Start with a college teacher

Chapter 207 Admission

Chapter 207 Admission
Shen Guanglin doesn't even know how important Su Youpeng is to Shencheng now, and now Mr. Su is a well-known entrepreneur.

They started their business only last year, and the feasibility study report was written by Shen Guanglin.

That report was written in a dazzling and soul-stirring way, and it is still used as a teaching material in various investment promotion departments in Shencheng.

In this day and age, everyone makes decisions at the first glance, and few actually write feasibility studies, development prospects, and market analysis, but Shen Guanglin came from the PPT era, and he knows the importance of telling a good story.

As long as the story is told well, how many people can be suffocated by a single dream.

Last year was the beginning of their careers. At that time, Shen Guanglin and Su Youpeng had only a small amount of money, but they still bragged a lot and described a good prospect, which made people think it was very feasible.

Today, they can say that the bragging has been realized, and the entrepreneurship can be regarded as an initial success.

The garment factory already has thousands of workers, and is recruiting people every day. It is a large factory in Yangcheng, not to mention Shencheng.

Moreover, this factory can bring foreign exchange, which is very remarkable!
There is really a shortage of foreign exchange in this era.

If the garment factory they run is a state-owned enterprise, then the administrative level of the factory manager can really be raised several levels one after another.

Finally, more than half of the FLAG they set up last year has been realized this year.

It is precisely because of this that the government staff in Shencheng don't feel that they are bragging, but feel that they are professional, pragmatic, positive, and have a hard-working and enterprising spirit.

Now, they are making electrical appliances again, and the scale of investment and expected output value are far from what garment factories can match.

This is a step up in business!
Although at the current stage, it is too early to talk about exports, and it is indeed difficult for products to be launched.

But the production of electrical appliances can bring a lot of output value, and it can bring in tax revenue, so it deserves strong support from the government.

Especially seeing the equipment transported from Fusang being moved into the factory one by one, everyone was smiling.

The government is more urgent than the business people, and they can't wait to help organize the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

In order to cooperate with the successful completion and incubation of their electrical factory, the government even left all the surrounding land blank for their expansion, and if there are supporting factories in the future, they will be built nearby, which is convenient for everyone.

Therefore, Su Youpeng is already a big shot, and almost no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do in Shencheng.

It was not easy for Lao Guo to find Su Youpeng, and it seemed that Su Youpeng was involved.

In desperation, he went to the capital to ask Shen Guanglin to say hello to see if he could find Xiao Guo.

The boss of the Guo family was trained as an heir, and now he "disappeared" inexplicably, and no one asked for money.

Lao Guo didn't know that Shen was the instigator, and the initial operating funds of the association seemed to be provided by Shen.

No one doubted that Shen Guanglin did this "bad thing" intentionally or unintentionally, not even Shen Guanglin himself.

"Okay, I can help with this favor." Mr. Shen was ready to claim this favor.

"What do you want in return?"

"No pay, I'm not short of money, and I still have status as a professor, what can I do?"

Lao Guo also thought about the same reason: "Thank you so much, I don't know how to repay."

Shen Guanglin called Su Youpeng to see if there was a chance to help Boss Guo mediate, and nothing else was needed, as long as he could contact Xiaoye, there was nothing he could do if it wasn't for him.

Su Youpeng also readily agreed.

Things soon turned around, and the other party agreed to negotiate.

Xiaoye is really a damn fastidious person. She has been arresting people for a long time, but she doesn't even speak, just waiting for the Guo family to find the right person.

Guo Desheng was playing the right game, and Su Youpeng was in the middle to coordinate, so he had a channel for communication.

Shen Guanglin didn't get involved very deeply. His previous ideal was to be a schoolmaster, not a godfather. He quickly put this matter behind him.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin did not fight for his own interests in this matter, but he helped Lao Guo win the name of a patriotic Hong Kong businessman, and also helped the school win a large amount of donation funds.

Where can I find such a good comrade?

However, the people in Jin Yao No. [-] Factory didn't think Mr. Shen was so good at all.

