Chapter 214

Shanghai, also known as the magic capital, has always been an international metropolis.

Shen Guanglin is still very familiar with this city. After all, Jinling is not far from here, and the area where he often moves is in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

After all, when Shen Guanglin was growing up, Guancheng was already dead, and those places in Sanya were rarely visited. After all, it is not every day that there is a feast of sea and sky, but Shanghai's celebrity circle is very famous.

The so-called socialites probably go for compensated dating in order to become famous.

The itinerary to Yongcheng this time is to go to Shanghai first, and then to Yongcheng.

Now there is no Hangzhou Bay Bridge, connecting the two cities is either by boat or by detour through Hangzhou.

It's a pity that Ms. Li Rong can't go with her because of the tight schedule.It would be great if you don't study, and you can travel all over the country with him.

Before leaving, it is reasonable to harvest a wave of public grain.The quality of the traditional mahogany bed is very good. Although Teacher Shen was sweating profusely, except for the panting of two people, there was no accompaniment sound similar to creaking.

After dozens of dongs, the two cleaned the battlefield, and they also began to respect each other as guests, and agreed to take a bath together.

"This time you go out, you should come back early. I heard that you study mathematics very seriously, so don't waste your studies." Li Rong helped him rub his back with a towel, and also taught Teacher Shen that her academic performance was not bad. , It is worthy of having excellent learning genes.

People in the north have the custom of rubbing their backs. Rubbing at this time can also relieve fatigue. It is also very effective to resist the state of sages. If you don’t know for sure, you can score twice, Sanyang Kaitai, four seasons, fortune and five blessings.

"I know, I'll be back in less than a week. This time I won't go to Xiangjiang, nor will I go abroad." Shen Guanglin didn't arrange the air ticket and itinerary to Kuwait, so he decided to give up this trip and stay in the capital with everyone It's good to watch football together.

There is no Internet and Ctrip in this era. If no one takes it with you, it will be very troublesome to go out.

The most troublesome thing is the local itinerary.

No matter staying in a hotel, hiring a tour guide, hiring a translator, or renting a car, it is not a simple matter.

It's still easy to travel domestically.

The next day, a few people got on the gray plane to Shanghai. Li Rong had a class and didn't see him off.

Flying in this season is quite comfortable, not as stuffy as in summer, even if you don't turn on the air conditioner, you won't feel hot.

It seems that travel is really divided into seasons, and it is best to travel in autumn.

Shanghai will arrive soon.

Shen Guanglin is not the protagonist of this trip, the protagonist is the charter king.

At this time, the elegant demeanor of the ship king was displayed. The local pick-up personnel were very high-ranking, and the form was very grand, and Shen Guanglin had never encountered this level of attention before.

Of course, this event is also an interaction in which form outweighs meaning.

Because just at the exit of the airport, there were elementary school students wearing red scarves queuing up to present flowers. Shen Guanglin felt that this arrangement was so fresh that he even got a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums.

This season is indeed the season of chrysanthemums blooming.

After all, there is a song, the chrysanthemum is broken, and the buttocks are full.

However, all the surprises stop here.

Shen Guanglin didn't gain anything in Shanghai, and he couldn't meet Zhou Yun who filmed "Love in Lushan Mountain".

Even if you want to invest, there are not many investment opportunities in Shanghai and Shanghai.

It is now 1981, Shanghai and Shanghai have not joined the ranks of reform and opening up, and they are not developing fast in this era.

Last year, the country established five special economic zones, Shanghai is not one of them, it will not be established as a coastal open city until 5.

Now there is even no Pudong New Area. It will take at least ten years to develop Pudong. Now this large piece of land is still Chuansha County, and it is still tidal flats and farmland.

Get out of the airport and drive to the city.

It's already late autumn, and the pedestrians on the streets have returned to their monotonous colors. Shanghai, as the trendy capital, mostly wears gray and black Chinese tunic suits.

There are still many differences between Shanghai and Beijing.Most of the trolleybuses running here are trolleybuses, and the traffic lights at the intersection are manually controlled by the traffic police. They are very smart, a bit like crossing zebra crossings in later generations. After pressing the button on the roadside, a red light will appear after a while.

The dinner was very sumptuous, but everyone's focus was not on the banquet itself, but on other business dealings.

It's easiest to talk about things at the wine table.

The charter king is here on business, and he wants to discuss cooperation with the local area, and the content of cooperation is naturally inseparable from Shanghai seaport and shipping.

