Start with a college teacher

Chapter 205 Negotiations

Chapter 205 Negotiations
After many twists and turns, it was finally necessary to negotiate.

Since the Commission of Science and Industry is the mediator, the school is not easy to stop, and Shen Guanglin is not hypocritical, so this face should be given.

Then form your own negotiating team.

Shen Guanglin sent a huge team of two people.

The Third Jincheng Pharmaceutical Factory also sent a negotiating team of more than 10 people.

The two sides showed their chariots and horses, and the combat power ratio was one to five.

Before the negotiation, Shen Guanglin and Zhang Peng's uncle and nephew had already discussed that the new pharmaceutical factory should share the fertilizer with the four, otherwise it would be meaningless to get involved.

Since you want to participate, you need to get a controlling stake, and both the Symmetry Breaking Laboratory of Beijing University and the Biotechnology Co., Ltd. must hold shares. 25% each should be a more appropriate ratio.

As for Fusang's Takeda Pharmaceutical, they didn't send a negotiator and let Shen Guanglin figure it out.

In fact, they don't pay much attention to this patent. After all, it is already a patent that is about to expire, and there is no good money for a few years.

Forget it if you give it to Shen Guanglin, it's a favor.

Moreover, the current political correctness is that the two sides are friendly, and there are still fewer litigation matters.

Otherwise, with the gluttonous nature of pharmaceutical companies, how could they easily let go of their blatant infringements.

Takeda did propose a 30% revenue share, but 25% is probably acceptable.

Moreover, in this new factory that has already been built, they have to pay for the shares again, and they must not take the shares in vain, otherwise this is not an elbow turning outward.

The condition of Shen Guanglin's laboratory building is really good. There is an air conditioner in the meeting room. It's hot outside in summer, but the inside is breezy.

And all the participants, no matter men or women, each distributed a pack of Zhonghua Cigarettes, a large bottle of Coke, a pen, and a notebook.

Pay attention!

Such participation conditions have never been met before, and Shen Guanglin set this precedent.

The first meeting between the two parties was naturally a business exchange.

Shen Guanglin didn't say much, but his "uncle" Zhang Peng had worked in the system for many years and was completely adapted to this kind of life, as if he had returned to the past like a fish in water.

The greetings are almost over, and the meeting officially begins.

The entire meeting was presided over by Zhang Peng, who opened the door with Jianshan’s lecture: “The four-party talks between Jinyao No. For the shareholding ratio of the new pharmaceutical factory.”

In this negotiation, Qin Bufan was no longer in charge of Jin Yao No. [-] Factory. Although he also attended, his level was not high enough, and another deputy factory director was really in charge.

However, the negotiations got off to a rocky start.

"Stop! Stop! Who stipulated the four-party talks, which four parties? Why don't we know? Who set the agenda."

The negotiators of the No. [-] Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory interrupted Zhang Peng's speech and spoke first, because it was completely different from what they expected.

Their idea was to give Mr. Shen a little benefit and let him help win the patent.

At most, they can be allowed to negotiate on behalf of Takeda. If they really represent Takeda, then everything will be easy.

After all, they are all Chinese. If there is any unfairness, I can stand on the moral high ground and condemn them.

However, what kind of four-party talks is proposed now, what the hell is this?

"Didn't you say that we were allowed to bring up the terms of the negotiation? Is there any problem in the four-party negotiation?" Zhang Peng straightened his suit. Fortunately, the air conditioner in the room was turned on, otherwise he would not have died from the heat.

Obviously, this is due to the lack of smooth information exchange. Jin Yao No. [-] Factory said that no matter what Shen Guanglin asked here, they would agree to it. What they thought was that Shen Guanglin should not make any excessive demands.

"Aren't you negotiating on behalf of Takeda Pharmaceuticals? Why are there more capital universities and some Rausch subsidiaries? This is different from the message we received."

Jincheng Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory has no plan to introduce these two units at all.

But Zhang Peng said: "Why do we represent Takeda Pharmaceuticals? We are not its employees. When I was in Fusang, I heard that a three-party cooperation framework was mentioned. Now it is just that the three parties have been replaced by four parties. The difference Is it big?"

Jincheng Pharmaceutical had already agreed to the tripartite plan at that time, but then backed out after returning to China.

Now negotiating, Jincheng Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory is a little hesitant.

"Of course there are some differences, because we haven't made preparations for this at all, and you can't go back on your word like this. No one has imagined that other units will join in." Lao Qin finally spoke, and this was the first time he spoke.

"Alright! Since we still have such a big difference, let's stop today's negotiation. Mr. Shen is very busy with work. If we restart the negotiation, please make another appointment next week."

This is also the established strategy.

The other party is not even ready to admit the premise of the negotiation, so what else is there to talk about.

Shen Guanglin and Zhang Peng made an honorable exit.

Ding Xiang moved in a large watermelon, and Teacher Shen told her to be polite, taking good care of the guests who came from afar is also a way to show the friendship of the landlord.

"You! You!" The people from Jinyao No. [-] Factory were furious.

"Don't go!"

But it's too late.

The people from the No. [-] Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory wanted to continue talking, but they had no more negotiating partners.

They mobilized more than 10 people to come, but nothing was used.

Who cares to eat your watermelon!
The negotiating team went back to the hotel where they were staying angrily, each of them lit a cigarette, and then the summary meeting started.

"Everyone talk about how to get this authorization?" The deputy factory manager patted the table.

"Old Qin, didn't you say that Shen Guanglin wanted to participate in and take a share? We had a plan based on this. Why did the object suddenly change to Capital University and some company?"

In this era, it is impossible for private individuals to take shares in enterprises, and national laws do not support it.

The No. [-] Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory also has the same plan.

If Shen Guanglin proposed to own shares, they would agree to it first, and then find a way to deprive them of it when it comes to the implementation level.

However, if the units introduced are Capital University and that biotechnology company, and they are not easy to bully at first glance, then what is the point of all this?
Qin Bufan also had no good solution: "I thought Mr. Shen was a naughty hare, but I didn't expect him to be a cunning fox. If he negotiates with us in the name of his unit, then both parties will be on equal footing. If we think about using power to overwhelm others, it is just wishful thinking.

This is what worries them the most.

It's no use worrying, though.

Shen Guanglin didn't say that he was busy every day without touching the ground, but he always had something to do.

The Wubi input method has gained national attention, and Capital University has also received a special fund for this purpose, which is used to study the input method and the problem of entering Chinese characters into computers.

Capital University also moved quickly. They quickly established a special project team and appointed Shen Guanglin as the team leader. The team members were also industry leaders, such as Wang Xuan, who was later rated as an academician.

It should not be difficult to make the computer Sinicized, and the operating systems of later generations come with these functions.

Shen Guanglin instantly thought of the rich man Shi Yuzhu's family history, and it seemed that one of the products he sold was "Hanka".

It seems that when Lianxiang was still a technology company, their first product was "Hanka".

The so-called "Chinese card" is exactly an expansion card that solidifies the Chinese character input method and its driver into a read-only memory.

The purpose is to reduce the computer memory space occupied as much as possible.

However, there are not many domestic computers in this era, and it is still early to develop Hanka.

However, it is really imminent to develop an expansion card with its own input method. This can be sold for money, and it has been sold until the suspension of the Giant Building.

(End of this chapter)

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