Start with a college teacher

Chapter 208 Football

Chapter 208 Football
As National Day approaches, the weather is finally not so hot.

There is an old saying that "a family with an old man is like a treasure".

Li Rong's cheap grandma is really a treasure. As the summer is coming to an end, she actually makes winter pickles at home.

What a clever old man.

Now that there are many people in the family, it is also good to prepare more winter supplies such as dried beans, dried eggplant, cured winter melon, and watermelon sauce.

After all, vegetable greenhouses are not a panacea. In fact, pickled pickles are not unpalatable, the key is how to do it.

Shen Guanglin hasn't been close to the people's livelihood for a long time, that is to say, making pickles is interesting, so he followed Li Rong to the vegetable market.

Nowadays, the vegetable market has changed a lot, and I don’t know when farmers can go to the city to sell vegetables.

Now they are so courageous, they set up a stall at the entrance of the state-run vegetable market, and want to make it clear that the horses and horses are competing with you.

The business model of state-run vegetable farms has also changed. The most obvious one is that starting from about this summer, tickets are no longer required to buy vegetables, as long as you have money.

The vegetable garden in Shen Guanglin's yard produced too many vegetables to eat, and the old man even brought his daughter-in-law to pick them up and sell them.

Zhang Peng's daughter-in-law, this little aunt is also a good housekeeper. Although the food she cooks doesn't taste good, she is very diligent. She is the only one who does hygiene in Fuyuanmen's house, and even Li Rong loses her job.

However, the relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is really not good, otherwise why the old lady insisted on living in Shen Guanglin's house instead of moving to her son's new house.

In fact, most families are like this, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is often not good.

Zhang Peng has not yet bought a house in Beijing. He has lived in the breeding base for a long time now. The buildings there have been built, but the breeding industry has not yet entered the right track.

After all, reproduction takes time, even mice and rabbits need to be cultivated back and forth when they mature.

Shen Guanglin took a look at the vegetable market. There were quite a lot of things. It was indeed the best place to sell seafood.

In short, the whole society is developing in a positive direction. Now the shortage of supplies is not so severe, and the goods in non-staple food stores are becoming more and more abundant. Everyone's wages have not changed, but the benefits are getting better and better.

In fact, the salary does not need to be raised, as long as it can be paid in full, everything will be fine.

What I'm afraid of is that some companies with poor returns only pay [-]% to [-]% of their wages, and some families with seniors and juniors have a hard life.

Of course, there are also some bad changes in society.

For example, there are more and more street sneakers and punks who hide in the corner to smoke and stroll around.

Molesting a female classmate after school, beating a handsome guy who doesn't like her, these behaviors are becoming more and more unscrupulous.

This group of people did not rush to break the law and commit crimes in the first place.

Their original intention may just be hungry, greedy, steal a chicken, butcher a dog.

Stealing is not a big deal, the difficulty is that no one restrains it, and later, it will develop into highway robbery, and then other crimes will follow.

Not to mention anything else, even the surroundings of the university are uneasy.

When the school just started this year, a female student from the Forestry University went to visit the Old Summer Palace and was dragged into a grove to have an accident. I still haven't found out who did it.

The nearby Sports University, Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School have also made special instructions not to travel alone and pay attention to personal safety.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin even reduced the number of times he went back to Fuyuanmen. It was the same to live in the dormitory building of the laboratory. There is no shortage of food and clothing here, and the accommodation conditions are good.

Shen Guanglin hangs out in the mathematics department's classroom almost every day, behaves very low-key, and dresses up nothing fancy.

Jeans, T-shirts, white sneakers, the same outfit every day, which is not outstanding at all in this day and age.

To really stand out, guys should wear bell bottoms, and girls should wear braids and dresses.

Military uniform green has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history, and everyone's aesthetic views are also changing.

The hit screening of "Love in Lushan Mountain" brought a great shock to everyone. Zhou Yun actually changed seven or eight outfits in just over an hour. Thanks to the girl's good figure, she looks good in everything she wears.

Shen Guanglin originally thought that he was very low-key, but in fact he still acted a bit maverick.

