Start with a college teacher

Chapter 206 The Evil Dragon

Chapter 206 The Evil Dragon
It's so hard to do something!
This is the innermost feelings of everyone in Jincheng Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory.

This is like a trekking traveler who has gone through countless difficulties and obstacles, and is about to reach his destination, only to find that there is a big river that is more dangerous than the King Kong River in front of him.

There is such a boat on the river, but they said: "If you want to cross the river, you have to pay. If you don't pay, you can swim across the river by yourself."

To pay or not to pay, how much should I pay?
If you pay, you have the freedom to pay, but if you don't pay, you have the disadvantages of not paying.

Indeed, after paying the toll, you can cross the river smoothly, but the hateful thing is that this toll is not a one-off, as long as you are still alive, you have to pay it all the time.

If you don't pay, you won't be able to cross the river. The scenery on the other side of the river is obviously better, and the fruits are sweeter, which is what the family urgently needs.

When they were at a loss, they discovered that one of the crew members on board was "one of their own", and everyone was away from home. It was not easy, so please help.

As a result, the crew said that it is okay to help, and I will share half of the goods on the ship.

Just rely on the patent!

patent?What is a patent? Why should I give you half of the things I produce well.

In China in the 80s, there was no consideration of infringing the patents of foreign companies, as long as I could produce, then mine.

However, if a product wants to go abroad to earn extra money, it has to pay a corresponding price.

Shen Guanglin told them the truth, but they didn't want to believe it.

In their eyes, Shen Guanglin was the warrior who was about to turn into a dragon.

Now, Mr. Dragon really doesn't have time to participate in their nonsense.

Because he has more important things to do.

For example, listening to music.

The niece Jiang Zhenhua is teaching Li Rong to sing Kunqu Opera.

The two girls have enchanting figures, and they sang very vigorously after wearing ancient costumes.

Shen Guanglin had another immature idea.

Kunqu opera is still good:
"The little nun is twenty-eight years old,

When he was young, his hair was cut by the master.

Every day, burn incense and change water in the Buddhist temple,

I saw some children playing games under the mountain gate.

He looked at us with his eyes,
Let's keep our eyes on him.

He is with us, we share him,
I'm so worried about it twice. "

This is "Si Fan".

With a lively rhythm and vivid expressions, it tells the story of the little nun's boredom of the blue lanterns in ancient temples and her longing for secular life.

Now, Shen Guanglin is longing for secular life, and next time he will prepare a set of Hanfu for his young lady.

The main reason is that there are too few entertainment activities now. He doesn't like Peking Opera, and he doesn't listen to Henan Opera. Only Kunqu District listens to one or two episodes because of his mother's liking.

Everything in the world is reincarnation.

In this era, old-school people love to listen to operas, and young people love to listen to Teresa Teng; 40 years later, old-school people love to listen to Teresa Teng, and young people love to listen to operas.

Look, how hot that is:
"The tip of the peach leaf is on the tip
Willow leaves cover the sky

In his position, the Ming lord
Listen to me carefully."

Just tell me, are these girls greedy for their bodies?

Thinking of singing opera, Shen Guanglin thought of his brother Zhang Guorong, but "Farewell My Concubine" of this era has not been filmed yet.

What Shen Guanglin can't forget the most is actually the part when the young Cheng Dieyi apprenticed to his teacher.

First, a knife sharpener who "sharpens scissors and kitchen knives" appears;

Then there was the seductive Jiang Wenli who was crying and winking, "Don't dislike us, as long as you accept him, we can do anything."

In the end, the master said, "Don't tell me, they are all low-level, whoever hates whoever."

It is now 1981, and my brother has not met Xiao Tang again. Will he still walk the path he walked before?
Shen Guanglin was thinking wildly, someone came to him.

It's a guest from Xiangjiang, contacted by the foreign affairs department.

The other party was very anxious, and after turning away from the screen, he came up and said, "Mr. Shen, please save my child!"

Shen Guanglin didn't know anything, he was still in the dark.

"What's the matter, speak slowly. I'm not a doctor, so I'm afraid I can't cure the sick and save the sick."

"Hello, Professor Shen, my surname is Guo, Guo Desheng, the dog is gone! He was kidnapped. We asked him, and his recent enemies seem to be a group of Chaozhou youngsters. It is said that someone wants to buy his electrical production line, and He acted a little eager and unreasonable, and offended people who shouldn't be offended. And recently he went to Xiangjiang to inquire about the electrical production line."

Sure enough.

Why haven't you asked for a ransom yet?How many days has it been.

The one who went to Xiangjiang to inquire about the electrical appliance production line was naturally him, someone Shen, and he had lived in the Ship King's house for so long, so he was a little famous.

"Mr. Guo, you are looking for me because you are asking about Yu Blind. I did go to Xiangjiang to find an electrical appliance production line, but I have already bought it. I bought it from Fusang. Besides, I have never had any enmity with Mr. Ling. This"

This is a pit of exploration on the edge of 404. Of course, Shen Guanglin will not admit that the disappearance case has something to do with him.

Although Shen Guanglin also guessed that the disappearance case might have something to do with Xiaoye, but it's hard to say how deep the relationship is.

"Mr. Shen, of course I know it's not you. You are an internationally renowned physicist. But I really have no other way. After many inquiries, I got a little clue. It is said that the dog was kidnapped and taken to the Philippines. Yes, the leader's surname is Ye."

Sure enough, it is a powerful family, and money can indeed buy a lot of news.

"Why not call the police? Wouldn't it be more efficient for the police to rescue them?"

"Is it useful to call the police?"

Really useless!Lao Guo sees it very thoroughly. The police in Xiangjiang are really not very useful. Although the Hong Kong movies are well shot, they are actually very dark and chaotic.

"But, what do you want me to do? I have only been to Xiangjiang twice, and I am not familiar with anyone except Liu Sheng and Chartered Ship King." Of course, what Shen Guanglin had to do was to distance himself from the relationship.

"I heard that your subordinate, Mr. Su, once had a romantic relationship with Ye Sheng." Lao Guo continued to talk about the news he knew.

I go!This is all clear.

Fortunately, he, Shen, really didn't participate in this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have been exposed.

"Why didn't I know that there is such a thing? We are in business legally, and even the income tax is paid according to the law. He and I can make a lot of money every year, isn't it better than the society."

Since Lao Guo can find their company address, it is more convenient to have someone to accompany him

"There is nothing wrong with the truth, and I have no doubts that Mr. Su will be involved. It's just that Mr. Su has a confidante, and the people under her have been recruited by Ye Sheng. Therefore, I guess they will always have some love."

"Then why didn't you find him?"

"It's you who is talking about it. Mr. Su has an attitude of staying out of the matter and resolutely not participating. I have no choice but to ask you to save the country."

"Okay, I'll ask Youpeng Su to mediate."

Shen Guanglin paused in the middle, meaning what benefits did you give?
Lao Guo is a sensible person, and he received it just right: "I will definitely prepare a generous gift to thank you in person."

"There is no need for generous gifts. I stayed at Mr. Bao's house for a few days. His patriotism can be seen every day. Recently, he plans to donate to build a university."

"I understand, I will definitely do my best."

"Then let me thank you on behalf of the teachers and students of the whole school. You don't need to spend too much money, just refer to Mr. Bao's investment amount. Our school is still waiting to be rebuilt."

(End of this chapter)

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