Chapter 220 Access
Li Rong never thought that her home could be built more luxuriously than a five-star hotel.

Is this the palace?
The ancient emperors could not live in such a house.

The old man's house in Yuquan Mountain is really not as comfortable as this one.

Especially when she saw a huge cloakroom, she couldn't help muttering, "Where do I have so many clothes!"

Sure enough, no matter how rich or noble one comes from, there will be times when you are a local turtle.

"If you can't fit enough clothes by yourself, you can ask a few sisters to come together." Shen Guanglin smiled wickedly, "I really don't mind."

It's a woman's nature to be jealous: "Go away! That's not okay, this belongs to me alone."

"Yes, this house belongs to you alone. Even Lao Li doesn't live in it. I left them a house on the 8th floor downstairs, which is also empty." Shen Guanglin built too many houses , It is really unrealistic to engage in real estate at this time.

"Brother Guanglin, you are so kind! I don't even know how to praise you."

Li Rong must be touched, this house is much more textured than the villa in Xiangjiang, she vaguely feels that her vision is not good enough.

Shen Guanglin prepared an apartment for Lao Li, and Li Rong had no objection, but her question was: "Why not let them live on the ninth floor? This way, you don't need to take the elevator to go up and down the stairs."

"In case we have some news that is not suitable for children, why don't we let them hear it all?"

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin had a good plan, and he planned to use the ninth floor as a collection room to display the good things he had collected.

Not only that, he didn't even plan to let outsiders live in the entire 8th floor. The 4 houses in each unit have been decorated, it depends on which one Lao Li and the others like.

Li Rong was like a runaway pony, running around, but she was so excited.

How could there be such a nice house in the world!

From the point of view of decoration, Shen Guanglin also feels that he has won a lot.

The next thing to do is very simple, and that is the classic repertoire-declaring war in the daytime.

In this battle, it was really dark, the sun and the moon were dark, the sea was dry, the rocks were rotten, and the trees were in spring.

The time was pushed back about three and a half east, the wind stopped suddenly, Shen Guanglin was lying on the sofa watching TV, and Li Rong cheerfully went to clean up.

What is it like to own an 800-square-meter house?
The many rooms that can be lived in are just one aspect. The gym, audio-visual room, collection room, calligraphy and painting room, workshop, everything that Shen Guanglin thought of, has been arranged.

In fact, the sanitation of this new house has just been done, and it is still very clean, but Li Rong is not satisfied. While doing the sanitation, she is thinking about what is missing in the house.

What else is missing, just a child.

If it wasn't for her going to university, she would really be planning to get married and have children.

Because Mr. Shen even decorated the children's toy room, and there are anti-collision strips around the corners.

This is too sweet.

But tidying up is really a physical effort, and even a simple tidying up is sweaty.

The heater in the room was turned on very hot, and the young lady's sweater covered her exquisite curves.

Even though Mr. Shen was in a state of mind like a sage, looking at the young lady brimming with youth, he couldn't help but score twice.

This one was played perfectly enough, after all, it was the second expedition, and the combat power soared.

It's snowing heavily outside, and it's warm inside like spring.

Both were tired and hungry.

Li Rong finally found out what was missing at home, lack of food and vegetables.

At this time, the importance of Fuyuanmen is reflected. The vegetable greenhouses there can continuously provide fresh vegetables.

Li Rong's mother is also a filial daughter-in-law, and she brings fresh vegetables and fruits to visit the old man from time to time.

Although the old man was very dissatisfied with their granddaughter's marriage, but seeing that Xiao Shen's achievements were not bad, he did not continue to object after investigating.

In fact, it is still early for them to talk about marriage.

Neither of them said when they would get married. Now, the two of them have done everything they should and shouldn't do, and it's just a matter of getting a certificate.

cook for yourself.

Li Rong opened the refrigerator, and there was only beef in it, and there was nothing else to eat, not even oil and salt.

They didn't want to go out even in heavy snow, so the two of them had a meal from the aunt downstairs. Uncle Zhang Peng's family had already moved here, and it was more convenient for him to work here.

The decoration of my aunt's house is relatively simple. Of course, simplicity is relative. There are all the furniture that should be there, but there is no decoration like Shen Guanglin.

After dinner, as usual, I went to each floor to have a look. Li Rong also went to see the house that Shen Guanglin had prepared for Lao Li and the others.

It's very good, and the decoration is pretty, but the partition wall in the middle has not been disassembled. The four houses in one unit are decorated separately, and no one lives there. It depends on which one they like.

It is estimated that they will not move here for a long time.

Li Rong's mother likes to live in Fuyuanmen. After all, there is a vegetable greenhouse there, so she can experience the joy of labor.

Lao Li is much more reserved, he has never left the house, and he must go home every night, even if his wife is not at home, he is.

A peerless nerd.

The next move is to ask the neighbors to come over and join the fire.

If the wealth is not revealed, Shen Guanglin did not invite those new friends to his home.

After all, such a family is not suitable for external publicity. It is enough for his classmates and friends from Beijing Film and Television to bring them to the breeding base to eat dog meat, which can be regarded as a celebration.

Shen Guanglin sent the invitation, that is, the neighbors downstairs, most of whom were his subordinates.

Su Youpeng was far away in Shencheng, but his sister and mother also came to live, and Shen Guanglin left them a house.

The girl from the Su family is also going to be admitted to university next year. She doesn't look very good but her grades are good. She should be able to pass the university entrance exam.

Lao Su is going to get her to study in Xiangjiang, where the university ranking is now higher than that of Beijing University.

Of course, there are two good universities in the country and city that Shen Guanglin is going to soon.

Among them, Shen Guanglin received an invitation from Nanyang Technological University for an academic visit in the past.

This is a good thing. The other party can reimburse the round-trip air ticket and arrange the itinerary, which saves worry.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin was paid to attend the meeting, and the other party could not be stingy, and offered Shen Guanglin a good price of 5 Singapore dollars.

The SGD has always been a relatively valuable currency. It is almost on par with the U.S. dollar in this era. Even in 2020, it will be about 1 to 0.8.

Singapore is considered a Chinese country, although their official language is English.

In 1963, after independence, the four countries of Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore merged to form the Federation of Malaysia.

Just two years later, Singapore was kicked out of the game and they were forced to become independent. Instead, they became a model for building a country with one city, and Singapore also quickly moved towards the ranks of capitalist developed countries.

Transportation was quite inconvenient in this era. After New Year's Day, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong went to Xiangjiang to stay for a few days before departing for Singapore from Xiangjiang.

After Shen Guanglin arrived in Xiangjiang, he visited the charter king, and went to find a few bottles of foreign wine by the way, and then returned to his home full of satisfaction.

The Guo family father and son took the initiative to come to visit. They thanked Mr. Shen for saving his life, and said that Shen Guanglin must make some demands, otherwise they would feel uneasy.

Shen Guanglin was also uneasy, this matter was serious, oh, why is it so small.

The kindness is hard to turn down, and Shen Guanglin didn't know what he was short of, "Why don't you just give me a piece of farmland. I heard that your Guo family is a big landlord."

"Let Shen Sheng choose."

Backing the mountain and facing the sea is fine. Teacher Shen really doesn't want it, and he really can't refuse it.

Don't stay in Xiangjiang, go to Xinjiapo quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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