Chapter 212

They hadn't seen Sunja for a long time.

When we meet again, he is no longer the same man as before.

All three have changed a lot.

In less than two years, Shen Guanglin went all the way and became a university professor; Su Youpeng worked hard and became a well-known businessman in Shencheng; Shunzi made bold moves and became a big brother in society.

If you only look at the appearance, the most ostentatious must be Shunzi.

Driving a Hongqi car to dominate the capital, usually dressed in suits and leather shoes, full of majesty.

Even when I went out to eat to meet my brother, I still wore a bow tie around my neck, shiny leather shoes on my feet, stiff trousers, and a shiny golden belt. This outfit would not be outdated even in the 21st century.

Now Shunzi's business scale is very large. In the entire Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, at least a quarter of the privately circulated goods are released from his hands. As for how much money he can make, this is not counted.

It is estimated that the money in his hand must be tens of millions, not necessarily less than Shen Guanglin Su Youpeng and the others.

Of course, he also spends a lot, and the people he raises are in groups. If anyone dares to disobey, the stick education will be light.

In this day and age, there is no means, what to use to make money, and what to use to maintain the situation.

Not to mention anything else, even the garment factory in Shencheng, Erleng has organized a huge security team.

What for?It is to deal with those gangsters who do not do good deeds and some villains who come to beat the wind.

Shen Guanglin had already completely disassociated himself from the "speculators", and Su Youpeng occasionally helped them organize some sources of goods from Shencheng or Xiangjiang, but it was only to make some extra money.

Neither of them participated in the income from the sale of these materials in the capital.

Money can never be earned, some money can be earned, and some money cannot be earned.

They didn't dare to accept the money that Xiaoye sent to their door.

If you want to donate, then donate.

Xiaoye was originally from Chaoshan. He donated [-] million yuan to benefit his hometown, which really shocked the local government. Maybe it could really save his life at a critical moment.

It is not easy to run a successful business in this era. Shen Guanglin and his electrical appliance factory have been built, but the supply of raw materials and spare parts has problems.

It's not that the quality isn't good enough, and it's not that no one produces these things. It's that the materials that can be provided are limited, and some things can't even be bought with money.

Now is the spring of science, but not the spring of private enterprises.

Domestic enterprises are all state-owned enterprises, and the dual-track system runs in parallel. The things they produce are divided into two parts, one of which is the planned production task, and this part has to be done even if it loses money.

The other part is unplanned products, which can be sold externally and are also the main source of profits for the company.

What Shen Guanglin and his company can buy, that is, the products produced by planners on the other track, are flexible but unstable.

However, the local government has really given great coordination, and they are all kinds of matchmaking for the smooth start of production of the electrical appliance factory.

In future generations, it is not without reason that Shencheng can develop successfully.

In the midst of stumbling and perseverance, their first home appliance product came off the production line, which produced refrigerators.

Su Youpeng asked people to send over 10 units in one go, just to see the market acceptance in Beijing.

It is said to be domestically produced, but in fact not many things are made by ourselves. The compressor is made by Fuso, the expansion tube is made by Wanwan, the circuit board is made by Xiangjiang, and only the sheet metal parts are made by ourselves.

Saving the country by industry has a long way to go.

Shen Guanglin took it apart and looked at it, the quality was okay, at least he didn't have to learn from Zhang Ruimin and smashed the refrigerator.

Now the choice of gathering is not limited to Lao Mo, there are several high-end Chinese restaurants in the capital, the taste is good, and what attracts people's attention is that they are expensive.

Many people go to eat and enjoy this expensive process.

Even in poor times, there are rich people.

It is said that there are not many rich people in China, but those who study in Fusang also go abroad at their own expense. Where does their money come from?
When we met again, the three of them were a lot more polite, and everyone greeted each other safe.

The food comes up, classic Shandong cuisine, tastes good.

Shen Guanglin can eat any cuisine, and he is not the kind of person who pretends to be polite.

During the meeting, everyone just exchanged feelings and knowledge, and did not talk about money.

Talking about money is too vulgar, and there is no question of who discriminates between them. They used to be friends, but now they are both developed, so they are still friends.

Only downcast people don't deserve to have friends.

Hearing that Su Youpeng was getting married, Shunzi forcefully expressed congratulations. The way to express congratulations was to have someone bring two boxes of cash over, because she really didn't know what gift to buy.

Su Youpeng accepted it, and he asked about Shunzi's personal questions. Shunzi was married a long time ago, and he moved faster than anyone else. Now the child is about to be born, but he didn't tell everyone.

After all, everyone is no longer a class and a circle of people.

With the end of the National Day, every day began to become cooler day by day, without the autumn rain, the temperature still dropped very quickly.

While Shen Guanglin and Su Youpeng were doing market research with the refrigerator, the charter king came to the capital again.

He came for alms.

What we are looking for is not money, but people and talents.

The university in his hometown Yongcheng has already started construction, but he wants to find someone who is suitable for management.

This matter asked Shen Guanglin for help, but Shen refused very readily.

He is still in the stage of improving his qualifications. Even if he leaves Capital University, the last place he would like to go is Wudaokou Technical School.

He is not Shi Yigong, who insists on leaving Wudaokou Technical School to go to some kind of West Lake University.

Could it be that the vice-principal of Wudaokou Vocational School is not good? He might be able to be righted when he is uncertain.

Of course, West Lake University is not bad, it is a serious scientific research university.

There is also one called Lakeside University, which was directly canceled.

The last time Shen Guanglin stayed at the Ship King's house and enjoyed Romanee-Conti and Lafite red wine.

This time, the ship magnate is not staying in a good hotel, so he must visit Shen Guanglin's house.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin's house is big enough. Although there is only one floor, there are many spare rooms and it is considered comfortable to live in.

Of course it is comfortable to live in, but it has been refurbished.

Now that the weather is not hot, this kind of old house is very comfortable to live in. The furniture is all classic mahogany, which has been carefully restored, which is attractive and durable.

And the food is not bad. Although Shen Guanglin doesn't have those foreign wines here, he has Moutai, Wuliangye Xifeng and Jiannanchun.

Although Mr. Shen doesn't hold a lot of alcohol, he still drinks a little once in a while, just to keep himself healthy.

The boat charter king was very satisfied. He felt that it was good to know Shen Guanglin, a little friend who could become his friend.

Since the old man Bao came, Shen Guanglin also started to live an old life in advance. There are few entertainment activities in this era, and he doesn't want to rest so early after eating. It's good to ask everyone to go out for a walk together.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was not very familiar with the capital, but they didn't go to other strange places, they basically walked along the main road to the Summer Palace.

"Xiao Shen, it would be great if you were born a few years earlier." It's very comfortable here, and Lao Bao doesn't want to go back.

"Why, you want to marry your daughter to me." None of the four daughters of the ship king is good-looking. I don't deny that they may have family background and talent, but Mr. Shen is an animal of beauty, he can't lie to himself.

"If I have an unmarried daughter, I can really marry you."

"Don't mind, let's be brothers, you don't want to grow up with me."

(End of this chapter)

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