The ship king is not only the ship king in Asia, but also the number one ship king in the world.

Everyone was talking about things, Shen Guanglin was not polite, and started to eat as soon as he came up.

Because the guest of honor was not him, and he didn't intend to overwhelm the guest, he just sat there silently eating and drinking.

Everyone expressed some surprise that Shen Guanglin was able to sit at the main table, but seeing that the ship king didn't speak, they didn't say anything.

The boat king didn't introduce Mr. Shen's background, so Mr. Shen regarded himself as transparent, and when it was his turn to introduce himself, he just smiled shyly, "My surname is Shen, and I followed Mr. Bao to see the world."

After all, Teacher Shen's popularity is not high, and everyone doesn't know that he is a teacher of Capital University. Even if they knew, they wouldn't pay much attention to it.

Shen Guanglin is just a soy sauce character, there is no important matter for him to deal with, and everyone treats him as a follower.

Anyway, there are hairy crabs to eat, so I am happy and leisurely.

The Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs in this season are very big, each with more than 6 taels, and the inside of the lid is full of crab roe.

Shen Guanglin loves hairy crabs the most. He can eat them all in one sitting without wasting any meat.Of course, digging out the crab roe with a small spoon and eating it with light soy sauce and mustard juice is the most delicious.

As early as the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, a kind of accompanying dowry became popular in the Yangzhou area of ​​Suzhou, called "Eight Pieces of Crabs", which contained various tools, utensils and measuring instruments, and eating crabs gave a sense of ritual.

When Shen Guanglin's mouth was full of oil, he heard them talking about the need for regular regulation and dredging of Wusongkou and Huangpu River, otherwise it would affect navigation, and it was difficult for the charter king's large ships to berth.

"Then why not build Yangshan Port?" Shen Guanglin suggested.

Shen Guanglin has been to Yangshan Port and was very impressed, but he doesn't know when the construction started.

"What Yangshan Port?" Even the locals in Shanghai are puzzled by it. There are many ports in Shanghai, so there is no such thing as Yangshan Port.

"I'm talking about the area outside Hangzhou Bay, around Dayang Mountain and Xiaoyang Mountain in Shengsi. The waters there are very deep. Wouldn't it be good to build a large dock and then build a highway to connect them. "

Shen Guanglin gave suggestions that have been practiced by later generations, but this idea may not be good in this era.

All of you here live by the sea. They know the location Shen Guanglin mentioned, but they cannot accept building a port there. It is simply not feasible.

"The young man has a lot of ideas, but unfortunately we are too poor now, not only have no money, but also no technology. If we really have this money, we can expand the ports along the Huangpu River by five times."

Shanghai-Hai Port is actually not an independent port, but a series of ports, such as Baosteel, Shidongkou Power Plant, and Waigaoqiao Power Plant all have their own exclusive terminals.

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he was Meng Lang. This was 1981. It was really unrealistic to establish Yangshan, a port, and it was not technically available.

If you really have this money, it is really better to go to Yongcheng to build a port.

The hydrological conditions of Yongcheng are very good, which is suitable for building a world-class wharf.

There is also a very interesting thing about the dock in later generations, everyone wants to be the boss.

Shanghai Port claims that they are the number one port in the world, and Yongcheng Port also thinks so, and even Qindao Port in the north is not to be outdone.

First, there are three in China, and there are other well-known ports such as Yangcheng Port, Jincheng Port, and Qinhuang Port
The trip to Shanghai and Shanghai is over, and the next step is to go to Yongcheng. It is convenient to start from the sea.

The boat docked in Zhenhai, and there was a tidal flat along the coast. Although the weather was quite cold, there were still many people fishing with their rods.

This is a kind of fish that crawls on the muddy ground. It is called jumping fish locally. It is actually an amphibian with a very delicious taste.

Shen Guanglin also wanted to eat this.

The place where they went ashore was called Xiapu. It is said that when Chang Kaishen left the mainland, he boarded a boat from here, and then went to Wanwan via Zhoushan.

This place should be called Beilun later, it doesn't look like it at all.

Zhenhai is quite far from the urban area, and the site of the new school is located in ** District, a place with a sharp corner by the Yongjiang River.

In fact, this location is a bit far from the urban area, and it is also a rural area now.

The current Yongcheng is very small, only the area around the old Bund of Sanjiangkou is the urban area, and the rest are all rural areas.

When Shen Guanglin came with the large army, the school was already under construction, not to mention in full swing, it was considered impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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