Because he only attends lectures, does not do homework, and does not socialize with others.

Moreover, he only listens to the "normal class" in class, and he can't be seen in some classes that have nothing to do with mathematics. After class, everyone doesn't know where he went.

In fact, Shen Guanglin thought about it. He didn't know if it was necessary for him to come to take the freshman mathematics course, because the freshman course was really simple, even so "simple" that he, Shen, could go to the podium to teach by himself.

However, since you are practicing the trumpet, you should start practicing from the beginning, in case there is a gap and you don't find it.

On this day, Shen Guanglin had just entered the classroom, opened the book and was about to continue mixing in the classroom, when someone came to chat with him.

Because Shen Guanglin had been in the class for a long time and met several freshmen, everyone thought he was also a freshman and didn't know that he was a teacher.

The classmate who likes to chat with him is Zhang Jiping, a native of Lu Province, who usually speaks Mandarin with a strong accent, a bit like Wei Ji'an, but he doesn't feel it, and thinks that his Mandarin is very standard.

"Student Shen, why can't I see you in some classes? I wanted to discuss something with you yesterday."

There was still a while before class, Zhang Jiping seized the time to chat with Shen Guanglin.

"What's the matter, tell me. I'm from the physics department, and I only come to math classes, and I don't come every day."

Shen Guanglin answered truthfully that he was embarrassed to attend lectures in his college, so he went to the Department of Mathematics to strengthen his studies.

"Do you want to transfer to our Department of Mathematics? Our Director Duan has a Ph.D. from Princeton University, which is amazing."

Now the dean of the Mathematics Department of Capital University is Duan Xuefu, who is a member of the department and was once the dean of the Mathematics Department of Wudaokou Technical School.

Shen Guanglin replied with certainty: "I don't have such a plan. I don't like mathematics, but I just have to learn it because it is useful."

"I said, I don't like mathematics anymore, I want to be a poet now." Zhang Jiping's thinking is very trendy.

"Why? What's so good about being a poet." Shen Guanglin was out of tune with the popular things of this era.

"Poetry expresses love, poetry expresses ambition! Enthusiasm, romance, aestheticism, and sadness... are all the characteristics of poetry. I went to the poetry club yesterday to see the poems written by Senior Cha Haisheng and Senior Luo Yihe!"

Why are the names so familiar, but Shen Guanglin doesn't know them.

In later generations, everyone knows Haizi, but who knew that Haizi's original name was actually Cha Haisheng.

Haizi’s most famous poem, which most people can recite, is called “Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, Internet cafes have you”

It was another unremarkable class, and Shen Guanglin felt drowsy, so he could only anesthetize himself by doing a few more questions.

However, after class was over, he was about to leave when Zhang Jiping stopped him: "Student Shen, are you going to play football?"

"will not."

"Me neither, but it's okay, everyone doesn't. I see you're wearing sneakers, so I think you should love sports."

Shen Guanglin agreed.

If you don't know how to play football, you can just run around. Where is the ball, everyone just rushes towards the ball.

At the end of the football game, Shen Guanglinye didn't know what the score was, and everyone was sweating, and the relationship was really close.

Shen Guanglin is rich, he likes to invite dinner.

The location doesn't need to be good, the mutton soup stall at the school entrance is pretty good, two taels of mutton per person, enough sesame seed cakes, one meal of this food can be remembered for a year.

After dinner, they were still talking about football, and everyone was talking about the strength and bright future of Chinese football.

Shen Guanglin heard right, Chinese football is very strong.

Really don't underestimate Chinese football in this era, they are still very strong at this time.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about football originally, but now he had to listen to them bragging.

Now it's the World Cup qualifiers. In the group stage, the Huaxia team was in a group with Fusang, Bangziguo, and Sanpangguo. As a result, the Huaxia team was extremely strong and reached the top four in the group. Zhixing won the best player in the first stage.

Is it that strong?
Then why didn't it make it out in the end?

In fact, in this era, Asia and Oceania have only two qualifying places.

And in a few days, there will be a match at the Workers' Stadium. The Huaxia team will face Kuwait. Everyone wants to watch it, but there are no tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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