Start with a college teacher

Chapter 221 Authorization

Chapter 221 Authorization
There is a direct flight from Xiangjiang to Singapore, and it only takes three and a half hours to fly all the way there. As long as you don’t take Malaysia Airlines, you will generally not be shot down.

In this era, the flying speed of aircraft is still very fast, and some airlines have even launched supersonic aircraft.

However, supersonic planes are just a gimmick. They are noisy and uncomfortable to ride, and the experience is poor. Soon this business will be eliminated by the times.

This trip to Xinjiapo was a very fresh experience for both Shen Guanglin and Li Rong. They have never been to this Chinese-themed country.

Xinjiapo is a very clean and tidy city. Eating chewing gum is fined, and even whipped, at least in Shen Guanglin's impression.

He had never been here before, and this was his first time here.

In fact, Xinjiapo in 1982 was similar to Xiangjiang. Both places were in the stage of rapid economic development, and the cityscape was really not very good.

That is, in the past few years, the government is vigorously controlling river pollution, so this is not the world-famous tourist attraction.

Naturally, it was Li Rong's first visit to this country, and everything she saw was very novel. Before leaving the airport, she even felt like she had arrived in a certain city in China, but it was different from a domestic city.

After all, there are still many high-rise buildings here, and the degree of modernization is beyond the current stage of the capital, let alone other cities.

However, it is because the fonts used here are the same as those in China, which are simplified characters, which makes people feel very friendly.

In fact, as early as 1976, Singapore began to implement simplified characters and Hanyu Pinyin, and the content they learned was exactly the same as ours.

So, it should come as no surprise that Singapore is the only country that uses and promotes simplified Chinese characters.

Of course, at a later date, Chinese schools in Malaysia also used simplified characters, but this is different from Singapore. Confucius Institutes around the world also use simplified characters.

In Shen Guanglin's era, the domestic public's perception of this country was already very bad. People hated it the most.

However, in this era, if you want to say who is the closest country in terms of national sentiment, it must be Singapore.

After all, it is amazing that such a wealthy country was founded by the Chinese.

Shen Guanglin did not travel with the members of the national team. They were chartered flights, which flew directly from China. Shen Guanglin had his own itinerary.

After getting off the plane, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong were taken to "Yunnan Garden", which is the main campus of Nanyang Technological University.

Nanyang Technological University covers a large area. Although Singapore is a tiny place, Nanyang Technological University covers an area of ​​more than 3000 acres, and the campus scenery is particularly beautiful. It is one of the top ten most beautiful university campuses in the world.

Li Rong walked all the way, full of curiosity about all this.

This world is so amazing.

It is still snowy in Beijing, but it is warm like spring in Xiangjiang, and it is scorching summer in Singapore.

I have already seen the high-rise buildings in Xiangjiang, and I will not feel novelty when I look at the high-rise buildings in Xinjiapo, but I am full of curiosity about their customs.

Because they don't know much about this country and this city. Although they are all Chinese, they look very exotic when looking at their clothes.

The school staff was very dedicated, helped them settle everything, and fully respected their choices and schedules.

I heard that Shen Guanglin was going to watch the match between the Chinese national team and New Zealand, and bought VIP tickets for him.

In fact, Shen Guanglin originally wanted to say no, he is an advisor to the national team and can appear in the coach's seat directly, but Li Rong can't, she can only hang out in the media seat.

It is also good to have an exclusive viewing position, so as to save the trouble of losing the game.

Accompanied by the staff, after they checked in at the hotel, Li Rong couldn't wait to go out for a walk: "Brother Guanglin, let's go for a walk."

Shen Guanglin said: "It's such a hot day, don't you need to take a rest before going out?"

Li Rong pointed to a strangely shaped building outside the window, "I slept on the plane, I can rest any time I want, but I have never seen such a scenery before."

It's okay, Shen Guanglin has never seen such a scene before.

The cylindrical building is so weird, it can be summed up either as beauty or ugliness.

then get out.

Say goodbye to the staff, let them come back the next day, and then start their own itinerary.

I didn’t find any abnormalities when I stayed in the air-conditioned area. After I really walked out, my body was really uncomfortable because it was too “hot” here!

