Chapter 222 Coffee
The coffee came, and the aroma was very strong.

The name of this coffee is Kopi Luwak. It is a kind of coffee that is picked out of the excrement of civet cats unique to Indonesia.

Oh, Shen Guanglin knows the goods. This is the No. 2 most expensive coffee in the world. I don’t know if there are fakes in this era. In his era, you can’t drink authentic cat poop coffee.

Shen Guanglin's bad taste came. Instead of answering Lin Wenwei's question about Wubi input method authorization, he said to Li Rong, "Do you know what kind of coffee this is?"

Li Rong is taking a sip of coffee. She has never drank coffee before. It was the first time she drank this bitter drink when she arrived in Xiangjiang, and she drank it at the ship king's house. It is said that it is Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. It tastes very bad. I can't get used to it.

"Isn't this Kopi Luwak? The waiter said it just now."

In fact, Li Rong didn't know what Kopi Luwak was, she just memorized the name, presumably Brother Guanglin would not laugh at her.

"Yes, this is Luwak coffee, also known as cat poop coffee. It is a kind of cat in Indonesia. After eating the ripe coffee fruit, it digests the pulp, pulls out the indigestible coffee beans and grinds it."

"Cat poop?" Li Rong couldn't help it immediately.

She hasn't prepared herself well yet, so she immediately ran to the toilet.

It's just too disgusting.

I used to have cats at home. Cat feces are really smelly and can suffocate people to death. Coffee made from cat feces is unimaginable.

The young lady washes her hands, washes her face, and rinses her mouth again.

Fortunately, this is Singapore, not Malaysia, otherwise you would not know what the tap water in the hotel is for.

There is also a faucet next to the squat pit, and there is a piece of hose at the end, maybe it is used to flush the toilet.

After a long time, when the young lady came back from the bathroom, she saw Shen Guanglin savoring the coffee, and couldn't help but feel nauseous again.

Are you pregnant?
The guest is here, and she is not easy to get angry, so she can't help but secretly decide not to allow him to touch her tonight.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know that drinking a cup of coffee was such a good thing.

No matter how expensive this kind of coffee is, you have to buy some back. One day when you want to hang up your exemption card, you can just make a cup of coffee.

But these are digressions, and today's focus is on patent licensing.

Since someone took the initiative to talk about it, it means that this is a good thing.

"It's no problem if you want the authorization of the input method. How much are you going to ask for?"

Shen Guanglin himself is not short of money, but his laboratory is short of money, and it has been a long time since he has been taken advantage of.

Since Lin Wenwei came to talk to Shen Guanglin, he had done some homework. He knew that the current salary level in mainland China was only one or two hundred yuan a month, so Shen Guanglin presumably didn't have a lot of money.

Since it was a negotiation, it was natural that there would be back and forth. Lin Wenwei decided to make a price test first.

"How about 2 yuan? We only need overseas copyrights, and your domestic use rights in China are not included. The overseas Chinese areas are only our Southeast Asian areas."

Shen Guanglin was stunned.

How much did Microsoft spend when purchasing Wubi input method?

It seems to be several million, but they only give [-] here, and they really dare to speak.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin didn't speak, Lin Wenwei put it another way, "I know that the foreign exchange you like is the US dollar, and I'm talking about 5000 US dollars. Moreover, our company has additional activity support, and I can help you apply for a [-] US dollar quota. travel expenses."

This is bribery in disguise.

5000 US dollars is not a small amount of money. For an individual, it can buy a lot of things.

Shen Guanglin was noncommittal, and after drinking the coffee, he was ready to take Li Rong back to rest: "Thank you for the coffee, do you need me to pay for it? I need to think about what you said."

It's not a question of more money and less money, it's discrimination!

But arguing is meaningless, and those who become angry are the weak.

For a unit, $5000 is really not much, but for an individual, $[-] is really a huge sum of money.

If it's an administrative cadre, I can't tell
Are those cadres who seem to have done stupid things really stupid?
The first thing I do when I get back to the hotel room is to brush my teeth, which is strongly requested by the young lady.

She didn't listen to Shen Guanglin's explanations. In this regard, she had childhood shadows. When she was a child, she had caught cat feces with her hands, and the smell was all in the back of her mind.

Sure enough, there was no fighting all night, and the two slept in separate beds.

The next morning, Shen Guanglin promised again and again that he would not drink that kind of coffee in the future. The young lady sniffed his breath again and found that there was no smell before allowing him to continue to get close.

Lonely man and widow, alone in the hotel.

He was hesitating whether to tell another story or not, when the staff sent by the school knocked on the door.

She is a soft and cute little girl, the type who can cry for a long time with one punch.

The little girl is called Zheng Xue, and she has a good name. Although the young lady in Xinjiapo is Chinese, she is not tall, and she has a Southeast Asian color in her.

People are divided into regions. Even in China, everyone is Han Chinese, and their appearance is different. Many people in Guangdong and Guangxi have Southeast Asian characteristics in appearance, and Northwesterners and Northeasterners also have different looks.

Anyway, there are still three days before the football match, so the schedule is not in a hurry.

Let the guest do as he pleases, Shen Guanglin decided to obey the school's arrangement and follow the itinerary arranged by the school.

The school's arrangement is also very reasonable. On the first day, a very petite and beautiful tour guide drove them around the campus in a sightseeing car, and then visited the school museum. After leaving the school, the arrangement was to drive them to the city for a stroll.

The next day is the academic exchange time.

The first thing I visited was the university campus of Nanyang Technological University. At this time, Nanyang Technological University was still a college, and it had not changed its name to a university. They changed their name from Nanyang University to Nanyang Technological University last year.

Through these measures, it is basically confirmed that they have determined that this school will specialize in science and engineering. The nanotechnology proposed by Shen Guanglin is naturally a subject that has attracted their attention.

In fact, in later generations, Nanyang Polytechnic enjoys a world-renowned reputation in many fields such as nanomaterials, biomaterials, functional ceramics and polymer materials, and still has a lot of scientific research achievements.

The school environment is very good, and there are many beautiful girls on campus.

Shen Guanglin specifically asked why the school is not closed yet.

It turns out that the holiday here is different from that in China. Their holiday is from early March to late April, which is a very weird day.

After visiting the school, the next itinerary is to visit the city.

"How to get to Geylang?" Shen Guanglin decided to ask shamelessly, he had only been to Nha Trang in Vietnam, but he had never been to Geylang in Singapore.

Zheng Xue was still a girl, and she blushed immediately. She said in Mandarin with Hu Jian's accent: "Is Mr. Shen planning to take Sister Li to Geylang?"

Li Rong was puzzled, "What happened to Geylang?"

"I heard that there are many Buddhist temples here, as well as many places of other religions. I came here to cleanse my soul."

Oh, so that's what happened, Geylang is still worth seeing. Li Rong regretted that she didn't go to Putuo last time when she went to Yongcheng.

When Shen Guanglin said this, Zheng Xue couldn't explain the characteristics of Geylang, it seemed to have a fish tank.

Then go for it.

On the way, Shen Guanglin inexplicably told Li Rong the story of Mount Tai.

There is a stone carving beside the climbing road at the foot of Mount Tai, with the word "two insects" on it.

It is said that during the Qianlong period, Qianlong also inscribed the word Chonger on the Huxin Pavilion by the West Lake; Tang Bohu of the Ming Dynasty also wrote down the word Chonger when he was visiting Yueyang Tower, and gave an explanation It is also a beautiful scenery, and the wind and the moon are boundless.

Therefore, Fengyue Boundless is also regardless of occasion and region.

(End of this chapter)

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