Start with a college teacher

Chapter 219 The New House

Chapter 219 The New House
Time: December 1981, 12, Location: Group activity room of the pig farm.

Everyone ate hot pot and sang songs, preparing to witness the national football team enter the World Cup.

Today is the last match of the Asian Cup qualifiers, Saudi Arabia vs New Zealand.
In fact, what everyone watched was not a live broadcast, but a rebroadcast, but it was only half an hour later than the start time.

Sure enough, it didn't go beyond Shen Guanglin's expectations. Just at Saudi Arabia's home court, they really lost so many naked 0:5, no more, no less, just right.

Although their acting skills were terrible, they still gave the Huaxia team a chance to play in the play-offs.

Unlike everyone who was filled with righteous indignation, Shen Guanglin's expression was very calm, he was not making noise, just gnawed on the dog leg meat hard.

Because this is already the limit of what he can do.

He's also just a normal guy.

Unlike the national team in the previous life, which disbanded early and went on vacation, under the influence of Shen Guanglin, the Huaxia team is still maintaining training, and the target of preparation is New Zealand.

It can be said to be a prophecy.

Some people's badness can really break through the bottom line.

The media is naturally full of indignation, but the thinking within the national team is finally unified.

Everyone was a little dissatisfied at the beginning, thinking that Consultant Shen was worrying unfoundedly, but now they don't think that Consultant Shen is planning for a rainy day, and he really has insight.

Even, everyone is a little lucky, one is fortunate that Saudi Arabia has not been so bad that it is not bad enough. After all, it only lost 5 goals. If it loses 6 goals, it will directly send the national team home;
It is also fortunate that the national team did not disband early. Everyone has been preparing for the game, and the target of the preparation is New Zealand.

This matter is so unreal, even they themselves can't believe it. It turns out that they really haven't been doing useless work during this period of time.

The next step is to examine the strength of both sides.

The national team lost in their first match with New Zealand, and the reason for the loss was that they were extremely unsuitable for their style of play.

Although their players' skills were rough, they rushed forward and caught the Huaxia team by surprise.

Although this year's national football team is full of talents, technical players such as Rong Zhixing, Chi Shangbin, Gu Guangming, Li Fuchun are all in the team, but the shortcomings are also obvious, lack of physical fitness, weak physical fitness, and encountering tall and big teams Often can not play out.

For the New Zealand game, the national team re-established the policy. The main principle is to accumulate physical fitness and play control.

The venue for the play-offs was set at the neutral ground of Singapore on January 1982, 1.

Shen Guanglin has already booked a ticket and is going to watch the match with Li Rong.

As the weather got colder and colder, the last piece of green in the capital finally disappeared.

A cold wave hit, and heavy snow like goose feathers fell from the sky. New Year's Day in 1982 finally arrived.

Huaxia Daily published an editorial on New Year's Day: "Every year is better than the previous year, and this year must be called better than last year."

The editorial put forward three reasons to convince myself: First, our thinking has become unified.Second, we have found a new way to develop the economy that suits our country's national conditions; third, the enthusiasm of the people has risen.

Sure enough, every year is getting better and better.

In the first year when Shen Guanglin came here, he was penniless.

In the second year after he came here, he already had a place to stay.

That is, on New Year's Day, Shen Guanglin finally decided to move, and he wanted to give Li Rong a big surprise.

Their new home has been furnished a few days ago, and with the heating officially put into use, they can finally open the door to welcome guests.

New year, new sign, New Year's wind and snow blowing head.

The wind is strong and the snow is very tight, which can confuse people's eyes and disturb people's hearts.

In such a windy and cold weather, Li Rong didn't want to go out at first. Yesterday she took Shen Guanglin to the New Year's Eve party held at the National People's Congress. Today was a good day to rest, watching TV and playing poker in the dormitory.

As a result, Teacher Shen secretly wanted to take her to see the surprise early in the morning.

What a surprise at times like this.

However, the two of them still got up, packed up and prepared to go out.

As long as two people are together, even watching the heavy snow is romantic.

"The cold wind is blowing, the snow is falling, the road is long, and the song is walking
Looking back, looking at the stars, the past is like a cloud of smoke

I still remember that when we parted, there was only love in the snow, love in the snow, love in the snow.”

However, riding a bicycle is not suitable for traveling in heavy snow, especially since Tiangong-[-] is quite far from the Symmetry Breaking Laboratory, so Shen Guanglin decided to take her there by car.

There were no pedestrians on the road, and the car was still driving very slowly. He was afraid of skidding.

Throughout the wandering journey, he didn't tell her where to go or what to do.

What else can I do?Li Rong had already thought of it, and it must be eating hot pot with Jingying's friends again.

Recently, Teacher Shen has become obsessed with dog meat hot pot. Since eating it, the man's self-confidence has regained a lot.

Recently, many Chinese pastoral yellows who are not homeless have mysteriously disappeared on the street. I don’t know what evil they have done. They originally went out to play with Ah Hua, so why did they go to the dining table.

