shen Guanglin's behavior is a bit like that of a goose factory. I am copying you, but I can copy you to death without leaving you any way out.

However, I keep a low profile and don't say anything.

Everyone knows that I am awesome, but I am actually a person who pursues a low profile.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to be that kind of star who lived under the spotlight, so none of his video materials were published in the newspapers.

The reasons given by Shen Guanglin are also very convincing. He has participated in many military technology researches, and he still wants to continue to contribute to the country and society. It is not suitable for too much publicity at this stage.

This point of view is presented, and everyone is in awe.

Selfless dedication, regardless of fame and fortune, such a good comrade is really rare.

The discipline of the domestic media in this era is still very good.

The focus of everyone's reports soon focused on the scientific research capabilities of Capital University itself.

However, after all, this school is a well-known Beijing University, and they should be able to develop some powerful technologies.

This is people's blind confidence in Jingcheng University, thinking that they are almost omnipotent, even if it is a special function, even if water turns oil, if it is proposed by Jingcheng University, it will be feasible.

Of course, it is estimated that Wudaokou Technical School will not think so.

In fact, the invention of the Wubi input method did not have any impact on Shen Guanglin himself. At least, his popularity has risen in Capital University, and he and Li Rong can no longer conduct some too much in semi-public places. Intimate action.

For example, the two people's favorite thing to do before was to ride a bicycle to work and school.

Sometimes it was Shen Guanglin who carried Li Rong, and sometimes Li Rong carried Shen Guanglin.

So romantic.

In this day and age, no matter men, women, old or young, driving skills are all thieves. Shen Guanglin has even seen some people who dare to show their hands while leading others.

Mr. Shen is not good, he is not good at driving, and the seat of the car hurts the prostate, so he prefers to ride the car.

Mr. Shen not only likes to hug his waist when sitting in the back row of the car, he also likes to hold the headlights when no one is paying attention. It is said that this can illuminate the road ahead and even honk the horn.

Especially after the evening shift, the two of them don't live in the dormitory, but live in Fuyuanmen's house.

This journey is relatively long, and it also increases the space for the two of them to get along with each other.

The little girl was really tired riding the car. She often blushed and panted during the short distance of one or two kilometers.

Ever since the school-level appraisal meeting of invention achievements was held, Shen Guanglin has not participated in the higher-level appraisal meeting. It's not that he can't go, but he doesn't want to go.

Those who should know him already know him, and those who shouldn't know just don't want to know, this state is just right.

If you really become a public celebrity, you will often be burdened by your reputation and will not be free.

At the beginning of the new semester, Shen Guanglin went with his class, instead of taking freshmen with him, he continued to teach physics for sophomores and English for juniors.

However, the third-year students almost didn't care about him anymore. Although he didn't miss his English class, everyone's level was enough to support them to study on their own initiative.

At this stage, students have fewer courses, and it is time to plan for the future.

Some are preparing for postgraduate entrance examinations, some are preparing to go abroad, some are preparing for employment, and some are going to practice in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has no other conditions, and the food conditions are still satisfactory.

And if everyone is hungry, they can go to Mr. Shen's place for a tooth-beating ceremony.

There are not many, but it is still possible to improve the food.

Later, Shen Guanglin made a rule that as long as he got into the top five in the exam, he could go to the laboratory to enjoy free meals for a week.

The work of the school is progressing smoothly, and the international patent of the Wubi input method has been applied for, everything is perfect, only the matter of Jinyao No. [-] Factory has not been resolved.

The other party came to the door again, really persistent enough.

Shen Guanglin didn't procrastinate and deliberately disappeared, "If you have any ideas, you can bring them up at once."

"Our idea is to get the manufacturer's authorization." This time it was Lao Qin who led the team, and he had to fight Teacher Shen.

"But you shouldn't look for me for the authorization. You should go to Fusang to look for Takeda. The patent belongs to them. What does it have to do with me?"

Shen Guanglin really couldn't tell whether he was resentful or helpless towards these people, and it was very annoying for them to come to the door every now and then.

"Mr. Shen, we still hope to continue to move forward under the framework of last time, so as to turn productivity into benefits one day earlier. Teacher Shen, if you have any ideas, we will be satisfied. As long as we get the Authorization, everything is easy to talk about. Otherwise, our new factory has already been built, and the raw materials have been purchased, and the products are produced, but they are stuck in sales. You and I are the sinners of the people.”

That said, it's on the line.

However, Shen Guanglin had thought about this matter. In fact, according to the current situation, there was no basis for the tripartite cooperation.

Everyone didn't trust each other, Shen Guanglin became discouraged about being a joint venture factory, and Takeda never thought about it, only Jinyao No. [-] Factory seized on this matter.

I am too lazy to argue, but I still have to refute: "Only you are the sinners of the people, please don't take me by the side. I don't know you well. And aren't you very powerful, and you will report, I really can't afford it. Do you think The production of medicines is done, and it is love to help, and it is duty not to help, I have limited ability, and I really can't risk betraying the country to contribute to you."

"Mr. Shen, it's meaningless for you to say that. We came here sincerely to solve the problem, not to create disputes."

Shen Guanglin curled his lips, "What disputes can we have, we are not familiar with each other."

It's okay, they don't want to make too much noise, it seems that it is impossible to want to go whoring for nothing, so they can only think of other ways.

This patent is not Shen Guanglin's own, and this is the biggest difficulty.

Otherwise, even if the administrative order is passed, they would have obtained the authorization long ago, and it is so troublesome now.

And let them go to Takeda, they have no confidence.

Besides, Shen Guanglin is the chief scientist of Takeda, so he should help with this!

It was for his own good that we reported him at the beginning. We helped him because we were afraid that he would make a mistake.

Broke up unhappily.

Unwillingness is certain, and giving up is impossible.

Sure enough, within two days, they came again.

This time the other party offered better conditions: invite Shen Guanglin to be the special consultant of the factory, and the salary and benefits are the same as the factory director, and there is no need for attendance. This is a job with an administrative rank.

In this era, there is no separation between government and enterprises. The director of a factory, like the No. [-] Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory, is a provincial-level enterprise, at least at the director level, or even at the deputy department level.

But Shen Guanglin refused.

There are only two levels between him and the principal, one is the head of the department, and the other is the principal.

However, for Shen Guanglin, he didn't really want to offend the company.

However, since the two parties wanted to cooperate, then he had to be able to sit on the table, otherwise he would have to break his leg if someone opened his mouth.

In fact, using Takeda's authorization is not free. For Shen Guanglin, this depends on whether he is at a disadvantage or taking advantage.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin is the favorite of the Capital University, and the people from the Third Jinyao Factory wanted to change all this through administrative power, but when they found the school, they were dumbfounded.

The school was opened for Shen Guanglin, protecting him everywhere, and the people from Jinyao No. [-] Factory were rejected by the school before they could finish their words, and no bargaining was allowed.

However, the people from Jinyao No. [-] Factory finally found the right way. They found the Beijing Science and Technology Commission.

This is the department that manages Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin took the land several times, and the other party helped a lot.

This love is acceptable.

Moreover, everyone has basically recognized the reality, and the basis for negotiation exists.

(End of this chapter)

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