Start with a college teacher

Chapter 213 The Journey to Yongjiang

Chapter 213 Trip to the Yongjiang River

Xiang Yu has said it all, wealth and honor do not return to their hometown, like walking in brocade clothes at night.

It is not Shen Guanglin's style not to show off good things.

Although Xiangjiang is rich in supplies, there is not such a shortage of supplies in the capital.

In his own home court, Shen Guanglin showed his kindness as a landlord. He took old man Bao to visit his wine cellar, which was full of white wine.

This is Moutai!Especially with the "Three Great Revolutions" in the majority, later generations will be precious, a bottle of wine is a car.

But this is obviously Mingzhu's secret vote. The charter king doesn't like to drink, but he is very interested in the treasures in Shen Guanglin's inventory.

"Xiao Shen, can you give up your love?" Lao Bao fell in love with a plum vase with dragon pattern and Qing Dynasty flowers in Ming Dynasty, and couldn't put it down.

"Of course not! You can't cut love, but you can cut gown." Shen Guanglin's meaning is also obvious, if you want to take my things, I will turn against you.

The plum vase with dragon pattern is more famous in the Yuan Dynasty. In 78, a cultural relics exhibition was held. Yangzhou people brought a "Yuanji Blue Glaze White Dragon Pattern Plum Vase" to shock the world, and it was taken away by the museum. , The asking price is 3000 yuan.

In fact, this plum bottle with dragon pattern was only 16 yuan when it was first sold, which was not worth a meal at Quanjude.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's plum vase with dragon pattern is not as expensive as the blue and white flowers of the Yuan Dynasty, but it is also a rare boutique in the Ming Dynasty, and he is definitely not willing to give it to Lao Bao.

Or, send you a case of bars.

Most of the wines in Shen Guanglin's inventory are not old wines, and most of them are newly produced in recent years.

In fact, it is not easy to store liquor for a long time. Whether it volatilizes or deteriorates, it is a sad thing.

It is said that the best-preserved baijiu can still be drunk for 150 years.

In 1972, when the Mawangdui Han Tomb was excavated, a bunch of wine utensils and fine wine were unearthed.

Guo Moruo drank the wine from this ancient tomb just once, and the taste was mediocre, not as good as Mrs. Xin Zhui's bath water.

Who cares about your wine.

In the eyes of Captain Bao, Shen Guanglin's wine is not very good, but there are really many good things here.

The antiques in Shen Guanglin's inventory are all good old things, most of which have been passed down in an orderly manner, and there are very few dead pits.

Now, Mr. Shen can already say that he is an connoisseur of connoisseurship.

In fact, the ability to appreciate is based on extensive knowledge and training. Only when you have seen the real thing can you know the fake one.

After the rise of collections in later generations, many imaginary antiques came out, which is to deceive everyone's lack of knowledge.

Shen Guanglin's collection of good things has almost no room in the basement. If it wasn't for his wealth, Shen Guanglin would have wanted to buy a bigger house.

A place like Prince Chun's Mansion is fine.

It's a pity that Prince Chun's Mansion is now a scenic spot, and it is occasionally open to the public. Shen Guanglin has been there once and became interested.

Speaking of wanting to visit a city, locals seldom participate, and most of those who like to visit are foreigners.

The locals only think that there are many opportunities, anyway, they can come whenever they want, and then they don't care whether these attractions are fun or not.

Only tourists from other places will visit the scenic spots they heard about one by one. At least, after seeing the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, they should take a photo as a souvenir.

Shen Guanglin's courtyard in Fuyuanmen is actually very large. Although the layout of the shop in front and the factory in the back is not as good as Zhou Zheng's courtyard, the area is really not small, and it is also simple and elegant.

However, no matter how big the courtyard is, it cannot withstand the collection of Shen Guanglin's scale.

It is now 1981, and for those who love to collect, this environment is really too friendly.

As long as you have money in your hands, you can stock up on one or two good things and make a fortune.

This time when building a breeding base, Mr. Shen thought about building a base for storing antiques for himself, and doing nothing else, just to store the collected antique treasures.

No wonder Ma Dudu wants to open a museum of his own. It is really uncomfortable to have good things not to be exhibited to the public.

It is not a collector's character to put treasures on the shelf, but to flow them is the value.

The boat king lived very happily in Shen Guanglin's house, because Shen Guanglin's family also had a "peer" of his, that is, Li Rong's cheap grandma.

The two are about the same age and have both experienced old equipment meetings, so they have a lot of feelings for the past era.

Teacher Shen also wanted to build a good relationship with the ship king, because these years, if you want to do import and export business, you really can't do without the ocean transportation of the ship king.

The ship tycoon is not here for vacation, he can't stay in the mainland for too long, and he still has his own business territory to expand.

He is going back.

Before leaving, he asked Shen Guanglin to go to Yongcheng together on a personal errand.

Shen Guanglin agreed, and it was not far from Shanghai, so he went to Shanghai by the way to see the actors of "Love in Lushan". This was also Li Rong's dream.

However, Li Rong has already started school, she can't go, so Teacher Shen can only do it for her.

It doesn't matter to Mr. Shen, it's okay to go to Yongcheng, and after going to Yongcheng, he is going to go to the Middle East with the national team through Xiangjiang.

In the last game of the national football team's semi-finals, Shen Guanglin must make sure everything is safe.

The current Huaxia team ranks first in the points group and is in sight.

In this case, unless the Huaxia team loses the game, they can qualify if they win or tie.

However, in Shen Guanglin's memory, the Huaxia team did not enter the World Cup. It seemed that this last match was more or less ominous.

(End of this chapter)

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