Of course, Mr. Shen himself will not do things like stealing chickens and dogs. He bought dog meat with money.

But no one asks where dogs come from.

In this era, there are no dogs specially bred for food. Every dog ​​that people eat has a story behind it.

Even in later generations, where the stray dogs in those cities ended up is a topic that people don't want to mention.

Even if they are as powerful as a dog-loving group, they are unwilling to pursue the whereabouts of stray dogs.

Tiangong-[-] has arrived.

That's right, these four apartment buildings now have their own title, which is called "Tiangong No. [-]".

In fact, Tiangong No. [-] community has been built for some time, but there have not been many people living in it.

So far, only one building has been used, which is the one with Shen Guanglin's residence.

In fact, there are already several residents in it, such as Dou Wei, a biological researcher, Zhang Peng, Li Rong's cheap uncle, and even Shen Guanglin's niece Jiang Zhenhua, who also chose a set in it.

I don't know what she thinks, I don't want a big house of 120 square meters, but I have to choose a small three-bedroom house of 90 square meters.

Everyone around Shen Guanglin knew about building a new house, but Li Rong was the only one kept in the dark.

Of course, these houses are not provided free of charge, but are rented to employees.

The monthly rent is 10 yuan, the laboratory can provide a rent subsidy of 9 yuan, and I pay 1 yuan myself.

Otherwise, if you really want to buy such a house with your own money, other than Jiang Zhenhua, who is in business, the others really don't have so much money.

Even Lao Li's family didn't have much savings. Of course, at Lao Li's level, they couldn't spend much money.

In this era, there is no concept of decoration, and the house can be moved in after the construction is completed.

The floor is made of mirror-like cement, and the walls are white. Light bulbs are installed in each room, and the kitchen can be lived in by turning on the faucet.

The bathroom has a flush toilet, and the kitchen has a brick stove, which is already very high-end.

This is a room designed by Shen Guanglin, and it has complete functions. This residential building is also designed with a special non-powered fan duct. The cooking fume can be exhausted into the chimney through the exhaust fan, which is advanced.

The most satisfactory thing about the whole house is that it has an independent bathroom, and the most dissatisfied is the bathroom, because Shen Guanglin designed two bathrooms, isn't this a waste.

Now most houses do not have toilets, including those old courtyard houses.

Living in that kind of noisy place, many people have to walk a long distance to the public toilet to go to the toilet.

It's cold in winter and it's dark outside, so prepare an "enamel fruit basket" specially provided by Amazon in the room. In a few years, even the Queen of Heaven will have to carry a basin to pour pickles by herself early in the morning.

A large part of the reason why researcher Wang Yongmin agreed to join the job so readily was that he saw this house.

As expected of the capital city, what people think of when building a house is thoughtfulness.

In fact, these are all masterpieces of Mr. Shen. Even the people from the second construction of the capital said that Mr. Shen is a genius.

A learned person is really good at one way and ten thousand ways.

Shen Guanglin's own house took a lot of thought, until now the decoration has finally been completed.

And the furniture and home appliances are all ready, all mahogany furniture, some are custom-made from the furniture factory, and some are brought over from the old house in Fuyuanmen.

This era is really good, and you can even order high-quality mahogany furniture.

Many furniture factories purchase old mahogany materials, such as girders, door frames, rafters, etc., and then make them into furniture by skilled craftsmen before selling them to the outside world.

Shen Guanglin drove the car slowly into the community, and then parked downstairs.

Shen Guanglin imagined diverting people and vehicles, but the cost of building an underground garage is too high, and the land price in the capital is not worth much in this era, so think about it or forget it.

Anyway, the above-ground parking spaces designed by Shen Guanglin are enough. Looking at the rows of parking spaces, everyone still feels that it is a waste. At this stage, Shen Guanglin is the only one who can park.

In fact, being able to build a covered bicycle storage is already the best configuration.

"Where are you taking me?" Seeing Shen Guanglin park the car, Li Rong couldn't help asking.

Although she often came to the breeding base, Li Rong really didn't pay much attention to these buildings. After all, there was an open space in between. Who knew there were so many buildings in this corner.

Shen Guanglin smiled and said nothing, which means that you will know it after seeing it.

"Is this your newly built dormitory building? It's so high!" Li Rong immediately realized, "Then if you stay late at the breeding base, you don't have to go home."

"Yes, this will be your home from now on." Shen Guanglin agreed.

"No, this is a temporary dormitory. Home must be a place like Fuyuanmen."

Li Rong is very serious, no wonder she often drags Shen Guanglin back to Fuyuanmen, it turns out that's what she thinks.

"You'll know it when you see it, and you'll feel that this is home." Shen Guanglin's tone was very firm.

Seeing is believing, Li Rong opened the door, "There's even an elevator!"

Although there is only one elevator per unit, it is beyond Li Rong's imagination.

From entering the corridor, it was no longer as cold as outside. Shen Guanglin entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 10th floor.

(End of this chapter)

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