After hearing the cooperation conditions proposed by Zhang Peng, the people from Jincheng Pharmaceutical No. [-] Factory really didn't come any more. It seemed that their bottom line didn't include others being able to buy shares.

They just want to come here for nothing.

People also said that I would rather have the factory idle than be blackmailed by you.

It would be nice to have such an ambition long ago, to disturb people's cleanliness every day.

Shen Guanglin returned to a peaceful life, attending classes every day, preparing lessons, and devoting energy to building the laboratory.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

Wu Xiaoyun is still back.

She was used to Shen Guanglin's laboratory having all kinds of materials that were in short supply, and when she returned to school, it was the same set of old equipment, which was very boring.

She also wants to have her own laboratory, but it is difficult. How many old professors with more senior qualifications than her are still waiting dryly.

Why were there still some well-known physicists in my country in the 80s, but few well-known chemists and biologists came out?

The most critical problem is lack of money.

Not to mention anything else, you must pursue precision when doing experiments. How much does a micropipette that can be used in biology and chemistry cost?

Not much to say, at least 100 or so close to [-] dollars, it costs a few dollars to change a gun head, who is willing to use it?
Studying physics is different, it can be guessed and calculated.

As long as there is an idea, it is possible to produce results.

Wu Xiaoyun's coming this time can be regarded as handing in the nomination certificate. She really left Wudaokou Technical School, and like Dou Wei, she came here full-time as a researcher.

Of course, from a procedural point of view, it is indeed a transfer, not a resignation, because there are two equal-level units, and both are staffed.

The establishment of Shen Guanglin's laboratory can't be used up at all, and it's wasted if it's not used.

With Shen Guanglin's contribution, the school can't provide anything else, but the establishment is still possible, as much as you want.

How much benefit has Mr. Shen brought to the school in just over a year?
Regardless of fame or fortune, even if a small request is made occasionally, the school will definitely satisfy it.

But Shen Guanglin was very knowledgeable, he didn't ask for anything, he didn't feel that he was perfect and had no desires, but he really didn't feel that he lacked anything, except the lack of scientific research ability.

The lack of scientific research ability is mainly due to the lack of mathematics ability, and it is time to strengthen the study of mathematics.

With the start of the 81st class of freshmen, he pretended that he was a member of the 1981 class of freshmen, and was going to attend classes with the mathematics department every day.

Speaking of it, Shen Guanglin's mathematics is not bad, but compared with top physicists, it is really not good.

Since he wants to take the scientific research route, it is really necessary to learn mathematics well.

As long as you want to study hard, it is never too late.

The most obvious example is Mr. Qian Weichang. In the 1931 college entrance examination, he only scored 5 points in physics, and only 20 points in chemistry and mathematics. However, he entered the university with 100 points in Chinese and history. Studied in the Department of History.

That is, in the same year, the "September [-]th Incident" that shocked China and the world took place.

Mr. Qian decided to save the country by learning, abandoned literature and studied physics, and began to study physics. As a result, he became one of the founders of modern mechanics and applied mathematics in our country.

If you don't force yourself, no one knows where you can go.

"The sun was shining in the sky, the flowers smiled at me, and the little bird said: "Morning, why are you carrying a pack of dynamite?"
I went to bomb the school, but the teacher didn't know it. As soon as I pulled the wire, I ran away, and the school disappeared with a bang! "

Shen Guanglin sang nursery rhymes to go to school, the school did not disappear, and arrived soon.

After waving goodbye to Li Rong who left by bicycle, Shen Guanglin walked into the classroom of the Department of Mathematics.

It's not that Shen Guanglin's subordinates are not good at mathematics. The bald Xiao Zhang is one example. Teacher Wu Xiaoyun's mathematics is not bad, but as a leader in science and technology, he can't stand this face. Instead, he might as well go to a college he is not familiar with to listen to lectures.

Only by learning from the beginning can you know whether you have missed anything.

Shen Guanglin planned to practice the trumpet again.

The Department of Mathematics is also considered a large department. A few years ago, the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics was divided into the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Mechanics.

Shen Guanglin studied the professional table for a long time, and felt that the major of "Mathematics and Applied Mathematics" should be good, and the course should be a bit in-depth, so he can go for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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