Fortunately, they didn't come directly from the extremely cold capital, otherwise it would be more uncomfortable.

The temperature in Xiangjiang is also quite high, but the winter in Xiangjiang is like spring, the temperature is in the [-]s and [-]s, which is very comfortable.

Singapore is a purely tropical region near the equator with no distinct seasons.

Moreover, this season is still a tropical rainforest climate, and there is a thunderstorm every afternoon.

Shen Guanglin and the others set off from Xiangjiang in the morning and arrived here in the afternoon.

Not long after I got out of the hotel, the sky became gloomy, and then there was a thunderstorm.

Fortunately, there are no barriers to communication. This is an English-speaking country, and Chinese can also be used. As long as you don’t speak Hokkien and Chaozhou dialect, there will be no barriers to communication.

In a hurry, they found a newsstand that could shelter from the rain.The boss said that this season is the rainy season. There will be thunderstorms for about half an hour every afternoon. Don't worry, the sun will come out soon.

Sure enough, it was miraculous. After a short time, the sky cleared up.

Continue to travel, out of gratitude, Shen Guanglin bought a lot of newspapers and periodicals.

He hopes that through this, he can see some characteristics of this country in this era, learn more about the customs and customs, and facilitate more conversations when communicating with others.

But it shouldn't be very useful, because he has no friends here, and the only friend is Li Rong.

The two of them wandered for quite a while, adjusted their physical condition, and finally got hungry.

The two of them entered an elegant-looking Southeast Asian-style restaurant, ready to taste local delicacies.

What are the delicacies in Singapore?Shen Guanglin really didn't know.

Curry is not only loved by Indians, but also by Singaporeans.

Besides, Bak Kut Teh, Rojak, Fried Carrot Cake are all their specialties.

The food is served, taste it, the taste is not bad, it is not a dark dish.

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of a song that was very popular before he traveled: "

Thailand Singapore Indonesia
Curry Bak Kut Teh Indonesian Basil
Do SPA, set off fireworks and steam sauna”

Do you want to go to a SPA?The topical kind.

Wandering all the way until dark, or take a taxi back.

When they returned to the hotel, a waiter who spoke Mandarin came over: "Mr. Shen, there is a gentleman looking for you. He is in the coffee shop."

This waiter has a future, and he has a really good memory. He remembers him as soon as he sees him, even if he doesn't have any special talent.

Shen Guanglin was face-blind, and it took him many days to remember someone.

It is said that Da Qiangzi is also face-blind, and he recognized the wrong person in Suminida.

It's so strange, who could be looking for me here?

Shen Guanglin followed the footsteps of the waiter towards the coffee shop.

This is a young man who is completely unknown, in his thirties, still wearing suits and leather shoes in such hot weather, dark gray suits, silk ties, shiny leather shoes, and meticulous.

In fact, there is no need to be surprised, because it is summer in Singapore all year round. You can wear a suit whenever you want, and business people are all dressed in this way.

As long as there is air conditioning, you will not feel hot anywhere.

"Hello, Mr. Shen, I am Lin Wenwei from New Media Group under Temasek Holdings, my English name is Charlie, and I would like to discuss a cooperation with you."

Shen Guanglin asked suspiciously, "Ask me for cooperation? It's my first time in Lion City, what can we cooperate with?"

Lin Wenwei first helped Shen Guanglin and Li Rong order a cup of cat shit coffee, then took out a document from the briefcase and handed it to Shen Guanglin, and then said: "I heard that you are coming to Nanyang Technological University for academic exchanges, our company is waiting here You have been here for a long time, your achievements are really extraordinary, you can be said to be the light of our Chinese."

Shen Guanglin looked at the document carefully, but said nothing.

It turned out that this was an authorization document, and it was about Wubi input method. He came to find him about this matter.

The young man has a keen business sense. No one in Fusang or Xiangjiang thought of getting a license, but the Singaporean people thought of it.

What Shen Guanglin applied for is a global patent, and Singapore is not a place outside the law. If they want to use this input method, they must obtain authorization.

(End of this chapter)

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